Chapter 9

9.1 Uniqueness of RREF

Definition 9.1.1. Fix n . Then, for each f Sn, we associate an n × n matrix, denoted Pf = [pij], such that pij = 1, whenver f(j) = i and 0, otherwise. The matrix Pf is called the Permutation matrix corresponding to the permutation f. For example, I2, corresponding to Id2, and [    ]
 0  1

 1  0 = E12, corresponding to the permutation (1,2), are the two permutation matrices of order 2 × 2.

Remark 9.1.2. Recall that in Remark, it was observed that each permutation is a product of n transpositions, (1,2),,(1,n).

Verify that the elementary matrix Eij is the permutation matrix corresponding to the transposition (i,j) .
Thus, every permutation matrix is a product of elementary matrices E1j, 1 j n.
For n = 3, the permutation matrices are I3, ⌊1  0  0⌋
|       |
⌈0  0  1⌉
 0  1  0 = E 23 = E12E13E12, ⌊0  1  0⌋
|       |
⌈1  0  0⌉
 0  0  1 = E 12, ⌊ 0  1  0⌋
|        |
⌈ 0  0  1⌉
  1  0  0 = E 12E13, ⌊ 0  0  1⌋
|        |
⌈ 1  0  0⌉
  0  1  0 = E 13E12 and ⌊0  0  1⌋
|       |
⌈0  1  0⌉
 1  0  0 = E 13.
Let f Sn and Pf = [pij] be the corresponding permutation matrix. Since pij = δi,j and {f(1),,f(n)} = [n], each entry of Pf is either 0 or 1. Furthermore, every row and column of Pf has exactly one nonzero entry. This nonzero entry is a 1 and appears at the position pi,f(i).
By the previous paragraph, we see that when a permutation matrix is multiplied to A PICT PICT DRAFT
from left then it permutes the rows of A.
from right then it permutes the columns of A.
P is a permutation matrix if and only if P has exactly one 1 in each row and column.
Solution: If P has exactly one 1 in each row and column, then P is a square matrix, say n×n. Now, apply GJE to P. The occurrence of exactly one 1 in each row and column implies that these 1’s are the pivots in each column. We just need to interchange rows to get it in RREF. So, we need to multiply by Eij. Thus, GJE of P is In and P is indeed a product of Eij’s. The other part has already been explained earlier.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 2.2.17.

Theorem 9.1.3. Let A and B be two matrices in RREF. If they are row equivalent then A = B.

Proof. Note that the matrix A = 0 if and only if B = 0. So, let us assume that the matrices A,B0. Also, the row-equivalence of A and B implies that there exists an invertible matrix C such that A = CB, where C is product of elementary matrices.

Since B is in RREF, either B[:,1] = 0T or B[:,1] = (1,0,,0)T . If B[:,1] = 0T then A[:,1] = CB[:,1] = C0 = 0. If B[:,1] = (1,0,,0)T then A[:,1] = CB[:,1] = C[:,1]. As C is invertible, the first column of C cannot be the zero vector. So, A[:,1] cannot be the zero vector. Further, A is in RREF implies that A[:,1] = (1,0,,0)T . So, we have shown that if A and B are row-equivalent then their first columns must be the same.

Now, let us assume that the first k - 1 columns of A and B are equal and it contains r pivotal columns. We will now show that the k-th column is also the same.

Define Ak = [A[:,1],,A[:,k]] and Bk = [B[:,1],,B[:,k]]. Then, our assumption implies that A[:,i] = B[:,i], for 1 i k - 1. Since, the first k - 1 columns contain r pivotal columns, there exists a permutation matrix P such that

PICT PICT DRAFT       [        |     ]            [       |      ]
        Ir W   |A[:,k]              Ir  W  |B [:,k]
AkP =          |       and BkP  =         |       .
        0   0  |                   0   0  |

If the k-th columns of A and B are pivotal columns then by definition of RREF, A[:,k] = [  ]

 e1 = B[:,k], where 0 is a vector of size r and e1 = (1,0,,0)T . So, we need to consider two cases depending on whether both are non-pivotal or one is pivotal and the other is not.

As A = CB, we get Ak = CBk and

[        |     ]                   [   |   ][       |     ]   [           |       ]
  Ir W   |A[:,k]                     C1 |C2   Ir  W  |B [:,k]     C1  C1W   |CB [:,k]
         |       = AkP  = CBkP  =      |            |       =             |        .
  0   0  |                          C3 |C4   0   0  |           C3  C3W   |
So, we see that C1 = Ir, C3 = 0 and A[:,k] = [   |  ]
 Ir |C2
 0  |C

Case 1: Neither A[:,k] nor B[:,k] are pivotal. Then

[  ]           [   |  ]         [   |  ] [ ]   [  ]
 X   = A[:,k] = Ir |C2  B[:,k ] = Ir |C2   Y  =   Y  .
 0               0 |C4           0  |C4   0      0
Thus, X = Y and in this case the k-th columns are equal.

Case 2: A[:,k] is pivotal but B[:,k] in non-pivotal. Then

[  ]           [   |   ]        [   |  ] [  ]   [ ]
 0              Ir |C2           Ir |C2   Y      Y
 e1  = A [:,k] =  0 |C4  B[:,k] =  0 |C4   0  =   0  ,
a contradiction as e10. Thus, this case cannot arise.

Therefore, combining both the cases, we get the required result. _

9.2 Permutation/Symmetric Groups

Definition 9.2.1. For a positive integer n, denote [n] = {1,2,,n}. A function f : A B is called

one-one/injective if f(x) = f(y) for some x,y A necessarily implies that x = y.
onto/surjective if for each b B there exists a A such that f(a) = b.
a bijection if f is both one-one and onto.

Example 9.2.2. Let A = {1,2,3}, B = {a,b,c,d} and C = {α,β,γ}. Then, the function

j : A B defined by j(1) = a,j(2) = c and j(3) = c is neither one-one nor onto.
f : A B defined by f(1) = a,f(2) = c and f(3) = d is one-one but not onto.
g : B C defined by g(a) = α,g(b) = β,g(c) = α and g(d) = γ is onto but not one-one.
h : B A defined by h(a) = 2,h(b) = 2,h(c) = 3 and h(d) = 1 is onto.
h f : A A is a bijection. PICT PICT DRAFT
g f : A C is neither one-one not onto.

Remark 9.2.3. Let f : A B and g : B C be functions. Then, the composition of functions, denoted g f, is a function from A to C defined by (g f)(a) = g(f(a)). Also, if

f and g are one-one then g f is one-one.
f and g are onto then g f is onto.

Thus, if f and g are bijections then so is g f.

Definition 9.2.4. A function f : [n] [n] is called a permutation on n elements if f is a bijection. For example, f,g : [2] [2] defined by f(1) = 1,f(2) = 2 and g(1) = 2,g(2) = 1 are permutations.

Exercise 9.2.5. Let S3 be the set consisting of all permutation on 3 elements. Then, prove that S3 has 6 elements. Moreover, they are one of the 6 functions given below.

f1(1) = 1,f1(2) = 2 and f1(3) = 3.
f2(1) = 1,f2(2) = 3 and f2(3) = 2.
f3(1) = 2,f3(2) = 1 and f3(3) = 3. PICT PICT DRAFT
f4(1) = 2,f4(2) = 3 and f4(3) = 1.
f5(1) = 3,f5(2) = 1 and f5(3) = 2.
f6(1) = 3,f6(2) = 2 and f6(3) = 1.

Remark 9.2.6. Let f : [n] [n] be a bijection. Then, the inverse of f, denote f-1, is defined by f-1(m) = whenever f() = m for m [n] is well defined and f-1 is a bijection. For example, in Exercise 9.2.5, note that fi-1 = fi, for i = 1,2,3,6 and f4-1 = f5.

Remark 9.2.7. Let Sn = {f : [n] [n] : σ is a permutation}. Then, Sn has n! elements and forms a group with respect to composition of functions, called product, due to the following.

Let f Sn. Then,
f can be written as f = (                      )
    1     2   ⋅⋅⋅   n

  f(1)  f(2)  ⋅⋅⋅ f(n ), called a two row notation.
f is one-one. Hence, {f(1),f(2),,f(n)} = [n] and thus, f(1) [n],f(2) [n] \{f(1)}, and finally f(n) = [n] \{f(1),,f(n - 1)}. Therefore, there are n choices for f(1), n- 1 choices for f(2) and so on. Hence, the number of elements in Sn equals n(n - 1)⋅⋅⋅2 1 = n!.
By Remark 9.2.3, f g Sn, for any f,g Sn.
Also associativity holds as f (g h) = (f g) h for all functions f,g and h.
Sn has a special permutation called the identity permutation, denoted Idn, such that Idn(i) = i, for 1 i n. PICT PICT DRAFT
For each f Sn, f-1 Sn and is called the inverse of f as f f-1 = f-1 f = Idn.

Lemma 9.2.8. Fix a positive integer n. Then, the group Sn satisfies the following:

Fix an element f Sn. Then, Sn = {f g : g Sn} = {g f : g Sn}.
Sn = {g-1 : g Sn}.

Proof. Part 1: Note that for each α Sn the functions f-1α,αf-1 Sn and α = f(f-1α) as well as α = (α f-1) f.

Part 2: Note that for each f Sn, by definition, (f-1)-1 = f. Hence the result holds. __

Definition 9.2.9. Let f Sn. Then, the number of inversions of f, denoted n(f), equals

n (f ) =   |{(i,j) : i < j,f(i) > f(j)}|

      =   |{j : i + 1 ≤ j ≤ n,f (j) < f(i)}| using two row notation.  (9.2.1)

Example 9.2.10.

For f = (            )
  1  2  3  4
  3  2  1  4, n(f) = |{(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)}| = 3.
In Exercise 9.2.5, n(f5) = 2 + 0 = 2.
Let f = (                            )
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
   4  2  3  5  1  9  8  7  6. Then, n(f) = 3+1+1+1+0+3+2+1 = 12.

Definition 9.2.11. [Cycle Notation] Let f Sn. Suppose there exist r,2 r n and i1,,ir [n] such that f(i1) = i2,f(i2) = i3,,f(ir) = i1 and f(j) = j for all ji1,,ir. Then, we represent such a permutation by f = (i1,i2,,ir) and call it an r-cycle. For example, f = (             )
 1  2  3  4  5

 4  2  3  5  1 = (1,4,5) and (              )
  1  2  3  4  5

  1  3  2  4  5 = (2,3).

Remark 9.2.12.

One also write the r-cycle (i1,i2,,ir) as (i2,i3,,ir,i1) and so on. For example, (1,4,5) = (4,5,1) = (5,1,4). PICT PICT DRAFT
The permutation f = (             )
 1  2  3  4  5
 4  3  2  5  1 is not a cycle.
Let f = (1,3,5,4) and g = (2,4,1) be two cycles. Then, their product, denoted f g or (1,3,5,4)(2,4,1) equals (1,2)(3,5,4). The calculation proceeds as (the arrows indicate the images):
1 2. Note (f g)(1) = f(g(1)) = f(2) = 2.
2 4 1 as (f g)(2) = f(g(2)) = f(4) = 1. So, (1,2) forms a cycle.
3 5 as (f g)(3) = f(g(3)) = f(3) = 5.
5 4 as (f g)(5) = f(g(5)) = f(5) = 4.
4 1 3 as (f g)(4) = f(g(4)) = f(1) = 3. So, the other cycle is (3,5,4).
Let f = (1,4,5) and g = (2,4,1) be two permutations. Then, (1,4,5)(2,4,1) = (1,2,5)(4) = (1,2,5) as 1 2,2 4 5,5 1,4 1 4 and
(2,4,1)(1,4,5) = (1)(2,4,5) = (2,4,5) as 1 4 1,2 4,4 5,5 1 2.
Even though (              )
  1  2  3  4  5
  4  3  2  5  1 is not a cycle, verify that it is a product of the cycles (1,4,5) and (2,3).

Definition 9.2.13. A permutation f Sn is called a transposition if there exist m,r [n] such that f = (m,r).

Remark 9.2.14. Verify that

(2,4,5) = (2,5)(2,4) = (4,2)(4,5) = (5,4)(5,2) = (1,2)(1,5)(1,4)(1,2).
in general, the r-cycle (i1,,ir) = (1,i1)(1,ir)(1,ir-1)⋅⋅⋅(1,i2)(1,i1).
So, every r-cycle can be written as product of transpositions. Furthermore, they can be written using the n transpositions (1,2),(1,3),,(1,n).

With the above definitions, we state and prove two important results.

Theorem 9.2.15. Let f Sn. Then, f can be written as product of transpositions.

Proof. Note that using use Remark 9.2.14, we just need to show that f can be written as product of disjoint cycles.

Consider the set S = {1,f(1),f(2)(1) = (f f)(1),f(3)(1) = (f (f f))(1),}. As S is an infinite set and each f(i)(1) [n], there exist i,j with 0 i < j n such that f(i)(1) = f(j)(1). Now, let j1 be the least positive integer such that f(i)(1) = f(j1)(1), for some i,0 i < j1. Then, we claim that i = 0.

For if, i - 1 0 then j1 - 1 1 and the condition that f is one-one gives

 (i-1)       - 1   (i)       -1 ( (i)   )    -1(  (j1)  )      -1   (j1)       (j1- 1)
f    (1) = (f  ∘f   )(1) = f    f  (1)  = f    f   (1) = (f   ∘ f   )(1) = f     (1).
Thus, we see that the repetition has occurred at the (j1 - 1)-th instant, contradicting the assumption that j1 was the least such positive integer. Hence, we conclude that i = 0. Thus, (1,f(1),f(2)(1),,f(j1-1)(1)) is one of the cycles in f.

Now, choose i1 [n] \{1,f(1),f(2)(1),,f(j1-1)(1)} and proceed as above to get another cycle. Let the new cycle by (i1,f(i1),,f(j2-1)(i1)). Then, using f is one-one follows that

PICT PICT DRAFT          (2)         (j1-1)                    (j2-1)
{1,f(1),f  (1),...,f      (1)} ∩ {i1,f(i1),...,f     (i1)} = ∅.
So, the above process needs to be repeated at most n times to get all the disjoint cycles. Thus, the required result follows. __

Remark 9.2.16. Note that when one writes a permutation as product of disjoint cycles, cycles of length 1 are suppressed so as to match Definition 9.2.11. For example, the algorithm in the proof of Theorem 9.2.15 implies

Using Remark, we see that every permutation can be written as product of the n transpositions (1,2),(1,3),,(1,n).
(             )
 1  2  3  4  5

 1  4  3  5  2 = (1)(2,4,5)(3) = (2,4,5).
(                           )
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  4  2  3  5  1  9  8  7  6 = (1,4,5)(2)(3)(6,9)(7,8) = (1,4,5)(6,9)(7,8).

Note that Id3 = (1,2)(1,2) = (1,2)(2,3)(1,2)(1,3), as well. The question arises, is it possible to write Idn as a product of odd number of transpositions? The next lemma answers this question in negative.

Lemma 9.2.17. Suppose there exist transpositions fi,1 i t, such that

Idn = f1 ∘ f2 ∘ ⋅⋅⋅∘ ft,
then t is even. PICT PICT DRAFT

Proof. We will prove the result by mathematical induction. Observe that t1 as Idn is not a transposition. Hence, t 2. If t = 2, we are done. So, let us assume that the result holds for all expressions in which the number of transpositions t k. Now, let t = k + 1.

Suppose f1 = (m,r) and let ℓ,s [n] \ {m,r}. Then, the possible choices for the composition f1 f2 are (m,r)(m,r) = Idn,(m,r)(m,ℓ) = (r,ℓ)(r,m),(m,r)(r,ℓ) = (ℓ,r)(ℓ,m) and (m,r)(ℓ,s) = (ℓ,s)(m,r). In the first case, f1 and f2 can be removed to obtain Idn = f3 f4 ⋅⋅⋅ft, where the number of transpositions is t- 2 = k - 1 < k. So, by mathematical induction, t - 2 is even and hence t is also even.

In the remaining cases, the expression for f1 f2 is replaced by their counterparts to obtain another expression for Idn. But in the new expression for Idn, m doesn’t appear in the first transposition, but appears in the second transposition. The shifting of m to the right can continue till the number of transpositions reduces by 2 (which in turn gives the result by mathematical induction). For if, the shifting of m to the right doesn’t reduce the number of transpositions then m will get shifted to the right and will appear only in the right most transposition. Then, this expression for Idn does not fix m whereas Idn(m) = m. So, the later case leads us to a contradiction. Hence, the shifting of m to the right will surely lead to an expression in which the number of transpositions at some stage is t - 2 = k - 1. At this stage, one applies mathematical induction to get the required result. __

Theorem 9.2.18. Let f Sn. If there exist transpositions g1,,gk and h1,,h with

f = g1 ∘g2 ∘⋅⋅⋅∘gk = h1 ∘h2 ∘⋅⋅⋅∘ hℓ
then, either k and are both even or both odd. PICT PICT DRAFT

Proof. As g1 ⋅⋅⋅gk = h1 ⋅⋅⋅h and h-1 = h for any transposition h Sn, we have

Idn = g1 ∘g2 ∘⋅⋅⋅∘ gk ∘ hℓ ∘h ℓ- 1 ∘⋅⋅⋅∘ h1.
Hence by Lemma 9.2.17, k + is even. Thus, either k and are both even or both odd. __

Definition 9.2.19. [Even and Odd Permutation] A permutation f Sn is called an

even permutation if f can be written as product of even number of transpositions.
odd permutation if f can be written as a product of odd number of transpositions.

Definition 9.2.20. Observe that if f and g are both even or both odd permutations, then f g and g f are both even. Whereas, if one of them is odd and the other even then f g and g f are both odd. We use this to define a function sgn : Sn →{1,-1}, called the signature of a permutation, by PICT PICT DRAFT

sgn(f) =    1    if f is an even permutation .
            - 1  if f is an odd permutation

Example 9.2.21. Consider the set Sn. Then,

by Lemma 9.2.17, Idn is an even permutation and sgn(Idn) = 1.
a transposition, say f, is an odd permutation and hence sgn(f) = -1
using Remark 9.2.20, sgn(f g) = sgn(f) sgn(g) for any two permutations f,g Sn.

We are now ready to define determinant of a square matrix A.

Definition 9.2.22. Let A = [aij] be an n×n matrix with complex entries. Then, the determinant of A, denoted det(A), is defined as

         ∑                              ∑         ∏n
det(A) =     sgn(g)a1g(1)a2g(2)...ang(n) =     sgn(g)   aig(i).
         g∈Sn                           σ∈Sn      i=1

For example, if S2 = {Id,f = (1,2)} then for A = [    ]
 1  2
 2  1, det(A) = sgn(Id) a1Id(1)a2Id(2) + sgn(f) a1f(1)a2f(2) = 1 a11a22 + (-1)a12a21 = 1 - 4 = -3.

Observe that det(A) is a scalar quantity. Even though the expression for det(A) seems complicated at first glance, it is very helpful in proving the results related with “properties of determinant”. We will do so in the next section. As another examples, we verify that this definition also matches for 3 × 3 matrices. So, let A = [aij] be a 3 × 3 matrix. Then, using Equation (9.2.2),

            ∑         ∏
det(A)  =       sgn(σ)   aiσ(i)
            σ∈Sn      i=1
                   ∏3               ∏3                ∏3
        =   sgn(f1)    aif1(i) + sgn(f2)  aif2(i) + sgn(f3)  aif3(i) +
                   i=1               i=1               i=1
                          3∏                ∏3                ∏3
                   sgn (f4)    aif4(i) + sgn(f5)  aif5(i) + sgn(f6)  aif6(i)
                          i=1               i=1               i=1
        =   a11a22a33 - a11a23a32 - a12a21a33 + a12a23a31 + a13a21a32 - a13a22a31.

9.3 Properties of Determinant

Theorem 9.3.1 (Properties of Determinant). Let A = [aij] be an n × n matrix.

If A[i,:] = 0T for some i then det(A) = 0.
If B = Ei(c)A, for some c0 and i [n] then det(B) = cdet(A). PICT PICT DRAFT
If B = EijA, for some ij then det(B) = -det(A).
If A[i,:] = A[j,:] for some ij then det(A) = 0.
Let B and C be two n×n matrices. If there exists m [n] such that B[i,:] = C[i,:] = A[i,:] for all im and C[m,:] = A[m,:] + B[m,:] then det(C) = det(A) + det(B).
If B = Eij(c), for c0 then det(B) = det(A).
If A is a triangular matrix then det(A) = a11⋅⋅⋅ann, the product of the diagonal entries.
If E is an n × n elementary matrix then det(EA) = det(E)det(A).
A is invertible if and only if det(A)0.
If B is an n × n matrix then det(AB) = det(A)det(B).
If AT denotes the transpose of the matrix A then det(A) = det(AT ).

Proof. Part 1: Note that each sum in det(A) contains one entry from each row. So, each sum has an entry from A[i,:] = 0T . Hence, each sum in itself is zero. Thus, det(A) = 0.

Part 2: By assumption, B[k,:] = A[k,:] for ki and B[i,:] = cA[i,:]. So,

                      (         )                   (         )
            ∑           ∏                 ∑           ∏
det(B ) =       sgn(σ)(    bkσ(k)) biσ(i) =     sgn(σ)(    akσ(k)) caiσ(i)
            σ∈Sn        k⁄=i               σ∈Sn        k⁄=i
             ∑          ∏n
        =   c    sgn(σ)    akσ(k) = cdet(A).
             σ∈Sn       k=1

Part 3: Let τ = (i,j). Then, sgn(τ) = -1, by Lemma 9.2.8, Sn = {σ τ : σ Sn} and

            ∑         ∏n         ∑              n∏
det(B )  =       sgn(σ)   biσ(i) =      sgn(σ ∘τ)    bi,(σ∘τ)(i)
           σ∈Sn       i=1      (σ∘τ∈Sn    )     i=1
             ∑                   ∏
        =        sgn(τ) ⋅sgn(σ)(     bkσ(k)) bi(σ∘τ)(i)bj(σ∘τ)(j)
           σ∘τ∈Sn                k⁄=i,j
                            (          )
                  ∑            ∏                        ∑         ∏n
        =  sgn(τ)     sgn(σ)(     bkσ(k)) biσ(j)bjσ(i) = -    sgn (σ )   akσ(k)
                 σ∈Sn         k⁄=i,j                     σ∈Sn       k=1
        =  - det(A ).

Part 4: As A[i,:] = A[j,:], A = EijA. Hence, by Part 3, det(A) = -det(A). Thus, det(A) = 0.

Part 5: By assumption, C[i,:] = B[i,:] = A[i,:] for im and C[m,:] = B[m,:] + A[m,:]. So,

                                           (        )
            ∑         ∏n         ∑           ∏
det(C )  =       sgn(σ)   ciσ(i) =    sgn(σ )(    ciσ(i))  cmσ(m)
           σ∈Sn       i=1       σ∈Sn         i⁄=m
                      (         )
        =   ∑   sgn(σ)( ∏  c    ) (a     +  b     )
                            iσ(i)    mσ(m)   m σ(m )
           σ∈Sn         i⁄=m
            ∑         ∏n         ∑         ∏n
        =       sgn(σ)   aiσ(i) +    sgn(σ )   biσ(i) = det(A)+ det(B ).
           σ∈Sn       i=1       σ∈Sn       i=1

Part 6: By assumption, B[k,:] = A[k,:] for ki and B[i,:] = A[i,:] + cA[j,:]. So,

                       n                    (         )
det(B ) =   ∑   sgn(σ) ∏  b    =  ∑   sgn(σ)( ∏  b    ) b
                           kσ(k)                   kσ(k)   iσ(i)
            σ∈Sn       k=(1        )σ∈Sn        k⁄=i
            ∑           ∏
        =       sgn(σ) (   akσ(k)) (aiσ(i) + cajσ(j))
            σ∈Sn        k⁄=i
                       (         )                    (         )
            ∑          (∏        )          ∑         ( ∏       )
        =       sgn(σ)     akσ(k)  aiσ(i) + c   sgn(σ )     akσ(k)  ajσ(j))
            σ∈Sn        k⁄=i                σ∈Sn         k⁄=i
            ∑          n∏
        =       sgn(σ)    akσ(k) + c⋅0 = det(A).             U sePart 4
            σ∈Sn       k=1

Part 7: Observe that if σ Sn and σIdn then n(σ) 1. Thus, for every σIdn, there exists m [n] (depending on σ) such that m > σ(m) or m < σ(m). So, if A is triangular, a(m) = 0. So, for each σIdn, i=1na(i) = 0. Hence, det(A) = i=1naii. the result follows.

Part 8: Using Part 7, det(In) = 1. By definition Eij = EijIn and Ei(c) = Ei(c)In and Eij(c) = Eij(c)In, for c0. Thus, using Parts 23 and 6, we get det(Ei(c)) = c,det(Eij) = -1 and det(Eij(k)) = 1. Also, again using Parts 23 and 6, we get det(EA) = det(E)det(A).

Part 9: Suppose A is invertible. Then, by Theorem 2.3.1, A = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek. So, a repeated application of Part 8 implies det(A) = det(E1)⋅⋅⋅det(Ek)0 as det(Ei)0 for 1 i k. PICT PICT DRAFT

Now, suppose that det(A)0. We need to show that A is invertible. On the contrary, assume that A is not invertible. Then, by Theorem 2.3.1, Rank(A) < n. So, by Proposition 2.2.21, there exist elementary matrices E1,,Ek such that E1⋅⋅⋅EkA = [    ]
  0. Therefore, by Part 1 and a repeated application of Part 8 gives

                                              ( [    ])
det(E1)⋅⋅⋅det(Ek)det(A ) = det(E1 ⋅⋅⋅EkA ) = det         = 0.
As det(Ei)0, for 1 i k, we have det(A) = 0, a contradiction. Thus, A is invertible.

Part 10: Let A be invertible. Then, by Theorem 2.3.1, A = E1⋅⋅⋅Ek, for some elementary matrices E1,,Ek. So, applying Part 8 repeatedly gives det(A) = det(E1)⋅⋅⋅det(Ek) and

det(AB ) = det(E1⋅⋅⋅EkB ) = det(E1)⋅⋅⋅det(Ek)det(B ) = det(A )det(B).

In case A is not invertible, by Part 9, det(A) = 0. Also, AB is not invertible (AB is invertible will imply A is invertible using the rank argument). So, again by Part 9, det(AB) = 0. Thus, det(AB) = det(A)det(B).

Part 11: Let B = [bij] = AT . Then, bij = aji, for 1 i,j n. By Lemma 9.2.8, we know that Sn = {σ-1 : σ Sn}. As σ σ-1 = Idn, sgn(σ) = sgn(σ-1). Hence,

                       n                    n                        n
det(B)  =   ∑   sgn(σ)∏  b    =  ∑   sgn(σ)∏  a     =  ∑    sgn(σ-1)∏  a  -1
                          iσ(i)                 σ(i),i    -1                iσ  (i)
            σ∈Sn      i=1       σ∈Sn       i=1        σ  ∈Sn         i=1
        =   det(A ).

Remark 9.3.2.

As det(A) = det(AT ), we observe that in Theorem 9.3.1, the condition on “row” can be replaced by the condition on “column”.
Let A = [aij] be a matrix satisfying a1j = 0, for 2 j n. Let B = A(1|1), the submatrix of A obtained by removing the first row and the first column. Then det(A) = a11 det(B).
Proof: Let σ Sn with σ(1) = 1. Then, σ has a cycle (1). So, a disjoint cycle representation of σ only has numbers {2,3,,n}. That is, we can think of σ as an element of Sn-1. Hence,
            ∑         ∏n           ∑            ∏n
det(A )  =       sgn (σ )   aiσ(i) =          sgn(σ)   aiσ(i)
           σ∈Sn       i=1        σ∈S ,σ(1)=1      i=1
                  ∑           ∏n             ∑          n-∏ 1
        =  a11          sgn(σ)    aiσ(i) = a11      sgn(σ)    biσ(i) = a11det(B).
              σ∈Sn,σ(1)=1       i=2           σ∈Sn-1       i=1

We now relate this definition of determinant with the one given in Definition 2.3.6.

Theorem 9.3.3. Let A be an n × n matrix. Then, det(A) = j=1n(-1)1+ja1j det(A(1|j)), where recall that A(1|j) is the submatrix of A obtained by removing the 1st row and the jth column.

Proof. For 1 j n, define an n × n matrix Bj = ⌊                          ⌋
  0    0   ⋅⋅⋅ a1j  ⋅⋅⋅  0
||a21  a22  ⋅⋅⋅ a2j  ⋅⋅⋅ a2n||
|| .    .   .    .        . ||
⌈ ..    ..    ..   ..        .. ⌉
 a    a    ⋅⋅⋅ a    ⋅⋅⋅ a
  n1   n2       nj       nn. Also, for each matrix Bj, we define the n × n matrix Cj by

Cj[:,1] = Bj[:,j],
Cj[:,i] = Bj[:,i - 1], for 2 i j and
Cj[:,k] = Bj[:,k] for k j + 1.

Also, observe that Bj’s have been defined to satisfy B1[1,:] + ⋅⋅⋅ + Bn[1,:] = A[1,:] and Bj[i,:] = A[i,:] for all i 2 and 1 j n. Thus, by Theorem,

det(A) =    det(Bj).

Let us now compute det(Bj), for 1 j n. Note that Cj = E12E23⋅⋅⋅Ej-1,jBj, for 1 j n. Then, by Theorem, we get det(Bj) = (-1)j-1 det(Cj). So, using Remark and Theorem and Equation (9.3.1), we have

         ∑n                  ∑n
det(A ) =   (- 1)j- 1det(Cj ) =   (- 1)j+1a1j det(A (1|j)).
         j=1                 j=1
Thus, we have shown that the determinant defined in Definition 2.3.6 is valid. __

9.4 Dimension of W1 + W2

Theorem 9.4.1. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over F and let W1 and W2 be two subspaces of V. Then,

dim (W  ) + dim(W  ) = dim (W  +  W  )+ dim(W   ∩W  ).
       1         2          1     2         1     2


Proof. Since W1 W2 is a vector subspace of V , let B = {u1,,ur} be a basis of W1 W2. As, W1 W2 is a subspace of both W1 and W2, let us extend the basis B to form a basis B1 = {u1,,ur,v1,,vs} of W1 and a basis B2 = {u1,,ur,w1,,wt} of W2.

We now prove that D = {u1,,ur,w1,,ws,v1,v2,,vt} is a basis of W1 + W2. To do this, we show that

D is linearly independent subset of V and
LS(D) = W1 + W2.

The second part can be easily verified. For the first part, consider the linear system

α1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ αrur + β1w1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ βsws + γ1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ γtvt = 0

in the variables αi’s, βj’s and γk’s. We re-write the system as

α1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ αrur + β1w1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ βsws =  - (γ1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ γtvt).
Then, v = - i=1sγivi LS(B1) = W1. Also, v = j=1rαrur + k=1T βkwk. So, v LS(B2) = W2. Hence, v W1 W2 and therefore, there exists scalars δ1,k such that v = j=1rδjuj. PICT PICT DRAFT

Substituting this representation of v in Equation (9.4.2), we get

(α1 - δ1)u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (αr - δr)ur + β1w1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ βtwt = 0.
So, using Exercise, αi -δi = 0, for 1 i r and βj = 0, for 1 j t. Thus, the system (9.4.2) reduces to
α1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+  αkuk + γ1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ γrvr = 0
which has αi = 0 for 1 i r and γj = 0 for 1 j s as the only solution. Hence, we see that the linear system of Equations (9.4.2) has no nonzero solution. Therefore, the set D is linearly independent and the set D is indeed a basis of W1 + W2. We now count the vectors in the sets B,B1,B2 and D to get the required result. __

9.5 When does Norm imply Inner Product

In this section, we prove the following result. A generalization of this result to complex vector space is left as an exercise for the reader as it requires similar ideas.

Theorem 9.5.1. Let V be a real vector space. A norm ∥⋅∥ is induced by an inner product if and only if, for all x,y V, the norm satisfies

∥x + y∥2 + ∥x - y ∥2 = 2∥x ∥2 + 2∥y ∥2   (parallelogram    law ).

Proof. Suppose that ∥⋅∥ is indeed induced by an inner product. Then, by Exercise the result follows.

So, let us assume that ∥⋅∥ satisfies the parallelogram law. So, we need to define an inner product. We claim that the function f : V × V defined by

f (x, y) = 1(∥x + y∥2 - ∥x - y∥2), for all x,y ∈ V
satisfies the required conditions for an inner product. So, let us proceed to do so.
Step 1: Clearly, for each x V, f(x,0) = 0 and f(x,x) = 1-
4x + x2 = x2. Thus, f(x,x) 0. Further, f(x,x) = 0 if and only if x = 0.
Step 2: By definition f(x,y) = f(y,x) for all x,y V.
Step 3: Now note that x + y2 -∥x - y2 = 2(                      )
 ∥x + y∥2 - ∥x∥2 - ∥y∥2. Or equivalently,
2f(x,y) = ∥x + y∥2 - ∥x∥2 - ∥y ∥2, for x, y ∈ V.

Thus, for x,y,z V, we have

4(f(x,y) + f(z,y))  =  ∥x + y∥2 - ∥x-  y∥2 + ∥z + y∥2 - ∥z- y ∥2
                        (        2         2      2     2       2)
                    =  2 ∥x + y ∥ + ∥z + y∥ - ∥x ∥( - ∥z∥  - 2∥y∥    )
                    =  ∥x + z+  2y∥2 + ∥x - z∥2 - ∥x+  z∥2 + ∥x - z∥2 - 4∥y∥2
                                   2         2       2
                    =  ∥x + z+  2y∥ - ∥x + z∥  - ∥2y∥
                    =  2f(x + z,2y) using Equation (9.5.2).                  (9.5.3 )
Now, substituting z = 0 in Equation (9.5.3) and using Equation (9.5.2), we get 2f(x,y) = f(x,2y) and hence 4f(x + z,y) = 2f(x + z,2y) = 4(f(x,y )+ f(z,y)). Thus,
f (x + z,y ) = f(x,y )+ f(z,y), for all x,y ∈ V.

Step 4: Using Equation (9.5.4), f(x,y) = f(y,x) and the principle of mathematical induction, it follows that nf(x,y) = f(nx,y), for all x,y V and n . Another application of Equation (9.5.4) with f(0,y) = 0 implies that nf(x,y) = f(nx,y), for all x,y V and n . PICT PICT DRAFT Also, for m0,
   (      )
mf   n-x,y  =  f(m n-x,y) = f(nx,y ) = nf (x, y).
     m             m
Hence, we see that for all x,y V and a , f(ax,y) = af(x,y).
Step 5: Fix u,v V and define a function g : by
g(x)  =  f(xu, v)- xf (u,v)
         1 (        2        2     2)   x (       2      2      2)
      =  -- ∥xu + v∥  - ∥xu∥  - ∥v∥   - -- ∥u + v∥ - ∥u ∥ - ∥v ∥  .
         2                              2
Then, by previous step g(x) = 0, for all x . So, if g is a continuous function then continuity implies g(x) = 0, for all x . Hence, f(xu,v) = xf(u,v), for all x .

Note that the second term of g(x) is a constant multiple of x and hence continuous. Using a similar reason, it is enough to show that g1(x) = xu + v, for certain fixed vectors u,v V, is continuous. To do so, note that

∥x1u + v∥ = ∥(x1 - x2 )u + x2u + v∥ ≤ ∥(x1 - x2)u∥ + ∥x2u + v∥.
Thus, |
||x1u + v∥-∥x2u + v|
||≤∥(x1 - x2)u. Hence, taking the limit as x1 x2, we get limx1x2x1u + v= x2u + v.

Thus, we have proved the continuity of g and hence the prove of the required result. _

9.6 Roots of a Polynomials

The main aim of this subsection is to prove the continuous dependence of the zeros of a polynomial on its coefficients and to recall Descartes’s rule of signs.

Definition 9.6.1. [Jordan Curves] A curve in is a continuous function f : [a,b] , where [a,b] .

If the function f is one-one on [a,b) and also on (a,b], then it is called a simple curve.
If f(b) = f(a), then it is called a closed curve.
A closed simple curve is called a Jordan curve.
The derivative (integral) of a curve f = u+iv is defined component wise. If fis continuous on [a,b], we say f is a C1-curve (at end points we consider one sided derivatives and continuity).
A C1-curve on [a,b] is called a smooth curve, if fis never zero on (a,b).
A piecewise smooth curve is called a contour.
A positively oriented simple closed curve is called a simple closed curve such that while traveling on it the interior of the curve always stays to the left. (Camille Jordan has proved that such a curve always divides the plane into two connected regions, one of which is called the bounded region and the other is called the unbounded region. The one which is bounded is considered as the interior of the curve.)

We state the famous Rouche Theorem of complex analysis without proof.

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 9.6.2. [Rouche’s Theorem] Let C be a positively oriented simple closed contour. Also, let f and g be two analytic functions on RC, the union of the interior of C and the curve C itself. Assume also that |f(x)| > |g(x)|, for all x C. Then, f and f + g have the same number of zeros in the interior of C.

Corollary 9.6.3. [Alen Alexanderian, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.] Let P(t) = tn + an-1tn-1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + a0 have distinct roots λ1,m with multiplicities α1,m, respectively. Take any ϵ > 0 for which the balls Bϵ(λi) are disjoint. Then, there exists a δ > 0 such that the polynomial q(t) = tn + an-1tn-1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + a0has exactly αi roots (counting with multiplicities) in Bϵ(λi), whenever |aj - aj′| < δ.

Proof. For an ϵ > 0 and 1 i m, let Ci = {z : |z - λi| = ϵ}. Now, for each i,1 i m, take νi = minzCi|p(z)|, ρi = maxzCi[1 + |z| + ⋅⋅⋅ + |z|n-1] and choose δ > 0 such that ρiδ < νi. Then, for a fixed j and z Cj, we have

|q(z)- P (z)| = |(a ′n-1 - an- 1)zn- 1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (a′0 - a0)| ≤ δρj < νj ≤ |p(z)|.
Hence, by Rouche’s theorem, p(z) and q(z) have the same number of zeros inside Cj, for each j = 1,,m. That is, the zeros of q(t) are within the ϵ-neighborhood of the zeros of P(t). _

As a direct application, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 9.6.4. Eigenvalues of a matrix are continuous functions of its entries.

Proof. Follows from Corollary 9.6.3. _


Remark 9.6.5.

[Sign changes in a polynomial] Let P(x) = 0naixn-i be a real polynomial, with a00. Read the coefficient from the left a0,a1,. We say the sign changes of ai occur at m1 < m2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < mk to mean that am1 is the first after a0 with sign opposite to a0; am2 is the first after am1 with sign opposite to am1; and so on.
[Descartes’ Rule of Signs] Let P(x) = 0naixn-i be a real polynomial. Then, the maximum number of positive roots of P(x) = 0 is the number of changes in sign of the coefficients and that the maximum number of negative roots is the number of sign changes in P(-x) = 0.

Proof. Assume that a0,a1,⋅⋅⋅,an has k > 0 sign changes. Let b > 0. Then, the coefficients of (x - b)P(x) are

a0,a1 - ba0,a2 - ba1,⋅⋅⋅,an - ban-1,- ban.
This list has at least k + 1 changes of signs. To see this, assume that a0 > 0 and an0. Let the sign changes of ai occur at m1 < m2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < mk. Then, setting
c0 = a0,c1 = am1 - bam1-1,c2 = am2 - bam2-1,⋅⋅⋅,ck = amk - bamk -1,ck+1 = - ban,
we see that ci > 0 when i is even and ci < 0, when i is odd. That proves the claim.

Now, assume that P(x) = 0 has k positive roots b1,b2,⋅⋅⋅,bk. Then, PICT PICT DRAFT

P(x) = (x-  b1)(x - b2)⋅⋅⋅(x - bk)Q(x),
where Q(x) is a real polynomial. By the previous observation, the coefficients of (x - bk)Q(x) has at least one change of signs, coefficients of (x-bk-1)(x-bk)Q(x) has at least two, and so on. Thus coefficients of P(x) has at least k change of signs. The rest of the proof is similar. _

9.7 Variational characterizations of Hermitian Matrices

Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix. Then, by Theorem 6.2.22, we know that all the eigenvalues of A are real. So, we write λi(A) to mean the i-th smallest eigenvalue of A. That is, the i-th from the left in the list λ1(A) λ2(A) ⋅⋅⋅λn(A).

Lemma 9.7.1. [Rayleigh-Ritz Ratio] Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix. Then,

λ1(A)x*x x*Ax λn(A)x*x, for each x n.
λ1(A) = minx0x*A*x-
 x x = minx=1x*Ax.
λn(A) = maxx0x*Ax-
x*x = maxx=1x*Ax.

Proof. Proof of Part 1: By spectral theorem (see Theorem 6.2.22, there exists a unitary matrix U such that A = UDU*, where D = diag(λ1(A),n(A)) is a real diagonal matrix. Thus, the set {U[:,1],,U[:,n]} is a basis of n. Hence, for each x n, there exists _i’s (scalar) such that x = αiU[:,i]. So, note that x*x = |αi|2 and PICT PICT DRAFT

       *         ∑      2   ∑     2         *        ∑      2      *
λ1(A )x x = λ1(A)    |αi| ≤     |αi| λi(A) = x Ax ≤  λn    |αi| = λnx  x.
For Part 2 and Part 3, take x = U[:,1] and x = U(:,n), respectively. _

As an immediate corollary, we state the following result.

Corollary 9.7.2. Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix and α = x*Ax--
 x*x. Then, A has an eigenvalue in the interval (-∞] and has an eigenvalue in the interval [α,).

We now generalize the second and third parts of Theorem 9.7.2.

Proposition 9.7.3. Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix with A = UDU*, where U is a unitary matrix and D is a diagonal matrix consisting of the eigenvalues λ1 λ2 ⋅⋅⋅λn. Then, for any positive integer k,1 k n,

λk =      min      x*Ax =      max      x *Ax.
     x⊥U[:,∥x1]∥,.=..,1U[:,k-1]        x⊥U[:∥,nx],∥..=.,U1[:,k+1]

Proof. Let x n such that x is orthogonal to U[,1],,U[:,k - 1]. Then, we can write x = i=knαiU[:,i], for some scalars αi’s. In that case, PICT PICT DRAFT

           ∑n        ∑n
λkx*x = λk    |αi|2 ≤    |αi|2λi = x*Ax
           i=k       i=k
and the equality occurs for x = U[:,k]. Thus, the required result follows. _

Theorem 9.7.4. [Courant-Fischer] Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues λ1 λ2 ⋅⋅⋅λn. Then,

                          *                          *
λk = w1,m..a.,xwk-1   m∥ixn∥=1    x Ax = wn,m.i..n,wk+1    m∥xa∥x=1   x Ax.
              x⊥w1,...,wk-1                  x⊥wn,...,wk+1

Proof. Let A = UDU*, where U is a unitary matrix and D = diag(λ1,n). Now, choose a set of k - 1 linearly independent vectors from n, say S = {w1,,wk-1}. Then, some of the eigenvectors {U[:,1],,U[:,k - 1]} may be an element of S. Thus, using Proposition 9.7.3, we see that

λk =     min      x*Ax  ≥ min  x*Ax.
     x⊥U[:∥,1x∥],=...1,U,[:,k-1]        ∥xx∈∥=S1⊥
Hence, λk maxw1,,wk-1 min x=1 xw1,,wk-1 x*Ax, for each choice of k - 1 linearly independent vectors. But, by Proposition 9.7.3, the equality holds for the linearly independent set {U[:,1],,U[:,k - 1]} PICT PICT DRAFT which proves the first equality. A similar argument gives the second equality and hence the proof is omitted. _

Theorem 9.7.5. [Weyl Interlacing Theorem] Let A,B Mn() be a Hermitian matrices. Then, λk(A) + λ1(B) λk(A + B) λk(A) + λn(B). In particular, if B = P*P, for some matrix P, then λk(A + B) λk(A). In particular, for z n, λk(A + zz*) λk+1(A).

Proof. As A and B are Hermitian matrices, the matrix A + B is also Hermitian. Hence, by Courant-Fischer theorem and Lemma,

λk(A + B)  =     max       min    x*(A + B )x
               w1,...,wk-1 x⊥w ∥x∥,..=.,1w
                           1   k-1  *
           ≤   w1m,.a..x,wk-1    m∥xi∥n=1   [x Ax  + λn(B )] = λk(A) + λn(B )
λk (A  + B)  =   w1m,.a..,xwk-1   ∥mxi∥n=1   x (A + B )x
                         x⊥w1,...,wk- 1
            ≥     max       min    [x*Ax  + λ1(B)] = λk(A)+ λ1 (B ).
                w1,...,wk-1 x⊥w∥1x,∥..=.,1wk- 1

If B = P*P, then λ1(B) = minx=1x*(P*P)x = minx=1Px2 0. Thus, PICT PICT DRAFT

λk(A + B ) ≥ λk(A )+ λ1(B ) ≥ λk(A ).

In particular, for z n, we have

λk(A + zz*) =     max       min    [x*Ax + |x*z|2]
                w1,...,wk -1x⊥w∥1x∥,.=..1,wk-1
                                      *       *  2
            ≤   w1m,a...x,wk -1   ∥mxi∥n=1   [x Ax + |x z| ]
            =     max        min     x*Ax
                w1,...,wk -1x⊥w∥1x,.∥..=,w1  ,z
                                k-1       *
            ≤   w1,...m,wakx-1,wk     m∥ix∥n=1     x Ax = λk+1 (A ).

Theorem 9.7.6. [Cauchy Interlacing Theorem] Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix. Define  = [      ]
  A  y
 y *  a, for some a and y n. Then,

   ˆ                  ˆ
λk(A) ≤ λk(A ) ≤ λk+1(A ).

Proof. Note that

λk+1( ˆA) =      max        min   x*Aˆx  ≤     max          min      x * ˆAx
            w1,...,wk∈ℂn+1 x⊥∥wx1∥,=..1.,wk        w1,...,wk ∈ℂn+1x⊥∥wx1∥=,.1..,wkxn+1=0
         =     max       min   x *Ax = λ   (A )
            w1,...,wk∈ℂn   ∥x∥=1           k+1
λk+1( ˆA) =       min   n+1    m∥xa∥x=1   x*Aˆx  ≥      min   n+1   ∥x∥=m1ax       x * ˆAx
            w1,...,wn-k∈ℂ    x⊥w1,...,wn-k        w1,...,wn -k∈ ℂ   x⊥w1,...,wn-kxn+1=0
         =       min        max    x *Ax = λ (A )
            w1,...,wn-k∈ℂn x⊥w∥x∥,..=.,1w            k
                            1   n-k

As an immediate corollary, one has the following result.

Corollary 9.7.7. [Inclusion principle] Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix and r be a positive integer with 1 r n. If Br×r is a principal submatrix of A then, λk(A) λk(B) λk+n-r(A).

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 9.7.8. [Poincare Separation Theorem] Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix and {u1,,ur}⊆ n be an orthonormal set for some positive integer r,1 r n. If further B = [bij] is an r × r matrix with bij = ui*Auj,1 i,j r then, λk(A) λk(B) λk+n-r(A).

Proof. Let us extend the orthonormal set {u1,,ur} to an orthonormal basis, say {u1,,un} of n and write U = [           ]
 u1   ⋅⋅⋅  un. Then, B is a r × r principal submatrix of U*AU. Thus, by inclusion principle, λk(U*AU) λk(B) λk+n-r(U*AU). But, we know that σ(U*AU) = σ(A) and hence the required result follows. _

The proof of the next result is left for the reader.

Corollary 9.7.9. Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix and r be a positive integer with 1 r n. Then,

λ (A) + ⋅⋅⋅+ λ (A) =  min  trU *AU   and   λ     (A) + ⋅⋅⋅ + λ (A) =  max  trU *AU.
 1            r      U*U=Ir                 n-r+1            n      U*U=Ir

Corollary 9.7.10. Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix and W be a k-dimensional subspace of n. Suppose, there exists a real number c such that x*Ax cx*x, for each x W. Then, λn-k+1(A) c. In particular, if x*Ax > 0, for each nonzero x W, then λn-k+1 > 0. (Note that, a k-dimensional subspace need not contain an eigenvector of A. For example, the line y = 2x does not contain an eigenvector of [     ]
  1  0

  0  2.)

Proof. Let {x1,,xn-k} be a basis of W. Then, PICT PICT DRAFT

                                  *                 *
λn- k+1(A) = w1m,.a..x,w       m∥ix∥n=1   x  Ax ≥    m∥ixn∥=1   x  Ax ≥ c.
                  n-k x⊥w1,...,wn-k        x⊥x1,...,xn-k

Now assume that x*Ax > 0 holds for each nonzero x W and that λn-k+1 = 0. Then, it follows that min x=1 xx1,,xn-k x*Ax = 0. Now, define f : n by f(x) = x*Ax.

Then, f is a continuous function and minx=1 xW f(x) = 0. Thus, f must attain its bound on the unit sphere. That is, there exists y W with y= 1 such that y*Ay = 0, a contradiction. Thus, the required result follows. _ PICT PICT DRAFT PICT PICT DRAFT PICT PICT DRAFT