1. NYU-IITK Grant Award, NYU Tandon-IIT Kanpur Joint Research Grant Award, 2024. [Link]

  2. Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award, National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), 2021.(Citation with Cash Prize of INR 25,000) [Link]

  3. Young Engineers Award of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) in Electronics & Communication discipline, 2020.(Citation with Cash Prize of INR 1,00,000) [Link]  [Vedio]

  4. Young Associate of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Since 2020. [Link]  [Vedio]

  5. Young Scientist Award, IETE - IRSI (83) of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India, 2020.[Link]

  6. Young Engineers Award of Institution of Engineers India  (IEI) in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering discipline, 2019-20.[Link]

  7. Associate Editor: IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, U.K., Sept. 2019 - Till date.[Link]

  8. Associate Editor: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Wiley, USA, July 2019 - Till date.[Link]

  9. Associate Editor: IEEE Access, March 2018 - Till date.[Link]

  10. Featured Interview in IET Electronics Letters, U.K., Vol. 55, Issue 3, pp. 116, 2019.[Link]

  11. Journal Cash Award of Rs. 10,000, IIT Kanpur, India, 2013.

  12. Journal Cash Award of Rs. 10,000, IIT Kanpur, India, 2012.

  13. DST-UKIERI Science and Technology Research Award for Visiting University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (U.K.), 2011.

  14. Institute Fellowship during PhD at IIT Kanpur, 2009 -2013.

  15. Institute Fellowship during M.Tech. at IIT BHU Varanasi, 2007 -2009.
  1. Best Paper Award in IEEE UPCON 2024: Ms Keerthika Kadagala (B.Tech Final Year Student) has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 11th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2024), Lucknow held during Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2024. The paper entitled "Miniaturized ENG Metamaterial inspired conformal Antenna with backed ground plane for Wearable Applications”, presented by Ms. Keerthika Kadagala and authored by Keerthika Kadagala, Anubhav Kumar and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary. [Link]

  2. Awarded 1st Position in Student Category Papers: Mr. Mohammad Ameen has been awarded 1st Position in Student Category Papers in IEEE Microwave, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Dec 10-14, 2023, Ahmedabad, India. The paper entitled "Isolation and Gain Enhancement of MIMO Diversity Antenna Using Metamaterial Absorber and Linear-To-Circular Polarization Converter”, presented by Ms. Richa and authored by Mohammad Ameen, Richa and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

  3. Finalist in URSI Student Paper Competition: Honorable mention in URSI student paper competition of URSI, AP-RASC 2019 Conference, held in New Delhi, India on March 9 to March 15, 2019. Research paper resented: Reducing the RCS of MIMO antenna using angularly stable FSS, authored by Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary in this competition.[Link]

  4. Best Student Paper Award (3rd Position) in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2017, Singapore.[Link]

  5. Best Paper Award of the Session in 10th Annual Conference of Antenna Test and Measurement Society (ATMS), 2017, Hyderabad, India.

  6. Best Paper Award of the Session in 5th Antenna Test & Measurement Society (ATMS) Conference, 2012, Mumbai India.[Link]

  7. Best Student Paper Bronze Award in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), Malaysia. [Link]
  1. Track Chair IEEE Applied Sensing Conference, APSCON-2025, Hyderabad.

  2. Track Chair IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference, MAPCON-2024, Hyderabad. [Link]

  3. Treasurer IEEE UP Section, India (Jan 2024 onwards).

  4. Expert Member Expert Visit Committee, AICTE, 2023-24.

  5. Letter of Appreciation by Director IIT Kanpur for outstanding teaching in Microwave Circuits (PG Course), 2023.

  6. Treasurer, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Chapter, Uttar Pradesh Section, 2023-24

  7. Treasurer, IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society Chapter, Uttar Pradesh Section, 2023-24

  8. Executive Committee Member, IEEE AP-MTT Kolkata Chapter, 2022.

  9. Appreciation Certificate for Exceptional Performance as a Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 2021. [Link]

  10. Felicitated by IEEE AP-MTT Kolkata Chapter for wining the Young Engineers Award from Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) 2020 and Young Scientist Award from National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) 2021 at Young Scientist Conclave 2021. [Link]

  11. Featured in the list of “World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists” in 2021 database created by Stanford University, USA, 2021. [Link]

  12. Founding Advisor, Antennas and Propagation (AP) and Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) Societies Student Branch Joint Chapter, IIT Dhanbad.

  13. Mentored a Team, in Anveshan 2020, Design Fellowship Program, Analog Devices Inc. Bangalore.

  14. Member, Executive Committee of IEEE Kolkata Section, 2020, 2021.

  15. Served as Session Chair in IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC-URSI, July 5-10, 2020, Quebec, Canada.

  16. Senior Member: International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Oct. 2019 - Till date.[Link]

  17. Counselor: IEEE Student Branch, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad, Aug. 2019 - Till date.

  18. External Expert Member: Integrated Test Range, Balasore, DRDO, 2018.

  19. Senior Member, IEEE, Aug. 2018 - till the date. [Link]

  20. A research paper entitled "A dual-band dual-polarized cubical DRA coupled with a new modified cross-shaped slot for ISM (2.4 GHz) and Wi-MAX (3.3-3.6 GHz) band applications" was among the top 10% most downloaded papers in International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Wiley Journals, in 2018-19. [Link]

  21. A research paper entitled "Circularly Polarized Rectangular DRA Coupled through Orthogonal Slot Excited with Microstrip Circular Ring Feeding Structure for Wi-MAX Applications" was one of the Top 20 most downloaded papers in International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Wiley Journals, in 2017-18 [Link]

  22. Featured Article in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine: entitled "Improvements in Wi-MAX Reception: A New Dual-Mode Wideband Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna", Vol. 61 (01), pp. 41 - 49, 2019. [Link]

  23. IEEE Antenna Propagation Society Invited for Reviewer's Reception at APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, Canada for the services as a Reviewer towards IEEE Transaction on Antenna & Propagation and IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters.

  24. Received International Travel Grantfrom council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India for presenting a paper in 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  25. Chairman, IEEE Student Branch, Uttar Pradesh Section, India (Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2013).

  26. Received International Travel Grant under the DST International Travel Support (ITS) Scheme, Government of India and IIT Kanpur for presenting a paper in 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

  27. Received International Travel Grant from IIT Kanpurfor presenting a paper in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), 2010, at Port Dickson, Malaysia.
  1. Best Project Award for Engineerin in SURGE-2024: Ms Keerthika Kadagala (B.Tech Final Year Student) has been awarded the Best Project Award for Engineerin at the SURGE-2024 research internship program with citation and cash prize of Rs. 10,000. [Link]

  2. URSI Young Scientist Award: Dr. Mohit Mishra (SERB-NPDF) has been awarded the URSI Young Scientist Award. As a part of this award, he will be presenting his paper entitled "An Idea to Reduce the Mutual Coupling in Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for MIMO Applications" authored by Mohit Mishra and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary at the URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference in Gran Canaria, Spain, from May 19th to May 24th, 2024.

  3. Young Scientist Award: Ms. Archana Kumari (PhD Student) has been selected for Young Scientist Award in URSI AP-RASC 2022), held in IIT Indore, India on December 01-04, 2022. She has presented the paper entitled "Design and Analysis of FSS based Quad-band Absorber using Multi-frequency Resonators, authored by Archana Kumari, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

  4. Young Scientist Award: Mr. Mohammad Ameen (PhD student) has been selected for Young Scientist Award in URSI combined Atlantic / Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-AP-RASC 2022), Gran Canaria, Spain, 29th May to 3rd June 2022. He has presented the paper entitled "Wideband Four-Element MIMO Diversity Antenna using Artificial Transmission Line and Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator for Wireless Applications”, authored by Mohammad Ameen, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

  5. Young Scientist Award: Mr. T. Sreenath Reddy (PhD student) has been selected for Young Scientist Award in 2021 XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (USRI) suppose to be held in 28 August - 4 September 2021 - Sapienza Faculty of Engineering, Rome, Italy. He has presented the paper entitled "A Multifunctional SIW Filter Based Interweave and Underlay Cognitive Radio System”, authored by Sreenath Reddy, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

  6. Ph.D Research Fellowship Award: Mr. Mohammad Ameen (PhD student) has been awarded Ph.D Research Fellowship Award from Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), New Delhi during the year 2021.

  7. Analog Devices Anveshan 2020 Fellowship: Mr. Pravin Mali and Mr. Subham Sawarnkar, (M.Tech. Students) has been completed the industry-based project work entitled "Development of a sensor for detecting Edible Oil Adulteration" under the Analog Devices Anveshan 2020, Design Fellowship Program. Analog Devices, Inc. supported and awarded the grant of Rs. 50,000/- to the students.

  8. Young Scientist Award: Mr. Mohammad Ameen (PhD Student) was recognized with the Young Scientist Award at the XXXIII General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Rome, Italy, Aug. 29 to Sept. 05, 2020. He has presented the paper entitled "Compact Dual-Polarized Metasurface Antenna with Extended Axial Ratio Beamwidth for S and C-band Applications”, authored by Mohammad Ameen, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

  9. Raman Charpak Fellowship: Mr. Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru (PhD student) has been selected for Selected for Raman-Charpak fellowship-2019 which is implemented by the Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA). Through this fellowship, he got the opportunity to do part of my Ph.D. work in Pierre and Marie Curie Campus - Sorbonne University, Paris for six months. [Link]

  10. Best M.Tech. Project completion Award (First Rank): Ms. Ruchita Sonak (M.Tech. Student) has been awarded the InCAP-2019 Best M.Tech. Project completion Award (First Rank) in the IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas & Propagation (InCAP 2019) held at Ahmedabad, India (19-22 December 2019). [Link]

  11. Young Scientist Award: Mr. Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru has been selected for Young Scientist Award in URSI AP-RASC 2019), held in New Delhi, Indiaon March 09-15, 2019. He has presented the paper entitled "Radar Cross Section Reduction of MIMO Antenna using Angularly Stable Frequency Selective Surface”, authored by Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.

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