Chapter 2
System of Linear Equations

2.1 Introduction

Example 2.1.1. Let us look at some examples of linear systems.

Suppose a,b . Consider the system ax = b in the variable x. If
a0 then the system has a unique solution x = b
a = 0 and
b0 then the system has no solution.
b = 0 then the system has infinite number of solutions, namely all x .
Consider a linear system with 2 equations in 2 variables. The equation ax + by = c in the variables x and y represents a line in 2 if either a0 or b0. Thus the solution set of the system
a1x + b1y = c1,a2x+ b2y = c2
is given by the points of intersection of the two lines (see Figure 2.1 for illustration of different cases).



Figure 2.1: Examples in 2 dimension.

Unique Solution
x - y = 3 and 2x + 3y = 11. The unique solution is [x,y]T = [4,1]T .
Observe that in this case, a1b2 - a2b10.
Infinite Number of Solutions
x + 2y = 1 and 2x + 4y = 2. As both equations represent the same line, the solution set is [x,y]T = [1 - 2y,y]T = [1,0]T + y[-2,1]T with y arbitrary. Observe that
a1b2 - a2b1 = 0,a1c2 - a2c1 = 0 and b1c2 - b2c1 = 0.
the vector [1,0]T corresponds to the solution x = 1,y = 0 of the given system.
the vector [-2,1]T corresponds to the solution x = -2,y = 1 of the system x + 2y = 0,2x + 4y = 0.
No Solution
x + 2y = 1 and 2x + 4y = 3. The equations represent a pair of parallel lines and hence there is no point of intersection. Observe that in this case, a1b2 - a2b1 = 0 but a1c2 - a2c10.
As a last example, consider 3 equations in 3 variables.
A linear equation ax + by + cz = d represents a plane in 3 provided [a,b,c][0,0,0]. Here, we have to look at the points of intersection of the three given planes. It turns out that there are seven different ways in which the three planes can intersect. We present only three ways which correspond to different cases.


Unique Solution
Consider the system x+y+z = 3,x+4y+2z = 7 and 4x+10y-z = 13. The unique solution to this system is [x,y,z]T = [1,1,1]T , i.e., the three planes intersect at a point.
Infinite Number of Solutions
Consider the system x + y + z = 3,x + 2y + 2z = 5 and 3x + 4y + 4z = 11. The solution set is [x,y,z]T = [1,2 - z,z]T = [1,2,0]T + z[0,-1,1]T , with z arbitrary. Observe the following:
Here, the three planes intersect in a line.
The vector [1,2,0]T corresponds to the solution x = 1,y = 2 and z = 0 of the linear system x + y + z = 3,x + 2y + 2z = 5 and 3x + 4y + 4z = 11. Also, the vector [0,-1,1]T corresponds to the solution x = 0,y = -1 and z = 1 of the linear system x + y + z = 0,x + 2y + 2z = 0 and 3x + 4y + 4z = 0.
No Solution
The system x + y + z = 3,2x + 2y + 2z = 5 and 3x + 3y + 3z = 3 has no solution. In this case, we have three parallel planes. The readers are advised to supply the proof.

Before we start with the general set up for the linear system of equations, we give different interpretations of the examples considered above.

Example 2.1.2.

Recall Example, where we have verified that the solution of the linear system x-y = 3 and 2x + 3y = 11 equals [4,1]T . Now, observe the following:
The solution [4,1]T corresponds to the point of intersection of the corresponding two lines.
Using matrix multiplication the linear system equals Ax = b, where A = [      ]
 1  - 1
 2   3, PICT PICT DRAFT x = [  ]
  y and b = [   ]
  11. So, the solution is x = A-1b = 1
5[     ]
  3  1
 - 2 1[  ]
 11 = [ ]
Re-writing Ax = b as [ ]

 2x+[   ]
 - 1

  3y = [   ]

 11 gives us 4(1,2)+1(-1,3) = (3,11). This corresponds to addition of vectors in the Euclidean plane.
Recall Example 3.3a, where the point of intersection of the three planes is the point (1,1,1) in the Euclidean space. Note that in matrix notation, the system reduces to Ax = b, where
     ⌊          ⌋     ⌊ ⌋          ⌊  ⌋
     |1  1    1 |     |x|          | 3|
A =  ⌈1  4    2 ⌉,x = ⌈y⌉  and b = ⌈ 7⌉.
      4  10  - 1       z            13
x = ⌊  ⌋
|⌈ y|⌉
  z = A-1 b =  1
21⌊             ⌋
  24  - 11  2
|⌈- 9   5    1 |⌉
  6    6    - 3⌊  ⌋
|⌈ 7|⌉
 13 = ⌊ ⌋
1 (1,1,4) + 1 (1,4,10) + 1 (1,2,-1) = (3,5,13). This corresponds to addition of vectors in the Euclidean space.

Thus, there are three ways of looking at the linear system Ax = b, where, as the name suggests, one of the ways is looking at the point of intersection of planes, the other is the vector sum approach and the third is the matrix multiplication approach. All of three approaches are important as they give different insight to the study of matrices. After this chapter, we will see that the last two interpretations form the fundamentals of linear algebra.

Definition 2.1.3. [Linear System] A system of m linear equations in n variables x1,x2,,xn is a set of equations of the form PICT PICT DRAFT

 a11x1 + a12x2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ a1nxn =   b1
 a21x1 + a22x2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ a2nxn =   b2
     .                          .
     ..                          ..                     (2.1.1)

am1x1 + am2x2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ amnxn  =   bm
where for 1 i m and 1 j n;aij,bi . Linear System (2.1.1) is called homogeneous if b1 = 0 = b2 = ⋅⋅⋅ = bm and non-homogeneous, otherwise.

Definition 2.1.4. [Coefficient and Augmented Matrices] Let A = ⌊                   ⌋
  a11  a12  ⋅⋅⋅  a1n
| a    a    ⋅⋅⋅  a  |
||  21   22        2n||
|⌈  ...    ...   ...   ... |⌉

  am1  am2  ⋅⋅⋅  amn, x = ⌊  ⌋
|| ..||
⌈ .⌉
 xn and b = ⌊   ⌋
|| .. ||
⌈ . ⌉
 bm. Then, (2.1.1) can be re-written as Ax = b. In this setup, the matrix A is called the coefficient matrix and the block matrix [Ab ] is called the augmented matrix of the linear system (2.1.1).

Remark 2.1.5. Consider the linear system Ax = b, where A Mm,n(), b Mm,1() and x Mn,1(). If [Ab] is the augmented matrix and xT = [x1,,xn] then,

for j = 1,2,,n, the variable xj corresponds to the column ([Ab])[:,j]. PICT PICT DRAFT
the vector b = ([Ab])[:,n + 1].
for i = 1,2,,m, the ith equation corresponds to the row ([Ab])[i,:].

Definition 2.1.6. [Solution of a Linear System] A solution of Ax = b is a vector y such that Ay indeed equals b. The set of all solutions is called the solution set of the system. For example, the solution set of Ax = b, with A = ⌊1  1  1⌋
|       |
⌈1  4  2⌉
 4  1  1 and b = ⌊1⌋
| |
 1 equals (| ⌊ 0 ⌋ )|
{ |   | }
| ⌈- 1⌉ |
(   2   ).

Definition 2.1.7. [Consistent, Inconsistent] Consider a linear system Ax = b. Then, this linear system is called consistent if it admits a solution and is called inconsistent if it admits no solution. For example, the homogeneous system Ax = 0 is always consistent as 0 is a solution whereas, verify that the system x + y = 2,2x + 2y = 3 is inconsistent.

Definition 2.1.8. [Associated Homogeneous System] Consider a linear system Ax = b. Then, the corresponding linear system Ax = 0 is called the associated homogeneous system. 0 is always a solution of the associated homogeneous system.

The readers are advised to supply the proof of the next theorem that gives information about the solution set of a homogeneous system.

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 2.1.9. Consider a homogeneous linear system Ax = 0.

Then, x = 0, the zero vector, is always a solution, called the trivial solution.
Let u0 be a solution of Ax = 0. Then, y = cu is also a solution, for all c . A nonzero solution is called a non-trivial solution. Note that, in this case, the system Ax = 0 has an infinite number of solutions.
Let u1,,uk be solutions of Ax = 0. Then, i=1kaiui is also a solution of Ax = 0, for each choice of ai ,1 i k.

Remark 2.1.10.

Let A = [    ]
 1  1

 1  1. Then, x = [   ]

 - 1 is a non-trivial solution of Ax = 0.
Let uv be solutions of a non-homogeneous system Ax = b. Then, xh = u-v is a solution of the associated homogeneous system Ax = 0. That is, any two distinct solutions of Ax = b differ by a solution of the associated homogeneous system Ax = 0. Or equivalently, the solution set of Ax = b is of the form, {x0 + xh}, where x0 is a particular solution of Ax = b and xh is a solution of the associated homogeneous system Ax = 0.

Exercise 2.1.11.

Consider a system of 2 equations in 3 variables. If this system is consistent then how many solutions does it have? PICT PICT DRAFT
Give a linear system of 3 equations in 2 variables such that the system is inconsistent whereas it has 2 equations which form a consistent system.
Give a linear system of 4 equations in 3 variables such that the system is inconsistent whereas it has three equations which form a consistent system.
Let Ax = b be a system of m equations in n variables, where A Mm,n().
Can the system, Ax = b have exactly two distinct solutions for any choice of m and n? Give reasons for your answer. Give reasons for your answer.
Can the system, Ax = b have only a finitely many (greater than 1) solutions for any choice of m and n? Give reasons for your answer.

2.1.1 Elementary Row Operations

Example 2.1.12. Solve the linear system y + z = 2,2x + 3z = 5,x + y + z = 3.

Solution: Let B0 = [Ab], the augmented matrix. Then, B0 = ⌊0  1  1  2⌋
|          |
⌈2  0  3  5⌉
 1  1  1  3. We now systematically proceed to get the solution.

Interchange 1-st and 2-nd equations (interchange B0[1,:] and B0[2,:] to get B1).
                                  ⌊          ⌋
 2x + 3z  =  5                     2  0  3  5
  y + z   =  2              B1 =  |⌈0  1  1  2|⌉ .

x + y + z =  3                     1  1  1  3
In the new system, multiply 1-st equation by 1
2 (multiply B1[1,:] by 1-
2 to get B2).
                                  ⌊          ⌋
 x + 32z   =  52                     1  0  32  52
  y + z   =  2              B  =  |0  1  1  2| .
                              2   ⌈          ⌉
x+ y + z  =  3                     1  1  1  3
In the new system, replace 3-rd equation by 3-rd equation minus 1-st equation (replace B2[3,:] by B2[3,:] - B2[1,:] to get B3).
    3      5                    ⌊       3   5⌋
x + 2z  =  2                    |1  0   2   2|
 y + z  =  2              B3 =  ⌈0  1   1   2⌉ .
y - 1z  =  1                     0  1  - 1  1
    2      2                             2  2
In the new system, replace 3-rd equation by 3-rd equation minus 2-nd equation (replace B3[3,:] by B3[3,:] - B3[2,:] to get B4).
PICT PICT DRAFT x + 3z    =  5                    ⌊1  0   3    5 ⌋
    2        2                    |       2    2 |
 y + z    =  2              B4 =  ⌈0  1   1    2 ⌉.
  - 32z  =  - 32                     0  0  - 32  - 32
In the new system, multiply 3-rd equation by - 2
3 (multiply B4[3,:] by --2
 3 to get B5).
                               ⌊           ⌋
x + 32z  = 52                      1  0  32  52
 y + z  = 2               B  = | 0  1  1  2| .
                            5  ⌈           ⌉
  z     = 1                      0  0  1  1

The last equation gives z = 1. Using this, the second equation gives y = 1. Finally, the first equation gives x = 1. Hence, the solution set is {[x,y,z]T |[x,y,z] = [1,1,1]}, a unique solution.

In Example 2.1.12, observe how each operation on the linear system corresponds to a similar operation on the rows of the augmented matrix. We use this idea to define elementary row operations and the equivalence of two linear systems.

Definition 2.1.13. [Elementary Row Operations] Let A Mm,n(). Then, the elementary row operations are

Eij: Interchange the i-th and j-th rows, namely, interchange A[i,:] and A[j,:].
Ek(c) for c0: Multiply the k-th row by c, namely, multiply A[k,:] by c.
Eij(c) for c0: Replace the i-th row by i-th row plus c-times the j-th row, namely, replace A[i,:] by A[i,:] + cA[j,:].

Definition 2.1.14. [Row Equivalent Matrices] Two matrices are said to be row equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a finite number of elementary row operations.

Definition 2.1.15. [Row Equivalent Linear Systems] The linear systems Ax = b and Cx = d are said to be row equivalent if their respective augmented matrices, [Ab] and [Cd], are row equivalent.

Thus, note that the linear systems at each step in Example 2.1.12 are row equivalent to each other. We now prove that the solution set of two row equivalent linear systems are same.

Lemma 2.1.16. Let Cx = d be the linear system obtained from Ax = b by application of a single elementary row operation. Then, Ax = b and Cx = d have the same solution set.

Proof. We prove the result for the elementary row operation Ejk(c) with c0. The reader is advised to prove the result for the other two elementary operations.

In this case, the systems Ax = b and Cx = d vary only in the jth equation. So, we need to show that y satisfies the jth equation of Ax = b if and only if y satisfies the jth equation of Cx = d. So, let yT = [α1,n]. Then, the jth and kth equations of Ax = b are aj1α1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ajnαn = bj and ak1α1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + aknαn = bk. Therefore, we see that αi’s satisfy

PICT PICT DRAFT (aj1 + cak1)α1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (ajn + cakn)αn = bj + cbk.              (2.1.2)
Also, by definition the jth equation of Cx = d equals
(aj1 + cak1)x1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (ajn + cakn)xn = bj + cbk.              (2.1.3)
Therefore, using Equation (2.1.2), we see that yT = [α1,n] is also a solution for Equation (2.1.3). Now, use a similar argument to show that if zT = [β1,n] is a solution of Cx = d then it is also a solution of Ax = b. Hence, the required result follows. _

The readers are advised to use Lemma 2.1.16 as an induction step to prove the next result.

Theorem 2.1.17. Let Ax = b and Cx = d be two row equivalent linear systems. Then, they have the same solution set.

2.2 Main Ideas of Linear Systems

In the previous section, we saw that two row equivalent linear systems have the same solution set. Sometimes it helps to imagine an elementary row operation as left multiplication by a suitable matrix. In this section, we will try to understand this relationship and use them to obtain results for linear system. As special cases, we also obtain results that are very useful in the study of square matrices. PICT PICT DRAFT

2.2.1 Elementary Matrices and the Row-Reduced Echelon Form (RREF)

Definition 2.2.1. [Elementary Matrix] A matrix E Mn() is called an elementary matrix if it is obtained by applying exactly one elementary row operation to the identity matrix In.

Remark 2.2.2. The elementary matrices are of three types and they correspond to elementary row operations.

Eij: Matrix obtained by applying elementary row operation Eij to In.
Ek(c) for c0: Matrix obtained by applying elementary row operation Ek(c) to In.
Eij(c) for c0: Matrix obtained by applying elementary row operation Eij(c) to In.

When an elementary matrix is multiplied on the left of a matrix A, it gives the same result as that of applying the corresponding elementary row operation on A.

Example 2.2.3.

In particular, for n = 3 and c ,c0, one has
E23 = ⌊       ⌋
 1  0  0
|⌈0  0  1|⌉
 0  1  0, E 1(c) = ⌊       ⌋
 c  0  0
|⌈0  1  0|⌉
 0  0  1, E 31(c) = ⌊       ⌋
 1  0  0
|⌈0  1  0|⌉
 c  0  1 and E 23(c) = ⌊       ⌋
 1  0  0
|⌈0  1  c|⌉
 0  0  1.
Verify that the transpose of an elementary matrix is again an elementary matrix of similar type (see the above examples). PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A = ⌊          ⌋
 0  1  1  2
|⌈2  0  3  5|⌉

 1  1  1  3. Then, verify that E 31(-2)E13E31(-1)A = ⌊          ⌋
 1  0  0  1
|⌈0  1  1  2|⌉

 0  0  3  3.

Exercise 2.2.4.

Which of the following matrices are elementary?
⌊       ⌋  ⌊       ⌋  ⌊         ⌋ ⌊        ⌋ ⌊        ⌋ ⌊        ⌋
 2  0  1    12  0  0    1  - 1  0    1  0  0    0  0  1    0  0  1
|       | ,|       | ,|         |,|        |,|        |,|        |.
⌈0  1  0⌉  ⌈0  1  0⌉  ⌈0   1   0⌉ ⌈ 5  1  0⌉ ⌈ 0  1  0⌉ ⌈ 1  0  0⌉
 0  0  1    0  0  1    0   0   1    0  0  1    1  0  0    0  1  0
Find some elementary matrices E1,,Ek such that Ek⋅⋅⋅E1[    ]
 2  1
 1  2 = I2.
Find some elementary matrices F1,,F such that F⋅⋅⋅F1⌊        ⌋
  1  1  1
|        |
⌈ 0  1  1⌉
  0  0  3 = I 3.

Remark 2.2.5. Observe that

(Eij)-1 = Eij as EijEij = I = EijEij. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let c0. Then, (Ek(c))-1 = Ek(1∕c) as Ek(c)Ek(1∕c) = I = Ek(1∕c)Ek(c).
Let c0. Then, (Eij(c))-1 = Eij(-c) as Eij(c)Eij(-c) = I = Eij(-c)Eij(c).

Thus, each elementary matrix is invertible. Also, the inverse is an elementary matrix of the same type.

Proposition 2.2.6. Let A and B be two row equivalent matrices. Then, prove that B = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek.

Proof. By definition of row equivalence, the matrix B can be obtained from A by a finite number of elementary row operations. But by Remark 2.2.2, each elementary row operation on A corresponds to left multiplication by an elementary matrix to A. Thus, the required result follows. _

We now give an alternate prove of Theorem 2.1.17. To do so, we state the theorem once again.

Theorem 2.2.7. Let Ax = b and Cx = d be two row equivalent linear systems. Then, they have the same solution set.

Proof. Let E1,,Ek be the elementary matrices such that E1⋅⋅⋅Ek[Ab] = [Cd]. Put E = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek. Then, by Remark 2.2.5

EA =  C,Eb  = d,A = E -1C  and b = E- 1d.

Now assume that Ay = b holds. Then, by Equation (2.2.1)

Cy = EAy  =  Eb = d.

On the other hand if Cz = d holds then using Equation (2.2.1), we have

Az = E -1Cz = E -1d = b.

Therefore, using Equations (2.2.2) and (2.2.3) the required result follows. _

The following result is a particular case of Theorem 2.2.7.

Corollary 2.2.8. Let A and B be two row equivalent matrices. Then, the systems Ax = 0 and Bx = 0 have the same solution set.

PICT PICT DRAFT Example 2.2.9. Are the matrices A = ⌊        ⌋
  1  0  0
|⌈ 0  1  0|⌉

  0  0  1 and B = ⌊       ⌋
 1  0  a
|⌈0  1  b|⌉

 0  0  0 row equivalent?
Solution: No, as ⌊   ⌋
| b |
⌈   ⌉
 - 1 is a solution of Bx = 0 but it isn’t a solution of Ax = 0.

Definition 2.2.10. [Pivot/Leading Entry] Let A be a nonzero matrix. Then, in each nonzero row of A, the left most nonzero entry is called a pivot/leading entry. The column containing the pivot is called a pivotal column. If aij is a pivot then we denote it by aij. For example, the entries a12 and a23 are pivots in A = ⌊    |-|      ⌋
  0  3--  4  2
|⌈ 0  0    0  0|⌉
  0  0   |2| 1
         ---. Thus, columns 2 and 3 are pivotal columns.

Definition 2.2.11. [Row Echelon Form] A matrix is in row echelon form (REF) (ladder like)

if the zero rows are at the bottom;
if the pivot of the (i + 1)-th row, if it exists, comes to the right of the pivot of the i-th row.
if the entries below the pivot in a pivotal column are 0.

Example 2.2.12. PICT PICT DRAFT

The following matrices are in echelon form.
⌊   |-|       ⌋
 0  -2-  4   2
|       |--|  |
⌈0   0  -1-| 1⌉
 0   0   0   0, ⌊|--|             ⌋
 -1-| 1  0  2   3
|           |-|   |
⌈ 0   0  0  3-- 4-⌉
  0   0  0  0   1--, ⌊|-|           ⌋
|-1- |2| 0   5 |
|| 0  -2- 0  |6-||
|⌈ 0   0  0  -1-|⌉

  0   0  0   0 and ⌊ |-|       ⌋
  1-- 0    0
|     |-|   |
⌈ 0   1-- |0⌉
  0   0   -1-.
The following matrices are not in echelon form (determine the rule(s) that fail).
⌊   |-|       ⌋
 0  -1-  4   2
|             |
⌈0   0  |0-| 0⌉
 0   0  -1-| 1 and ⌊|-|              ⌋
 -1- 1  0   2   3
|              |--|
⌈ 0  0  0  |0| -1-⌉
  0  0  0  -1-  4.

Definition 2.2.13. [Row-Reduced Echelon Form (RREF)] A matrix C is said to be in row-reduced echelon form (RREF)

if C is already in echelon form,
if the pivot of each nonzero row is 1,
if every other entry in each pivotal column is zero.

A matrix in RREF is also called a row-reduced echelon matrix.

Example 2.2.14.

The following matrices are in RREF.
⌊   |-|        ⌋
 0  -1- -0-  - 2
|⌈0   0  |1 | 1 |⌉
 0   0   0   0, ⌊   |-|       ⌋
 0  -1- 3  -0-
|⌈0   0  0  |1||⌉
 0   0  0   0, ⌊|-|           ⌋
 |1|  0   0   5
|--- |-|       |
|| 0  -1- |0-| 6||
|⌈ 0   0  -1-| 2|⌉
  0   0   0   0 and ⌊ |-|             ⌋
  1-- 1  0  0--  0
|⌈ 0   0  0  1 |  0|⌉
            --- |-|
  0   0  0  0   -1-. PICT PICT DRAFT
The following matrices are not in RREF (determine the rule(s) that fail).
⌊   |-|       ⌋
|0  -3- 3  |-0|
⌈0   0  0  -1-⌉
 0   0  0    0, ⌊   |-|       ⌋
|0  -1- 3    0|
⌈0   0  0  |-0⌉
 0   0  0  |1|
           ---, ⌊   |-|      ⌋
|0  -1- 3  |1|
⌈0   0  0  -1⌉
 0   0  0   0.

Let A Mm,n(). We now present an algorithm, commonly known as the Gauss-Jordan Elimination (GJE), to compute the RREF of A.

Input: A.
Output: a matrix B in RREF such that A is row equivalent to B.
Step 1: Put ‘Region’ = A.
Step 2: If all entries in the Region are 0, STOP. Else, in the Region, find the leftmost nonzero column and find its topmost nonzero entry. Suppose this nonzero entry is aij = c (say). Box it. This is a pivot.
Step 3: Interchange the row containing the pivot with the top row of the region. Also, make the pivot entry 1 by dividing this top row by c. Use this pivot to make other entries in the pivotal column as 0.
Step 4: Put Region = the submatrix below and to the right of the current pivot. Now, go to step 2.

Important: The process will stop, as we can get at most min{m,n} pivots.

Example 2.2.15. Apply GJE to ⌊0  2  3  7⌋
|          |
||1  1  1  1||
|⌈1  3  4  8|⌉

 0  0  0  1

Region = A as A0.
Then, E12A = ⌊|-|        ⌋
 |1| 1  1  1
|---        |
|| 0  2  3  7||
|⌈ 1  3  4  8|⌉
  0  0  0  1. Also, E31(-1)E12A = ⌊|-|        ⌋
 |1| 1  1  1
|---        |
|| 0  2  3  7||
|⌈ 0  2  3  7|⌉
  0  0  0  1 = B (say). PICT PICT DRAFT
Now, Region = ⌊       ⌋
|2  3  7|
⌈2  3  7⌉
 0  0  10. Then, E 2(12)B = ⌊|-|          ⌋
 -1- |1|  1  1
|| 0  |1|  3  7||
||    ---  2  2||
⌈ 0   2   3  7⌉
  0   0   0  1 = C(say). Then, E12(-1)E32(-2)C = ⌊|-|      -1- -5⌋
|-1- |0|  2    2|
|| 0  -1-  32    72||
|⌈ 0   0   0    0|⌉

  0   0   0    1 = D(say).
Now, Region = [    ]
 0  0

 0  1. Then, E34D = ⌊ |-|     - 1  -5⌋
| 1-- |0| -2-  -2|
| 0   -1-  32    72|
||              |-||
⌈ 0    0   0   1-⌉
  0    0   0   0. Now, multiply on the left by E13(5
2) and E23(-7-
 2) to get ⌊                ⌋
 |1|  0  - 1   0
|--- |-|  32     |
|| 0  -1-  2   |0|||
|⌈ 0   0   0   -1-|⌉
  0   0   0    0, a matrix in RREF. Thus, A is row equivalent to F, where F = RREF(A) = ⌊ |-|            ⌋
  1-- |0| - 12   0
|| 0   |1|  3    0||
||     ---  2   |-||
⌈ 0    0   0   -1⌉
  0    0   0    0.

Exercise 2.2.16.

Let Ax = b be a linear system of m equations in 2 variables. What are the possible choices for RREF([Ab]), if m 1?
Let A = ⌊                ⌋
||                ||
|       x2       |
|⌈       x3       |⌉
  2x1 - 5x2 + πx3 and B = ⌊  ⌋
||  ||
 0 be two matrices, where x1,x2,x3 are any three row vectors of the same size. Then, prove that RREF(A) = RREF(B).____________
Find the row-reduced echelon form of the following matrices: PICT PICT DRAFT
                                        ⌊                 ⌋
⌊       ⌋  ⌊           ⌋  ⌊          ⌋    - 1 - 1  - 2  3
 0  0  1     0  1  1  3     0   - 1 1   ||                 ||
|⌈1  0  3|⌉ ,|⌈ 0  0  1  3|⌉, |⌈- 2  0   3|⌉ ,|  3   3   - 3 - 3| .
                                        |⌈  1   1    2   2 |⌉
 3  0  7     1  1  0  0    - 5  1   0     - 1 - 1   2  - 2

The proof of the next result is beyond the scope of this book and hence is omitted.

Theorem 2.2.17. Let A and B be two row equivalent matrices in RREF. Then A = B.

As an immediate corollary, we obtain the following important result.

Corollary 2.2.18. The RREF of a matrix A is unique.

Proof. Suppose there exists a matrix A with two different RREFs, say B and C. As the RREFs are obtained by left multiplication of elementary matrices, there exist elementary matrices E1,,Ek and F1,,F such that B = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA and C = F1⋅⋅⋅FA. Let E = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek and F = F1⋅⋅⋅F. Thus, B = EA = EF-1C.

As inverse of an elementary matrix is an elementary matrix, F-1 is a product of elementary matrices and hence, B and C are row equivalent. As B and C are in RREF, using Theorem 2.2.17, B = C. _

Remark 2.2.19. Let A Mm,n(). PICT PICT DRAFT

Then, by Corollary 2.2.18, it’s RREF is unique.
Let A Mm,n(). Then, the uniqueness of RREF implies that RREF(A) is independent of the choice of the row operations used to get the final matrix which is in RREF.
Let B = EA, for some elementary matrix E. Then, RREF(A) = RREF(B).

Proof. Let E1,,Ek and F1,,F be elementary matrices such that RREF(A) = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA and RREF(B) = F1⋅⋅⋅FB. Then,

                                                     -1     -1
RREF  (B ) = F1 ⋅⋅⋅FℓB = (F1 ⋅⋅⋅F ℓ)EA = (F1 ⋅⋅⋅Fℓ)E (Ek  ⋅⋅⋅E1  )RREF (A ).
Thus, the matrices RREF(A) and RREF(B) are row equivalent. Since they are also in RREF by Theorem 2.2.17, RREF(A) = RREF(B). _
Then, there exists an invertible matrix P, a product of elementary matrices, such that PA = RREF(A).

Proof. By definition, RREF(A) = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA, for certain elementary matrices E1,,Ek. Take P = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek. Then, P is invertible (product of invertible matrices is invertible) and PA = RREF(A). _

Let F = RREF(A) and B = [A[:,1],,A[:,s]], for some s n. Then,
RREF  (B ) = [F [:,1],...,F [:,s]].

Proof. By Remark, there exist an invertible matrix P, such that PICT PICT DRAFT

F =  PA =  [P A[:,1],...,PA [:,n]] = [F[:,1],...,F[:,n ]].
Thus, PB = [PA[:,1],,PA[:,s]] = [F[:,1],,F[:,s]]. As F is in RREF, it’s first s columns are also in RREF. Hence, by Corollary 2.2.18, RREF(PB) = [F[:,1],,F[:,s]]. Now, a repeated use of Remark gives RREF(B) = [F[:,1],,F[:,s]]. Thus, the required result follows. _

Example 2.2.20. Consider a linear system Ax = b, where A M3() and A[:,1]0 (recall Example Then, verify that the 7 different choices for [Cd] = RREF([Ab]) are

⌊            ⌋
  1  0  0  d1
|⌈ 0  1  0  d2|⌉

  0  0  1  d3. Here, Ax = b is consistent. The unique solution equals ⌊  ⌋
|⌈ y|⌉

  z = ⌊   ⌋
|⌈ d2|⌉

⌊          ⌋
 1  0  α  0
|⌈0  1  β  0|⌉

 0  0  0  1,⌊           ⌋
  1  α  0  0
|⌈ 0  0  1  0|⌉

  0  0  0  1 or ⌊           ⌋
  1  α  β  0
|⌈ 0  0  0  1|⌉

  0  0  0  0. Here, Ax = b is inconsistent for any choice of α,β as RREF([Ab]) has a row of [0001]. This corresponds to solving 0 x + 0 y + 0 z = 1, an equation which has no solution.
⌊ 1  0  α  d1⌋
|            |
⌈ 0  1  β  d2⌉
  0  0  0  0,⌊1  α  0  d1⌋
|           |
⌈0  0  1  d2⌉
 0  0  0   0 or ⌊1  α  β  d1⌋
|           |
⌈0  0  0   0⌉
 0  0  0   0. Here, Ax = b is consistent and has infinite number of solutions for every choice of α,β as RREF([Ab]) has no row of the form [0001].

PICT PICT DRAFT Proposition 2.2.21. Let A Mn(). Then, A is invertible if and only if RREF(A) = In. That is, every invertible matrix is a product of elementary matrices.

Proof. If RREF(A) = In then In = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek. As Ei’s are invertible, E1-1 = E2⋅⋅⋅EkA, E2-1E1-1 = E3⋅⋅⋅EkA and so on. Finally, one obtains A = Ek-1⋅⋅⋅E1-1. A similar calculation now gives AE1⋅⋅⋅Ek = In. Hence, by definition of invertibility A-1 = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek.

Now, let A be invertible with B = RREF(A) = E1⋅⋅⋅EkA, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek. As A and Ei’s are invertible, the matrix B is invertible. Hence, B doesn’t have any zero row. Thus, all the n rows of B have pivots. Therefore, B has n pivotal columns. As B has exactly n columns, each column is a pivotal column and hence B = In. Thus, the required result follows. _

As a direct application of Proposition 2.2.21 and Remark one obtains the following.

Theorem 2.2.22. Let A Mm,n(). Then, for any invertible matrix S, RREF(SA) = RREF(A).

Proposition 2.2.23. Let A Mn() be an invertible matrix. Then, for any matrix B, define C = [     ]
 A  B and D = [  ]

 B. Then, RREF(C) = [         ]
 In  A-1B and RREF(D) = [  ]


Proof. Using matrix product,

        [             ]   [         ]
A -1C =  A -1A   A-1B   =  In  A- 1B  .
As [         ]
 In  A -1B is in RREF, by Remark, RREF(C) = [         ]

For the second part, note that the matrix X = [           ]
  A -1    0
 - BA -1  In is an invertible matrix. Thus, by Proposition 2.2.21, X is a product of elementary matrices. Now, verify that XD = [  ]
  0. As [  ]
  0 is in RREF, a repeated application of Remark gives the required result. _

As an application of Proposition 2.2.23, we have the following observation.
Let A Mn(). Suppose we start with C = [AIn] and compute RREF(C). If RREF(C) = [GH] then, either G = In or GIn. Thus, if G = In then we must have F = A-1. If GIn then, A is not invertible. We explain this with an example.

Example 2.2.24. Use GJE to find the inverse of A = ⌊       ⌋
|0  0  1|
⌈0  1  1⌉
 1  1  1.
Solution: Applying GJE to [A|I3] = ⌊         |        ⌋
  0  0  1 |1  0  0
|⌈ 0  1  1 |0  1  0 |⌉
  1  1  1 |0  0  1 gives

            ⌊        |       ⌋              ⌊        |         ⌋
        E   |1  1  1 |0  0  1| E13(-1),E23(-2)|1  1  0 |- 1  0  1|
[A|I3]   1→3 ⌈0  1  1 |0  1  0⌉      →       ⌈0  1  0 |- 1  1  0⌉
             0  0  1 |1  0  0                0  0  1 | 1   0  0
        ⌊        |          ⌋
         1  0  0 | 0   - 1 1
E12(→-1)  |⌈0  1  0 |- 1  1   0|⌉.
         0  0  1 | 1   0   0
Thus, A-1 = ⌊           ⌋
  0   - 1  1
|           |
⌈- 1   1   0⌉
  1    0   0.

PICT PICT DRAFT Exercise 2.2.25. Find the inverse of the following matrices using GJE.
(i)⌊1  2  3⌋
|       |
⌈1  3  2⌉
 2  4  7 (ii)⌊ 1 3  3⌋
|       |
⌈ 2 3  2⌉
  2 4  7 (iii)⌊2  1  1⌋
|       |
⌈1  2  1⌉
 1  1  2(iv)⌊0  0  2⌋
|       |
⌈0  2  1⌉
 2  1  1.

2.2.2 Rank of a Matrix

Definition 2.2.26. [Rank of a Matrix] Let A Mm,n(). Then, the rank of A, denoted Rank(A), is the number of pivots in the RREF(A). For example, Rank(In) = n and Rank(0) = 0.

Remark 2.2.27. Before proceeding further, for A Mm,n(), we observe the following.

The number of pivots in the RREF(A) is same as the number of pivots in REF of A. Hence, we need not compute the RREF(A) to determine the rank of A.
Since, the number of pivots cannot be more than the number of rows or the number of columns, one has Rank(A) min{m,n}.
If B = [     ]
  A  0
  0  0 then Rank(B) = Rank(A) as RREF(B) = [            ]
 RREF  (A)  0
     0      0.
If A = [         ]
 A11  A12

 A21  A22 then, by definition
               ([        ])        ([         ])
Rank(A) ≤ Rank   A11  A12   + Rank   A21  A22   .
Further, using Remark 2.2.19,
Rank(A) Rank( [        ])
  A     A
    11   12.
Rank(A) Rank( [        ])
  A21   A22.
Rank(A) Rank( [   ] )

We now illustrate the calculation of the rank by giving a few examples.

Example 2.2.28. Determine the rank of the following matrices.

Let A = [    ]
 1  1
 2  2 and B = [       ]
 - 1  1
  1  - 1. Then, Rank(A) = Rank(B) = 1. Also, verify that AB = 0 and BA = [       ]
  1   1
 - 1  - 1. So, Rank(AB) = 01 = Rank(BA).
Let A = diag(d1,,dn). Then, Rank(A) equals the number of nonzero di’s.
Let A = ⌊             ⌋
 1  2  1  1  1
|             |
⌈2  3  1  2  2⌉
 1  1  0  1  1. Then, Rank(A) = 2 as it’s REF has two pivots.

We now show that the rank doesn’t change if a matrix is multiplied on the left by an invertible matrix.

Lemma 2.2.29. Let A Mm,n(). If S is an invertible matrix then Rank(SA) = Rank(A). PICT PICT DRAFT

Proof. By Theorem 2.2.22, RREF(A) = RREF(SA). Hence, Rank(SA) = Rank(A). _

We now have the following result.

Corollary 2.2.30. Let A Mm,n() and B Mn,q(). Then, Rank(AB) Rank(A).

In particular, if B Mn() is invertible then Rank(AB) = Rank(A).

Proof. Let Rank(A) = r. Then, there exists an invertible matrix P and A1 Mr,n() such that PA = RREF(A) = [  ]

 0. Then, PAB = [   ]

  0B = [    ]

  0. So, using Lemma 2.2.29 and Remark, we get

                              ( [    ] )
Rank(AB ) = Rank(P AB ) = Rank     0     = Rank (A1B  ) ≤ r = Rank(A ).

In particular, if B is invertible then, using Equation (2.2.4), we get

Rank (A ) = Rank(ABB  -1) ≤ Rank (AB )
and hence the required result follows. _

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 2.2.31. Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) = r then, there exist invertible matrices P and Q such that

        [     ]
P AQ  =  Ir  0 .
         0   0

Proof. Let C = RREF(A). Then, by Remark there exists as invertible matrix P such that C = PA. Note that C has r pivots and they appear in columns, say i1 < i2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < ir.

Now, let D = CE1i1E2i2⋅⋅⋅Erir. As Ejij’s are elementary matrices that interchange the columns of C, one has D = [     ]
 Ir  B
 0   0, where B Mr,n-r().

Put Q1 = E1i1E2i2⋅⋅⋅Erir. Then, Q1 is invertible. Let Q2 = [        ]
 Ir  - B
  0  In-r. Then, verify that Q2 is invertible and

                 [     ] [        ]   [     ]
                  Ir  B   Ir  - B      Ir  0
CQ1Q2  = DQ2  =                     =        .
                  0   0   0   In-r     0   0
Thus, if we put Q = Q1Q2 then Q is invertible and PAQ = CQ = CQ1Q2 = [     ]
 Ir  0
 0   0 and hence, the required result follows. _

We now prove the following result.

Proposition 2.2.32. Let A Mn() be an invertible matrix. PICT PICT DRAFT

If A = [       ]
 A1  A2 with A1 Mn,r() and A2 Mn,n-r() then Rank(A1) = r and Rank(A2) = n - r.
If A = [   ]
  B2 with B1 Ms,n() and B2 Mn-s,n() then Rank(B1) = s and Rank(B2) = n - s.

In particular, if B = A[S,:] and C = A[:,T], for some subsets S,T of [n] then Rank(B) = |S| and Rank(C) = |T|.

Proof. Since A is invertible, RREF(A) = In. Hence, by Remark, there exists an invertible matrix P such that PA = In. Thus,

                                       [        ]
[          ]     [      ]               I    0
 P A1  P A2  = P  A1  A2  = P A = In =   r       .
                                         0  In-r
Thus, PA1 = [  ]
  0 and PA2 = [     ]
  In-r. So, using Corollary 2.2.30, Rank(A1) = r. Also, note that [        ]
 0   In- r
 Ir   0 is an invertible matrix and
[        ]       [        ][     ]   [    ]
  0  In-r P A  =   0  In-r    0   =   In-r .
 Ir    0      2   Ir    0    In-r      0
So, again by using Corollary 2.2.30, Rank(A2) = n - r, completing the proof of the first part.

For the second part, let us assume that Rank(B1) = t < s. Then, by Remark, there exists an invertible matrix Q such that

                   [  ]
QB1  = RREF  (B1 ) =  C  ,

for some matrix C, where C is in RREF and has exactly t pivots. Since t < s, QB1 has at least one zero row.

As PA = In, one has AP = In. Hence, [B P ]
 B2P = [B  ]
  B2P = AP = In = [I     0 ]
  0  In-s. Thus,

       [     ]            [       ]
B1P  =  Is  0  and B2P  =  0  In-s .

Further, using Equations (2.2.5) and (2.2.6), we see that

[   ]   [  ]               [     ]   [    ]
 CP   =   C P  = QB  P = Q         =       .
  0       0         1       Is  0     Q  0
Thus, Q has a zero row, contradicting the assumption that Q is invertible. Hence, Rank(B1) = s. Similarly, Rank(B2) = n - s and thus, the required result follows. _

As a direct corollary of Theorem 2.2.31 and Proposition 2.2.32, we have the following result which improves Corollary 2.2.30.


Corollary 2.2.33. Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) = r < n then, there exists an invertible matrix Q and B Mm,r() such that AQ = [    ]
 B  0, where Rank(B) = r.

Proof. By Theorem 2.2.31, there exist invertible matrices P and Q such that PAQ = [     ]
 Ir  0
  0  0. If P-1 = [     ]
 B   C, where B Mm,r() and C Mm,m-r() then,

         [      ]          [     ]
           I  0     [     ] I   0    [     ]
AQ =  P- 1  r    =   B  C    r     =  B  0  .
           0  0             0   0
Now, by Proposition 2.2.32, Rank(B) = r = Rank(A) as the matrix P-1 = [     ]
 B  C is an invertible matrix. Thus, the required result follows. _

As an application of Corollary 2.2.33, we have the following result.

Corollary 2.2.34. Let A Mm,n() and B Mn,p(). Then, Rank(AB) Rank(B).

Proof. Let Rank(B) = r. Then, by Corollary 2.2.33, there exists an invertible matrix Q and a matrix C Mn,r() such that BQ = [     ]
 C   0 and Rank(C) = r. Hence, ABQ = A[    ]
 C  0 = [       ]
 AC    0. Thus, using Corollary 2.2.30 and Remark, we get

                              ([       ])                                         |
Rank(AB ) = Rank(ABQ  ) = Rank  AC    0   = Rank(AC ) ≤ r = Rank(B).

We end this section by relating the rank of the sum of two matrices with sum of their ranks.

Proposition 2.2.35. Let A,B Mm,n(). Then, prove that Rank(A + B) Rank(A) + Rank(B). In particular, if A = i=1kxiyi*, for some xi,yi , for 1 i k, then Rank(A) k.

Proof. Let Rank(A) = r. Then, there exists an invertible matrix P and a matrix A1 Mr,n() such that PA = RREF(A) = [   ]
  0. Then,

                        [   ]  [   ]   [        ]
P (A + B ) = P A + P B = A1  +   B1  =  A1 + B1  .
                          0      B2        B2
Now using Corollary 2.2.30, Remark and the condition Rank(A) = Rank(A1) = r, the number of rows of A1, we have
Rank(A + B ) = Rank(P(A + B )) ≤ r + Rank(B2 ) ≤ r + Rank(B ) = Rank (A) + Rank(B ).
Thus, the required result follows. The other part follows, as Rank(xiyi*) = 1, for 1 i k. _

Exercise 2.2.36. PICT PICT DRAFT

Let A = [       ]
 2  4  8
 1  3  2 and B = [       ]
 1  0  0
 0  1  0. Find P and Q such that B = PAQ.
Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) = r then, prove that A = BC, where Rank(B) = Rank(C) = r, B Mm,r() and C Mr,n(). Now, use matrix product to give the existence of xi m and yi n such that A = i=1rxiyi*.
Let A = i=1kxiyi*, for some xi m and yi n. Then does it imply that Rank(A) k?
Let A be a matrix of rank r. Then, prove that there exist invertible matrices Bi,Ci such that B1A = [       ]
 R1   R2
  0   0,AC1 = [      ]
  S1  0
  S3  0 and B2AC2 = [     ]
 A1  0
  0  0, where the (1,1) block of each matrix has size r × r. Also, prove that A1 is an invertible matrix.
Prove that if Rank(A) = Rank(AB) then A = ABX, for some matrix X. Similarly, if Rank(A) = Rank(BA) then A = Y BA, for some matrix Y . [Hint: Choose invertible matrices P,Q satisfying PAQ = [      ]
  A1  0

  0   0, P(AB) = (PAQ)(Q-1B) = [       ]
 A2   A3

  0   0. Now, find an invertible matrix R such that P(AB)R = [     ]
 C  0

 0  0. Use the above result to show that C is invertible. Then X = R[          ]
 C -1A1   0
    0     0Q-1 gives the required result.]
Let P and Q be invertible matrices. Then, prove that Rank(PAQ) = Rank(A).
Let A be an m × n matrix with m n.
If P is an invertible matrix such that PA = RREF(A) = [      ]
 Im  0 then verify that P(AAT )PT = (PA)(PA)T = Im and hence prove that Rank(A) = Rank(AAT ).
If Q is an invertible matrix such that QAT = RREF(A) = [   ]
  0 then verify that Q(AT A)QT = (QAT )(QAT )T = [I    0]
  0   0 and hence prove that Rank(A) = Rank(AT A).
Generalize the above ideas to prove that if Rank(A) = m then Rank(A) = Rank(AT A) = Rank(AAT ).

2.2.3 Solution set of a Linear System

Definition 2.2.37. [Basic, Free Variables] Consider the linear system Ax = b. If RREF([Ab]) = [Cd]. Then, the variables corresponding to the pivotal columns of C are called the basic variables and the variables that are not basic are called free variables.

Example 2.2.38.

If the system Ax = b in n variables is consistent and RREF(A) has r nonzero rows then, Ax = b has r basic variables and n - r free variables.
Let RREF([Ab]) = ⌊          ⌋
 1  0  0  1
|          |
⌈0  1  1  2⌉
 0  0  0  0. Hence, x and y are basic variables and z is the free variable. Thus, the solution set of Ax = b is given by
{[x,y,z] |[x,y,z] = [1,2- z,z] = [1,2,0] + z[0,- 1,1], with z arbitrary.}
Let RREF([Ab]) = ⌊          ⌋
 1  0  0  0
|⌈0  1  1  0|⌉

 0  0  0  1. Then, the system Ax = b has no solution as (RREF([Ab]))[3,:] = [0001].

We now prove the main result in the theory of linear systems. Before doing so, we look at the following example.

Example 2.2.39. Consider a linear system Ax = b. Suppose RREF([Ab]) = [Cd], where

       ⌊|-|                           ⌋
       |-1- |0| 2  - 1   0   0   2   8|
       || 0  -1- 1   3   |0|  0   5   1||
       || 0   0  0   0   |1|  0  - 1  2||
[Cd ] = |                --- |-|       | .
       || 0   0  0   0    0  -1-  1   4||
       |⌈ 0   0  0   0    0   0   0   0|⌉
         0   0  0   0    0   0   0   0
Then to get the solution set, we observe the following.
C has 4 pivotal columns, namely, the columns 1,2,5 and 6. Thus, x1,x2,x5 and x6 are basic variables.
Hence, the remaining variables, x3,x4 and x7 are free variables.

Therefore, the solution set is given by

PICT PICT DRAFT ⌊x1⌋   ⌊ 8- 2x3 + x4 - 2x7⌋   ⌊ 8⌋     ⌊- 2⌋     ⌊  1⌋      ⌊- 2⌋
|  |   |                  |   |  |     |   |     |   |      |   |
||x2||   || 1- x3 - 3x4 - 5x7||   || 1||     ||- 1||     || - 3||     ||- 5||
||x3||   ||        x3        ||   || 0||     || 1 ||     ||  0||      || 0 ||
||x || = ||        x         || = || 0||+ x3 || 0 || + x4||  1|| + x7 || 0 || ,
|| 4||   ||          4       ||   ||  ||     ||   ||     ||   ||      ||   ||
|x5|   |       2+ x7      |   | 2|     | 0 |     |  0|      | 1 |
|⌈x6|⌉   |⌈       4- x7      |⌉   |⌈ 4|⌉     |⌈ 0 |⌉     |⌈  0|⌉      |⌈- 1|⌉
 x              x               0        0          0         1
  7               7
where x3,x4 and x7 are arbitrary.
Let x0 = ⌊ 8⌋
|  |
|| 1||
|| 0||
|| 0||
|  |
|| 2||
|⌈ 4|⌉

  0,u1 = ⌊- 2⌋
|   |
||- 1||
|| 1 ||
|| 0 ||
|   |
|| 0 ||
|⌈ 0 |⌉

  0,u2 = ⌊  1⌋
|   |
|| - 3||
||  0||
||  1||
|   |
||  0||
|⌈  0|⌉

   0 and u3 = ⌊ - 2⌋
|    |
|| - 5||
||  0 ||
||  0 ||
|    |
||  1 ||
|⌈ - 1|⌉

   1. In this example, verify that Cx0 = d, and for 1 i 3, Cui = 0. Hence, it follows that Ax0 = d, and for 1 i 3, Aui = 0.

Theorem 2.2.40. Let Ax = b be a linear system in n variables with RREF([Ab]) = [Cd] with Rank(A) = r and Rank([Ab]) = ra.

Then, the system Ax = b is inconsistent if r < ra
Then, the system Ax = b is consistent if r = ra.
Further, Ax = b has a unique solution if r = n.
Further, Ax = b has infinite number of solutions if r < n. In this case, there exist vectors x0,u1,,un-r n with Ax0 = b and Aui = 0, for 1 i n - r. Furthermore, the solution set is given by PICT PICT DRAFT
{x0 + k1u1 + k2u2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ kn-run -r|ki ∈ ℂ,1 ≤ i ≤ n - r}.

Proof. Part 1: As r < ra, by Remark ([Cd])[r + 1,:] = [0T 1]. Note that this row corresponds to the linear equation

0⋅ x1 + 0 ⋅x2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ 0 ⋅xn = 1
which clearly has no solution. Thus, by definition and Theorem 2.1.17, Ax = b is inconsistent.

Part 2: As r = ra, by Remark, [Cd] doesn’t have a row of the form [0T 1]. Further, the number of pivots in [Cd] and that in C is same, namely, r pivots. Suppose the pivots appear in columns i1,,ir with 1 i1 < ⋅⋅⋅ < ir n. Thus, the variables xij, for 1 j r, are basic variables and the remaining n-r variables, say xt1,,xtn-r, are free variables with t1 < ⋅⋅⋅ < tn-r. Since C is in RREF, in terms of the free variables and basic variables, the -th row of [Cd], for 1 r, corresponds to the equation

     n∑-r                        n∑-r
xiℓ +    cℓtkxtk = dℓ ⇔ xiℓ = dℓ -   cℓtkxtk.
     k=1                        k=1
Thus, the system Cx = d is consistent. Hence, by Theorem 2.1.17 the system Ax = b is consistent and the solution set of the system Ax = b and Cx = d are the same. Therefore, the solution set of the system Cx = d (or equivalently Ax = b) is given by
          ⌊     n- r      ⌋
⌊     ⌋     d1 - ∑  c1t xt     ⌊  ⌋      ⌊   ⌋      ⌊    ⌋            ⌊      ⌋
   xi1     ||     k=1   k  k||    d1        c1t1       c1t2               c1tn-r
||   .. ||   ||       ..       ||   || ..||      ||  ..||      ||  .. ||            ||   ..  ||
||   . ||   ||       .       ||   || .||      ||  .||      ||  . ||            ||   .  ||
||  xir ||   | d - n-∑ rc  x  |   ||dr||      ||crt1||      ||crt2||            || crtn-r||
||  x  || = ||  r  k=1  rtk tk|| = || 0|| + xt || 1 || + xt ||  0 ||+  ⋅⋅⋅+  xt  ||   0  ||.
||   t1 ||   ||      xt       ||   ||  ||     1||   ||     2||    ||         n-r||      ||
|  xt2 |   ||        1      ||   | 0|      | 0 |      |  1 |            |   0  |
||   .. ||   ||      xt2      ||   || ..||      ||  ..||      ||  .. ||            ||   ..  ||
⌈   . ⌉   |       ...       |   ⌈ .⌉      ⌈  .⌉      ⌈  . ⌉            ⌈   .  ⌉
  xtn-r    ⌈               ⌉     0         0           0                  1

Part 2a: As r = n, there are no free variables. Hence, xi = di, for 1 i n, is the unique solution.

Part 2b: Define x0 = ⌊   ⌋
| d1|
|| .. ||
| . |
|| dr||
|| 0 ||
||   ||
|| 0 ||
| ... |
⌈   ⌉
  0 and u1 = ⌊    ⌋
||  .. ||
|  . |
|| 1  ||
||    ||
|| 0  ||
|  ... |
⌈    ⌉
  0,,un-r = ⌊     ⌋
||  ..  ||
|  .  |
||  0  ||
||     ||
||  0  ||
|  ...  |
⌈     ⌉
   1. Then, it can be easily verified that Ax0 = b and, for 1 i n - r, Aui = 0. Also, by Equation (2.2.7) the solution set has indeed the required form, where ki corresponds to the free variable xti. As there is at least one free variable the system has infinite number of solutions. Thus, the proof of the theorem is complete. _

Exercise 2.2.41. Consider the linear system given below. Use GJE to find the RREF of it’s augmented matrix. Now, use the technique used in the previous theorem to find the solution of the linear system PICT PICT DRAFT

x  +y      - 2u  +v          = 2
        z   +u   +2v         = 3
                  v    +w    = 3

                  v   +2w    = 5

Let A Mm,n(). Then, Rank(A) m. Thus, using Theorem 2.2.40 the next result follows.

Corollary 2.2.42. Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) = r < min{m,n} then Ax = 0 has infinitely many solutions. In particular, if m < n, then Ax = 0 has infinitely many solutions. Hence, in either case, the homogeneous system Ax = 0 has at least one non-trivial solution.

Remark 2.2.43. Let A Mm,n(). Then, Theorem 2.2.40 implies that Ax = b is consistent if and only if Rank(A) = Rank([Ab]). Further, the vectors associated to the free variables in Equation (2.2.7) are solutions to the associated homogeneous system Ax = 0.

We end this subsection with some applications.

Example 2.2.44.

Determine the equation of the line/circle that passes through the points (-1,4),(0,1) and (1,4).
Solution: The general equation of a line/circle in Euclidean plane is given by a(x2 + y2) + bx + cy + d = 0, where a,b,c and d are variables. Since this curve passes through the given points, we get a homogeneous system in 3 equations and 4 variables, PICT PICT DRAFT namely ⌊    2    2          ⌋
|(- 1) + 4  - 1  4  1|
⌈ (0)2 + 12   0   1  1⌉
   12 + 42   1   4  1⌊ ⌋
|| ||
 d = 0. Solving this system, we get [a,b,c,d] = [-3
13d,d]. Hence, choosing d = 13, the required circle is given by 3(x2 +y2)-16y + 13 = 0.
Determine the equation of the plane that contains the points (1,1,1),(1,3,2) and (2,-1,2).
Solution: The general equation of a plane in space is given by ax + by + cz + d = 0, where a,b,c and d are variables. Since this plane passes through the 3 given points, we get a homogeneous system in 3 equations and 4 variables. So, it has a non-trivial solution, namely [a,b,c,d] = [-4
3d,d]. Hence, choosing d = 3, the required plane is given by -4x - y + 2z + 3 = 0.
Let A = ⌊         ⌋
 2   3   4
|⌈0  - 1  0|⌉

 0  - 3  4. Then, find a non-trivial solution of Ax = 2x. Does there exist a nonzero vector y 3 such that Ay = 4y?
Solution: Solving for Ax = 2x is equivalent to solving (A - 2I)x = 0. The augmented matrix of this system equals ⌊            ⌋
|0   3   4  0|
⌈0  - 3  0  0⌉
 0   4   2  0. Verify that xT = [1,0,0] is a nonzero solution. For the other part, the augmented matrix for solving (A - 4I)y = 0 equals ⌊             ⌋
 - 2   3  4  0
|⌈ 0   - 5 0  0|⌉
  0   - 3 0  0. Thus, verify that yT = [2,0,1] is a nonzero solution.

Exercise 2.2.45.

Let A Mn(). If A2x = 0 has a non trivial solution then show that Ax = 0 also has a non trivial solution.
Prove that 5 distinct points are needed to specify a general conic, namely, ax2 + by2 + cxy + dx + ey + f = 0, in the Euclidean plane. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let u = (1,1,-2)T and v = (-1,2,3)T . Find condition on x,y and z such that the system cu + dv = (x,y,z)T in the variables c and d is consistent.
For what values of c and k, the following systems have i) no solution, ii) a unique solution and iii) infinite number of solutions.
x + y + z = 3,x + 2y + cz = 4,2x + 3y + 2cz = k.
x + y + z = 3,x + y + 2cz = 7,x + 2y + 3cz = k.
x + y + 2z = 3,x + 2y + cz = 5,x + 2y + 4z = k.
Find the condition(s) on x,y,z so that the systems given below (in the variables a,b and c) is consistent?
a + 2b - 3c = x,2a + 6b - 11c = y,a - 2b + 7c = z.
a + b + 5c = x,a + 3c = y,2a - b + 4c = z.
Determine the equation of the curve y = ax2 + bx + c that passes through the points (-1,4),(0,1) and (1,4).
Solve the linear systems
x + y + z + w = 0,x - y + z + w = 0 and -x + y + 3z + 3w = 0, and
x + y + z = 3,x + y - z = 1,x + y + 4z = 6 and x + y - 4z = -1.
For what values of a, does the following systems have i) no solution, ii) a unique solution and iii) infinite number of solutions.
x + 2y + 3z = 4,2x + 5y + 5z = 6,2x + (a2 - 6)z = a + 20.
x + y + z = 3,2x + 5y + 4z = a,3x + (a2 - 8)z = 12.
Consider the linear system Ax = b in m equations and 3 variables. Then, for each of the given solution set, determine the possible choices of m? Further, for each choice of m, determine a choice of A and b. PICT PICT DRAFT
(1,1,1)T is the only solution.
{(1,1,1)T + c(1,2,1)T |c } as the solution set.
{c(1,2,1)T |c } as the solution set.
{(1,1,1)T + c(1,2,1)T + d(2,2,-1)T |c,d } as the solution set.
{c(1,2,1)T + d(2,2,-1)T |c,d } as the solution set.

2.3 Square Matrices and Linear Systems

In this section the coefficient matrix of the linear system Ax = b will be a square matrix. We start with proving a few equivalent conditions that relate different ideas.

Theorem 2.3.1. Let A Mn(). Then, the following statements are equivalent.

A is invertible.
RREF(A) = In.
A is a product of elementary matrices.
The homogeneous system Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution.
Rank(A) = n.

Proof. 1 2   Already done in Proposition 2.2.21.

2 3   Again, done in Proposition 2.2.21. PICT PICT DRAFT

3 =⇒4   Let A = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek. Then, by previous equivalence A is invertible. So, A-1 exists and A-1A = In. Hence, if x0 is any solution of the homogeneous system Ax = 0 then,

               - 1        - 1         - 1
x0 = In ⋅x0 = (A  A)x0 = A   (Ax0 ) = A   0 = 0.
Thus, 0 is the only solution of the homogeneous system Ax = 0.

4 =⇒5   Let if possible Rank(A) = r < n. Then, by Corollary 2.2.42, the homogeneous system Ax = 0 has infinitely many solution. A contradiction. Thus, A has full rank.

5 =⇒2   Suppose Rank(A) = n. So, RREF(A) has n pivotal columns. But, RREF(A) has exactly n columns and hence each column is a pivotal column. Thus, RREF(A) = In. _

We end this section by giving two more equivalent conditions for a matrix to be invertible.

Theorem 2.3.2. The following statements are equivalent for A Mn().

A is invertible.
The system Ax = b has a unique solution for every b.
The system Ax = b is consistent for every b.

Proof. 1 =⇒2  Note that x0 = A-1b is the unique solution of Ax = b.

2 =⇒3   The system is consistent as Ax = b has a solution.

3 =⇒1   For 1 i n, define eiT = In[i,:]. By assumption, the linear system Ax = ei has a solution, say xi, for 1 i n. Define a matrix B = [x1,,xn]. Then,

PICT PICT DRAFT AB  = A [x1,x2...,xn] = [Ax1, Ax2 ...,Axn ] = [e1,e2 ...,en ] = In.
Therefore, n = Rank(In) = Rank(AB) Rank(A) and hence Rank(A) = n. Thus, by Theorem 2.3.1, A is invertible. _

We now give an immediate application of Theorem 2.3.2 and Theorem 2.3.1 without proof.

Theorem 2.3.3. The following two statements cannot hold together for A Mn().

The system Ax = b has a unique solution for every b.
The system Ax = 0 has a non-trivial solution.

As an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.3.1, the readers should prove that one needs to compute either the left or the right inverse to prove invertibility of A Mn().

Corollary 2.3.4. Let A Mn(). Then, the following holds.

Suppose there exists C such that CA = In. Then, A-1 exists.
Suppose there exists B such that AB = In. Then, A-1 exists.

Exercise 2.3.5.

Let A be a square matrix. Then, prove that A is invertible AT is invertible AT A is invertible AAT is invertible. PICT PICT DRAFT
[Theorem of the Alternative] The following two statements cannot hold together for A Mn() and b n.
The system Ax = b has a solution.
The system yT A = 0T ,yT b0 has a solution.
Let A and B be two matrices having positive entries and of orders 1 ×n and n× 1, respectively. Which of BA or AB is invertible? Give reasons.
Let A Mn,m() and B Mn,m().
Then, prove that I - BA is invertible if and only if I - AB is invertible [use Theorem].
If I - AB is invertible then, prove that (I - BA)-1 = I + B(I - AB)-1A.
If I - AB is invertible then, prove that (I - BA)-1B = B(I - AB)-1.
If A,B and A + B are invertible then, prove that (A-1 + B-1)-1 = A(A + B)-1B.
Let bT = [1,2,-1,-2]. Suppose A is a 4 × 4 matrix such that the linear system Ax = b has no solution. Mark each of the statements given below as true or false?
The homogeneous system Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution.
The matrix A is invertible.
Let cT = [-1,-2,1,2]. Then, the system Ax = c has no solution.
Let B = RREF(A). Then,
B[4,:] = [0,0,0,0].
B[4,:] = [0,0,0,1].
B[3,:] = [0,0,0,0]. PICT PICT DRAFT
B[3,:] = [0,0,0,1].
B[3,:] = [0,0,1], where α is any real number.

2.3.1 Determinant

In this section, we associate a number with each square matrix. To start with, recall the notations used in Section 1.3.1. Then, for A = ⌊       ⌋
 1  2  3
|       |
⌈1  3  2⌉
 2  4  7, A(1|2) = [    ]
 1  2
 2  7 and A({1,2}|{1,3}) = [4].

With the notations as above, we are ready to give an inductive definition of the determinant of a square matrix. The advanced students can find an alternate definition of the determinant in Appendix 9.2.22, where it is proved that the definition given below corresponds to the expansion of determinant along the first row.

Definition 2.3.6. Let A be a square matrix of order n. Then, the determinant of A, denoted det(A) (or |A|) is defined by

         |{ a,                        if A = [a](corresponds to n = 1),
det(A ) =    n∑     1+j
         |(    (- 1)  a1j det(A (1|j)),           otherwise.

PICT PICT DRAFT Example 2.3.7.

Let A = [-2]. Then, det(A) = |A| = -2.
Let A = [    ]
 a  b
 c  d. Then, det(A) = |A| = adet(A(1|1)) - bdet(A(1|2)) = ad - bc. For example, if A = [    ]
 1  2
 3  5 then det(A) = ||   ||
||1  2||
|3  5| = 1 5 - 2 3 = -1.
Let A = [aij] be a 3 × 3 matrix. Then,
det(A ) = |A | =  a11d|et(A(1|1|)) - a1|2det(A(1||2)) + a|13det(A(|1|3))
                    ||a22  a23||     ||a21  a23||     ||a21  a22||
             =   a11|       |- a12|        |+ a13|       |
                    |a32  a33|     |a31  a33|     |a31  a32|
             =   a11(a22a33 - a23a32)- a12(a21a33 - a31a23)+ a13(a21a32 - a31a22).
For A = ⌊1  2  3⌋
|       |
⌈2  3  1⌉
 1  2  2, |A| = 1 |   |
||3  1||
||2  2|| - 2 |    |
||2 1 ||
||1 2 || + 3 |    |
||2  3||
||1  2|| = 4 - 2(3) + 3(1) = 1.

Exercise 2.3.8. Find the determinant of the following matrices.
i)⌊          ⌋
  1 2  7  8
|| 0 4  3  2||
||          ||
⌈ 0 0  2  3⌉
  0 0  0  5ii)⌊            ⌋
 3   0   0  1
||0   2   0  5||
||            ||
⌈6  - 7  1  0⌉
 3   2   0  6iii)⌊       2⌋
 1  a  a
|⌈1  b  b2|⌉
 1  c  c2.

PICT PICT DRAFT Definition 2.3.9. [Singular, Non-Singular Matrices] A matrix A is said to be a singular if det(A) = 0 and is called non-singular if det(A)0.

The next result relates the determinant with row operations. For proof, see Appendix 9.3.

Theorem 2.3.10. Let A be an n × n matrix.

If B = EijA, for 1 ij n, then det(B) = -det(A).
If B = Ei(c)A, for c0,1 i n, then det(B) = cdet(A).
If B = Eij(c)A, for c0 and 1 ij n, then det(B) = det(A).
If A[i,:]T = 0, for 1 i,j n then det(A) = 0.
If A[i,:] = A[j,:] for 1 ij n then det(A) = 0.
If A is a triangular matrix with d1,,dn on the diagonal then det(A) = d1⋅⋅⋅dn.

As det(In) = 1, we have the following result.

Corollary 2.3.11. Fix a positive integer n.

Then, det(Eij) = -1.
If c0 then, det(Ek(c)) = c.
If c0 then, det(Eij(c)) = 1.

Example 2.3.12. Since ||2  2  6||
||       ||
||1  3  2||
|1  1  2|   1-
E1(2 )
  →||1  1  3||
||      ||
||1  3  2||
|1  1  2|E21(-1),E31(-1)
     →||1  1   3 ||
||        ||
||0  2  - 1||
|0  0  - 1|, using Theorem 2.3.10, we see that, for A = ⌊       ⌋
|2  2  6|
⌈1  3  2⌉
 1  1  2, det(A) = 2 (1 2 (-1)) = -4, where the first 2 appears from the elementary matrix E1(1

Exercise 2.3.13. Prove the following without computing the determinant (use Theorem 2.3.10).

Let A = [             ]
u   v  2u + 3v, where u,v 3. Then, det(A) = 0.
Let A = ⌊ a  b  c⌋
|        |
⌈ e  f  g⌉
  h  j  ℓ,B = ⌊ a   b    c⌋
|           |
⌈ e   f   g ⌉
 αh   αj  αℓ and CT = ⌊ a  e  αa + βe + h⌋
|                  |
⌈ b  f  αb + βf + j⌉
  c  g  αc + βg + ℓ for some complex numbers α and β. Then, det(B) = α det(A) and det(C) = det(A).

By Theorem det(In) = 1. The next result about the determinant of elementary matrices is an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.3.10 and hence the proof is omitted.

Remark 2.3.14. Theorem implies that the determinant can be calculated by expanding along any row. Hence, the readers are advised to verify that PICT PICT DRAFT

         ∑       k+j
det(A ) =   (- 1)   akj det(A (k|j)), for 1 ≤ k ≤ n.

Example 2.3.15. Using Remark 2.3.14, one has
|         |
||2  2  6  1||
||         ||
|0  0  2  1|
||0  1  2  0||
||1  2  1  1|| = (-1)2+3 2 |      |
||2  2  1||
||0  1  0||
||      ||
1  2  1 + (-1)2+4 |       |
||2  2  6||
||0  1  2||
||       ||
 1  2  1 = -2 1 + (-8) = -10.

2.3.2 Adjugate (classical Adjoint) of a Matrix

Definition 2.3.16. Let A Mn(). Then, the cofactor matrix, denoted Cof(A), is an Mn() matrix with Cof(A) = [Cij], where

Cij = (- 1)  det(A (i|j)), for 1 ≤ i,j ≤ n.
And, the Adjugate (classical Adjoint) of A, denoted Adj(A), equals CofT (A). PICT PICT DRAFT

Example 2.3.17. Let A = ⌊        ⌋
  1  2  3
|⌈ 2  3  1|⌉

  1  2  4.

                      ⌊              ⌋
               T      |C11  C21   C31|
Adj(A ) =   Cof (A) = ⌈C12  C22   C32⌉
                       C13  C23   C33
            ⌊                                                          ⌋
             (- 1)1+1 det(A (1|1 ))  (- 1 )2+1 det(A (2|1)) (- 1)3+1 det(A (3|1))
        =   |⌈(- 1)1+2 det(A (1|2 ))  (- 1 )2+2 det(A (2|2)) (- 1)3+2 det(A (3|2))|⌉
                 1+3                 2+3                 3+3
             (- 1)   det(A (1|3 ))  (- 1 )  det(A (2|3))  (- 1)   det(A (3|3))
            ⌊10   - 2 - 7⌋
            |            |
        =   ⌈- 7   1   5 ⌉ .
              1    0  - 1
Now, verify that AAdj(A) = ⌊             ⌋
| - 1  0    0 |
⌈  0  - 1   0 ⌉
   0   0   - 1 = ⌊                       ⌋
|det(A )    0       0   |
⌈   0    det(A )    0   ⌉
    0       0    det(A ) = Adj(A)A.
Consider xI3 - A = ⌊                  ⌋
 x - 1   - 2   - 3
|                  |
⌈ - 2   x- 3   - 1 ⌉
  - 1    - 2  x - 4. Then,
                ⌊              ⌋   ⌊                                     ⌋
                  C11  C21  C31      x2 - 7x + 10    2x- 2       3x - 7
Adj(xI - A)  =  |⌈ C12  C22  C32|⌉ = |⌈    2x- 7     x2 - 5x + 1    x + 5   |⌉
                  C13  C⌊23  C33      ⌋  x + 1         2x       x - 4x - 1
                         - 7  2    3
                  2    |             |             2
             =  x  I + x⌈ 2  - 5   1 ⌉+ Adj (A) = x I + Bx + C (say).
                          1   2   - 4
Hence, we observe that Adj(xI - A) = x2I + Bx + C is a polynomial in x with coefficients as matrices. Also, note that (xI - A)Adj(xI - A) = (x3 - 8x2 + 10x - det(A))I3. Thus, we see that
          2                 3    2
(xI - A )(x I + Bx + C ) = (x  - 8x  + 10x - det(A ))I3.
That is, we have obtained a matrix equality and hence, replacing x by A makes sense. But, then the LHS is 0. So, for the RHS to be zero, we must have A3 - 8A2 + 10A - det(A)I = 0 (this equality is famously known as the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem).

The next result relates adjugate matrix with the inverse, in case det(A)0.

Theorem 2.3.18. Let A Mn().

Then, j=1naijCij = j=1naij(-1)i+j det(A(i|j)) = det(A), for 1 i n.
Then, j=1naijCℓj = j=1naij(-1)i+j det(A(|j)) = 0, for i.
Thus, A(Adj(A)) = det(A)In. Hence,
wheneverdet(A ) ⁄= 0 one has A-1 =---1---Adj(A).
                                 det(A )

Proof. Part 1: It follows directly from Remark 2.3.14 and the definition of the cofactor.

Part 2: Fix positive integers i,ℓ with 1 in and let B = [bij] be a square matrix with B[ℓ,:] = A[i,:] and B[t,:] = A[t,:], for t. As i, B[ℓ,:] = B[i,:] and thus, by Theorem, det(B) = 0. As A(|j) = B(|j), for 1 j n, using Remark 2.3.14

                n                         n
0 = det(B )  =  ∑  (- 1)ℓ+jb  det(B(ℓ|j)) = ∑  (- 1 )ℓ+ja det(B(ℓ|j))
                          ℓj                        ij
               j=n1                       j=n1
               ∑       ℓ+j                ∑
            =     (- 1)  aij det(A(ℓ|j)) =   aijCℓj.                  (2.3.2)
               j=1                       j=1
This completes the proof of Part 2.

Part 3: Using Equation (2.3.2) and Remark 2.3.14, observe that

               ∑n                 ∑n               0,     if i ⁄= j,
[A(Adj (A ))]ij =    aik(Adj(A ))kj =    aikCjk =    det(A ),  if i = j.
               k=1                k=1
src= PICT DRAFT " class="math-display" >
Thus, A(Adj(A)) = det(A)In. Therefore, if det(A)0 then A(            )
 --1--Adj (A)
 det(A) = In. Hence, by Proposition 2.2.21, A-1 = --1--
det(A)Adj(A). _

Example 2.3.19. For A = ⌊         ⌋
 1  - 1  0
|⌈0   1   1|⌉

 1   2   1, Adj(A) = ⌊            ⌋
  - 1  1   - 1
|⌈ 1    1   - 1|⌉

  - 1 - 3   1 and det(A) = -2. Thus, by Theorem, A-1 = ⌊                  ⌋
  1∕2   - 1∕2   1∕2
|⌈- 1∕2  - 1∕2   1∕2|⌉

  1∕2    3∕2   - 1∕2.

Let A be a non-singular matrix. Then, by Theorem, A-1 = --1--
det(A)Adj(A). Thus A(Adj(A)) = (Adj(A))A = det(A)In and this completes the proof of the next result

Corollary 2.3.20. Let A be a non-singular matrix. Then,

 n          {
∑  C  a  =    det(A),  if j = k,
     ik ij        0,    if j ⁄= k.

The next result gives another equivalent condition for a square matrix to be invertible.

Theorem 2.3.21. A square matrix A is non-singular if and only if A is invertible. PICT PICT DRAFT

Proof. Let A be non-singular. Then, det(A)0 and hence A-1 = --1--
det(A )Adj(A).

Now, let us assume that A is invertible. Then, using Theorem 2.3.1, A = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek, a product of elementary matrices. Also, by Corollary 2.3.11, det(Ei)0, for 1 i k. Thus, a repeated application of Parts 1,2 and 3 of Theorem 2.3.10 gives det(A)0. _

The next result relates the determinant of a matrix with the determinant of its transpose. Thus, the determinant can be computed by expanding along any column as well.

Theorem 2.3.22. Let A be a square matrix. Then, det(A) = det(AT ).

Proof. If A is a non-singular, Corollary 2.3.20 gives det(A) = det(AT ).

If A is singular then, by Theorem 2.3.21, A is not invertible. So, AT is also not invertible and hence by Theorem 2.3.21, det(AT ) = 0 = det(A). _

The next result relates the determinant of product of two matrices with their determinants.

Theorem 2.3.23. Let A and B be square matrices of order n. Then,

det(AB ) = det(A) ⋅det(B ) = det(BA  ).

Proof. Case 1: Let A be non-singular. Then, by Theorem, A is invertible and by Theorem 2.3.1, A = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek, a product of elementary matrices. Thus, a repeated application of Parts 1,2 and 3 of Theorem 2.3.10 gives the desired result as

PICT PICT DRAFT det(AB )  =  det(E1 ⋅⋅⋅EkB ) = det(E1 )det(E2 ⋅⋅⋅EkB ) = det(E1)det(E2)det(E3 ⋅⋅⋅EkB )
          =  ⋅⋅⋅ = det(E1 )⋅⋅⋅det(Ek )det(B) = ⋅⋅⋅ = det(E1E2 ⋅⋅⋅Ek )det(B )

          =  det(A )det(B).

Case 2: Let A be singular. Then, by Theorem 2.3.21 A is not invertible. So, by Proposition 2.2.21 there exists an invertible matrix P such that PA = [   ]
  0. So, A = P-1[   ]
  0. As P is invertible, using Part 1, we have

                ( (     [  ] )  )       (     [    ])                 ([     ])
                     - 1 C1                - 1 C1B            -1         C1B
det(AB )  =  det    P          B   = det  P            = det(P   ) ⋅det
                          0                     0                         0
          =  det(P) ⋅0 = 0 = 0 ⋅det(B) = det(A)det(B ).
Thus, the proof of the theorem is complete. _

Example 2.3.24. Let A be an orthogonal matrix then, by definition, AAT = I. Thus, by Theorems 2.3.23 and 2.3.22

1 = det(I) = det(AAT  ) = det(A) det(AT ) = det(A )det(A) = (det(A))2.
Hence detA = ±1. In particular, if A = [    ]
 a  b
 c  d then I = AAT = [               ]
 a2 + b2  ac+ bd
 ac + bd  c2 + d2. PICT PICT DRAFT
Thus, a2 + b2 = 1 and hence there exists θ [-pi,π) such that a = cosθ and b = sinθ.
As ac + bd = 0, we get c = r sinθ and d = -r cosθ, for some r . But, c2 + d2 = 1 implies that either c = sinθ and d = -cosθ or c = -sinθ and d = cosθ.
Thus, A = [            ]
 cosθ   sinθ
 sinθ  - cosθ or A = [            ]
  cosθ   sin θ
 - sin θ  cosθ.
For A = [            ]
 cosθ   sin θ
 sin θ  - cosθ, det(A) = -1. Then A represents a reflection across the line y = mx. Determine m? (see Exercise 2.2b).
For A = [ cosθ   sin θ]

 - sin θ  cosθ, det(A) = 1. Then A represents a rotation through the angle α. Determine α? (see Exercise 2.2a).

Exercise 2.3.25.

Let A Mn() be an upper triangular matrix with nonzero entries on the diagonal. Then, prove that A-1 is also an upper triangular matrix.___________________________________
Let A Mn(). Then, det(A) = 0 if
either A[i,:]T = 0T or A[:,i] = 0, for some i,1 i n,
or A[i,:] = cA[j,:], for some c and for some ij,
or A[:,i] = cA[:,j], for some c and for some ij,
or A[i,:] = c1A[j1,:] + c2A[j2,:] + ⋅⋅⋅ + ckA[jk,:], for some rows i,j1,,jk of A and some ci’s in ,
or A[:,i] = c1A[:,j1] + c2A[:,j2] + ⋅⋅⋅ + ckA[:,jk], for some columns i,j1,,jk of A and some ci’s in .
Let A = ⌊        ⌋
  a  b  c
|⌈ e  f  g|⌉

  h  j  ℓ and B = ⌊                    ⌋
  a  e  102a + 10e+ h
|⌈ b  f  102b+  10f + j|⌉
  c  g  10 c + 10g + ℓ, where a,b,ℓ . Without computing deduce that det(A) = det(B). Hence, conclude that 17 divides |      |
||3  1  1||
||4  8  1||
|      |
|0  7  9|.

2.3.3 Cramer’s Rule

Let A be a square matrix. Then, combining Theorem 2.3.2 and Theorem 2.3.21, one has the following result.

Corollary 2.3.26. Let A be a square matrix. Then, the following statements are equivalent:

A is invertible.
The linear system Ax = b has a unique solution for every b.

Thus, Ax = b has a unique solution for every b if and only if det(A)0. The next theorem gives a direct method of finding the solution of the linear system Ax = b when det(A)0.

Theorem 2.3.27 (Cramer’s Rule). Let A be an n × n non-singular matrix. Then, the unique solution of the linear system Ax = b with xT = [x1,,xn] is given by PICT PICT DRAFT

xj = det(A-) , for j = 1,2,...,n,
where Aj is the matrix obtained from A by replacing A[:,j] by b.

Proof. Since det(A)0, A is invertible. Thus, there exists an invertible matrix P such that PA = In and P[A|b] = [I|Pb]. Then A-1 = P. Let d = Pb = A-1b. Then, Ax = b has the unique solution xj = dj, for 1 j n. Also, [e1,,en] = I = PA = [PA[:,1],,PA[:,n]]. Thus,

P Aj  =   P[A[:,1],...,A[:,j - 1],b, A[:,j + 1],...,A [:,n]]
      =   [P A[:,1],...,PA [:,j - 1],P b,P A[:,j + 1],...,P A[:,n ]]

      =   [e1,...,ej-1,d,ej+1,...,en].
Thus, det(PAj) = dj, for 1 j n. Also, dj = dj-
 1 = det(PAj-)
det(P A) = det(P-)det(Aj)-
det(P) det(A ) = det(Aj)
 det(A ). Hence, xj = det(Aj)
 det(A ) and the required result follows. _

Example 2.3.28. Solve Ax = b using Cramer’s rule, where A = ⌊        ⌋
  1  2  3
|⌈ 2  3  1|⌉

  1  2  2 and b = ⌊ ⌋

Solution: Check that det(A) = 1 and xT = [-1,1,0] as

PICT PICT DRAFT      |       |          |       |              |       |
     |1  2 3 |          |1  1  3|              |1  2  1|
     ||       ||          ||       ||              ||       ||
x1 = ||1  3 1 ||= - 1,x2 = ||2 1  1||=  1, and x3 = ||2 3  1||= 0.
     |1  2 2 |          |1  1  2|              |1  2  1|

2.4 Miscellaneous Exercises

Exercise 2.4.1.

Let A be a unitary matrix then what can you say about det(A)?
Let A Mn(). Prove that the following statements are equivalent:
A is not invertible.
det(A) = 0.
A is not row-equivalent to In.
The homogeneous system Ax = 0 has a non-trivial solution.
The system Ax = b is either inconsistent or it has an infinite number of solutions.
A is not a product of elementary matrices.
Let A be a Hermitian matrix. Prove that detA is a real number.
Let A Mn(). Then, A is invertible if and only if Adj(A) is invertible. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A and B be invertible matrices. Prove that Adj(AB) = Adj(B)Adj(A).
Let A be an invertible matrix and let P = [     ]
 A   B

 C   D. Then, show that Rank(P) = n if and only if D = CA-1B._____________________________________________________________________
Let A be a 2 × 2 matrix with tr(A) = 0 and det(A) = 0. Then, A is a nilpotent matrix.
Determine necessary and sufficient condition for a triangular matrix to be invertible.
Suppose A-1 = B with A = [         ]
  A11  A12
  A21  A22 and B = [         ]
 B11   B12
 B21   B22. Also, assume that A11 is invertible and define P = A22 - A21A11-1A12. Then, prove that
[            ]
     I      0
 - A21A 11  I[        ]
 A11  A12

 A21  A22 = [                     ]
 A11         A12
  0   A22 - A21A 11 A12,
P is invertible and B = [  -1     - 1     -1      -1        -1      -1]
  A11 + (A11 A12 )P (A21A 11 ) - (A 11 A12)P
        - P -1(A21A -111 )            P -1.
Let A and B be two non-singular matrices. Are the matrices A + B and A - B non-singular? Justify your answer.
For what value(s) of λ does the following systems have non-trivial solutions? Also, for each value of λ, determine a non-trivial solution.
(λ - 2)x + y = 0,x + (λ + 2)y = 0.
λx + 3y = 0,(λ + 6)y = 0.
Let a1,,an and define A = [aij]n×n with aij = aij-1. Prove that det(A) = 1i<jn(aj -ai). This matrix is usually called the van der monde matrix.
Let A = [aij] Mn() with aij = max{i,j}. Prove that detA = (-1)n-1n.
Solve the following linear system by Cramer’s rule.
i)x + y + z - w = 1,x + y - z + w = 2, 2x + y + z - w = 7,x + y + z + w = 3.
ii)x - y + z - w = 1,x + y - z + w = 2, 2x + y - z - w = 7,x - y - z + w = 3. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let p ,p0. Let A = [aij],B = [bij] Mn() with bij = pi-jaij, for 1 i,j n. Then, compute det(B) in terms of det(A).
The position of an element aij of a determinant is called even or odd according as i + j is even or odd. Prove that if all the entries in
odd positions are multiplied with -1 then the value of determinant doesn’t change.
even positions are multiplied with -1 then the value of determinant
does not change if the matrix is of even order.
is multiplied by -1 if the matrix is of odd order.

2.5 Summary

In this chapter, we started with a system of m linear equations in n variables and formally wrote it as Ax = b and in turn to the augmented matrix [A|b]. Then, the basic operations on equations led to multiplication by elementary matrices on the right of [A|b]. These elementary matrices are invertible and applying the GJE on a matrix A, resulted in getting the RREF of A. We used the pivots in RREF matrix to define the rank of a matrix. So, if Rank(A) = r and Rank([A|b]) = ra

then, r < ra implied the linear system Ax = b is inconsistent.
then, r = ra implied the linear system Ax = b is consistent. Further,
if r = n then the system Ax = b has a unique solution.
if r < n then the system Ax = b has an infinite number of solutions.

We have also seen that the following conditions are equivalent for A Mn(). PICT PICT DRAFT

A is invertible.
The homogeneous system Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution.
The row reduced echelon form of A is I.
A is a product of elementary matrices.
The system Ax = b has a unique solution for every b.
The system Ax = b has a solution for every b.
Rank(A) = n.

So, overall we have learnt to solve the following type of problems:

Solving the linear system Ax = b. This idea will lead to the question “is the vector b a linear combination of the columns of A”?
Solving the linear system Ax = 0. This will lead to the question “are the columns of A linearly independent/dependent”? In particular, we will see that
if Ax = 0 has a unique solution then the columns of A are linear independent.
if Ax = 0 has a non-trivial solution then the columns of A are linearly dependent.