Projects and Presentations

Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering (ChE645)

Term project on application of Genetic Algorithm(GA)in Chemical Engineering [pdf] [ppt]

  • Understood GA features like selection, crossover, reproduction and mutation, through writing MATLAB codes for an example problem.
  • Further, applied GA (using OPTIMTOOL) to iron reduction process (Hematite-Magnetite-Wustite-Iron) and obtained activation energy and reaction constant for each step.
  • Compared predicted value with literature value to validate findings and hence it’s utility in predicting reaction mechanism for other chemical reactions.

Introduction to Molecular Simulation (ChE622)

A comparison of constant activity, constant volume and constant temperature ensembles in molecular dynamic simulations of atomic liquids [pdf]

  • Formulated insertion, deletion & displacement code in MATLAB for particle in simulation box by Metropolis method for GCMC
  • Calculated fugacity using NVT ensemble and then used the value to obtain total energy for grand canonical ensemble (µVT)
  • Compared average enthalpy, density and number of particle with earlier simulation showing error of less than 5%

Thermodynamics (ChE621)

Obtaining Molecular Distribution Function or Radial Density Function RDF) for liquids

  • Studied integral equation Percus-Yevick (PY) and Hypernetted-chain (HCN) used to model liquid structure
  • Solved above integral equation by Gillan method, which is a hybrid of Picard & Newton Raphson method, making it more efficient
  • Obtained RDF curve for Lennard Jones, Square Well and Yukawa fluid potential

Thermodynamics of fluids and fluid mixtures

Application of Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) [pdf]

  • Reviewed SAFT equation of states, origin, assumptions, applications and benefits over other equation of states.
  • For much better understanding of equation, SAFT equation of states was applied to compounds like pentane, hexane and heptane and Pressure vs. Temperature and Pressure vs. density graph was obtained.
  • Equation of states was later extended to mixture of propane and benzene and Pressure vs. Mole fraction graph was generated and compared with literature values.

Manufacturing Course (TA201)

Safety Elevator [Video]

  • Developed model using processes like Lathing, Milling, Drilling, Welding, Sheet Forming and Sand-casting
  • Used a unique single screw mechanism for opening both doors of elevator ensuring a light and efficient model
  • Used a unique mechanism to stop elevator fall–improvising from original drawing of Otis to work in small scale