Research Experience

Masters Thesis (Jan. 2012 - till date)

Supervisor: Professor Jayant K. Singh, IIT Kanpur

Idea:To simulate and obtain electrode diffusivity as a function of lithium concentration and further analyze its effect on stress generation

Stress analysis of lithium ion rechargeable battery using micro and macro scale analysis [abstract]

  • Battery health was predicted by analyzing and studying stress (intercalation) and heat generation. Moreover, an expression was developed for electrode diffusivity, varying with lithium ion concentration and temperature using molecular dynamics simulation (LAMMPS, open source is used). Further, the above parameter was used in battery analysis done by finite element method (COMSOL commercial software is used). Finally, through model simulation eluded the effect of modified electrode diffusivity on stress generation value and depicted the relation between increasing hydrostatic stress value and decreasing battery performance using potential as a parameter. Above work and findings were presented in AIChE annual conference, 2012 and journal version of the paper is under preparation and would be submitted soon.

Siemens R&D, Bangalore, Summer Research Internship (May 2011 - July 2011)

Mentor: Prayut M. Bhamawat, Anal Chavan

Idea:Bacterial treatment requires mechanical aeration for O2 circulation, consisting of major part of treatment cost. Algal-Bacterial biofilm diminishes external O2 requirement as algae provides oxygen to heterotrophic bacteria and bacteria provides CO2 to autotrophic algae during photosynthesis (Symbiotic Relationship).

To model algal-bacterial biofilm in a LED baffled tray reactor [Presentation]

  • An algal-bacterial biofilm was modeled and further, morphology and efficiency of the system was deduced. Modeling was done in two parts, biofilm development and sewage treatment. In biofilm development, biofilm was modeled under nutrient excess environment (resembling cultivation of biofilm and preparing it for sewage treatment). For this a 3d matrix was used storing data about particle nature and modified unit multi component cellular automaton (UMCCA) algorithm was used to deduce structure. In sewage treatment part, cultivated model was further modeled under nutrient limited environment (resembling sewage treatment by cultivated biofilm). The algorithm used here was cellular automaton. Biofilm morphology was finally obtained and validated by comparing substrate utilization parameter with experimental findings done at Siemens R&D lab. Journal paper is under preparation circumscribing this work.