1. W.N. Tauxe, H.A. Klein and D. Kundu
"Clinical Evaluation of
Filtration Fraction : Multivariate Statistical Analysis",
Contribution to Nephrology Vol. 79, 58-62, 1990.
2. D. Kundu,
"Estimating the Parameters of the Complex Valued Exponential
INTERFACE-90, Eds: Connie
Page and Raoul LePage, Springer Verlag, NY, 406-409, 1990.
3. D. Kundu ,
"Estimating the Number of Signals Using Cross Validation
Information Technology , Eds.: E. Balagurusamy
and B. Sushila, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1991, 444-447.
4. B.R. Rao, S.Talwalkar and D. Kundu ,
"Confidence Intervals for the
Relative Relapse Rate of Placebo vs. 6-Mercaptopurine Group
of Acute
Leukemia Patients Under a Random Censorship Model",
Biometrical Journal , Vol. 33, No. 5, 579-598, 1991.
5. B.R. Rao, S.Talwalkar and D. Kundu ,
"Confidence Intervals for the
Relative Risk Ratio Parameter from Survival Data Under a
Random Epidemiologic Studies",
Biometrical Journal , Vol. 33
No. 8, 959-984, 1991.
6. D. Kundu ,
""Asymptotic Properties of the Complex Valued Non-Linear
Regression Model",
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ,
Vol 20, No. 12, 3793- 3803, 1991. (MR No. 93e: 62111)
7. D. Kundu , N. Kannan and M. Mazumdar,
"Inference on Risk Rates
Based on Mortality Data Under Censoring and Competing Risks
Using Parametric Models",
Biometrical Journal , Vol. 34,
No.3, 315-328, 1992.
8. D. Kundu ,
"Estimating the Number of Signals Using Information
Theoretic Criterion",
Journal of Statistical Computation and
Simulation , Vol. 44, 117-131, 1992.
9. D. Kundu ,
" Estimating the Parameters of Undamped Exponential Signals ",
Technometrics , Vol. 35, No. 2, 215 - 218, 1993. (MR No. 94b: 62056)
10. D. Kundu ,
"Asymptotic Theory of Least
Squares Estimator of a
Particular Non Linear Regression Model ",
Statistics and
Probability Letters , Vol. 18, No. 1, 13-17, 1993. (MR No. 62095)
11. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Asymptotic Behavior of the Least Squares
Estimators of Superimposed Exponential Signals: Main
P. C. Mahalanobis Birth Centenary Volume , Edited
by A. K. Datta, Published by Indian Statistical Institute,
1993, 663 - 670.
12. D. Kundu and R. Kundu,
"Consistent Estimates of Super Imposed
Exponential Signals When Some Observations are Missing:
Part I",
P. C. Mahalanobis Birth Centenary Volume , edited
by A. K. Datta, Published by Indian Statistical Institute,
1993, 679 - 685.
13. A. Mitra, D. Kundu , I. D. Dhariyal and N. Misra,
"Estimating the Ratio of the Smaller and the Larger of the two Uniform
Scale Parameters"
Journal of Statistical Computation and
Simulation , Vol. 50, 197-211, 1994,
14. D. Kundu and N. Kannan,
"On Modified EVLP and ML Methods for
Estimating Superimposed Exponential Signals",
Signal Processing , Vol. 39, No. 3, 223-233, 1994.
15. D. Kundu ,
"Estimating the Parameters of Complex Valued Exponential Signals ",
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , Vol 18, No. 5,
525-534, 1994.
16. D. Kundu ,
"A Modified Prony Algorithm for Damped or Undamped
Exponential Signals",
Sankhya, Ser A. , Vol. 56, No. 3, 524-
544, 1994.
17. D. Kundu ,
""Consistency of the Undamped Exponential Signals Model on a
Restricted Parameter Space",
Communications in Statistics,
Theory and Methods , Vol. 24, No. 1, 241-251, 1995. (MR No. 95k: 62235)
18. D. Kundu and R. Kundu,
"Consistent Estimates of Super Imposed
Exponential Signals when Some Observations are Missing ",
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol 44, 205
- 218, 1995. (MR No. 96g: 62173)
19. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Consistent Method of Estimating the
Superimposed Exponential Signals",
Scandinavian Journal
of Statistics , Vol. 22, No. 1, 73-82, 1995.
20. D. Kundu ,
"Small Sample Properties of Some Parametric and Non Parametric
Methods for Detection
of Signals by Monte Carlo Simulation",
IEE-Part F, Vision, Image and Signal Processing ,
Vol. 142, No. 3, 181-186, 1995.
21. N. Kannan and D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Estimating DOA of Signals",
Signal Processing and Communications ,
63-68, 1995.
22. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Estimating the Parameters of Exponentially Damped/Undamped
Sinusoids in Noise; A Non-Iterative Approach ",
Signal Processing , Vol. 46, No. 3, 363-368, 1995.
23. P. Bhattacharya, S.K. Mullick and D. Kundu ,
"A Sequential Decision
Method for Reasoning with Imprecise Tests",
Pattern Recognition,
Image Processing and Computer Vision Eds. P.P. Das
and B.N. Chatterji,
Norosa Publishing House, New Delhi,
112-117, 1996.
24. D. Kundu ,
"Modified MUSIC Algorithm for Estimating DOA of
Signals ",
Signal Processing , Vol. 48, No. 1, 85-90, 1996.
25. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Asymptotic theory of Least Squares
Estimates of a Non-Linear Time Series Regression Model",
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ,
Vol. 25, No. 1, 133 -
141, 1996. (MR No. 96k: 62262)
26. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Asymptotic Properties of the Least Squares
Estimates of 2-D Exponential Signals",
Systems and Signal Processing , Vol. 7, No. 2, 135 - 150,
1996. (MR No. 97f: 62140)
27. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"A Note on the Consistency of the Undamped Exponential
Signals Model",
Statistics , Vol. 28, No. 1, 25-33, 1996.
28. D. Kundu , Z.D. Bai and A. Mitra,
"A Theorem in Probability and
its Applications in Multidimensional Signal Processing",
IEEE Trans.
on Signal Processing , Vol. 44, No. 12, 3167 - 3169, 1996.
29. B. Basu, V. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Order Peak Statistics through
Digital Simulation",
Earthquake Engineering
and Structural Dynamics , Vol. 25, 1061-1073, 1996.
30. D. Kundu and G. Murali,
"Model Selection in Linear Regression ",
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , Vol. 22, 461-469, 1996.
31. B. Basu, V. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"A Markovian Approach to Ordered Peak Statistics",
Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics , Vol. 25, 1335-1351, 1996.
32. N. Kannan and D. Kundu ,
"Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimates
for Superimposed Exponential Signals",
in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , Vol. 26, No. 2, 733-764, 1997.
33. D. Kundu ,
"Estimating the Number of Sinusoids in Additive
White Noise",
Signal Processing , Vol. 56, 103-110, 1997.
34. D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
" Consistent Methods of Estimating Sinusoidal
Frequencies; A Non Iterative Approach ",
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
, Vol. 58, 171-194, 1997.
35. D. Kundu ,
"Some Properties of the Estimators of the Sinusoidal Signals",
Signal Processing and Communications ,
147-152, 1997.
36. D. Kundu ,
"Parameter Estimation",
Reliability, Availability
and Maintainability , Vol. 1, 62-78, 1997. (Invited paper)
37. D. Kundu ,
"Asymptotic Properties of the Least Squares Estimators of
Sinusoidal Signals",
Statistics , Vol. 30, 221-238, 1997.
38 . D. Kundu ,
"Frontiers of Science and Engineering and Their Relevance to National
Proceedings of the 84th. Indian Science Congress, Young Scientist Session
, 1997,5-6. (Invited Lecture)
39 . D. Kundu ,
" Estimating the Number of Sinusoids and the Performance
Analysis ",
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation ,
Vol. 60, No. 4, 347-362, 1998.
40 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Estimating the Parameters of the Linear Compartment
Model ",
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 70, No. 2,
317-334, 1998.
41 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Different Non Iterative Methods to Estimate Sinusoidal
Frequencies: A Numerical Comparison",
Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulations , Vol. 62,
No. 1, 9-28, 1998.
42 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Asymptotic Properties of the Least Squares Estimators
of a Two Dimensional Texture Model ",
Metrika , Vol. 48, No. 2, 83-97, 1998.
43 R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
""Hybrid Censoring Schemes with Exponential
Failure Distribution",
Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods , Vol. 27, No. 12,
3065-3083, 1998.
44 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Fitting A Sum of Exponentials when the
Data are Equispaced",
Sankhya Ser. B , Vol. 60, No. 3, 448-463, 1998..
45 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"On Asymptotic Properties and Confidence
Intervals for Exponential Signals ",
Signal Processing , Vol. 72, No. 2, 129-139, 1999.
46 . D. Kundu
"Estimating DOA of Signals; Some Asymptotic Results",
Sankhya, Ser. A , Vol. 61, No. 1, 120-138, 1999.
47 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
" Generalized Exponential Distributions ",
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics , Vol. 41, No. 2,
173-188, 1999.
48 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Feasibility of the Method of Moment
International Journal of Mathematical
and Statistical Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 1, 63-77, 1999.
49 . Z.D. Bai, D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"A Note on the consistency of
the Multidimensional Exponential Signals",
Sankhya, Ser A. , Vol. 61, No. 2, 270-275, 1999.
50 . D. Kundu ,
"On the determination of the number of signals",
Signal Processing and Communications , Eds. A. Makur and V. Sundar Rajan,
11-18, 1999.
51 . S. Nandi and D. Kundu ,
"On asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators in a
stationary random field"
Signal Processing and Communications , Eds. A. Makur and
V. Sundar Rajan, 33-42, 1999.
52 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
"Least squares
estimators in a stationary random field",
Journal of Indian Institute of Science , Mar-Apr, Vol. 79,
75-88, 1999. (Invited paper)
53 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Detecting the number of signals using cross validation
approach "
Signal Processing , Vol. 80, No. 3, 525-534, 2000.
54 D. Kundu and S. Basu,
"Analysis of Competing Risks Models in
Presence of Incomplete Data ",
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 87,
No. 2, 221-239, 2000.
55 . D. Kundu ,
"Estimating the number of signals in the presence of white
noise ",
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference ,
Vol. 90, no. 1, 57-68, 2000.
56 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Asymptotic Theory of the Least Squares Estimator
of Superimposed Exponential Signals",
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences , vol. 20,
no. 3 and 4, 345-365, 2000.
57 . D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta,
"Asymptotic Behavior of the Least Squares
Estimators of Superimposed Exponential Signals in Presence
of stationary Noise"
American Journal of Mathematical
and Management Sciences , vol. 20, no. 3 and 4,
367-385, 2000.
58 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
"Determination of Discrete Spectrum in Stationary
Random Field",
Applicable Mathematics, Its Perspectives and
Challenges , Editor J.C. Misra, Norosa, New Delhi,
304-311, 2001.
59 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Exponentiated Exponential Family; An Alternative to
Gamma and Weibull ",
Biometrical Journal , vol. 33, no. 1, 117-130, 2001.
60 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
"Some comments on ``Complex AM signal model
for non-stationary signals by Sircar and Syali'' ",
Signal Processing , vol. 81, no. 5, 1089-1094, 2001.
61 . D. Kundu and A. Mitra,
"Estimating the Number of Signals of the Damped Exponential
Models ",
Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis , vol. 36, no. 2, 245-256, 2001.
62 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
""Generalized Exponential Distributions: Different Methods of
Estimation ",
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation ,
vol. 69, no. 4, 315-338, 2001.
63 . D. Kundu and Swagata Nandi,
"On Asymptotic Properties of a Two Dimensional
Frequency Estimators"
Communications in Statistics - Theory and
Methods , vol. 30, no 8-9, 1561-1577, 2001.
64 . N. Kannan and D. Kundu ,
"Estimating parameters of the damped exponential
models ",
Signal Processing , vol. 81, no. 11, 2343-2352, 2001.
65 . P. Chowdhuri, D. Kundu and N. Misra,
"Likelihood Ratio Test for
Testing Simultaneously the Mean and Variance of a Normal Distribution"
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation , vol. 71, no. 4, 313-334, 2001.
66 . N. Misra, I.D. Dhariyal and D. Kundu ,
"Natural Estimators for the larger of two
exponential location parameters
with a common unknown scale parameter"
Statistics and Decision , vol. 20, no. 1, 67-80, 2002.
67 . N. Bansal and D. Kundu ,
"Poisson Regression with Sinusoidal Model"
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ,
vol. 31, 7, 1123-1136, 2002.
68 . D. Kundu ,
"Estimating Parameters of Sinusoidal Frequency; Some Recent Developments",
National Academy of Sciences Letters , Vol. 25, no. 3 \& 4, 53-73, 2002.
69 . N. Misra, P.K. Choudhary, I.D. Dhariyal and D. Kundu ,
"Smooth estimators for estimating order restricted scale parameters of "
Metrika , vol. 56, no. 2, 143-162, 2002.
70 . S. Nandi, S. Iyer and D. Kundu ,
``Estimating the Frequencies in Presence of Heavy Tail
Errors '',
Statistics and Probability Letters , Vol. 58, No. 3, 265-282, 2002.
71 . R.D. Gupta, D. Kundu and A. Manglick,
"Probability of Correct Selection of
Gamma versus GE or Weibull versus GE Models Based on Likelihood Ratio Test",
Recent Advances in Statistical Methods ,
Editor Y. P. Chaubey, Publisher World Scientific Publishing Company Inc.,
London, pp 147-156,2002.
72 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Generalized Exponential Distribution; Statistical
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications , vol. 1, no. 1, 101-118, 2002.
73 . S. Nandi and D. Kundu ,
"Complex AM Model for Non-Stationary Speech Data",
Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin , vol. 52, 349-370, 2002.
74 . Z.D. Bai, C.R. Rao, M. Chow and D. Kundu ,
"An efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of
superimposed exponential signals "
Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference , vol. 110, no. 1-2, 23-34, 2003.
75 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
" Discriminating Between the Weibull and the GE Distributions ",
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 43, 179-196, 2003.
76 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
"Estimating the Number of Components by a Data Independent
Penalty Function Approach ",
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , vol. 116, 437-450, 2003.
77 . H.K.T. Ng, D. Kundu and N. Balakrishnan,
" Modified Moment Estimators for the
Two-Parameter Birnbaum-Saunders Distributions "
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 43, 283-298, 2003.
78 . A. Childs, B. Chandrasekar, N. Balakrishnan and D. Kundu ,
"Exact Likelihood Inference
Based on Type-I and Type-II Hybrid Censored Samples from the Exponential Distribution ",
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics , vol. 55, no. 2, 319-330, 2003.
79 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
"Determination of Discrete Spectrum in a Stationary Random Field"
Statistica Neerlandica , vol. 57, no. 2, 258-284, 2003.
80 . D. Kundu and S.S. Basu,
"Analysis of Incomplete Data in Presence of Dependent Competing Risks",
Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability , Editors N. Balakrishnan,
N. Kannan and M.R. Srinivasan
Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 313-322, 2003.
81 . R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
"Closeness of Gamma and Generalized Exponential Distributions ",
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , vol. 32, no. 4, 705-721, 2003.
82 . S. Nandi and D. Kundu
"Estimating the Fundamental Frequency of a Periodic Function ",
Statistical Methods and Applications , vol. 12, 341 - 360, 2003.
83 . D. Kundu , N. Kannan and N. Balakrishnan,
" Analysis of Progressively Censored Competing Risks Data ",
Handbook of Statistics on Survival Analysis ,
Editors: C.R. Rao and N. Balakrishnan,
Elsevier Publications, vol. 23, 331-348, 2004
84 . D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta,
"Discriminating Between the Gamma and Generalized Exponential
Distributions ",
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation , vol. 74, no. 2, 107-121, 2004.
85 . N. Kannan and D. Kundu ,
"Statistical Signal Processing"
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences , 2-nd edition, Wiley, New York, 2004.
86 . S. Nandi, D. Kundu and S.K. Iyer
" Amplitude Modulated Model for Analyzing Non Stationary Speech Signals ",
Statistics , vol. 38, no. 5, 439 - 456, 2004.
87 . D. Kundu and S. Nandi,
" A Note on Estimating the Fundamental Frequency of a Periodic Function ",
Signal Processing , vol. 84, 653-661, 2004.
88 . D. Kundu
" Parameter Estimation of the Partially Complete Time and
Type of Failure Data ",
Biometrical Journal , vol. 46, no. 2, 165-179, 2004.
89 . D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
" Characterizations of the proportional (reversed)
hazard class ",
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, , vol. 38, no. 12, 3095-3102, 2004.
90 . S. Nandi and D. Kundu
" Asymptotic properties of the least
squares estimators of the parameters of the Chirp signals ",
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics , vol. 56, no. 3, 529-544, 2004.
91 . D. Kundu
"Computational aspects in statistical signal processing",
Statistical Computing; Existing Methods and
Recent Developments ,
D. Kundu and A. Basu (eds.), Narosa, New Delhi, 371-393, 2004.
92 . D. Kundu
" A note on the asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators
of the multidimensional exponential signals, "
Sankhya, vol. 66, no. 3, 528-535, 2004.
93 . D. Kundu and Anubhav Manglick
" Discriminating between the Weibull and log-normal distributions
Naval Research Logistics, vol. 51, no. 6, 893-905, 2004.
94. D. Kundu
Exponentiated exponential distribution
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences , 2-nd edition, Wiley, New York, 2004.
95 . D. Kundu , R. D. Gupta and A. Manglick,
"Discriminating Between the Log-Normal and the Generalized Exponential
Journal of the Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 127, 213 - 227, 2005.
96 . D. Kundu and A. Manglick
" Discriminating between the gamma and log-normal distributions
Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences , vol. 14, no. 1 & 2, 175 - 187, 2005.
97 . D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
" Estimation of P(Y < X) for generalized exponential
distribution ",
Metrika, vol. 61, no. 3, 291-308, 2005.
98 . D. Kundu and M.Z. Raqab
" Generalized Rayleigh Distribution: Different Methods of Estimation "
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, , vol. 49, 187-200, 2005.
99. D. Kundu
Discriminating between the normal and Laplace distributions
Advances in Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons, and Reliability,
N. Balakrishnan, H.N. Nagaraja and N. Kannan (eds.), Birkhauser, Boston, 65-78, 2005.
100. D. Kundu and S. Nandi
Estimating the number of components of the fundamental frequency model
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, vol. 35, no. 1, 41-59, 2005.
101. M.Z. Raqab and D. Kundu
Comparison of different estimators of P(Y < X) for a scaled Burr type X distribution.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, vol. 34, no. 2, 465-483, 2005.
102. D.T. Shirke, R.R. Kumbhar and D. Kundu
Tolerance intervals for exponentiated scale family of distributions
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 32, no. 10, 1067-1074, 2005.
103. B.B. Singh, G.K. Shukla and D. Kundu
Spatio-Temporal Models in Small Area Estimation
Survey Methodology, vol. 31, no. 2, 183-195, 2005.
104. D. Kundu , R.D. Gupta and Anubhav Manglick
A convenient way of generating normal random variables using generalized
exponential distribution
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, vol. 5, no. 1, 300-306, 2006.
105. S. Nandi and D. Kundu
Analyzing non-stationary signals using generalized multiple fundamental frequency
Journal of the Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 136, 3871 - 3903, 2006.
106. D. Kundu and A. Joarder
Analysis of Type-II progressively hybrid censored data,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 50, no. 10, 2509 - 2528, 2006.
107. H.K.T. Ng, D. Kundu and N. Balakrishnan
Point and interval estimations for the two-parameter Birnbaum-Saunders
based on type-II censored samples,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 50, no. 11, 3222 - 3242, 2006.
108. D. Kundu and Swagata Nandi
On discrete-domain multidimensional Sinusoidal models,
Statistics, vol. 40, no. 2, 129-147, 2006.
109. Amit Mitra, D. Kundu and Gunjan Agarwal
Frequency estimation of undamped exponential signals using genetic algorithms,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 51, 1965 - 1985, 2006.
110. D. Kundu and Avijit Joarder
Analysis of type-II progressively hybrid censored competing risks data
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, vol. 5, no. 1, 186-204, 2006.
111. D. Kundu and Ammar M. Sarhan
Analysis of incomplete data in presence of competing risks among several groups "
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 55, no. 2, 262 - 269, 2006.
112. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Estimation of P(Y < X) for Weibull distribution "
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 55, no. 2, 270 - 280, 2006.
113. S. Nandi and D. Kundu
A fast and efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of sinusoidal signals "
Sankhya, vol. 68, no. 2, 283-306, 2006.
114. M.Z. Raqab and D. Kundu
Burr Type X distribution: revisited,
Journal of Probability and Statistical Sciences, vol. 4, no. 2, 179 - 193, 2006
115. R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu
On comparison of the Fisher information of the Weibull and GE distributions.
Journal of the Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 136, no. 9, 3130 - 3144, 2006.
116. N. Balakrishnan, D. Kundu , H.K.T. Ng and N. Kannan
Point and interval estimation for a simple step-stress model with type-II censoring
Journal of Quality Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, 35 - 47, 2007.
117. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Analysis of hybrid lifetests in presence of competing risks,
Metrika, vol. 65, 159-170, 2007.
118. D. Kundu
Comments on: Progressive Censoring Methodology: An apprisal by
N. Balakrishnan,"
Test, vol. 17, 276-278, 2007.
119. D. Kundu
On hybrid censored Weibull distribution,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 137, 2127-2142, 2007.
120. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
A convenient way of generating gamma random variables,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 51, 2796-2802, 2007.
121. D. Kundu and M.Z. Raqab
Discriminating between the Log-Normal and Generalized Rayleigh Distributions,
Statistics, vol. 41, no. 6, 505 - 515, 2007.
122. R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu
Generalized exponential distribution: existing methods and recent developments "
Journal of the Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 137, no. 11, 3537 - 3547, 2007.
123. S.K. Iyer, S.R. Jammalamadaka and D. Kundu
Analyzing middle censored data with exponential lifetime distributions,"
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , vol. 138, 3550 - 3560, 2008.
124. S. Mitra and D. Kundu
Analysis of the left censored data from the generalized exponential distribution,"
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 78, no. 7,
669 - 679, 2008.
125. A. Prasad, D. Kundu and A. Mitra
Sequential estimation of the sum of sinusoidal model parameters,"
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 138, no. 5,
1297 - 1313, 2008.
126. A. Sarhan and D. Kundu
Bayes estimators for reliability measures in geometric distribution model using masked
system life test data,"
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52, no. 4, 1821-1836, 2008.
127. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Generalized exponential distribution; Bayesian Inference,"
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol 52, no. 4, 1873-1883, 2008.
128. D. Kundu and S. Nandi
Parameter estimation of chirp signals in presence of stationary noise,
Statistica Sinica, vol. 18, no. 1, 187 - 201, 2008.
129. D. Kundu
Bayesian inference and life testing plan for Weibull distribution in presence
of progressive censoring "
Technometrics, vol. 50, no. 2, 144 - 154, 2008.
130. A. Banerjee and D. Kundu
Inference based on Type-II hybrid censored data from Weibull distribution "
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 57, no. 2, 369 - 378, 2008.
131. D. Kundu , N. Kannan and N. Balakrishnan
On the hazard function of Birnbaum-Saunders distribution and associated inference "
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 52, 2692 - 2702, 2008.
132. M.Z. Raqab, M.T. Madi and D. Kundu
Estimation of P (Y < X) for the 3-Parameter generalized exponential distribution"
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods , vol. 37, no. 18,
2854 - 2864, 2008.
133. Kakade, C.S. and Shirke, D.T. and D. Kundu
Inference for P(Y < X) in Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution
Journal of Statistics and Applications , vol. 3, no. 1-2, 121 - 133, 2008.
134. Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
On progressively censored generalized exponential distribution
Test , vol. 18, no. 3, 497 - 515, 2009.
135. N. Balakrishnan, Q. Xie and D. Kundu
Exact inference for a simple step-stress model from the exponential distribution under
time constraint,
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol. 61, 251 - 274, 2009.
136. D. Kundu and Biswabrata Pradhan
Estimating the parameters of the
generalized exponential distribution in
presence of hybrid censoring"
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods , vol. 38, no. 12,
2030 - 2041, 2009.
137. Ammar Sarhan and D. Kundu
Generalized linear failure rate distribution"
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods, vol. 38, no. 5, 642 - 660, 2009.
138. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Bivariate generalized exponential distribution"
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 100, no. 4, 581 - 593, 2009.
139. R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu
A new class of weighted exponential distributions"
Statistics , vol. 43, no. 6, 621 - 634, 2009.
140. Arabin Kumar Dey and D. Kundu
Discriminating among the log-normal, Weibull and generalized exponential distributions"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability , vol. 58, no. 3, 416-424, 2009.
141. D. Kundu and Arabin Kumar Dey
Estimating the Parameters of the Marshall Olkin Bivariate Weibull Distribution by EM
Algorithm "
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 53, no. 4, 956 - 965, 2009.
142. D. Kundu, M.Z. Raqab
Estimation of R = P(X < Y) for three parameter Weibull distribution
Statistics and Probability Letters , vol. 79, 1839 - 1846, 2009.
143. D. Kundu and B. Pradhan
Bayesian Inference and Life Testing Plans
for Generalized Exponential Distribution
Science in China, Series A: Mathematics (Special volume dedicated to Professor Z.D. Bai) ,
vol. 52, no. 6, 1373 - 1388, 2009.
144. B. Pareek, D. Kundu and S. Kumar
On Progressively Censored Competing
Risks Data For Weibull Distribution
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 53, 4083 - 4094, 2009.
145. D. Kundu and N. Balakrishnan
Point and Interval Estimation for a Simple Step-Stress Model with Random
Stress-Change Time"
Journal of Probability and Statistical Science , vol. 7, no. 2,
113 - 126, 2009.
146. B. Basu, D. Tiwari, D. Kundu and R. Prasad
Is Weibull distribution the most appropriate statistical strength distribution for
brittle materials? "
Ceramics International, vol. 35, 237-246, 2009.
147. H.K.T. Ng, D. Kundu, P.S. Chan
Statistical analysis of exponential lifetimes under an
adaptive type-II progressive censoring scheme
Naval Research Logistics , vol. 56, 687 - 698, 2009.
148. Anurag Prasad and D. Kundu
Modeling and estimation of symmetric color textures
Sankhya, Series B , vol. 71, no. 1, 30 - 54, 2009.
149. Rameshwar D. Gupta and D. Kundu
Introduction of shape/ skewness parameter(s) in a probability distribution"
Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, vol. 7, no. 2, 153 - 171, 2009.
D. Kundu , Avijit Joarder and Hare Krishna and
On Type-II Progressive Hybrid Censoring
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, vol. 8 no. 2, 534 - 546, 2009.
Madhusudan Bhandary and D. Kundu
Testing for the equality of the number of signals
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, vol. 8 no. 2, 566 - 570, 2009.
152. R.D. Gupta and D. Kundu
Generalized logistic distributions
Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences , vol. 18, no. 1, 51-66, 2010.
153. D. Kundu, N. Balakrishnan, Ahad Jamalizadeh
Bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution and associated inference
Journal of Multivariate Analysis ,
vol. 101, 113-125, 2010.
154. Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimating the parameters of Burst Type signals "
Statistica Sinica , vol. 20, no. 2, 733 - 746, 2010.
155. N. Kannan, D. Kundu, P. Nair, R.C. Tripathi,
The generalized exponential cure rate model with covariates
Journal of Applied Statistics , vol. 37, no.9-10, 1625 - 1636, 2010.
156. Arabin K. Dey and D. Kundu
Discriminating between the log-normal and log-logistic distributions"
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , vol. 39, 280 - 292, 2010.
157. Anurag Prasad, Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
An efficient and fast algorithm for estimating the parameters of
two-dimensional sinusoidal signals
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference ,
vol. 140, 153 - 168, 2010.
158. N. Kannan, D. Kundu and N. Balakrishnan
Survival Models for Step-Stress Experiments with
Lagged Effects"
Special volume dedicated to W. Meeker,
eds. Misha Nikulin, Nikolaos Limnios and
N. Balakrishnan, Advances in
Degradation Modeling, Birkhauser, 355 - 369,
159. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Modified Sarhan-Balakrishnan singular bivariate distribution
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , vol. 140,
526 - 538, 2010.
160. D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
A class of absolute continuous bivariate distribution
Statistical Methodology , vol. 7, 464 - 477, 2010.
161. Amit Mitra and D. Kundu
Genetic algorithm based robust frequency estimation of sinusoidal signals with stationary errors
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , vol. 23, 321-330, 2010.
162. D. Kundu and Hatem Howlader
Bayesian inference and prediction of the
inverse Weibull distribution for Type-II
censored data
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
vol. 54, 1547 - 1558, 2010.
D. Kundu and Rameshwar D. Gupta
A Class of Bivariate Models with Proportional Reversed Hazard Marginals
Sankhya, Ser. B
vol. 72, 236 - 253, 2010.
164. Muhammad Aslam, D. Kundu and Munir Ahmad
Time truncated acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 37, no. 4, 555-566, 2010.
165. Fawziah S. Alshunnar, Mohammad Z. Raqab and D. Kundu
On the comparison of the Fisher information of the log-normal and
generalized Rayleigh distributions"
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 37, no. 3, 391 - 404, 2010.
166. Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Bayes estimation and prediction of the two-parameter gamma distribution"
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 81, no. 9, 1187 - 1198, 2011.
167. Abhijit Joarder, Hare Krishna and D. Kundu
Inference on Weibull parameters with conventional Type-I censoring"
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 55, 1 - 11, 2011.
Ammar M. Sarhan, David C. Hamilton, Bruce Smith and D. Kundu
The bivariate generalized linear failure rate distribution and its multivariate extension"
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , vol. 55, 644 - 654, 2011.
D. Kundu and B. Pradhan
Bayesian analysis of progressively censored competing risks data
Sankhya, Ser. B,
vol. 73, no. 2, 276 - 296, 2011.
D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
An extension of the generalized exponential distribution
Statistical Methodology,
vol. 8, 485 - 496, 2011.
171. D.K. Al-Mutairi, M.E. Ghitany and D. Kundu
A new bivariate distribution with weightes exponential marginals and its multivariate
Statistical Papers
vol. 52, 921-836, 2011.
N. Balakrishnan, R.C. Gupta, D. Kundu, V. Leiva and A. Sanhueza
On some mixture models based on the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution and associated
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
vol. 141, 2175 - 2190, 2011.
S. Mitra, A. Mitra and D. Kundu
Genetic algorithm and M-estimator based robust sequential estimation of
parameters of nonlinear sinusoidal signals
Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations,
vol. 16, 2796 - 2809, 2011.
D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Absolute continuous bivariate generalized exponential distribution
Advances in Statistical Analysis, vol. 95, 169 - 185, 2011.
Manuel Franco, D. Kundu and Juana-Maria Vivo
Multivariate extension of modified Sarhan-Balakrishnan bivariate distribution
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
vol. 141, 3400 - 3412, 2011.
R.C. Gupta and D. Kundu ,
Weighted Inverse Gaussian - a Versatile Lifetime Model
Journal of Applied Statistics,
vol. 38, 2695 - 2708, 2011.
M. Aslam, D. Kundu , C-H Jun, M. Ahmad
Time truncated group acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution
Journal of Testing and Evaluation,
vol. 39, no. 4, 1-7, 2011.
D. Kundu , Z.D. Bai, S. Nandi, L. Bai
Super efficient frequency estimation
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
vol. 141, 2576 - 2588, 2011.
179. D. Kundu
Statistical Signal Processing
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science,
Springer, New York, Part 19, 1466 - 1468, 2011.
180. Sulabh Dube, Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Parameter estimation of the hybrid censored log-normal distribution
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation ,
vol. 81, no. 3, 275 - 287, 2011.
D. Kundu and M.Z. Raqab
Bayesian inference and prediction of order statistics for Type-II censored Weibull
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
vol. 142, 41-47, 2012.
Anurag Prasad, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Sequential estimation of two dimensional sinusoidal models"
Journal of Probability and Statistical Sciences
vol. 10, no. 2, 161 - 178, 2012.
A. Ganguly, S. Mitra, D. Samanta and D. Kundu
Exact inference for the two-parameter exponential distribution under
Type-II hybrid censoring
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
vol. 142, 613 - 625, 2012.
Arabin Kumar Dey and D. Kundu
Discriminating between the Weibull and Log-normal distributions for type-II censored data"
Statistics ,vol. 46, no. 2, 197 - 214, 2012.
Ananya Lahiri, D. Kundu , and A. Mitra
Efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of chirp signal
Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
vol. 108, 15-27, 2012.
Arabin K. Dey and D. Kundu
Discriminting between bivariate bivariate generalized exponential and
bivariate Weibull distributions
Chilean Journal of Statistics,
vol. 3, no. 1, 93 - 110, 2012.
Sajid Ali, M. Aslam, D. Kundu , S.M.A. Kazmi
Bayesian estimation of the mixture of generalized exponential distribution using censored
sample under different loss functions
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers,
vol. 29, no. 4, 246 - 269, 2012.
A. Dubedi, P. Chakroborty, D. Kundu , K.H. Reddy
Modelling Automobile Driver's Toll-Lane Choice Behaviour
at a Toll Plaza
American Society of Civil Engineering:
Journal of Transportation Engineering,
vol. 138, no. 11, 1350 - 1357, 2012.
D. Kundu
Discussion on ``Hyerarchical Bayesian auto-regressive models for large space
time data
with applications to ozone concentration modelling'' by S.K. Sahu
and K.S. Bakar
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 28, no. 5, 416, 2012.
D. Kundu , Ammar Sarhan and R.D. Gupta
On Sarhan-Balakrishnan bivariate distribution
Journal of Statistics and Probability,
vol. 1, no. 3, 163 - 170, 2012.
B. Sarcoglu, I. Kinaci and D. Kundu
On estimation of R = P(Y < X) for exponential distribution under progressive type-II
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 82, no. 5, 729 - 744, 2012.
2013 -
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Noise Space Decomposition method for two dimensional sinusoidal model
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
vol. 58, no. 2, 147 - 161, 2013.
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimation of parameters of partially sinusoidal frequency model
vol. 47, no. 1, 45 - 60, 2013.
D. Kundu , D. Samanta, A. Ganguly and S. Mitra
Bayesian analysis of different hybrid and progressive life tests
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 42, no. 09, 2160 - 2173, 2013.
N. Balakrishnan and D. Kundu
Hybrid censoring: models, inferential results and applications
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
(with discussion), vol. 57, no. 1, 166 - 209, 2013.
D. Kundu and Arjun Gupta
Bayes estimation for the Marshall-Olkin bivariate Weibull distribution
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 57, 271 - 281, 2013.
D. Kundu , N. Balakrishnan, Ahad Jamalizadeh
Generalized multivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distributions and related inferenctial issues
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 116, 230 - 244, 2013.
Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Inference and Optimal censoring schemes for progressively censored
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 143, no. 6, 1098 - 1108, 2013.
Ananda Sen, Nandini Kannan and D. Kundu
Bayesian planning and inference of a progressively censored sample from linear
hazard rate distribution
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 62,
108 - 121, 2013.
D. Kundu
Bayesian analysis for partially complete time and type of failure data
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 40, no. 6, 1289 - 1300, 2013.
D.K. Al-Mutairi, M.E. Ghitany and D. Kundu
`Inference on stress-strength reliability from Lindley distribution,
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,
vol. 42, 1443 - 1463, 2013.
D. Kundu and R.D. Gupta
Power Normal Distribution
vol. 47, no. 1, 110 - 125, 2013.
Ananya Lahiri, D. Kundu , Amit Mitra
Efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of two dimensional chirp signal
Sankhya, Ser. B, vol. 75, no. 1, B, 65 - 89, 2013.
S. Mitra, A. Ganguly, D. Samanta and D. Kundu
On simple step-stress model for two-parameter exponential distribution
Statistical Methodology, vol. 15, 95 - 114, 2013.
Ahad Jamalizadeh and D. Kundu
Weighted Marshall-Olkin bivariate exponential distribution
vol. 47, no. 5, 917 - 928, 2013.
2014 -
Ananya Lahiri, D. Kundu , Amit Mitra
On least absolute deviation estimator of one dimensional chirp model
Statistics, vol. 48, no. 2, 405 - 420, 2014.
P.G. Sankaran and D. Kundu
On a bivariate Pareto model
Statistics, vol. 48, no. 2, 241 - 255, 2014.
D. Kundu and Arjun K. Gupta
On bivariate Weibull Geometric distribution
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 123, no. 1, 19 - 29, 2014.
Shrijita Bhattacharya, Biswabrata Pradhan and
D. Kundu
Analysis of hybrid censored competing risks data
Statistics, vol. 48, no. 5, 1138 - 1154, 2014.
K.S. Sultan, N.H. Alsadat and D. Kundu
Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimations of the inverse Weibull parameters under
progressive Type-II censoring
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 84, no. 10, 2248 - 2265, 2014.
Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Analysis of interval-censored data with Weibull lifetime distribution
Sankhya, Ser. B, vol. 76, no. 1, 120 - 139, 2014.
Sanku Dey, Tanujit Dey and D. Kundu
Two-parameter Rayleigh distribution: Different methods of estimation
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science, vol. 33, no. 1,
55 - 74, 2014.
D. Kundu , Manuel Franco and Juana-Maria Vivo
Multivariate Distributions with Proportional Reversed Hazard Marginals
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 77, 98-212, 2014.
Manuel Franco, N. Balakrishnan, D. Kundu , and Juana-Maria Vivo
Generalized mixture of Weibull distributions
TEST, vol. 23, 515-535, 2014.
D. Kundu
Geometric skewed normal distribution
Sankhya, Ser. B., vol. 76-B, Part 2, 167 - 189, 2014.
2015 -
D. Kundu and M.Z. Raqab
Estimation of R = P[Y < X] for three parameter generalized Rayleigh distribution
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 85, no. 4, 725 - 739, 2015.
A. Asgharzadeh, R. Valiollahi and D. Kundu
Prediction for future failures in Weibull distribution under hybrid censoring
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 85, no. 4, 824 - 838, 2015.
Mohsen Khosravi, D. Kundu , Ahad Jamalizadeh
On Bivariate and Mixture of Bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders Distributions
Statistical Methodology, vol. 23, 1-17, 2015.
G.S. Rao, M. Aslam and D. Kundu
Burr-XII distribution: parametric estimation and estimation of reliability of
mulnticomponent stress-strength
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, vol. 44, 4953 - 4961, 2015.
Ahad Jamalizadeh and D. Kundu
Multivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution based on multivariate skew normal distribution
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, vol. 45, no. 1, 1-20, 2015.
David Han and D. Kundu
Inference for step-stress model with competing risks for failure from the generalized
distribution under type-I censoring
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 64, no. 1, 31 - 43, 2015.
D. Kundu
Bivariate sinh-normal distribution and a related model
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 29, no. 3, 590 - 607, 2015.
D. Kundu
Bivariate log Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
Statistics, vol. 49, no. 4, 900 - 917, 2015.
S.M. Mirhosseini, M. Amini, D. Kundu , A. Dolati
On a new absolutely continuous bivariate generalized exponential distribution
Statistical Methods and Applications, vol. 24, 61 - 83, 2015.
Ayon Ganguly, D. Kundu , Sharmistha Mitra
Bayesian analysis of simple step-stress model under Weibull lifetimes
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 64, no. 1, 473 - 485, 2015.
D.K. Al-Mutairi, M.E. Ghitany and D. Kundu
Inference on stree-strenth reliability from weighted Lindley distributions
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, vol. 44, 4096 - 4113, 2015.
D. Kundu
Bivariate Geometric (Maximum) Generalized Exponential Distribution
Journal of Data Sciences, vol. 13, 693 - 712, 2015.
Miroslav Ristic and D. Kundu
Marshall-Olkin generalized exponential distribution
METRON, vol. 73, 317 - 333, 2015.
Ananya Lahiri, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Estimating the parameters of multiple chirp signals
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 139, 189 - 205, 2015.
D. Kundu , Ankush Kumar and Arjun K. Gupta
Absoulte continuous multivariate generalized exponential distribution
Sankhya, Ser. B, vol. 77, no. 2, 175 - 206, 2015.
2016 -
Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Bayes estimation for the Block and Basu bivariate and multivariate Weibull distributions
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 86, no. 1, 170 - 182, 2016.
Tanujit Dey, Sanku Dey and D. Kundu
On progressively type-II censored two-parameter Rayleigh distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, vol. 45, 1- 18, 2016.
D. Kundu and Debanjan Mitra
Bayesian inference of Weibull distribution based on left truncated and right censored data
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 99, 38-50, 2016.
Miroslav M. Ristic and D. Kundu
Generalized Exponential Geometric Extreme Distributions
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, vol. 10, no. 1, 179 - 201, 2016.
Ayon Ganguly and D. Kundu
Analysis of simple step-stress model in presence of competing risks
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 86, no. 10, 1989 - 2006, 2016.
G. Asha, Jagathnath Krishnan, K.M. and D. Kundu
An extension of the Freund's bivariate distribution to model load sharing systems
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, vol. 35, no. 3, 207 - 226, 2016.
Suchismita Das and D. Kundu
On weighted exponential distribution and its length biased version
Journal of the Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, vol. 17, no. 1, 57 - 77, 2016.
Nandini Kannan and D. Kundu
Statistical Signal Processing
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online
, edited by N. Balakrishnan, Paolo Brandimarte, Brian Everitt,
Geert Molenberghs, Walter Piegorsch and Fabrizio
Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
A choice between Poisson and geometric distributions
Journal of the Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, vol. 17, no. 2, 111 -- 123, 2016.
2017 -
R. Valiollahi, A. Asgharzadeh and D. Kundu
Prediction of future failures for generalized exponential distribution under Type-I or Type-II hybrid censoring
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 31, no. 1, 41-61, 2017.
Abbas Mahdavi and D. Kundu
A new method for generating distributions with an application to exponential distribution
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, vol. 46, no. 13, 6543 --6557, 2017.
D. Kundu , Debanjan Mitra and Ayon Ganguly
Analysis of left truncated right censored competing risks data
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 108, 12-26, 2017.
D. Samanta, A. Ganguly, D. Kundu and S. Mitra
Order restricted Bayesian inference for exponential simple step-stress model
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, , vol. 46, no. 2, 1113 -- 1135, 2017.
D. Kundu and Arjun Gupta
On bivariate inverse Weibull distribution
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 31, no. 2, 275 -- 302, 2017.
D. Kundu
On multivariate log Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
Sankhya, Ser. B, , vol. 79, 292 - 315.
M. A. Ahmad, M.Z. Raqab and D. Kundu
Discriminating between the generalized Rayleigh and Weibull distributions:
Some comparative studies
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, vol. 46, no. 6, 4880 -- 4895, 2017.
Arnab Koley, D. Kundu and Ayon Ganguly
Analysis of Type-II hybrid censored competing risks data
vol. 51, no. 6, 1304 - 1325, 2017.
Jafar Ahmadi, Elham Basiri and and D. Kundu
Confidence and predcition intervals based on interpolated records
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, , vol. 29, no. 1, 1-21, 2017.
D. Kundu
On Bayesian inference of P(Y < X) for Weibull distribution
Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Life Sciences and Engineering,
Editors, A. Adhikari, M.R. adhikari and Y. P. Chaubey, Springer, pp: 225 -- 246, 2017, ISBN:978-981-10-5369-6.
Siddharth Biswanathan and D. Kundu
Bayesian inference and optimal censoring scheme under progressive censoring
Advances in Reliability and System Engineering,
J. Paulo Davim and Mangey Ram, Editors, Springer, pp 239 -- 253, 2017, ISSN 2365-0532.
R.N. Sengupta and D. Kundu
Statistical Methods
Decision Sciences: Theory and Practice,
Eds. R.N. Sengupta, A. Gupta and J. Dutta, CRC Press,
Chapter 8, 413 - 520, 2017.
D. Kundu and Ramesh C. Gupta
On bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, , vol. 36, no. 1, 21 -- 33, 2017.
Ananya Lahiri and D. Kundu
On parameter estimation of two-dimensional polynomial phase signal model
Statistica Sinica,
vol. 27, no. 4, 1779 -- 1792, 2017.
A. Asgharzadeh, M. Kazemi and D. Kundu
Estimation of P(X > Y) for Weibull distribution based on hybrid censored samples
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management ,
vol. 8, 489 -- 498, 2017.
Vahid Nekoukhou and D. Kundu
Bivariate discrete generalized exponential distribution
vol. 51, no. 5, 1143 - 1158, 2017..
Arnab Koley and D. Kundu
On generalized progressive hybrid censoring in presence of competing risks
Metrika, vol. 80, 401 - 426, 2017.
D. Kundu and Arnab Koley
Interval estimation of the unknown exponential parameter based on time truncated
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
vol. 36, no. 3, 188 -- 195, 2017.
D. Kundu
Multivariate geometric skew normal distribution
vol. 51, no. 6, 1377 - 1397, 2017.
2018 -
Debashis Samanta, D. Kundu and Ayon Ganguly
Order restricted Bayesian analysis of simple step-stress model
Sankhya, Ser. B.,
vol. 80, no. 2, 195--221, 2018.
M.Z. Raqab, S. Al-Awadhi and D. Kundu
Discriminating among Weibull, log-normal and log-logistic distributions
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 47, no. 5, 1397 - 1419, 2018.
Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra,
Asymtotic of approximate least squares estimators of parameters of two-dimensional chirp signal,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
vol. 168, 211 - 220, 2018.
Ali Akbar Jafari, Rasool Roozegar and D. Kundu
On bivariate generalized exponential-power series class of distributions
Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society,
vol. 17, no. 1, 63 - 88, 2018.
Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Order restricted inference of a multiple step-stress model
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
vol. 117, 62 -- 75, 2018.
Nandini Kannan and D. Kundu
Weibull step-stress model with a lagged effect
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
vol. 37, no. 1, 33 - 50, 2018.
D.K. Al-Mutairi, M.E. Ghitany and D. Kundu
Weighted Weibull distribution: bivariate and multivariate cases
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics,
vol. 32, no. 1, 20 -- 43, 2018
Aniket Jain, Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Bayesian inference on general order statistic models
Modeling and Simulation Based Analysis in Reliability Engineering,
Mangey Ram, Editor, CRC Press: Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter-6, 2018.
D. Kundu and Vahid Nekoukhou
Univariate and bivariate geometric discrete generalized exponential distribution
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
vol. 12, no. 3, 595 - 614, 2018.
Sunil Taneja, Samarth Vohra, Neha Agarwal and D. Kundu ,
Patient education in bronchial asthma:
analysis of feedback from parents,
Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics,
(Letter to the Editor), vol. 5, 1159 - 1160, 2018.
Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra,
On approximate least squares estimators of parameters on one dimensional chirp signal,
vol. 52, no. 5, 1060 - 1085, 2018.
E. Mahmoudi, R.S. Meshkat, B. Kargar and D. Kundu
Extended exponentiated Weibull distribution and its applications
vol. 78, no. 4, 363-396, 2018.
2019 -
N. Balakrishnan and D. Kundu
Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution: A Review of Models, Analysis and Applications (with discussions)
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 35, no. 1, 4-125, 2019.
N. Balakrishnan and D. Kundu
Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution: A Review of Models, Analysis and Applications: Rejoinder
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 35, no. 1, 126-132, 2019.
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimating the fundamental frequency using modified Newton-Raphson algorithm
vol. 53, no. 2, 440 - 458, 2019.
Debashis Samanta, Arindam Gupta and D. Kundu ,
Analysis of Weibull step-stress model in presence of competing risks ,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
vol. 68, no. 2, 420 - 438, 2019.
Debashis Samanta, Ayon Ganguly, Arindam Gupta and D. Kundu
On classical and Bayesian order restricted inference for multiple exponential step stress model
vol. 53, no. 1, 177 - 195, 2019.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
A new two sample type-II progressive censoring scheme
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods,
vol. 48, no. 10, 2602-2618, 2019.
D. Kundu and Vahid Nekoukhou
On bivariate discrete Weibull distribution
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,
vol. 48, no. 14, 3464-3481, 2019.
Biplab Paul, Arabin Kumar Dey and D. Kundu
Bayesian analysis of three parameter absolute continuous Marshall-Olkin bivariate Pareto distribution
Communications in Statistics - Case Studies and Data Analysis,
vol. 4, no. 2, 57 - 68, 2019.
Subhra Shankar Dhar, D. Kundu and Ujjal Das
On testing parameters of chirp signal model
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 67, no. 16, 4291 - 4301, 2019.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Exact inference on multiple exponential populations under a joint type-II progressive censoring scheme
vol. 53, no. 6, 1329 - 1356, 2019.
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Decision theoretic sampling plan for one-parameter exponential distribution under type-I
and Type-I hybrid
Statistical Quality Technologies: Theory and Practice,
Eds: Yuhlong Lio, Hon Keung Tony Ng, Tzong-Ru Tsai and Ding-Geng Chen,
pp 183-210.
ICSA Book Series in Statistics, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Point and interval estimation of Weibull parameters based on joint progressively censored data
Sankhya, Ser. B,
vol. 81, no. 1, 1-25, 2019.
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
A new decision theoretic sampling plan for type-I and type-I hybrid censored samples from the
Sankhya, Ser. B.,
vol. 81-B, Part 2, 251 - 288, 2019.
2020 -
Shuvashree Mondal, Ritwik Bhattacharya, Biswabrata Pradhan and D. Kundu
Bayesian optimal life-testing plan under the balanced two sample type-II progressive censoring scheme
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 36, no. 4, 628 - 640, 2020.
D. Kundu
On a general class of discrete bivariate distributions
Sankhya, Ser. B,
vol. 82, 270 - 304, 2020.
Rasool Roozeger and D. Kundu
Generalized exponential power series distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computations,
vol. 49, no. 7, 1678 - 1703, 2020.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
On the joint type-II progressive censoring scheme
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods,
vol. 49, no. 4, 958 - 976, 2020.
H. Najarzadegan, M.H. Alamatsaz, I. Kazemi and D. Kundu
Weighted bivariate geometric distribution: Simulation and estimation
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 49, no. 9, 2419 -- 2443, 2020.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Bayesian Inference for Weibull distribution Under The Balanced Joint Type-II Progressive
Censoring Scheme
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
vol. 39, no. 1, 56 - 74, 2020.
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
A new decision theoretic sampling plan for exponential distribution under Type-I censoring
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 49, no. 2, 453 - 471, 2020.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Inference on Weibull parameters under a balanced two-sample type-II progressive censoring scheme
Quality and Reliability Engineering International,
vol. 36, no. 1, 1-17, 2020.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
A bivariate inverse Weibull distribution and its application in complementary risks model
Journal of Applied Statistics,
vol. 47, no. 6, 1084 - 1108, 2020.
D. Kundu ,
Professor C.R. Rao's contribution in Statistical Signal Processing and its Longterm Implications,
Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences),
vol. 130, Article No. 43, 2020.
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimation of parameters in random amplitude chirp signal
Signal Processing,
vol. 168, Art. 107328, 2020.
Nandini Kannan and D. Kundu
Simple step-stress models with a cure rate fraction
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics,
vol 34, no. 1, 2-17, 2020.
Debashis Samanta, Arnab Koley, Arindam Gupta and D. Kundu
Exact inference of a simple step stress model with hybrid type-II stress changing time
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
vol. 14, no. 1, Art 12, 27 pp, 2020.
Manuel Franco, Juana-Maria Vivo and D. Kundu
A generalized Freund bivariate model for a two-component load
sharing system
Reliability Engineering and System Safety,
vol. 203, Art No. 107096, 2020.
Manuel Franco, Juana-Maria Vivo and D. Kundu
A generator of bivariate distributions: Properties, estimation and applications
vol. 8, no. 10, Art No. 1776, 2020.
D. Kundu
A general method of construction of a bivariate lifetime distribution with a singular component
Journal of Kerala Statistical Association,
vol. 31, December 2020, 1-28.
2021 -
Ayan Pal, Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
A Cure rate model for exponentially distributed lifetimes with competing risks
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
vol. 15, no. 1, Paper no. 21, 2021.
Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra,
An efficient methodology to estimate the parameters of a two-dimensional chirp signal model,
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,
vol. 32, no. 1, 49 - 75, 2021.
Mohammad Z. Raqab, D. Kundu and Fahimah A. Al-Awadhi
Compound zero-truncated Poisson normal distribution and its applications
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods,
vol. 50, no. 13, 3030 - 3050, 2021.
Swagata Nandi, Rhythm Grover and D. Kundu
Estimation of Parameters of Multiple Chirp Signal in Presence of Additive Alpha-Stable Errors
Signal Processing,
vol.189, Paper no. 108232, 2021.
Nandini Kannan and D. Kundu
C.Radhakrishna Rao: A Century in Statistical Science
International Statistical Review,
vol. 89, no. 2, 216 - 236, 2021.
D. Kundu and Shuvashree Mondal
Analyzing Competing Risks Data Using Bivariate Weibull-Geometric Distribution
vol. 55, no. 2, 276 - 295, 2021.
D. Kundu , Rhythm Grover and Swagata Nandi
A review of chirp and some other related signal processing models,
Advances in Signal Processing: Reviews, Vol. 2,
Editor: Sergey Y. Yurish, IFSA Publishing, S.L. Barcelona, Spain, pp 149 - 233, 2021,
ISBN: 978-84-09-28830-4, 2021.
Arnab Koley and D. Kundu
Analysis of progressive type-II censoring in presence of competing risk data under step stress modeling
Statistica Neerlandica,
vol. 75, no. 2, 115 - 136, 2021.
Ayan Pal, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Order restricted classical inference of a Weibull multiple step-stress model
Journal of Applied Statistics,
vol. 48, no. 4, 623 - 645, 2021.
D. Kundu and Swagata Nandi
On chirp and some related signals analysis: a brief review and some new results
Sankhya, Ser. A,
vol. 83, no. 2, 844 - 890, 2021.
D. Kundu and Rhythm Grover
On a chirp-like model and its parameter estimation using periodogram-type estimators
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
vol. 15, no. 2, Paper no. 37, 26 pp, 2021.
Ayan Pal, Debashis Samanta, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu ,
A simple step-stress model for Lehmann family of distributions,
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications: Honoring the Contributions of
Barry C. Arnold in
Statistical Science,
Eds. Indranil Ghosh, Hon Keung Tony Ng and N. Balakrishnan,
pp 315 - 343, Springer,2021.
Deepak Prajapati, Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Optimal Decision-theoretic
Sampling Plan For Two Exponential Distributions under Joint Censoring Scheme
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 37, no. 3, 560 - 576, 2021.
Ayan Pal, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Bayesian order restricted inference of a Weibull multi-step step-stress model
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
vol. 15, no. 1, Paper no. 21, 24pp, 2021.
Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Meta-analysis of a step-stress experiment under Weibull distribution
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 91, no. 9, 1867 - 1889, 2021.
Debanjan Mitra, D. Kundu and N. Balakrishnan
Likelihood analysis and stochastic EM algorithm for left truncated and right censored data and associated
model selection from the Lehmann family of life distributions
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science,
vol. 4, no. 2, 1019 - 1048, 2021.
Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Estimation of parameters of a harmonic chirp model
IET Signal Processing,
vol. 15, no. 6, 375 - 395, 2021.
Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Asymptotic properties of least squares estimators and sequential least squares estimators of a
signal model parameters
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
vol. 40, no. 11, 5421 - 5467, 2021.
Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Bayesian Inference of a Dependent Competing Risk Data
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 91, no. 15, 2021.
D. Kundu ,
An Absolute Continuous Bivariate Inverse Generalized Exponential Distribution: Properties, Inference
Methodology and Applications of Statistics:
A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of his 100th Birthday,
Eds. Barry C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan and Carlos A. Coelho, Springer.
pp 129 - 148, 2021.
2022 -
Rhythm Grover, Aditi Sharma, Theo Delcourt and D. Kundu
Computationally efficient algorithm for frequency estimation of a
two-dimensional sinusoidal model
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
vol. 41, no. 1, 346 - 371, 2022.
Tanmay Kayal, Yogesh Mani Tripathi, D. Kundu and Manoj Kumar Rastogi
Statistical inference of Chen distribution based on Type-I rogressive hybrid censored samples
Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing,
vol. 10, March 2022, 627 - 642.
Farha Sultana, Arnab Koley, Ayan Pal and and D. Kundu
On two exponential populations under a joint adaptive type-II progressive censoring
vol. 55, no. 6, 1328 - 1355, 2022.
Mohammed A. Meraou, Noriah M. Al-Kandari, M.Z. Raqab and D. Kundu
Analysis of Skewed Data by using Compound Poisson-Exponential Distribution with Applications to
Insurance Claims
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol.92, no. 5, 928-956, 2022.
D. Kundu
Stationary GE-process and its application in analyzing gold price data
Sankhya, Ser B,
Vol. 84, Issue 2, 575-595, 2022.
Fatemah A. Alqallaf and D. Kundu
A bivariate inverse generalized exponential distribution and its applications in dependent competing risks model
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 51, no. 12, 7019 - 7036, 2022.
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimating parameters in multichannel sinusoidal mode
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
vol. 41, 4604 - 4631, 2022.
Swagata Nandi, Rhythm Grover and D. Kundu
Estimating of parameters of two-dimensional random amplitude chirp signal in additive noise
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 33, 1045 - 1068, 2022,
Cagatay Cetinkaya, Farha Sultana and D. Kundu
Exact likelihood inference for two exponential populations under jointly generalized progressive hybrid
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 92, no. 17, 3605 - 3629, 2022.
Koushik Maiti, Suchandan Kayal and D. Kundu
Statistical inference on the Shannon and Renyi entropy measures of generalized exponential distribution
under the progressive censoring
Springer Nature Computer Science, Vol. 3, Artlicle No. 317, 2022,
Abhinek Shukla, Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Approximate least squares estimators of a two-dimensional chirp model
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 192, Artilce No. 105045, 2022,
D. Kundu
Bivariate semi-parametric singular family of distributions and its applications
Sankhya, Ser B, vol. 84, Part 2, 846 - 872, 2022.
Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Exact likelihood ratio test and Wald tests for the Balanced Joint Progressive Censoring scheme
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
Vol. 38, Issue 6, 1113 - 1126, 2022.
Debashis Samanta, Shuvashree Mondal and D. Kundu
Optimal plan for ordered step-stress stage life testing
Statistics, Vol. 56, No. 6, 1319 - 1344, 2022.
A. Algarni, A.M. Almarashi, D. Kundu , G.A. Abd-Elmougod and S. Abdel-Khalek
Comparison of different confidence intervals under Type-I censoring scheme
Journal of Mathematics, Article ID 1272045, 9 pp, 2022.
A. S. Alghamdi, G.A. Abd-Elmougod, D. Kundu , and M. Marin
Statistical inference of jointly type-II lifetime samples under Weibull competing risks model
Symmetry, Vol. 14, Article 701, 17 pp, 2022.
2023 -
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Bayesian sampling plan for the exponential distribution with generalized Type-I hybrid censoring scheme
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 17, Article No. 5, 2023.
D. Kundu , Swagata Nandi and Rhythm Grover
On Weighted Least Squares Estimators of Parameters of a Chirp Model
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 1, 493 - 521, 2023.
Ayan Pal, Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Cure rate based step-stress model
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
Vol. 17, Article No. 15, 2023.
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Bayesian Sampling Plan for the Exponential Distribution with Generalized Type - II Hybrid Censoring Scheme
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
Vol. 52, No. 2, 533 -- 556, 2023.
Kiram Prajapat, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
A consistent method of estimation for three-parameter generalized exponential distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 52, no. 6, 2471 - 2487, 2023.
D. Kundu
Bivariate distributions with singular components
Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics,
Editor: Hoang Pham, Springer, pp 733 - 761, 2023.
Kiran Prajapat, Arnab Koley, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
An optimal Bayesian sampling plan for two-parameter exponential distribution under
Type-I hybrid censoring
Sankhya, Ser A,
Vol. 85-A, Part 1, 512 - 539, 2023.
M.Z. Raqab, O.M. Bdair and D. Kundu
Comparison of estimates and predictors using joint type-II progressive censored samples from two
generalized Rayleigh distribution Insurance Claims
Thailand Statistician,
vol. 21, 529 - 551, 2023.
Biplab Paul, Shyamal K. De and D. Kundu
A sequential sampling approach for discriminating log-normal, Weibull and log-logistic distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 52, no. 12, 5857 - 5879, 2023,
D. Kundu
A Stationary Weibull-process and its applications
Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 50, no. 13, 2681 - 2700, 2023,
Deepak Prajapati, M.H. Ling, P.S. Chan and D. Kundu
Misspecification of copula for one-shot devices under constant stress accelerated life-tests
Part O: Journal of Risks and Reliability,
vol. 237, 725 - 740, 2023,
Deepak Prajapati, Sharmistha Mitra, D. Kundu and Ayan Pal
Optimal Bayesain Sampling Plan for Competing Risks Data
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 93, no. 5, 775 - 799, 2023,
Farha Sultana, Cagatay Cetinkaya and D. Kundu
Statistical inference for the jointly adaptive progressive type-II censored Weibull distributions
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
Vol. 17, No. 2, Paper No. 24, 27 pp, 2023.
D. Kundu and Deepak Prajapati
Symmetric Geometric Skew normal regression model
Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics,
Editor: Hoang Pham, Springer, pp 87 - 103, 2023.
Ayan Pal, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Order restricted inference for a multiple step-stress model with long-term survivors for a general
family of
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 39, Issue 3, 426 - 446, 2023.
Abhinek Shukla, D. Kundu , Amit Mitra and Rhythm Grover
On estimating parameters of a multi-component Chirp
Model with equal chirp rates
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol. 59, no. 5, 5027 - 5038, 2023.
Anjali Mittal, D. Kundu , Amit Mitra and Rhythm Grover
Estimation of the Elementary Chirp Model Parameters
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol. 59, no. 5, 5218 - 5234, 2023.
Abhinek Shukla, Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
A computationally efficient algorithm to estimate the parameters of a two-dimensional chirp model,
Multidimensional Sysytems and Signal Processing,
vol. 34, 633 - 655, 2023.
Anjali Mittal, Rhythm Grover, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Efficient methodology for estimating elementary chirp model parameters
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 71, 2352 - 2365, 2023.
D. Kundu and Rhythm Grover
Robust estimators of two dimensional sinusoidal model parameters
Signal Processing,
vol. 212, November 2023, 109167
Swagata Nandi and D. Kundu
Estimating parameters in multichannel fundamental frequency with harmonics model
vol. 57, issue 5, 1142 - 1167, 2023.
Debasish Samanta and D. Kundu
Bivariate semi-parametric model: Bayesian inference
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,
vol. 25, Article no. 87, 2023.
2024 -
D. Kundu
On robust method of estimation in polynomial sinusoidal regression
Signal Processing,
vol. 217, Paper No. 109328, 2024.
D. Kundu
Robust parameter estimation in two-channel sinusoidal frequency model
Franklin Open,
vol. 6, Paper No. 100059, 2024.
Ayon Ganguly, Debanjan Mitra, N. Balakrishnan and D. Kundu
A flexible model based on piecewise linear approximation for the analysis of left truncated right
censored data
with covariates, and applications to Worcester Heart Attack study data and Channing
House data
Statistics in Medicine,
vol. 43, no. 2, 233-255, 2024.
Deepak Prajapati, Ayan Pal and D. Kundu
A finite mixture model for multiple dependent competing risks with applications of
automotive warranty claim data
Statistics and Computing,
vol. 34, Artilce no. 19, 2024.
D. Kundu , Swagata Nandi and Rhythm Grover
On weighted least squares estimators for chirp like model,
Sankhya A,
vol. 86, no. 1, 27 - 66, 2024.
Farha Sultana, Cagatay Cetinkaya and D. Kundu
Step-stress Life-testing under Tampered Random Variable Modeling for Weibull Distribution in Presence of
Competing Risk Data
Quality and Reliability Engineering International,
vol. 40, no. 3, 1382 -1402, 2024.
Mojammel Haque Sarkar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy and D. Kundu
Estimating parameters from the generalized inverse Lindley distribution under hybrid censoring scheme
Communications in Statistics - Thoery and Methods,
vol. 53, no. 7, 699 - 721, 2024.
Debasish Samanta and D. Kundu
Inference of a dependent competing risk model under step-stress stage life testing
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
vol. 94, no. 4, 699 - 721, 2024.
Ammar M. Sarhan, Joeseph Apaloo and D. Kundu
A new bivariate lifetime distribution: properties, estimations and its extension
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
vol. 53, no. 2, 879 - 896, 2024.
D. Kundu
Fundamental Frequency and its Harmonics Model: A Robust Method of Estimation
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
vol. 43, no. 2, 1007 - 1029, 2024,
D. Kundu
Comments on ``Specifying Prior Distributions in Reliability Analysis'' by
Qinglong Tian, Colin
Lewis-Beck, Jarad B. Niemi and William W. Meeker
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
vol. 40, no. 1, 111-114, 2024.
Abhinek Shukla, D. Kundu and Amit Mitra
Model order estimation in multi-componenent chirp signals
Signal Processing,
vol. 221, Paper no. 109503, 2024.
R.A. Al-Jarallah, M.E. Ghitany and D. Kundu
Bayesian inference on Gompertz-Lindley distribution based on different loss funcitons
International Journal of Applied Mathematics,
vol. 37, no. 2, 187 - 204, 2024.
Kiran Prajapat, Shuvashree Mondal, Sharmistha Mitra and D. Kundu
Meta analysis of exponential lifetime data from type-I hybrid censored samples
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,
(to appear).
Suparna Basu and D. Kundu
On three-parameter generalized exponential distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
(to appear).
Deepap Prajapati and D. Kundu
Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan for Simple Step-Stress Model
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2023.2234664,(to appear).
Deepak Prajapati, Shuvashree MOndal and D. Kundu
Two Sample Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan
Annals of Operation Research,
(to appear),DOI:10.1007/s10479-023-05804-6.
Farha Sultana, Cagatay Cetinkaya and D. Kundu
Estimation of the stress-strength parameter under two-sample balanced progressive censoring scheme
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
(to appear).
D. Kundu
Weighted least squares estimators: A robust method of estimation of sinusoidal model
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,
(to appear).
Suparna Basu and D. Kundu
Model Misspecification of Log-Normal and Birnbaum-Saunders Distributions
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
(to appear).
M.Z. Raqab, D. Kundu and Meraou
Inference for compound truncated Poisson log-normal model with application to maximum precipitation data
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
(to appear).
379. D. Kundu
Statistical Signal Processing
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science,
Springer, 2nd Edition,
New York (to appear).
Ruhul Ali Khan, Ayan Pal and D. Kundu
Testing the goodness-of-fit of the stable distributions with applications to German Stock Index data and
cryptocurrency data
Statistics and Computing,
vol. 34, Paper No. 128, 2024.
Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Inference of multi-sample stage life testing model under Weibull distribution
Quality and Reliability Engineering International,
(to appear).
Ayan Pal, Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
A semiparametric approach for simple step-stress model
(to appear).
D. Kundu
A Stationary Proportional Hazard Class Process and its Applications
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability,
(to appear).
Sanjay Kumar, D. Kundu and Sharmistha Mitra
Estimation of five parameters bivariate modified Weibull singular distribution
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
(to appear).
S.K. Pal, A. Koley, P. Ranjan and D. Kundu
Modeling time to failure using a temporal sequence of events
Quality Engineering,
(to appear).
D. Kundu
A bivariate load sharing model
Journal of Applied Statistics,
(to appear).
Farha Sultana, Cagatay Cetinkaya and D. Kundu
Inference for two Weibull populations under joint generalized progressove type-I hybrid censoring with a
simulation study and applications
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,
(to appear).
Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and D. Kundu
On classical inference of a flexible semi-parametric class of
distributions under a joint
balanced progressive censoring scheme
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
(to appear).
2025 -
Debashis Samanta and D. Kundu
Absolutely continuous semi-parametric bivarite distributions
Sankhya, Ser. B,
(to appear).
Deepak Prajapati, Sobhan Shafiei, D. Kundu and Ahad Jamalizadeh
Geometric scale mixtures of normal distribution
Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
(to appear).
Last Update: January 2025.