SESSION  2002-2003:    Semester II

    PHY 452

Class schedule
All lectures/tutorials for this course have been completed

  Venue Timing
MONDAY  FB - 482 8:00 - 9:00
TUESDAY  FB - 482 8:00 - 9:00
WEDNESDAY FB - 482 8:00 - 9:00
THURSDAY  FB - 482 8:00 - 9:00
FRIDAY  FB - 482 18:30 - 19:30


Mid-Semester March 4, 2004
8:00 - 9:00 am 
Venue L-4
End-Semester April 30, 2004
Time TBA
Venue L-5
Paper with answers
Attendance Daily   50

The principle of relative grading will be applied.


Attendance at all the classes is compulsory.  One mark will be assigned for every class attended and the total scaled to 50 marks. Students given leave of absence by the DUGC/DOAA/DOSA should produce documentary evidence for the same. Students unable to attend classes for medical reasons should produce a certificate signed by an authorized person from the Health Centre, IITK.  Medical certificates from any other practitioner are not acceptable, unless endorsed by the Health Cnter, IITK. If the absence is due to bona fide reasons, the relevant bonus marks will be added.

Students who are absent for more than 50% of the classes may not be allowed to sit for the End-Semester examinations. Students who attend all
the lectures will get a bonus of 5 marks over the assigned 50.

Students who miss the End-Semester examination will have to apply for a make-up examination as per IITK rules. Students who miss the Mid-semester examination for bona fide reasons will be given average marks.

N.B.  A total of 44 classes was held. To make up the tally to 50, the following principle was used: +6 for those who had attended 40-44 classes,
+4 for those who had attended 30-39 classes, +2 for those who had attended 20-29 classes, +0 for those who attended less than 20 classes. Those who attended all the classes were given a bonus of +5. This includes those who were absent on 5.3.2004 or 10.4.2004.
 Textbooks and References:
1. Classical Electrodnamics by Jackson
2. Classical Electricity and Magnetism by Panofsky and Phillips
    3. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory by Reitz, Milford and Christy
    4. Electricity and Magnetism by Griffiths

        5. Feynman Lectures of Physics Vol II by Feynman, Leighton and Sands
        6. Electricity and Magnetism by Jeans
        7. Electricity and Magnetism by Stratton
        8. Electricity and Magnetism by Smythe
        9. Electricity and Magnetism by Maxwell

Problem Sets

Problem Set I :   PDF File

Problem Set II:  PDF File