Sabyasachi Chakraborty

Sabyasachi Chakraborty

Assistant Professor

107-C, Old Sac Building,
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
: 0512-279-2349

I have taught the following courses at IIT-K so far. Throughout the course, I will upload lecture notes, assignments, and provide useful references for further reading. It's important to note that these materials can never replace a textbook.


  • Fall 2024: Project Course (PHY596/598/696/698)
  • Spring 2024: Standard Model of Particle Physics (PHY680)
  •     Lecture Notes (Some additional notes on renormalization and effective potential can be found here)
        Assignments:   1   2   3   4   5
        Examinations:  Mid Semester  End Semester

  • Fall 2023: Cosmology (First half, PHY690I)
  •     Lecture Notes
        Assignments:   1   2
        Examinations:  Mid Semester

  • Spring 2023: Standard Model of Particle Physics (PHY680)
  •     Lecture Notes
        Assignments:   1   2   3   4
        Examinations:  Mid Semester   End Semester


  • Fall 2024: Classical Dynamics (PHY112)

  • Spring 2024: Classical Dynamics (PHY112)

  • Fall 2023: Classical Dynamics (PHY112)

  • Asynchronous 2022: Quantum Physics (Reserve, PHY114)

  • Journal Club

  • Soft Collinear EFT for Gravity:   Notes