Chapter 3
Vector Spaces

In this chapter, we will mainly be concerned with finite dimensional vector spaces over or . Please note that the real and complex numbers have the property that any pair of elements can be added, subtracted or multiplied. Also, division is allowed by a nonzero element. Such sets in mathematics are called field. So, and are examples of field. The fields and have infinite number of elements. But, in mathematics, we do have fields that have only finitely many elements. For example, consider the set 5 = {0,1,2,3,4}. In 5, we respectively, define addition and multiplication, as

    |  |  |  |  |  |                    |  |  |  |  |  |
 +  |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |                  ⋅ |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |
----|--|--|--|--|--|                 ---|--|--|--|--|--|
-0--|0-|1-|2-|3-|4-|                 -0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|0-|
-1--|1-|2-|3-|4-|0-|                 -1-|0-|1-|2-|3-|4-|
 2  |2 |3 |4 |0 |1 |      and         2 |0 |2 |4 |1 |3 .
----|--|--|--|--|--|                 ---|--|--|--|--|--|
-3--|3-|4-|0-|1-|2-|                 -3-|0-|3-|1-|4-|2-|
-4---4--0--1--2--3-|                 -4--0--4--3--2--1--
Then, we see that the elements of 5 can be added, subtracted and multiplied. Note that 4 behaves as -1 and 3 behaves as -2. Thus, 1 behaves as -4 and 2 behaves as -3. Also, we see that in this multiplication 2 3 = 1 and 4 4 = 1. Hence,
the division by 2 is similar to multiplying by 3,
the division by 3 is similar to multiplying by 2, and
the division by 4 is similar to multiplying by 4.

Thus, 5 indeed behaves like a field. So, in this chapter, F will represent a field.

3.1 Vector Spaces: Definition and Examples

Let A Mm,n(F) and let V denote the solution set of the homogeneous system Ax = 0. Then, by Theorem 2.1.9, V satisfies:

0 V as A0 = 0. PICT PICT DRAFT
if x V then αx V, for all α F. In particular, for α = -1, -x V.
if x,y V then, for any α,β F, αx + βy V.

That is, the solution set of a homogeneous linear system satisfies some nice properties. The Euclidean plane, 2, and the Euclidean space, 3, also satisfy the above properties. In this chapter, our aim is to understand sets that satisfy such properties. We start with the following definition.

Definition 3.1.1. [Vector Space] A vector space V over F, denoted V(F) or in short V (if the field F is clear from the context), is a non-empty set, satisfying the following conditions:

Vector Addition: To every pair u,v V there corresponds a unique element u v V (called the addition of vectors) such that
u v = v u (Commutative law).
(u v) w = u (v w) (Associative law).
V has a unique element, denoted 0, called the zero vector that satisfies u0 = u, for every u V (called the additive identity).
for every u V there is an element w V that satisfies u w = 0.
Scalar Multiplication: For each u V and α F, there corresponds a unique element αu in V (called the scalar multiplication) such that
α (β u) = (αβ) u for every α,β F and u V (is multiplication in F).
1 u = u for every u V, where 1 F.
Distributive Laws: relating vector addition with scalar multiplication
For any α,β F and u,v V, the following distributive laws hold: PICT PICT DRAFT
α (u v) = (α u) (α v).
(α + β) u = (α u) (β u) (+ is addition in F).

Remark 3.1.2. [Real / Complex Vector Space]

The elements of F are called scalars.
The elements of V are called vectors.
We denote the zero element of F by 0, whereas the zero element of V will be denoted by 0.
Observe that Condition implies that for every u V, the vector w V such that u + w = 0 holds, is unique. For if, w1,w2 V with u + wi = 0, for i = 1,2 then by commutativity of vector addition, we see that
w1 = w1 + 0 = w1 + (u + w2 ) = (w1 + u )+ w2 = 0 + w2 = w2.
Hence, we represent this unique vector by -u and call it the additive inverse.
If V is a vector space over then, V is called a real vector space.
If V is a vector space over then V is called a complex vector space.
In general, a vector space over or is called a linear space.

Some interesting consequences of Definition 3.1.1 is stated next. Intuitively, they seem obvious but for better understanding of the given conditions, it is desirable to go through the proof.

Theorem 3.1.3. Let V be a vector space over F. Then,

u v = u implies v = 0.
α u = 0 if and only if either u = 0 or α = 0.
(-1) u = -u, for every u V.

Proof. Part 1: By Condition, for each u V there exists -u V such that -u u = 0. Hence, u v = u is equivalent to

- u⊕ (u ⊕ v) = - u⊕  u ⇐ ⇒ (- u ⊕ u )⊕ v = 0 ⇐⇒ 0 ⊕ v = 0 ⇐⇒  v = 0.

Part 2: As 0 = 0 0, using Condition, we have

α ⊙ 0 = α ⊙ (0⊕ 0 ) = (α ⊙ 0)⊕ (α ⊙ 0).
Thus, using Part 1, α 0 = 0 for any α F. In the same way, using Condition, PICT PICT DRAFT
0⊙ u = (0 + 0)⊙ u = (0⊙  u)⊕ (0 ⊙ u).
Hence, using Part 1, one has 0 u = 0 for any u V.

Now suppose αu = 0. If α = 0 then the proof is over. Therefore, assume that α0F. Then, (α)-1 F and

0 = (α)-1 ⊙ 0 = (α )- 1 ⊙ (α ⊙ u) = ((α )-1 ⋅α )⊙ u = 1 ⊙ u = u
as 1 u = u for every vector u V (see Condition 2.2b). Thus, if α0 and α u = 0 then u = 0.

Part 3: As 0 = 0 u = (1 + (-1))u = u (-1) u, one has (-1) u = -u. _

Example 3.1.4. The readers are advised to justify the statements given below.

Let A Mm,n(F) with Rank(A) = r n. Then, using Theorem 2.2.40, the solution set of the homogeneous system Ax = 0 is a vector space over F.
Consider with the usual addition and multiplication. That is, a b = a + b and a b = a b. Then, forms a real vector space.
Let 2 = {(x1,x2)T |x1,x2 } Then, for x1,x2,y1,y2 and α , define
PICT PICT DRAFT        T         T                   T                 T            T
(x1,x2)  ⊕ (y1,y2)  = (x1 + y1,x2 + y2)   and α ⊙ (x1,x2)  = (αx1,αx2 ) .
Verify that 2 is a real vector space.
Let n = {(a1,,an)T |ai ,1 i n}. For u = (a1,,an)T ,v = (b1,,bn)T V and α , define
u ⊕ v = (a1 + b1,...,an + bn)T and α⊙  u = (αa1, ...,αan )T
(called component wise operations). Then, V is a real vector space. The vector space n is called the real vector space of n-tuples.

Recall that the symbol i represents the complex number √---
 - 1.

Consider = {x + iy|x,y }, the set of complex numbers. Let z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2 and define z1 z2 = (x1 + x2) + i(y1 + y2). For scalar multiplication,
let α and define, α z1 = (αx1) + i(αy1). Then, is a vector space over (called the real vector space).
let α +and define, (α +)(x1 +iy1) = (αx1 -βy1)+i(αy1 +βx1). Then, forms a vector space over (called the complex vector space).
Let n = {(z1,,zn)T |zi ,1 i n}. For z = (z1,,zn),w = (w1,,wn)T n and α F, define
z+  w = (z1 + w1, ...,zn + wn )T , and α ⊙ z = (αz1,...,αzn )T.
Then, verify that n forms a vector space over (called the complex vector space) as well as over (called the real vector space). Unless specified otherwise, n will be considered a complex vector space.

Remark 3.1.5. If F = then i(1,0) = (i,0) is allowed. Whereas, if F = then i(1,0) doesn’t make sense as i ⁄∈ .

Fix m,n and let Mm,n() = {Am×n = [aij]|aij }. For A,B Mm,n() and α , define (A + αB)ij = aij + αbij. Then, Mm,n() is a complex vector space. If m = n, the vector space Mm,n() is denoted by Mn().
Let S be a non-empty set and let S = {f|f is a function from S to }. For f,g S and α , define (f + αg)(x) = f(x) + αg(x), for all x S. Then, S is a real vector space. In particular,
for S = , observe that consists of all real sequences and forms a real vector space.
Let V be the set of all bounded real sequences. Then, V is a real vector space.
Let V be the set of all real sequences that converge to 0. Then, V is a real vector space.
Let S be the set of all real sequences that converge to 1. Then, check that S is not a vector space. Determine the conditions that fail.
Fix a,b with a < b and let C([a,b], ) = {f : [a,b] |f is continuous}. Then, C([a,b], ) with (f + αg)(x) = f(x) + αg(x), for all x [a,b], is a real vector space.
Let C(, ) = {f : |f is continuous}. Then, C(, ) is a real vector space, where (f + αg)(x) = f(x) + αg(x), for all x . PICT PICT DRAFT
Fix a < b and let C2((a,b), ) = {f : (a,b) |f′′ is continuous}. Then, C2((a,b), ) with (f + αg)(x) = f(x) + αg(x), for all x (a,b), is a real vector space.
Fix a < b and let C((a,b), ) = {f : (a,b) |f is infinitely differentiable}. Then, C((a,b), ) with (f + αg)(x) = f(x) + αg(x), for all x (a,b) is a real vector space.
Fix a < b . Then, V = {f : (a,b) |f′′ + f+ 2f = 0} is a real vector space.

Note that the in the last few examples we can replace by to get corresponding complex vector spaces.

Let [x] = {a0 + a1x + ⋅⋅⋅ + anxn|ai , for 0 i n}. Now, let p(x),q(x) [x]. Then, we can choose m such that p(x) = a0 + a1x + ⋅⋅⋅ + amxm and q(x) = b0 + b1x + ⋅⋅⋅ + bmxm, where some of the ai’s or bj’s may be zero. Then, we define
p(x)+  q(x ) = (a0 + b0) + (a1 + b1)x+ ⋅⋅⋅+ (am + bm )xm
and αp(x) = (αa0) + (αa1)x + ⋅⋅⋅ + (αam)xm, for α . With the operations defined above (called component wise addition and multiplication), it can be easily verified that [x] forms a real vector space.
Fix n and let [x;n] = {p(x) [x]|p(x) has degree n}. Then, with component wise addition and multiplication, the set [x;n] forms a real vector space.
Let [x] = {a0 + a1x + ⋅⋅⋅ + anxn|ai , for 0 i n}. Then, component wise addition and multiplication, the set [x] forms a complex vector space. One can also look at [x;n], the set of complex polynomials of degree less than or equal to n. Then, [x;n] forms a complex vector space.
Let V = {0}. Then, V is a real as well as a complex vector space.
Let + = {x |x > 0}. Then, PICT PICT DRAFT
+ is not a vector space under usual operations of addition and scalar multiplication.
+ is a real vector space with 1 as the additive identity if we define
u ⊕ v = u ⋅v and α ⊙ u = u α, for all u, v ∈ ℝ+ and α ∈ ℝ.
For any α and x = (x1,x2)T ,y = (y1,y2)T 2, define
x ⊕ y = (x1 + y1 + 1,x2 + y2 - 3)T and α ⊙ x = (αx1 + α - 1,αx2 - 3α+ 3 )T .
Then, 2 is a real vector space with (-1,3)T as the additive identity.
Let V = {A = [aij] Mn()|a11 = 0}. Then, V is a complex vector space.
Let V = {A = [aij] Mn()|A = A*}. Then, verify that V is a real vector space but not a complex vector space.
Let V and W be vector spaces over F, with operations (+,) and (,), respectively. Let V × W = {(v,w)|v V,w W}. Then, V × W forms a vector space over F, if for every (v1,w1),(v2,w2) V × W and α , we define
PICT PICT DRAFT           ′
(v1,w1 )⊕  (v2,w2)  =   (v1 + v2,w1 ⊕ w2 ), and
        α∘ (v1,w1)  =   (α ∙ v1,α ⊙ w1).
v1 + v2 and w1 w2 on the right hand side mean vector addition in V and W, respectively. Similarly, α v1 and α w1 correspond to scalar multiplication in V and W, respectively.
Let be the set of scalars. Then, is a vector space over . As e,π,π -√ --
  2 ⁄∈ , these real numbers are vectors but not scalars in this space.
Similarly, is a vector space over . Since e - π,i + √2--,i ⁄∈ , these complex numbers are vectors but not scalars in this space.
Recall the field 5 = {0,1,2,3,4} given on the first page of this chapter. Then, V = {(a,b)|a,b 5} is a vector space over 5 having 25 vectors.

Note that all our vector spaces, except the last three, are linear spaces.

From now on, we will use ‘u + v’ for ‘u v’ and ‘αu or α u’ for ‘α u’.

Exercise 3.1.6.

Verify that the vectors spaces mentioned in Example 3.1.4 do satisfy all the conditions for vector spaces.
Does the set V given below form a real/complex or both real and complex vector space? Give reasons for your answer.
For x = (x1,x2)T ,y = (y1,y2)T 2, define x + y = (x1 + y1,x2 + y2)T and αx = (αx1,0)T for all α .
Let V = { [    ]                     }
   a  b
   c  d |a,b,c,d ∈ ℂ, a+ c = 0.
Let V = { [    ]                  }
   a  b      -
   c  d |a = b,a,b,c,d ∈ ℂ. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let V = {(x,y,z)T |x + y + z = 1}.
Let V = {(x,y)T 2|x y = 0}.
Let V = {(x,y)T 2|x = y2}.
Let V = {α(1,1,1)T + β(1,1,-1)T |α,β }.
Let V = with x y = x - y and α x = -αx, for all x,y V and α .
Let V = 2. Define (x1,y1)T (x2,y2)T = (x1+x2,0)T and α(x1,y1)T = (αx1,0)T , for α,x1,x2,y1,y2 .

3.1.1 Subspaces

Definition 3.1.7. [Vector Subspace] Let V be a vector space over F. Then, a non-empty subset S of V is called a subspace of V if S is also a vector space with vector addition and scalar multiplication inherited from V.

Example 3.1.8.

If V is a vector space then V and {0} are subspaces, called trivial subspaces.
The real vector space has no non-trivial subspace. To check this, let V{0} be a vector subspace of . Then, there exists x ,x0 such that x V. Now, using scalar multiplication, we see that {αx|α }⊆ V. As, x0, the set {αx|α } = . This in turn implies that V = . PICT PICT DRAFT
W = {x 3|[1,2,-1]x = 0} is a plane in 3 containing 0 (hence a subspace).
W = {x 3|[           ]
 1   1    1

 1  - 1  - 1x = 0} is a line in 3 containing 0 (hence a subspace).
The vector space [x;n] is a subspace of [x].
Is V = {xp(x)|p(x) [x]} a subspace of [x]?
Verify that C2(a,b) is a subspace of C(a,b).
Verify that W = {(x,0)T 2|x } is a subspace of 2.
Is the set of sequences converging to 0 a subspace of the set of all bounded sequences?
Let V be the vector space of Example Then,
S = {(x,0)T |x } is not a subspace of V as (x,0)T (y,0)T = (x+y+1,-3)T ⁄∈ S.
Verify that W = {(x,3)T |x } is a subspace of V.
The vector space + defined in Example is not a subspace of .

Let V(F) be a vector space and W V, W. We now prove a result which implies that to check W to be a subspace, we need to verify only one condition.

Theorem 3.1.9. Let V(F) be a vector space and W V, W. Then, W is a subspace of V if and only if αu + βv W whenever α,β F and u,v W.

Proof. Let W be a subspace of V and let u,v W. Then, for every α,β F, αuv W and hence αu + βv W.

Now, we assume that αu + βv W, whenever α,β F and u,v W. To show, W is a subspace of V: PICT PICT DRAFT

Taking α = 1 and β = 1, we see that u + v W, for every u,v W.
Taking α = 0 and β = 0, we see that 0 W.
Taking β = 0, we see that αu W, for every α F and u W. Hence, using Theorem, -u = (-1)u W as well.
The commutative and associative laws of vector addition hold as they hold in V.
The conditions related with scalar multiplication and the distributive laws also hold as they hold in V.

Thus, one obtains the required result. _

Exercise 3.1.10.

Determine all the subspaces of and 2.
Prove that a line in 2 is a subspace if and only if it passes through (0,0) 2.
Fix n . Then, is W a subspace of Mn(), where
W = {A Mn()|A is upper triangular}?
W = {A Mn()|A is symmetric}?
W = {A Mn()|A is skew-symmetric}?
W = {A|A is a diagonal matrix}?
W = {A|trace(A) = 0}?
W = {A = [aij]|a11 + a21 + a34 = 0}?
Fix n . Then, is W = {A = [aij]|a11 + a22 = 0} a subspace of the complex vector space Mn()? What if Mn() is a real vector space?______________________________________
Are all the sets given below subspaces of C([-1,1])?
W = {f C([-1,1])|f(12) = 0}.
W = {f C([-1,1])|f(-12) = 0,f(12) = 0}.
Are all the sets given below subspaces of [x]? Recall that the degree of the zero polynomial is assumed to be -∞.
W = {f(x) [x]|deg(f(x)) = 3}.
W = {f(x) [x]|deg(f(x)) 0}.
W = {f(x) [x]|f(0) = 0}.
Which of the following are subspaces of n()?
{(x1,x2,,xn)T |x1 0}.
{(x1,x2,,xn)T |x1 is rational}.
{(x1,x2,,xn)T ||x1|1}.
Among the following, determine the subspaces of the complex vector space n?
{(z1,z2,,zn)T |z1 is real }.
{(z1,z2,,zn)T |z1 + z2 = z3}.
{(z1,z2,,zn)T |z1 = z2}.
Prove that the following sets are not subspaces of Mn().
G = {A Mn()|det(A) = 0}.
G = {A Mn()|det(A) = 1}.

3.1.2 Linear Span

Definition 3.1.11. [Linear Combination] Let V be a vector space over F. Then, for any u1,,un V and α1,n F, the vector α1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αnun = i=1nαiui is said to be a linear combination of the vectors u1,,un.

Example 3.1.12.

(3,4,3) is a linear combination of (1,1,1) and (1,2,1) as (3,4,3) = 2(1,1,1) + (1,2,1).
(3,4,5) is not a linear combination of (1,1,1) and (1,2,1) as the linear system (3,4,5) = a(1,1,1) + b(1,2,1), in the variables a and b has no solution.
Is (4,5,5) a linear combination of e1T = (1,0,0), e2T = (0,1,0) and e3T = (3,3,1)?
Solution: (4,5,5) is a linear combination as (4,5,5) = 4e1T + 5e2T + 5e3T .
Is (4,5,5) a linear combination of (1,0,0), (2,1,0) and (3,3,1)?
Solution: (4,5,5) is a linear combination if the linear system
a(1,0,0) + b(2,1,0 )+ c(3,3,1) = (4,5,5)

in the variables a,b,c has a solution. Clearly, Equation (3.1.1) has solution a = 9,b = -10 and c = 5.

Is 4 + 5x + 5x2 + x3 a linear combination of the polynomials p1(x) = 1, p2(x) = 2 + x2 and p3(x) = 3 + 3x + x2 + x3?
Solution: The polynomial 4 + 5x + 5x2 + x3 is a linear combination if the linear system
ap1(x )+ bp2(x)+ cp3(x) = 4+ 5x + 5x2 + x3

in the variables a,b,c has a solution. Verify that the system has no solution. Thus, 4 + 5x + 5x2 + x3 is not a linear combination of the given set of polynomials.

Is ⌊1  3  4⌋
|       |
⌈3  3  6⌉
 4  6  5 a linear combination of the vectors I 3,⌊ 0  1  1⌋
|        |
⌈ 1  1  2⌉
  1  2  0 and ⌊ 0  1  2⌋
|        |
⌈ 1  0  2⌉
  2  2  4?
Solution: Verify that ⌊        ⌋
| 1  3  4|
⌈ 3  3  6⌉
  4  6  5 = I 3 + 2⌊       ⌋
|0  1  1|
⌈1  1  2⌉
 1  2  0 + ⌊        ⌋
| 0  1 2 |
⌈ 1  0 2 ⌉
  2  2 4. Hence, it is indeed a linear combination of given vectors of M3().

Exercise 3.1.13.

Let x 3. Prove that xT is a linear combination of (1,0,0), (2,1,0) and (3,3,1). Is this linear combination unique? That is, does there exist (a,b,c)(e,f,g) with xT = a(1,0,0) + b(2,1,0) + c(3,3,1) = e(1,0,0) + f(2,1,0) + g(3,3,1)?
Find condition(s) on x,y,z such that
(x,y,z) is a linear combination of (1,2,3),(-1,1,4) and (3,3,2).
(x,y,z) is a linear combination of (1,2,1),(1,0,-1) and (1,1,0).
(x,y,z) is a linear combination of (1,1,1),(1,1,0) and (1,-1,0).

Definition 3.1.14. [Linear Span] Let V be a vector space over F and S V. Then, the linear span of S, denoted LS(S), is defined as

LS (S)  =   {α u  + ⋅⋅⋅+ α u |α  ∈ F,u ∈ S, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n}.
              1 1         n n  i      i
That is, LS(S) is the set of all possible linear combinations of finitely many vectors of S. If S is an empty set, we define LS(S) = {0}. PICT PICT DRAFT

Example 3.1.15. For the set S given below, determine LS(S).

S = {(1,0)T ,(0,1)T }⊆ 2.
Solution: LS(S) = {a(1,0)T + b(0,1)T |a,b } = {(a,b)T |a,b } = 2.
S = {(1,1,1)T ,(2,1,3)T }. What does LS(S) represent in 3?
Solution: LS(S) = {a(1,1,1)T + b(2,1,3)T |a,b } = {(a + 2b,a + b,a + 3b)T |a,b }. Note that LS(S) represents a plane passing through the points (0,0,0)T ,(1,1,1)T and (2,1,3)T . To get he equation of the plane, we proceed as follows:
Find conditions on x,y and z such that (a + 2b,a + b,a + 3b) = (x,y,z). Or equivalently, find conditions on x,y and z such that a + 2b = x,a + b = y and a + 3b = z has a solution for all a,b . The RREF of the augmented matrix equals ⌊1  0    2y - x ⌋
|               |
⌈0  1    x - y  ⌉
 0  0  z + y - 2x. Thus, the required condition on x,y and z is given by z + y - 2x = 0. Hence,
LS (S ) = {a(1,1,1)T + b(2,1,3)T |a,b ∈ ℝ} = {(x,y,z)T ∈ ℝ3|2x- y - z = 0}.
S = {(1,2,1)T ,(1,0,-1)T ,(1,1,0)T }. What does LS(S) represent?
Solution: As above, LS(S) is a plane passing through the given points and (0,0,0)T . To get the equation of the plane, we need to find condition(s) on x,y,z such that the linear system
PICT PICT DRAFT a(1,2,1)+ b(1,0,- 1) + c(1,1,0) = (x,y,z)

in the variables a,b,c is always consistent. An application of GJE to Equation (3.1.3) gives ⌊                  ⌋
 1  0  1     x+y-
|      1     2x3--y  |
⌈0  1  2      3    ⌉
 0  0  0  x - y + z. Thus, LS(S) = {(x,y,z)T 3|x - y + z = 0}.

S = {1 + 2x + 3x2,1 + x + 2x2,1 + 2x + x3}.
Solution: To understand LS(S), we need to find condition(s) on α,β,γ,δ such that the linear system
a(1 + 2x+ 3x2 )+ b(1+ x + 2x2)+  c(1 + 2x + x3) = α + βx + γx2 + δx3
in the variables a,b,c is always consistent. An application of GJE method gives α + β - γ - 3δ = 0 as the required condition. Thus,
LS (S) = {α + βx + γx2 + δx3 ∈ ℝ[x]|α + β - γ - 3δ = 0}.
S = (   ⌊        ⌋ ⌊       ⌋ )
|{     0  1  1   0  1  2  |}
  I,|        |,|       |
|( 3 ⌈ 1  1  2⌉ ⌈1  0  2⌉ |)
      1  2  0   2  2  4M3().
Solution: To get the equation, we need to find conditions of aij’s such that the system PICT PICT DRAFT
⌊                        ⌋   ⌊             ⌋
   α      β + γ   β + 2γ       a11 a12  a13
|⌈β + γ    α + β   2β + 2γ|⌉ = |⌈ a21 a22  a23|⌉,

 β + 2γ  2β + 2γ  α + 2γ       a31 a32  a33
in the variables α,β,γ is always consistent. Now, verify that the required condition equals
                                 T       a22-+-a33 --a13
LS (S) = {A = [aij] ∈ M3(ℝ )|A  = A  ,a11 =        2      ,
                                 a22 - a33 + 3a13      a22 - a33 + 3a13}
                           a12 = -------4-------,a23 = -------2-------  .

Exercise 3.1.16. For each S, determine the equation of the geometrical object that LS(S) represents?

S = {-1}⊆ .
S = {π}⊆ .
S = {(x,y)T : x,y < 0}⊆ 2.
S = {(x,y)T : either x0 or y0}⊆ 2. PICT PICT DRAFT
S = {(1,0,1)T ,(0,1,0)T ,(2,0,2)T } ⊆ 3. Give two examples of vectors u,v different from the given set such that LS(S) = LS(u,v).
S = {(x,y,z)T : x,y,z > 0}⊆ 3.
S = (                                        )
| ⌊ 0    1  0⌋  ⌊ 0    0  1⌋  ⌊ 0   1  1⌋|
{ |          |  |          |  |         |}
| ⌈- 1   0  1⌉, ⌈ 0    0  1⌉, ⌈- 1  0  0⌉|
(   0   - 1 0    - 1  - 1 0    - 1  0  0 )M3().
S = {(1,2,3,4)T ,(-1,1,4,5)T ,(3,3,2,3)T }⊆ 4.
S = {1+2x+x2,x,1+x2}⊆ [x;2]. Give two examples of polynomial p(x),q(x) different from the given set such that LS(S) = LS(p(x),q(x)).
S = {1 + 2x + 3x2,-1 + x + 4x2,3 + 3x + 2x2}⊆ [x;2].
S = {1,x,x2,}⊆ [x].

Definition 3.1.17. [Finite Dimensional Vector Space] Let V be a vector space over F. Then, V is called finite dimensional if there exists S V, such that S has finite number of elements and V = LS(S). If such an S does not exist then V is called infinite dimensional.

Example 3.1.18.

{(1,2)T ,(2,1)T } spans 2. Thus, 2 is finite dimensional.
{1,1 + x,1 - x + x2,x3,x4,x5} spans [x;5]. Thus, [x;5] is finite dimensional. PICT PICT DRAFT
Fix n . Then, [x;n] is finite dimensional as [x;n] = LS({1,x,x2,,xn}).
[x] is not finite dimensional as the degree of a polynomial can be any large positive integer. Indeed, verify that [x] = LS({1,x,x2,,xn,}).
The vector space over is infinite dimensional. An argument to justify it will be given later. The same argument also implies that the vector space over is infinite dimensional.

Lemma 3.1.19 (Linear Span is a Subspace). Let V be a vector space over F and S V. Then, LS(S) is a subspace of V.

Proof. By definition, 0 LS(S). So, LS(S) is non-empty. Let u,v LS(S). To show, au + bv LS(S) for all a,b F. As u,v LS(S), there exist n , vectors wi S and scalars αii F such that u = α1w1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αnwn and v = β1w1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + βnwn. Hence,

au + bv = (a α1 + bβ1)w1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (aαn + bβn)wn ∈ LS (S)
as i + i F for 1 i n. Thus, by Theorem 3.1.9, LS(S) is a vector subspace. _

Exercise 3.1.20. Let V be a vector space over F and W V.

Then, LS(W) = W if and only if W is a subspace of V.
If W is a subspace of V and S W then LS(S) is a subspace of W as well.

Theorem 3.1.21. Let V be a vector space over F and S V. Then, LS(S) is the smallest subspace of V containing S.

Proof. For every u S, u = 1 u LS(S). Thus, S LS(S). Need to show that LS(S) is the smallest subspace of V containing S. So, let W be any subspace of V containing S. Then, by Exercise 3.1.20, LS(S) W and hence the result follows. _

Definition 3.1.22. [Sum of two subsets] Let V be a vector space over F.

Let S and T be two subsets of V. Then, the sum of S and T, denoted S + T equals {s + t|s S,t T}. For example,
if V = , S = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} and T = {5,10,15} then S + T = {5,6,,21}.
if V = 2, S = { [ ] }
   1 and T = {[   ]}
   - 1
   1 then S + T = { [ ]}
if V = 2, S = { [ ]}

   1 and T = LS( [   ])
   - 1

    1 then S +T = { [ ]    [   ]     }
   1      - 1
      + c     |c ∈ ℝ
   1       1.
Let P and Q be two subspaces of 2. Then, P + Q = 2, if
P = {(x,0)T |x } and Q = {(0,x)T |x } as (x,y) = (x,0) + (0,y).
P = {(x,0)T |x } and Q = {(x,x)T |x } as (x,y) = (x - y,0) + (y,y).
P = LS((1,2)T ) and Q = LS((2,1)T ) as (x,y) = 2y - x
---3--(1,2) + 2x - y

We leave the proof of the next result for readers.

PICT PICT DRAFT Lemma 3.1.23. Let P and Q be two subspaces of a vector space V over F. Then, P + Q is a subspace of V. Furthermore, P + Q is the smallest subspace of V containing both P and Q.

Exercise 3.1.24.

Let a 2,a0. Then, show that {x 2|aT x = 0} is a non-trivial subspace of 2. Geometrically, what does this set represent in 2?
Find all subspaces of 3.
Let U = { [    ]          }
   a  b
        |a,b,c ∈ ℝ
   c  0 and W = { [    ]        }
   a  0
        |a,d ∈ ℝ
   0  d be subspaces of M2(). Determine U W. Is M2() = U W? What is U + W?
Let W and U be two subspaces of a vector space V over F.
Prove that W U is a subspace of V.
Give examples of W and U such that W U is not a subspace of V.
Determine conditions on W and U such that W U a subspace of V?
Prove that LS(W U) = W + U.
Prove that {(x,y,z)T 3|ax + by + cz = d} is a subspace of 3 if and only if d = 0.
Determine all subspaces of the vector space in Example
Let S = {x1,x2,x3,x4}, where x1 = (1,0,0)T ,x2 = (1,1,0)T ,x3 = (1,2,0)T and x4 = (1,1,1)T . Then, determine all xi such that LS(S) = LS(S \{xi}). PICT PICT DRAFT
Let W = LS((1,0,0)T ,(1,1,0)T ) and U = LS((1,1,1)T ). Prove that W + U = 3 and W U = {0}. If v 3, determine w W and u U such that v = w + u. Is it necessary that w and u are unique?
Let W = LS((1,-1,0),(1,1,0)) and U = LS((1,1,1),(1,2,1)). Prove that W + U = 3 and W U{0}. Find v 3 such that v = w + u, for 2 different choices of w W and u U. That is, the choice of vectors w and u is not unique.

Let V be a vector space over either or . Then, we have learnt the following:

for any S V, LS(S) is again a vector space. Moreover, LS(S) is the smallest subspace containing S.
if S = then LS(S) = {0}.
if S has at least one non zero vector then LS(S) contains infinite number of vectors.

Therefore, the following questions arise:

Are there conditions under which LS(S1) = LS(S2), for S1S2?
Is it always possible to find S so that LS(S) = V?
Suppose we have found S V such that LS(S) = V. Can we find S such that no proper subset of S spans V?

We try to answer these questions in the subsequent sections. Before doing so, we give a short section on fundamental subspaces associated with a matrix.

3.2 Fundamental Subspaces Associated with a Matrix

Definition 3.2.1. [Fundamental Subspaces] Let A Mm,n(). Then, we define the four fundamental subspaces associated with A as PICT PICT DRAFT

Col(A) = {Ax|x n}⊆ m, called the Column space. Observe that Col(A) is the linear span of the columns of A.
Row(A) = {xT A|x m}, called the row space of A. Observe that Row(A) is the linear span of the rows of A.
Null(A) = {x n|Ax = 0}, called the Null space of A.
Null(A*) = {x m|A*x = 0}.

Remark 3.2.2. Let A Mm,n().

Then, Col(A) is a subspace of m and Col(A*) is a subspace of n.
Then, Null(A) is a subspace of n and Null(A*) is a subspace of m.

Example 3.2.3.

Let A = ⌊             ⌋
 1   1   0  - 1
|⌈1  - 1  1   2|⌉

 2   0   1   1. Then, verify that
Col(A) = {x = (x1,x2,x3)T 3|x1 + x2 - x3 = 0}.
Row(A) = {x = (x1,x2,x3,x4)T 4|x1 - x2 - 2x3 = 0,x1 - 3x2 - 2x4 = 0}.
Null(A) = LS({(1,-1,-2,0)T ,(1,-3,0,-2)T }). PICT PICT DRAFT
Null(AT ) = LS((1,1,-1)T ).
Let A = ⌊1   i    2i ⌋
|            |
⌈i  - 2   - 3 ⌉
 1   1   1+ i. Then,
Col(A) = {(x1,x2,x3) 3|(2 + i)x1 - (1 - i)x2 - x3 = 0}.
Col(A*) = {(x1,x2,x3) 3|ix1 - x2 + x3 = 0}.
Null(A) = LS((i,1,-1)T ).
Null(A*) = LS((-2 + i,1 + i,1)T ).

Remark 3.2.4. Let A Mm,n(). Then, in Example 3.2.3, observe that the direction ratios of normal vectors of Col(A) matches with vector in Null(AT ). Similarly, the direction ratios of normal vectors of Row(A) matches with vectors in Null(A). Are these true in the general setting? Do similar relations hold if A Mm,n()? We will come back to these spaces again and again.

Exercise 3.2.5.

Let A = [BC]. Then, determine the condition under which Col(A) = Col(C).
Let A = ⌊         ⌋
|1   1   1|
⌈2   0   1⌉
 1  - 1  0. Then, determine Col(A), Row(A), Null(A) and Null(AT ).

3.3 Linear Independence

Definition 3.3.1. [Linear Independence and Dependence] Let S = {u1,,um} be a non-empty subset of a vector space V over F. Then, S is said to be linearly independent if the linear system

α  u + α  u + ⋅⋅⋅+ α  u   = 0,
  1 1    2 2         m  m

in the variables αi’s, 1 i m, has only the trivial solution. If Equation (3.3.1) has a non-trivial solution then S is said to be linearly dependent.

If S has infinitely many vectors then S is said to be linearly independent if for every finite subset T of S, T is linearly independent.

Observe that we are solving a linear system over F. Hence, linear independence and dependence depend on F, the set of scalars.

Example 3.3.2.

Is the set S a linear independent set? Give reasons.
Let S = {1 + 2x + x2,2 + x + 4x2,3 + 3x + 5x2}⊆ [x;2].
Solution: Consider the system [                                    ]
 1+ 2x + x2  2 + x+ 4x2  3 + 3x + 5x2⌊  ⌋
|⌈ b|⌉
  c = 0, PICT PICT DRAFT or equivalently a(1 + 2x + x2) + b(2 + x + 4x2) + c(3 + 3x + 5x2) = 0, in the variables a,b and c. As two polynomials are equal if and only if their coefficients are equal, the above system reduces to the homogeneous system a + 2b + 3c = 0,2a + b + 3c = 0,a+4b+5c = 0. The corresponding coefficient matrix has rank 2 < 3, the number of variables. Hence, the system has a non-trivial solution. Thus, S is a linearly dependent subset of [x;2].
S = {1,sin(x),cos(x)} is a linearly independent subset of C([-π,π], ) over as the system
[                ]| |
 1  sin(x)  cos(x) ⌈b⌉ = 0 ⇔  a⋅1 + b⋅sin(x)+ c ⋅cos(x) = 0,

in the variables a,b and c has only the trivial solution. To verify this, evaluate Equation (3.3.2) at -π-
 2,0 and π-
2 to get the homogeneous system a-b = 0,a + c = 0,a + b = 0. Clearly, this system has only the trivial solution.

Let S = {(0,1,1)T ,(1,1,0)T ,(1,0,1)T }.
Solution: Consider the system [                        ]
 (0,1,1)  (1,1,0)  (1,0,1)⌊  ⌋
|  |
⌈ b⌉
  c = (0,0,0) in the variables a,b and c. As rank of coefficient matrix is 3 = the number of variables, the system has only the trivial solution. Hence, S is a linearly independent subset of 3.
Consider as a complex vector space and let S = {1,i}.
Solution: Since is a complex vector space, i 1 + (-1)i = i - i = 0. So, S is a linear dependent subset of the complex vector space .
Consider as a real vector space and let S = {1,i}.
Solution: Consider the linear system a 1 + b i = 0, in the variables a,b . Since a,b , equating real and imaginary parts, we get a = b = 0. So, S is a linear independent subset of the real vector space .
Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) < m then, the rows of A are linearly dependent.
Solution: As Rank(A) < m, there exists an invertible matrix P such that PA = [  ]
 0. Thus, 0T = (PA)[m,:] = i=1mpmiA[i,:]. As P is invertible, at least one pmi0. Thus, the required result follows.
Let A Mm,n(). If Rank(A) < n then, the columns of A are linearly dependent.
Solution: As Rank(A) < n, by Corollary 2.2.33, there exists an invertible matrix Q such that AQ = [     ]
 B  0. Thus, 0 = (AQ)[:,n] = i=1nqinA[:,i]. As Q is invertible, at least one qin0. Thus, the required result follows.

3.3.1 Basic Results on Linear Independence

The reader is expected to supply the proof of parts that are not given.

Proposition 3.3.3. Let V be a vector space over F.

Then, 0, the zero-vector, cannot belong to a linearly independent set.
Then, every subset of a linearly independent set in V is also linearly independent.
Then, a set containing a linearly dependent set of V is also linearly dependent.

Proof. Let 0 S. Then, 1 0 = 0. That is, a non-trivial linear combination of some vectors in S is 0. Thus, the set S is linearly dependent. _

We now prove a couple of results which will be very useful in the next section.

PICT PICT DRAFT Proposition 3.3.4. Let S be a linearly independent subset of a vector space V over F. If T1,T2 are two subsets of S such that T1 T2 = then, LS(T1) LS(T2) = {0}. That is, if v LS(T1) LS(T2) then v = 0.

Proof. Let v LS(T1) LS(T2). Then, there exist vectors u1,,uk T1, w1,,w T2 and scalars αi’s and βj’s (not all zero) such that v = i=1kαiui and v = j=1βjwj . Thus, we see that i=1kαiui + j=1(-βj)wj = 0. As the scalars αi’s and βj’s are not all zero, we see that a non-trivial linear combination of some vectors in T1 T2 S is 0. This contradicts the assumption that S is a linearly independent subset of V. Hence, each of α’s and βj’s is zero. That is v = 0. _

We now prove another useful result.

Theorem 3.3.5. Let S = {u1,,uk} be a non-empty subset of a vector space V over F. If T LS(S) having more than k vectors then, T is a linearly dependent subset in V.

Proof. Let T = {w1,,wm}. As wi LS(S), there exist aij F such that

wi =  ai1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ aikuk, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m.
⌊    ⌋   ⌊                    ⌋   ⌊             ⌋ ⌊   ⌋
| w1 |   | a11u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ a1kuk |   | a11   ⋅⋅⋅  a1k| |u1 |
|  .. | = |          ..         | = |  ..   ...   .. | | .. |.
⌈  . ⌉   ⌈          .         ⌉   ⌈  .        . ⌉ ⌈ . ⌉
  wm       am1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ amkuk      am1   ⋅⋅⋅  amk   uk
As PICT PICT DRAFT m > k, using Corollary 2.2.42, the linear system xT A = 0T has a non-trivial solution, say Y0T . That is, YT A = 0T . Thus,
   ⌊    ⌋      (   ⌊  ⌋ )          ⌊  ⌋      ⌊   ⌋
     w1             u1              u1         u1
  T||  . ||     T||   || .|| ||      T   || .||     T|| . ||    T
Y  ⌈  .. ⌉ = Y  (A  ⌈ ..⌉ ) = (Y  A )⌈ ..⌉ =  0 ⌈ .. ⌉ = 0 .
    wm              uk              uk        uk
As Y0, a non-trivial linear combination of vectors in T is 0. Thus, the set T is linearly dependent subset of V. _

Corollary 3.3.6. Fix n . Then, any subset S of n with |S|≥ n+1 is linearly dependent.

Proof. Observe that n = LS({e1,,en}), where ei = In[:,i], is the i-th column of In. Hence, using Theorem 3.3.5, the required result follows. _

Theorem 3.3.7. Let S be a linearly independent subset of a vector space V over F. Then, for any v V the set S ∪{v} is linearly dependent if and only if v LS(S).

Proof. Let us assume that S ∪{v} is linearly dependent. Then, there exist vi’s in S such that the linear system

α1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ αpvp + αp+1v = 0

in the variables αi’s has a non-trivial solution, say αi = ci, for 1 i p + 1. We claim that cp+10.

For, if cp+1 = 0 then, Equation (3.3.3) has a non-trivial solution corresponds to having a non-trivial solution of the linear system α1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αpvp = 0 in the variables α1,p. This contradicts Proposition as {v1,,vp}⊆ S, a linearly independent set. Thus, cp+10 and we get

v = - ----(c1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ cpvp) ∈ LS (v1,...,vp)
as -cci-
 p+1 F, for 1 i p. That is, v is a linear combination of v1,,vp.

Now, assume that v LS(S). Then, there exists vi S and ci F, not all zero, such that v = i=1pcivi. Thus, the linear system α1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αpvp + αp+1v = 0 in the variables αi’s has a non-trivial solution [c1,,cp,-1]. Hence, S ∪{v} is linearly dependent. _

We now state a very important corollary of Theorem 3.3.7 without proof. This result can also be used as an alternative definition of linear independence and dependence.

Corollary 3.3.8. Let V be a vector space over F and let S be a subset of V containing a non-zero vector u1.

If S is linearly dependent then, there exists k such that LS(u1,,uk) = LS(u1,,uk-1).
If S linearly independent then, v V \ LS(S) if and only if S ∪{v} is also a linearly independent subset of V.
If S is linearly independent then, LS(S) = V if and only if each proper superset of S is linearly dependent.

3.3.2 Application to Matrices

We start with our understanding of the RREF.

Theorem 3.3.9. Let A Mm,n(). Then, the rows of A corresponding to the pivotal rows of RREF(A) are linearly independent. Also, the columns of A corresponding to the pivotal columns of RREF(A) are linearly independent.

Proof. Let RREF(A) = B. Then, the pivotal rows of B are linearly independent due to the pivotal 1’s. Now, let B1 be the submatrix of B consisting of the pivotal rows of B. Also, let A1 be the submatrix of A whose rows corresponds to the rows of B1. As the RREF of a matrix is unique (see Corollary 2.2.18) there exists an invertible matrix Q such that QA1 = B1. So, if there exists c0 such that cT A1 = 0T then

0T = cTA1 =  cT(Q- 1B1 ) = (cT Q- 1)B1 =  dTB1,
with dT = cT Q-10T as Q is an invertible matrix (see Theorem 2.3.1). This contradicts the linear independence of the rows of B1.

Let B[:,i1],,B[:,ir] be the pivotal columns of B. Then, they are linearly independent due to pivotal 1’s. As B = RREF(A), there exists an invertible matrix P such that B = PA. Then, the corresponding columns of A satisfy

[A [:,i1],...,A[:,ir]] = [P-1B [:,i1],...,P -1B[:,ir]] = P -1[B [:,i1],...,B [:,ir]].
As P PICT PICT DRAFT is invertible, the systems [A[:,i1],,A[:,ir]]⌊  ⌋
|| ..||
⌈ .⌉
 xr = 0 and [B[:,i1],,B[:,ir]]⌊   ⌋
|| .. ||
⌈ . ⌉
 xr = 0 are row-equivalent. Thus, they have the same solution set. Hence, {A[:,i1],,A[:,ir]} is linearly independent if and only if {B[:,i1],,B[:,ir]} is linear independent. Thus, the required result follows. _

The next result follows directly from Theorem 3.3.9 and hence the proof is left to readers.

Corollary 3.3.10. The following statements are equivalent for A Mn().

A is invertible.
The columns of A are linearly independent.
The rows of A are linearly independent.

We give an example for better understanding.

Example 3.3.11. Let A = ⌊            ⌋
 1  1   1   0
||            ||
|1  0  - 1  1|
|⌈2  1   0   1|⌉
 1  1   1   2 with RREF(A) = B = ⌊            ⌋
  1  0  - 1 0
||            ||
| 0  1  2   0|
|⌈ 0  0  0   1|⌉
  0  0  0   0.

Then, B[:,3] = -B[:,1] + 2B[:,2]. Thus, A[:,3] = -A[:,1] + 2A[:,2].
As the 1-st, 2-nd and 4-th columns of B are linearly independent, the set {A[:,1],A[: ,2],A[:,4]} is linearly independent.
Also, note that during the application of GJE, the 3-rd and 4-th rows were interchanged. Hence, the rows A[1,:],A[2,:] and A[4,:] are linearly independent.

3.3.3 Linear Independence and Uniqueness of Linear Combination

We end this section with a result that states that linear combination with respect to linearly independent set is unique.

Lemma 3.3.12. Let S be a linearly independent subset of a vector space V over F. Then, each v LS(S) is a unique linear combination of vectors from S.

Proof. Suppose there exists v LS(S) with v LS(T1),LS(T2) with T1,T2 S. Let T1 = {v1,,vk} and T2 = {w1,,w}, for some vi’s and wj’s in S. Define T = T1 T2. Then, T is a subset of S. Hence, using Proposition 3.3.3, the set T is linearly independent. Let T = {u1,,up}. Then, there exist αi’s and βj’s in F, not all zero, such that v = α1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αpup as well as v = β1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + βpup. Equating the two expressions for v gives

(α1 - β1)u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ (αp - βp)up = 0.

As T is a linearly independent subset of V, the system c1v1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + cpvp = 0, in the variables c1,,cp, has only the trivial solution. Thus, in Equation (3.3.4), αi -βi = 0, for 1 i p. Thus, for 1 i p, αi = βi and the required result follows. _

Exercise 3.3.13.

Prove that S = {1,i,x,x+x2} is a linearly independent subset of the vector space [x;2] over . Whereas, it is linearly dependent subset of the vector space [x;2] over . PICT PICT DRAFT
Suppose V is a vector space over as well as over . Then, prove that {u1,,uk} is a linearly independent subset of V over if and only if {u1,,uk,iu1,,iuk} is a linearly independent subset of V over .
Is the set {1,x,x2,} a linearly independent subset of the vector space [x] over ?
Is the set {Eij|1 i m,1 j n} a linearly independent subset of the vector space Mm,n() over (see Definition
Let W be a subspace of a vector space V over F. For u,v V \ W, define K = LS(W,u) and M = LS(W,v). Then, prove that v K if and only if u M.
Prove that
the rows/columns of A Mn() are linearly independent if and only if det(A)0.
the rows/columns of A Mn() span n if and only if A is an invertible matrix.
the rows/columns of a skew-symmetric matrix A of odd order are linearly dependent.
Let V and W be subspaces of n such that V + W = n and V W = {0}. Prove that each u n is uniquely expressible as u = v + w, where v V and w W.
Let S = {u1,,un} and T = {w1,,wn} be subsets of a complex vector space V. Also, let ⌊   ⌋
|w1 |
| .. |
⌈ . ⌉
 wn = A⌊   ⌋
| u1|
| .. |
⌈ . ⌉
 un for some matrix A Mn().
If A is invertible then prove that S is a linearly independent if and only if T is linearly independent. Hint: Suppose T is linearly independent and consider the linear system i=1nαiui = 0 in the variables αi’s. Then,
              ⌊   ⌋                  (  ⌊  ⌋ )                  ⌊   ⌋
                u1                       u1                      w1
0T = [α ,...,α  ]|| .. || = ([α ,...,α  ]A- 1)||A || ..|| || = ([α ,...,α ]A -1)|| .. ||.
      1      n⌈ . ⌉     1     n      (  ⌈ .⌉ )     1      n     ⌈ . ⌉
                un                       un                      wn
src= PICT DRAFT " class="math-display" >
Since T is linearly independent, one has 0T = [α1,n]A-1. But A is invertible and hence αi = 0, for all i.
If T is linearly independent then prove that A is invertible. Further, in this case, the set S is necessarily linearly independent. Hint: Suppose A is not invertible. Then, there exists x00 such that x0TA = 0T. Thus, we have obtained x00 such that
  ⌊ w1⌋       ⌊u1⌋     ⌊ u1⌋
 T|  .|    T  | .|    T|  .|    T
x0|⌈  ..|⌉ = x0A |⌈ ..|⌉ = 0 |⌈  ..|⌉ = 0 ,
    wn         un        un
a contradiction to T being a linearly independent set.
Let S = {u1,,un}⊆ n and T = {Au1,,Aun}, for some matrix A Mn(C).
If S is linearly dependent then prove that T is linear dependent.
If S is linearly independent then prove that T is linearly independent for every invertible matrix A.
If T is linearly independent then S is linearly independent. Further, in this case, the matrix A is necessarily invertible.
Consider the Euclidean plane 2. Let u1 = (1,0)T . Determine condition on u2 such that {u1,u2} is a linearly independent subset of 2.
Let S = {(1,1,1,1)T ,(1,-1,1,2)T ,(1,1,-1,1)T }⊆ 4. Does (1,1,2,1)T LS(S)? Furthermore, determine conditions on x,y,z and u such that (x,y,z,u)T LS(S).
Show that S = {(1,2,3)T ,(-2,1,1)T ,(8,6,10)T }⊆ 3 is linearly dependent.
Find u,v,w 4 such that {u,v,w} is linearly dependent whereas {u,v},{u,w} and {v,w} are linearly independent.
Let A Mn(). Suppose x,y n \{0} such that Ax = 3x and Ay = 2y. Then, prove that x and y are linearly independent. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A = ⌊         ⌋
 2   1  3
|⌈4  - 1 3 |⌉

 3  - 2 5. Determine x,y,z 3 \{0} such that Ax = 6x, Ay = 2y and Az = -2z. Use the vectors x,y and z obtained above to prove the following.
A2v = 4v, where v = cy + dz for any c,d .
The set {x,y,z} is linearly independent.
Let P = [x,y,z] be a 3 × 3 matrix. Then, P is invertible.
Let D = ⌊         ⌋
  6  0  0
|⌈ 0  2  0 |⌉

  0  0  - 2. Then, AP = PD.

3.4 Basis of a Vector Space

Definition 3.4.1. [Maximality] Let S be a subset of a set T. Then, S is said to be a maximal subset of T having property P if

S has property P and
no proper superset of S in T has property P.

Example 3.4.2. Let T = {2,3,4,7,8,10,12,13,14,15}. Then, a maximal subset of T of consecutive integers is S = {2,3,4}. Other maximal subsets are {7,8},{10} and {12,13,14,15}. Note that {12,13} is not maximal. Why? PICT PICT DRAFT

Definition 3.4.3. [Maximal linearly independent set] Let V be a vector space over F. Then, S is called a maximal linearly independent subset of V if

S is linearly independent and
no proper superset of S in V is linearly independent.

Example 3.4.4.

In 3, the set S = {e1,e2} is linearly independent but not maximal as S ∪{(1,1,1)T } is a linearly independent set containing S.
In 3, S = {(1,0,0)T ,(1,1,0)T ,(1,1,-1)T } is a maximal linearly independent set as S is linearly independent and any collection of 4 or more vectors from 3 is linearly dependent (see Corollary 3.3.6).
Let S = {v1,,vk}⊆ n. Now, form the matrix A = [v1,,vk] and let B = RREF(A). Then, using Theorem 3.3.9, we see that if B[:,i1],,B[:,ir] are the pivotal columns of B then {vi1,,vir} is a maximal linearly independent subset of S.
Is the set {1,x,x2,} a maximal linearly independent subset of [x] over ?
Is the set {Eij|1 i m,1 j n} a maximal linearly independent subset of Mm,n() over ?

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 3.4.5. Let V be a vector space over F and S a linearly independent set in V. Then, S is maximal linearly independent if and only if LS(S) = V.

Proof. Let v V. As S is linearly independent, using Corollary, the set S ∪{v} is linearly independent if and only if v V \ LS(S). Thus, the required result follows. _

Let V = LS(S) for some set S with |S| = k. Then, using Theorem 3.3.5, we see that if T V is linearly independent then |T|k. Hence, a maximal linearly independent subset of V can have at most k vectors. Thus, we arrive at the following important result.

Theorem 3.4.6. Let V be a vector space over F and let S and T be two finite maximal linearly independent subsets of V. Then, |S| = |T|.

Proof. By Theorem 3.4.5, S and T are maximal linearly independent if and only if LS(S) = V = LS(T). Now, use the previous paragraph to get the required result. _

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Then, by Theorem 3.4.6, the number of vectors in any two maximal linearly independent set is the same. We use this number to define the dimension of a vector space. We do so now.

Definition 3.4.7. [Dimension of a finite dimensional vector space] Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over F. Then, the number of vectors in any maximal linearly independent set is called the dimension of V, denoted dim(V). By convention, dim({0}) = 0.

Example 3.4.8.

As {1} is a maximal linearly independent subset of , dim() = 1.
As {e1,e2,e3}⊆ 3 is maximal linearly independent, dim(3) = 3. PICT PICT DRAFT
As {e1,,en} is a maximal linearly independent subset in n, dim(n) = n.
As {e1,,en} is a maximal linearly independent subset in n over , dim(n) = n.
Using Exercise, {e1,,en,ie1,,ien} is a maximal linearly independent subset in n over . Thus, as a real vector space, dim(n) = 2n.
As {Eij|1 i m,1 j n} is a maximal linearly independent subset of Mm,n() over , dim(Mm,n()) = mn.

Definition 3.4.9. Let V be a vector space over F. Then, a maximal linearly independent subset of V is called a basis/Hamel basis of V. The vectors in a basis are called basis vectors. By convention, a basis of {0} is the empty set.

Existence of Hamel basis

Definition 3.4.10. [Minimal Spanning Set] Let V be a vector space over F. Then, a subset S of V is called minimal spanning if LS(S) = V and no proper subset of S spans V.

Remark 3.4.11 (Standard Basis). The readers should verify the statements given below.

All the maximal linearly independent set given in Example 3.4.8 form the standard basis of the respective vector space.
{1,x,x2,} is the standard basis of [x] over . PICT PICT DRAFT
Fix a positive integer n. Then, {1,x,x2,,xn} is the standard basis of [x;n] over .
Let V = {A Mn()|A = AT }. Then, V is a vector space over with standard basis {Eii,Eij + Eji|1 i < j n}.
Let V = {A Mn()|AT = -A}. Then, V is a vector space over with standard basis {Eij -Eji|1 i < j n}.

Example 3.4.12.

Note that {-2} is a basis and a minimal spanning subset in .
Let u1,u2,u3 2. Then, {u1,u2,u3} can neither be a basis nor a minimal spanning subset of 2.
{(1,1,-1)T ,(1,-1,1)T ,(-1,1,1)T } is a basis and a minimal spanning subset of 3.
Let V = {(x,y,0)T |x,y }⊆ 3. Then, B = {(1,0,0)T ,(1,3,0)T } is a basis of V.
Let V = {(x,y,z)T 3|x + y - z = 0}⊆ 3. As each element (x,y,z)T V satisfies x + y - z = 0. Or equivalently z = x + y, we see that
(x,y,z) = (x,y,x + y) = (x,0,x)+ (0,y,y) = x(1,0,1)+ y(0,1,1).
Hence, {(1,0,1)T ,(0,1,1)T } forms a basis of V. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let S = {a1,,an}. Then, S is a real vector space (see Example For 1 i n, define the functions
ei(aj) =   1   if j = i  .
          0   otherwise
Then, prove that B = {e1,,en} is a linearly independent subset of S over . Is it a basis of S over ? What can you say if S is a countable set?
Let S = n and consider the vector space S (see Example For 1 i n, define the functions ei(x) = ei((x1,,xn)) = xi. Then, verify that {e1,,en} is a linearly independent subset of S over . Is it a basis of S over ?
Let S = {v1,,vk} ⊆ n. Define A = [v1,,vk]. Then, using Example, we see that dim(LS(S)) = Rank(A). Further, using Theorem 3.3.9, the columns of A corresponding to the pivotal columns in RREF(A) form a basis of LS(S).
Recall the vector space C[a,b], where a < b . For each α [a,b], define
fα(x) = x - α, for all x ∈ [a,b].
Prove that the set {fα|α [a,b]} is linearly dependent.

3.4.1 Main Results associated with Bases

Theorem 3.4.13. Let V be a non-zero vector space over F. Then, the following statements are equivalent.

B is a basis (maximal linearly independent subset) of V.
B is linearly independent and spans V.
B is a minimal spanning set in V.

Proof. 1 2   By definition, every basis is a maximal linearly independent subset of V. Thus, using Corollary, we see that B spans V.

2 3   Let S be a linearly independent set that spans V. As S is linearly independent, for any x S, x∕∈LS(S - {x}). Hence LS(S - {x }) LS(S) = V.

3 1   If B is linearly dependent then using Corollary, B is not minimal spanning. A contradiction. Hence, B is linearly independent.

We now need to show that B is a maximal linearly independent set. Since LS(B) = V, for any x V \B, using Corollary, the set B∪{x} is linearly dependent. That is, every proper superset of B is linearly dependent. Hence, the required result follows. _

Now, using Lemma 3.3.12, we get the following result.

Remark 3.4.14. Let B be a basis of a vector space V over F. Then, for each v V, there exist unique ui B and unique αi F, for 1 i n, such that v = i=1nαiui.

The next result is generally known as “every linearly independent set can be extended to form a basis of a finite dimensional vector space”.

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 3.4.15. Let V be a vector space over F with dim(V) = n. If S is a linearly independent subset of V then there exists a basis T of V such that S T.

Proof. If LS(S) = V, done. Else, choose u1 V \LS(S). Thus, by Corollary, the set S ∪{u1} is linearly independent. We repeat this process till we get n vectors in T as dim(V) = n. By Theorem 3.4.13, this T is indeed a required basis. _

3.4.2 Constructing a Basis of a Finite Dimensional Vector Space

We end this section with an algorithm which is based on the proof of the previous theorem.

Step 1: Let v1 V with v10. Then, {v1} is linearly independent.
Step 2: If V = LS(v1), we have got a basis of V. Else, pick v2 V \ LS(v1). Then, by Corollary, {v1,v2} is linearly independent.
Step i: Either V = LS(v1,,vi) or LS(v1,,vi) ⊊ V. In the first case, {v1,,vi} is a basis of V. Else, pick vi+1 V \LS(v1,,vi). Then, by Corollary, the set {v1,,vi+1} is linearly independent.

This process will finally end as V is a finite dimensional vector space.

Exercise 3.4.16.

Let B = {u1,,un} be a basis of a vector space V over F. Then, does the condition i=1nαiui = 0 in αi’s imply that αi = 0, for 1 i n?
Let S = {v1,,vp} be a subset of a vector space V over F. Suppose LS(S) = V but S is not a linearly independent set. Then, does this imply that each v V is expressible in more than one way as a linear combination of vectors from S? Is it possible to get a subset T of S such that T is a basis of V over F? Give reasons for your answer.
Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Then, PICT PICT DRAFT
prove that any set consisting of n linearly independent vectors forms a basis of V.
prove that if S is a subset of V having n vectors with LS(S) = V then, S forms a basis of V.
Let {v1,,vn} be a basis of n. Then, prove that the two matrices B = [v1,,vn] and C = ⌊  T⌋
| v1|
|⌈  ...|⌉
  vn are invertible.
Let A Mn() be an invertible matrix. Then, prove that the rows/columns of A form a basis of n over .
Let W1 and W2 be two subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V such that W1 W2. Then, prove that W1 = W2 if and only if dim(W1) = dim(W2).
Let W1 be a non-trivial subspace of a finite dimensional vector space V over F. Then, prove that there exists a subspace W2 of V such that
W1  ∩ W2 = {0 },W1 + W2  = V and  dim (W2 ) = dim (V)- dim (W1 ).
Also, prove that for each v V there exist unique vectors w1 W1 and w2 W2 with v = w1 + w2. The subspace W2 is called the complementary subspace of W1 in V.
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over F. If W1 and W2 are two subspaces of V such that W1 W2 = {0} and dim(W1) + dim(W2) = dim(V) then prove that W1 + W2 = V.
Consider the vector space C([-π,π]) over . For each n , define en(x) = sin(nx). Then, prove that S = {en|n } is linearly independent. [Hint: Need to show that every finite subset of S is linearly independent. So, on the contrary assume that there exists and functions ek1,,ek such that α1ek1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αek = 0, for some αt0 with 1 t . But, the above system is PICT PICT DRAFT equivalent to looking at α1 sin(k1x) + ⋅⋅⋅ + α sin(kx) = 0 for all x [-π,π]. Now in the integral
∫ π
    sin(mx )(α1sin(k1x)+ ⋅⋅⋅+ αℓsin(kℓx)) dx
 - π
replace m with ki’s to show that αi = 0, for all i,1 i . This gives the required contradiction.]
Is the set {1,sin(x),cos(x),sin(2x),cos(2x),sin(3x),cos(3x),} a linearly subset of the vector space C([-π,π], ) over ?________________________________________________________
Find a basis of 3 containing the vector (1,1,-2)T .
Find a basis of 3 containing the vector (1,1,-2)T and (1,2,-1)T .
Is it possible to find a basis of 4 containing the vectors (1,1,1,-2)T , (1,2,-1,1)T and (1,-2,7,-11)T ?
Show that B = {(1,0,1)T ,(1,i,0)T ,(1,1,1 - i)T } is a basis of 3 over .
Find a basis of 3 over containing the basis B given in Example
Determine a basis and dimension of W = {(x,y,z,w)T 4|x + y - z + w = 0}.
Find a basis of V = {(x,y,z,u) 4|x - y - z = 0,x + z - u = 0}.
Let A = ⌊             ⌋
 1  0  1  1  0
|             |
⌈0  1  2  3  0⌉
 0  0  0  0  1. Find a basis of V = {x 5 |Ax = 0}.
Let uT = (1,1,-2),vT = (-1,2,3) and wT = (1,10,1). Find a basis of LS(u,v,w). Determine a geometrical representation of LS(u,v,w).
Is the set W = {p(x) [x;4]|p(-1) = p(1) = 0} a subspace of [x;4]? If yes, find its dimension.

3.5 Application to the subspaces of n

In this section, we will study results that are intrinsic to the understanding of linear algebra from the point of view of matrices, especially the fundamental subspaces (see Definition 3.2.1) associated with matrices. We start with an example.

Example 3.5.1.

Compute the fundamental subspaces for A = ⌊                ⌋
 1   1   1    - 2
|⌈1   2  - 1   1  |⌉

 1  - 2  7   - 11.
Solution: Verify the following
Row(A) = {(x,y,z,u)T 4|3x - 2y = z,5x - 3y + u = 0}.
Col(A) = {(x,y,z)T 3|4x - 3y - z = 0}.
Null(A) = {(x,y,z,u)T 4|x + 3z - 5u = 0,y - 2z + 3u = 0}.
Null(AT ) = {(x,y,z)T 3|x + 4z = 0,y - 3z = 0}.
Let A = ⌊                     ⌋
 1  1  0  1  1  0  - 1
|⌈0  0  1  2  3  0  - 2|⌉

 0  0  0  0  0  1   1. Find a basis and dimension of Null(A).
Solution: Writing the basic vairables x1,x3 and x6 in terms of the free variables x2,x4,x5 and x7, we get x1 = x7 -x2 -x4 -x5, x3 = 2x7 - 2x4 - 3x5 and x6 = -x7. Hence, the solution set has the form
⌊   ⌋   ⌊                 ⌋     ⌊   ⌋      ⌊   ⌋     ⌊   ⌋      ⌊   ⌋
  x1      x7 - x2 - x4 - x5       - 1       - 1       - 1         1
|| x2||   ||        x2       ||     || 1 ||      || 0 ||     || 0 ||      || 0 ||
||   ||   ||                 ||     ||   ||      ||   ||     ||   ||      ||   ||
|| x3||   || 2x7 - 2x4 - 3x5 ||     || 0 ||      ||- 2||     ||- 3||      || 2 ||
| x4| = |        x4       | = x2| 0 | + x4 | 1 | + x5| 0 | + x7 | 0 |.
|| x ||   ||        x        ||     || 0 ||      || 0 ||     || 1 ||      || 0 ||
||  5||   ||         5       ||     ||   ||      ||   ||     ||   ||      ||   ||
⌈ x6⌉   ⌈       - x7      ⌉     ⌈ 0 ⌉      ⌈ 0 ⌉     ⌈ 0 ⌉      ⌈- 1⌉
  x7             x7               0          0         0          1

Now, let u1T = [               ]
 - 1,1,0,0,0,0,0, u2T = [                ]
 - 1,0,- 2,1,0,0,0, u3T = [                ]
 - 1,0,- 3,0,1,0,0 and u4T = [               ]
 1,0,2,0,0,- 1,1. Then, S = {u1,u2,u3,u4} is a basis of Null(A). The reasons for S to be a basis are as follows:

By Equation (3.5.1) Null(A) = LS(S).
For Linear independence, the homogeneous system c1u1 + c2u2 + c3u3 + c4u4 = 0 in the variables c1,c2,c3 and c4 has only the trivial solution as
u4 is the only vector with a nonzero entry at the 7-th place (u4 corresponds to x7) and hence c4 = 0.
u3 is the only vector with a nonzero entry at the 5-th place (u3 corresponds to x5) and hence c3 = 0.
Similar arguments hold for the variables c2 and c1.

Exercise 3.5.2. Let A = ⌊                ⌋
|1   2   1  3  2 |
|0   2   2  2  4 |
||                ||
⌈2  - 2  4  0  8 ⌉
 4   2   5  6  10 and B = ⌊                 ⌋
| 2    4   0    6 |
|- 1   0   - 2  5 |
||                 ||
⌈- 3  - 5  1   - 4⌉
 - 1  - 1  1    2.

Find invertible matrices P1 and P2 such that P1A = RREF(A) and P2B = RREF(B).
Find bases for Col(A), Row(A), Col(B) and Row(B).
Find bases of Null(A), Null(AT ), Null(B) and Null(BT ).
Find the dimensions of all the vector subspaces so obtained.

The next result is a re-writing of the results on system of linear equations. We give the proof for the sake of completeness.

Lemma 3.5.3. Let A Mm×n() and let E be an elementary matrix. If

B = EA then
Null(A) = Null(B), Row(A) = Row(B). Thus, the dimensions of the corresponding spaces are equal.
Null(A) = Null(B), Row(A) = Row(B). Thus, the dimensions of the corresponding spaces are equal.
B = AE then
Null(A*) = Null(B*), Col(A) = Col(B). Thus, the dimensions of the corresponding spaces are equal.
Null(AT ) = Null(BT ), Col(A) = Col(B). Thus, the dimensions of the corresponding spaces are equal.

Proof. Part 1a: Let x Null(A). Then, Bx = EAx = E0 = 0. So, Null(A) Null(B). Further, if x Null(B), then Ax = (E-1E)Ax = E-1(EA)x = E-1Bx = E-10 = 0. Hence, Null(B) Null(A). Thus, Null(A) = Null(B). PICT PICT DRAFT

Let us now prove Row(A) = Row(B). So, let xT Row(A). Then, there exists y m such that xT = yT A. Thus, xT = (yTE -1)EA = (yT E-1)B and hence xG Row(B). That is, Row(A) Row(B). A similar argument gives Row(B) Row(A) and hence the required result follows.

Part 1b: E is invertible implies E is invertible and B = EA. Thus, an argument similar to the previous part gives us the required result.

For Part 2, note that B* = E*A* and E* is invertible. Hence, an argument similar to the first part gives the required result. _

Let A Mm×n() and let B = RREF(A). Then, as an immediate application of Lemma 3.5.3, we get dim(Row(A)) = Row rank(A). We now prove that dim(Row(A)) = dim(Col(A)).

Theorem 3.5.4. Let A Mm×n(). Then, dim(Row(A)) = dim(Col(A)).

Proof. Let dim(Row(A)) = r. Then, there exist i1,,ir such that {A[i1,:],,A[ir,:]} forms a basis of Row(A). Then, B = ⌊ A[i,:]⌋
|   1.  |
|⌈   ..  |⌉

  A[ir,:] is an r × n matrix and it’s rows are a basis of Row(A). Therefore, there exist αij ,1 i m,1 j r such that A[t,:] = [αt1,tr]B, for 1 t m. So, using matrix multiplication

     ⌊ A[1,:]⌋   ⌊ [α  ,...,α  ]B  ⌋         ⌊ α    ⋅⋅⋅ α   ⌋
     |   .  |   |   11   .  1r   |         |  1.1        1.r|
A  = |⌈   ..  |⌉ = |⌈        ..       |⌉ = CB  = |⌈  ..   ...   .. |⌉B,

      A [m, :]     [αm1, ...,αmr]B            αm1   ⋅⋅⋅ αmr
where C = [αij] is an m×r matrix. Thus, using matrix multiplication, we see that each column of A is a linear combination of r columns of C. Hence, dim(Col(A)) r = dim(Row(A)). A similar argument gives dim(Row(A)) dim(Col(A)). Hence, we have the required result. _

PICT PICT DRAFT Remark 3.5.5. The proof also shows that for every A Mm×n() of rank r there exists matrices Br×n and Cm×r, each of rank r, such that A = CB.

Let W1 and W1 be two subspaces of a vector space V over F. Then, recall that (see Exercise W1 + W2 = {u + v|u W1,v W2} = LS(W1 W2) is the smallest subspace of V containing both W1 and W2. We now state a result similar to a result in Venn diagram that states |A| + |B| = |A B| + |A B|, whenever the sets A and B are finite (for a proof, see Appendix 9.4.1).

Theorem 3.5.6. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over F. If W1 and W2 are two subspaces of V then

dim (W  ) + dim(W  ) = dim (W  +  W  )+ dim(W   ∩W  ).
       1         2          1     2         1     2

For better understanding, we give an example for finite subsets of n. The example uses Theorem 3.3.9 to obtain bases of LS(S), for different choices S. The readers are advised to see Example 3.3.9 before proceeding further.

Example 3.5.7. Let V and W be two spaces with V = {(v,w,x,y,z)T 5|v + x + z = 3y} and W = {(v,w,x,y,z)T 5|w - x = z,v = y}. Find bases of V and W containing a basis of V W.
Solution: One can first find a basis of V W and then heuristically add a few vectors to get bases for V and W, separately. PICT PICT DRAFT

Alternatively, First find bases of V, W and VW, say BV ,BW and B. Now, consider S = BBV . This set is linearly dependent. So, obtain a linearly independent subset of S that contains all the elements of B. Similarly, do for T = BBW .

So, we first find a basis of V W. Note that (v,w,x,y,z)T V W if v,w,x,y and z satisfy v + x - 3y + z = 0,w - x - z = 0 and v = y. The solution of the system is given by

(v,w, x,y,z)T = (y,2y,x,y,2y - x)T = y(1,2,0,1,2)T + x(0,0,1,0,- 1)T.

Thus, B = {(1,2,0,1,2)T ,(0,0,1,0,-1)T } is a basis of V W. Similarly, a basis of V is given by C = {(-1,0,1,0,0)T ,(0,1,0,0,0)T ,(3,0,0,1,0)T ,(-1,0,0,0,1)T } and that of W is given by D = {(1,0,0,1,0)T ,(0,1,1,0,0)T ,(0,1,0,0,1)T }. To find the required basis form a matrix whose rows are the vectors in B,C and D (see Equation(3.5.3)) and apply row operations other than Eij. Then, after a few row operations, we get

⌊                ⌋    ⌊               ⌋
| 1   2  0  1  2 |    |1  2  0  1   2 |
|-0---0--1--0--- 1|   |0--0--1--0----1|
||- 1  0  1  0  0 ||    ||0  1  0  0   0 ||
||                ||    ||               ||
|| 0   1  0  0  0 ||    ||0  0  0  1   3 ||
|| 3   0  0  1  0 || →  ||0  0  0  0   0 || .
||- 1  0  0  0  1 ||    ||0  0  0  0   0 ||
|----------------|    |---------------|
|| 1   0  0  1  0 ||    ||0  1  0  0   1 ||
|⌈ 0   1  1  0  0 |⌉    |⌈0  0  0  0   0 |⌉

  0   1  0  0  1       0  0  0  0   0

Thus, a required basis of V is {(1,2,0,1,2)T ,(0,0,1,0,-1)T ,(0,1,0,0,0)T ,(0,0,0,1,3)T }. Similarly, a required basis of W is {(1,2,0,1,2)T ,(0,0,1,0,-1)T ,(0,1,0,0,1)T }.


Exercise 3.5.8.

Give an example to show that if A and B are equivalent then Col(A) need not equal Col(B).
Let V = {(x,y,z,w)T 4|x + y - z + w = 0,x + y + z + w = 0,x + 2y = 0} and W = {(x,y,z,w)T 4|x-y -z + w = 0,x + 2y -w = 0} be two subspaces of 4. Think of a method to find bases and dimensions of V, W, V W and V + W.
Let W1 and W2 be two subspaces of a vector space V. If dim(W1) + dim(W2) > dim(V), then prove that dim(W1 W2) 1.
Let A Mm×n() with m < n. Prove that the columns of A are linearly dependent.

We now prove the rank-nullity theorem and give some of it’s consequences.

Theorem 3.5.9 (Rank-Nullity Theorem). Let A Mm×n(). Then,

dim (Col (A))+ dim (Null (A)) = n.


Proof. Let dim(Null(A)) = r n and let B = {u1,,ur} be a basis of Null(A). Since B is a linearly independent set in n, extend it to get B = {u1,,un} as a basis of n. Then,

Col (A ) =   LS (B ) = LS (Au1, ...,Aun )
         =   LS (0, ...,0,Au    ,...,Au  ) = LS (Au   ,...,Au  ).
                           r+1        n          r+1       n
So, C = {Aur+1,,Aun} spans Col(A). We further need to show that C is linearly independent. So, consider the linear system
α1Aur+1  + ⋅⋅⋅+ αn-rAun  = 0 ⇔  A(α1ur+1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ αn- run ) = 0

in the variables α1,n-r. Thus, α1ur+1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + αn-run Null(A) = LS(B). Therefore, there exist scalars βi,1 i r, such that i=1n-rαiur+i = j=1rβjuj. Or equivalently,

β1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ βrur - α1ur+1 - ⋅⋅⋅ - αn-run = 0.

As B is a linearly independent set, the only solution of Equation (3.5.6) is

αi = 0, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n - r and βj = 0, for 1 ≤ j ≤ r.
In other words, we have shown that the only solution of Equation (3.5.5) is the trivial solution. Hence, {Aur+1,,Aun} is a basis of Col(A). Thus, the required result follows. _

Theorem 3.5.9 is part of what is known as the fundamental theorem of linear algebra (see Theorem 5.2.16). The following are some of the consequences of the rank-nullity theorem. The proofs are left as an exercise for the reader.

Exercise 3.5.10.

Let A Mm,n().
If n > m then the system Ax = 0 has infinitely many solutions,
If n < m then there exists b m \{0} such that Ax = b is inconsistent.
The following statements are equivalent for an m × n matrix A.
Rank (A) = k.
There exist a set of k rows of A that are linearly independent.
There exist a set of k columns of A that are linearly independent.
dim(Col(A)) = k.
There exists a k × k submatrix B of A with det(B)0. Further, the determinant of every (k + 1) × (k + 1) submatrix of A is zero. PICT PICT DRAFT
There exists a linearly independent subset {b1,,bk} of m such that the system Ax = bi, for 1 i k, is consistent.
dim(Null(A)) = n - k.

3.6 Ordered Bases

Let V be a vector space over with dim(V) = n, for some positive integer n. Also, let W be a subspace of V with dim(W) = k. Then, a basis of W may not look like a standard basis. Our problem may force us to look for some other basis. In such a case, it is always helpful to fix the vectors in a particular order and then concentrate only on the coefficients of the vectors as was done for the system of linear equations where we didn’t worry about the variables. It may also happen that k is very-very small as compared to n in which case it is better to work with k vectors in place of n vectors.

Definition 3.6.1. [Ordered Basis, Basis Matrix] Let W be a vector space over F with a basis B = {u1,,um}. Then, an ordered basis for W is a basis B together with a one-to-one correspondence between B and {1,2,,m}. Since there is an order among the elements of B, we write B = (u1,...,um ). The vector B = [u1,,um] is an element of Wm and is generally called the basis matrix.

Example 3.6.2.

Consider the ordered basis B = (e1,e2,e3) of 3. Then, B = [          ]
 e1  e2  e3.
Consider the ordered basis B = (1,x,x2,x3) of [x;3]. Then, B = [             ]
 1  x   x2  x3. PICT PICT DRAFT
Consider the ordered basis B = (E12 -E21,E13 -E31,E23 -E32) of the set of 3 × 3 skew-symmetric matrices. Then, B = ⌊ ⌊         ⌋  ⌊         ⌋  ⌊         ⌋ ⌋
| | 0   1  0|  | 0   0  1|  | 0  0   0| |
⌈ ⌈- 1  0  0⌉  ⌈ 0   0  0⌉  ⌈ 0  0   1⌉ ⌉
    0   0  0    - 1  0  0     0  - 1 0.

Thus, B = (u1,u2,,um) is different from C = (u2,u3,,um,u1) and both of them are different from D = (um,um-1,,u2,u1) even though they have the same set of vectors as elements. We now define the notion of coordinates of a vector with respect to an ordered basis.

Definition 3.6.3. [Coordinate Vector] Let B = [v1,,vm] be the basis matrix corresponding to an ordered basis B of W. Since B is a basis of W, for each v W, there exist βi,1 i m, such that v = i=1mβivi = B⌊   ⌋
|| . ||
⌈ .. ⌉
 βm. The vector ⌊   ⌋
||  .||
⌈  ..⌉
  βm, denoted [v]B, is called the coordinate vector of v with respect to B. Thus,

                                                  ⌊   ⌋
                                                 T|  .|
v = B[v]B = [v1,...,vm ][v]B, or equivalently, v = [v]B|⌈ ..|⌉.

The last expression is generally viewed as a symbolic expression.

Example 3.6.4. PICT PICT DRAFT

Let f(x) = 1 + x + x3 [x;3]. If B = (1,x,x2,x3) is an ordered basis of [x;3] then,
                       ⌊ ⌋               ⌊   ⌋
                        1                  1
         [            ]|| ||   [          ]||   ||
[f(x)]B =  1  x  x2  x3 |1| =  1  1  0  1 | x |.
                       |⌈0|⌉               |⌈ x2|⌉
                        1                  x3
Consider the Bessel polynomials
u0(x) = 1,u1(x) = x and u2 (x ) = 3-x2 - 1, for all x ∈ [- 1,1].
                               2      2
Then, B = (u0(x),u1(x),u2(x)) forms an ordered basis of [x;2]. Note that these polynomials satisfy the following conditions:
deg(ui(x)) = i, for 0 i 2;
ui(1) = 1, for 0 i 2; and
-11ui(x)uj(x)dx = 0, whenever 0 ij 2.

Verify that

PICT PICT DRAFT                                         ⌊       ⌋                     ⌊     ⌋
                                          a0 + a2-                      u0 (x )
              2    [                   ]|      3|    [    a2      2a2]|     |
[a0 + a1x + a2x ]B = u0 (x) u1 (x ) u2 (x )⌈  a1  ⌉ =   a0 + 3  a1   3  ⌈u1 (x )⌉.
                                            2a32                        u2 (x )
We know that
M3 (ℝ) = U + W, where U  = {A ∈ M3 (ℝ)|AT  = A } and W = {A  ∈ M3 (ℝ )|AT = - A }.
If A = ⌊        ⌋
  1  2  3
|⌈ 2  1  3|⌉

  3  1  4 then, A = X + Y , where X = ⌊        ⌋
  1  2  3
|⌈ 2  1  2|⌉

  3  2  4 and Y = ⌊         ⌋
 0  0   0
|⌈0  0  - 1|⌉

 0  1   0.
If B = (E11,E12,E13,...,E33) is an ordered basis of M3() then
       [                        ]
[A ]TB =  1  2 3  2  1  3  3  1  4 .
If C = (E11,E12 + E21,E13 + E31,E22,E23 + E32,E33) is an ordered basis of U then, [X]CT = [               ]
 1 2  3  1  2  4.
If D = (E12 - E21,E13 - E31,E23 - E32) is an ordered basis of W then, [Y ]DT = [         ]
 0  0  - 1.

Thus, in general, any matrix A Mm,n() can be mapped to mn with respect to the ordered basis B = (E  ,...,E  ,E  ,...,E  ,...,E   ,...,E   )
  11      1n  21      2n     m1       mn and vise-versa. PICT PICT DRAFT

Let V = {(v,w,x,y,z)T 5|w - x = z,v = y,v + x + z = 3y}. Then, verify that B = (           T             T)
 (1,2,0,1,2) ,(0,0,1,0,- 1) can be taken as an ordered basis of V. In this case, [(3,6,0,3,1)]B = [  ]

Remark 3.6.5. [Basis representation of v]

Let B be an ordered basis of a vector space V over F of dimension n.
[αv + w ]B = α[v]B + [w ]B, for all α ∈ F and v, w ∈ V.
Further, let S = {w1,,wm}⊆ V. Then, observe that S is linearly independent if and only if {[w1]B,,[wm]B} is linearly independent in Fn.
Suppose V = Fn in Definition 3.6.3. Then, B = [v1,,vn] is an n × n invertible matrix (see Exercise Thus, using Equation (3.6.1), we have
B[v] =  v = (BB -1)v = B (B -1v), for every v ∈ V.
src= PICT DRAFT " class="math-display" >

As B is invertible, [v]B = B-1v, for every v V.

Definition 3.6.6. [Change of Basis Matrix] Let V be a vector space over F with dim(V) = n. Let A = [v1,,vn] and B = [u1,,un] be basis matrices corresponding to the ordered bases A and B, respectively, of V. Thus, using Equation (3.6.1), we have

[v1,...,vn ] = [B [v1]B, ...,B [vn]B ] = B [[v1]B,...,[vn ]B ] = B [A ]B,
where [A]B = [[v1]B,...,[vn]B]. Or equivalently, verify the symbolic equality
⌊   ⌋       ⌊   ⌋
| v1|       | u1|
| ... | = [A]TB| ... |.
⌈   ⌉       ⌈   ⌉
 vn          un

The matrix [A]B is called the matrix of A with respect to the ordered basis B or the change of basis matrix from A to B.

We now summarize the above discussion.

PICT PICT DRAFT Theorem 3.6.7. Let V be a vector space over F with dim(V) = n. Further, let A = (v1,,vn) and B = (u1,,un) be two ordered bases of V

Then, the matrix [A]B is invertible.
Similarly, the matrix [B]A is invertible.
Moreover, [x]B = [A]B[x]A, for all x V. Thus, again note that the matrix [A]B takes coordinate vector of x with respect to A to the coordinate vector of x with respect to B. Hence, [A]B was called the change of basis matrix from A to B.
Similarly, [x]A = [B]A[x]B, for all x V.
Furthermore, ([A]B)-1 = [B]A.

Proof. Part 1: Note that using Equation (3.6.3), we have ⌊   ⌋
| . |
|⌈ .. |⌉
  n = [A]BT ⌊   ⌋
|  .|
|⌈  ..|⌉
   n and hence by Exercise, the matrix [A]BT or equivalently [A]B is invertible, which proves Part 1. A similar argument gives Part 2.

Part 3: Using Equations (3.6.1) and (3.6.3). for any x V, we have

    ⌊   ⌋           ⌊   ⌋           ⌊   ⌋
    | u1|           |v1 |           |u1 |
[x]TB| ... | = x = [x]TA| ... | = [x ]TA [A ]TB | ... |.
    ⌈   ⌉           ⌈   ⌉           ⌈   ⌉
     un              vn              un
Since the basis representation of an element is unique, we get [x]BT = [x]AT [A]BT . Or equivalently, [x]B = [A]B[x]A. This completes the proof of Part 3. We leave the proof of other parts to the reader. _

PICT PICT DRAFT Example 3.6.8.

Let V = n and B = (e1,,en) be the standard ordered basis. Then
[A]  = [[v ] ,...,[v  ]] = [v  ,...,v  ] = A.
   B     1 B       nB      1     n
Let B = ( [ ] [ ])
   1   1
   1 , 2 be an ordered basis of 2. Then, by Remark, B = [    ]
 1  1
 1  2 is an invertible matrix. Thus, verify that [ ]
 eB = [    ]
 1  1
 1  2-1[ ]
Suppose A = ((1,0,0)T ,(1,1,0)T ,(1,1,1)T ) and B = ((1,1,1)T ,(1,-1,1)T ,(1,1,0)T ) are two ordered bases of 3. Then, we verify the statements in the previous result.
⌊  ⌋
|  |
⌈ y⌉
  z = ⌊        ⌋
  1  1 1
|        |
⌈ 0  1 1 ⌉
  0  0 1⌊  ⌋
|  |
⌈ y⌉
  z A. Thus, ⌊  ⌋
|  |
⌈ y⌉
  z A = (⌊        ⌋)
   1  1  1
||        ||
(⌈ 0  1  1⌉)
   0  0  1-1 ⌊ ⌋
| |
 z = ⌊     ⌋
 x - y
|     |
⌈y - z⌉
⌊  ⌋
|⌈ y|⌉
  z B = ⌊         ⌋
  1   1  1
|⌈ 1  - 1 1|⌉
  1   1  0-1 ⌊  ⌋
|⌈ y|⌉
  z = 1
2⌊            ⌋
 - 1   1   2
|⌈ 1   - 1  0 |⌉
  2    0  - 2⌊ ⌋
 z = 1
2⌊            ⌋
  - x + y + 2z
|⌈    x - y   |⌉
    2x - 2z.
Finally check that [A]B = ⌊ - 1∕2 0  1⌋
|           |
⌈  1∕2  0  0⌉
    1   1  0, [B] A = ⌊ 0  2   0⌋
|         |
⌈ 0  - 2 1⌉
  1  1   0 and [A] B[B]A = I3.

Remark 3.6.9. Let V be a vector space over F with A = (v1,,vn) as an ordered basis. Then, by Theorem 3.6.7, [v]A is an element of Fn, for each v V. Therefore, PICT PICT DRAFT

if F = then, the elements of V correspond to vectors in n.
if F = then, the elements of V correspond to vectors in n.

Exercise 3.6.10. Let A = ((1,2,0)T ,(1,3,2)T ,(0,1,3)T ) and B = ((1,2,1)T ,(0,1,2)T ,(1,4,6)T ) be two ordered bases of 3.

Find the change of basis matrix P from A to B.
Find the change of basis matrix Q from B to A.
Find the change of basis matrix R from the standard basis of 3 to A. What do you notice?

Is it true that PQ = I = QP? Give reasons for your answer.

3.7 Summary

In this chapter, we defined vector spaces over F. The set F was either or . To define a vector space, we start with a non-empty set V of vectors and F the set of scalars. We also needed to do the following:

first define vector addition and scalar multiplication and
then verify the conditions in Definition 3.1.1.

If all conditions in Definition 3.1.1 are satisfied then V is a vector space over F. If W was a non-empty subset of a vector space V over F then for W to be a space, we only need to check whether the vector addition and scalar multiplication inherited from that in V hold in W. PICT PICT DRAFT

We then learnt linear combination of vectors and the linear span of vectors. It was also shown that the linear span of a subset S of a vector space V is the smallest subspace of V containing S. Also, to check whether a given vector v is a linear combination of u1,,un, we needed to solve the linear system c1u1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + cnun = v in the variables c1,,cn. Or equivalently, the system Ax = b, where in some sense A[:,i] = ui, 1 i n, xT = [c1,,cn] and b = v. It was also shown that the geometrical representation of the linear span of S = {u1,,un} is equivalent to finding conditions in the entries of b such that Ax = b was always consistent.

Then, we learnt linear independence and dependence. A set S = {u1,,un} is linearly independent set in the vector space V over F if the homogeneous system Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution in F. Else S is linearly dependent, where as before the columns of A correspond to the vectors ui’s.

We then talked about the maximal linearly independent set (coming from the homogeneous system) and the minimal spanning set (coming from the non-homogeneous system) and culminating in the notion of the basis of a finite dimensional vector space V over F. The following important results were proved.

A linearly independent set can be extended to form a basis of V.
Any two bases of V have the same number of elements.

This number was defined as the dimension of V, denoted dim(V).

Now let A Mn(). Then, combining a few results from the previous chapter, we have the following equivalent conditions.

A is invertible.
The homogeneous system Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution.
RREF(A) = In.
A is a product of elementary matrices.
The system Ax = b has a unique solution for every b.
The system Ax = b has a solution for every b.
Col(AT ) = Row(A) = n.
Rows of A form a basis of n.
Col(A) = n.
Columns of A form a basis of n.
Null(A) = {0}.