Sabyasachi Chakraborty

Sabyasachi Chakraborty

Assistant Professor

107-C, Old Sac Building,
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
: 0512-279-2349

It is both a pleasure and a valuable learning experience to collaborate with graduate students from our department and beyond. In recent times, I have had the privilege of mentoring the following students:

PhD Students

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Deepanshu Bisht,
  • 2023 -- ongoing: Atanu Samanta.
  • Masters Project

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Mayank Mishra (BS-MS, Co-supervision with Prof. Swagata Mukherjee),

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Sandipan Rakshit (MSc, Co-supervision with Prof. Arijit Kundu),

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Kavish Priolkar (BS-MS),

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Gourav Dutta (MSc), RG Effects in Electroweak Phase Transition.

  • 2023 -- 2024: Deepanshu Bisht (MSc-PhD), Axions and Effective Field Theory.

  • 2023: Sachiet Kapoor (MSc), Axion Photon Oscillation.

  • 2023: Atanu Samanta (MSc), Neutron Star Cooling.

  • External Project Student

  • 2024 -- ongoing: Ankit Das (BS-MS, IISER-Kolkata).