English Proficiency Programme Online
Addtional Information for Online Participants
It would be a very marginal contribution to the society, if we were content in attempting
the improvement only inside our campus and in the immediate surroundings from where people can come
and sit in our classroom. No. EPP deserves to be a nationwide movement and we are committed to
give it an impulse to it for achieving that destiny. Therefore, this time, we will have an online
version of our events, which will carry ample benefits to our students who are geographically
separated from us and yet in no sense the less valued.
The announcements in the main page and its links are mostly applicable
for the online participants as well. Whatever is additional/different is summarised here - now and
in future updates.
Fresh Announcements
English Proficiency Workshop
If we succeed in video recording the event, then we will share its highlights with you through
a link in the workshop page
and we are sure you will enjoy it, though not so much as the on-site audience, besides developing
an awareness of the programme.
Teachers may get new ideas of introducing 'fun and games' in their classrooms.
- All messages that are relevant to all (or most) participants will be broadcast through the
page EPPCourseUpdates.html.
- Individual email transactions will be carried out from the address epp.iitkanpur@gmail.com
in cases when the issue is irrelevant to most participants.
- Every participant will be given a 'confidential' 4-digit Code Number. (For classroom participants,
it is a 3-digit number.)
- Grades/marks will be openly displayed at our web-site against the confidential code number.
- During the week (actually 6 days) after an assignment is uploaded and its deadline, we will do our
best to share with you online the main points of the practice sessions in our classroom at IITK and electronically
interact with you for doubt clearance.
- Assignment submissions will be only as PDF files, irrespective of the software used for
processing the text. [Scanned copy of handwritten material in PDF format is acceptable.]
- Diagnostic test (ToEFL) on 8th Nov (see below) is the first event of the course. Those participants
who register till 6th Nov will automatically get included in it and their confidential code number
for the course and for the test will be the same.
- CLL: It is important to clarify one point to potential participants.
In order to reach out to a large number of participants whose English
background is poor, in the initial segment the EPP teaching scheme makes
use of a medium language (referred to as common local language or CLL)
once in a while for clear communication. As of now, the CLL used is Hindi. For most people of non-Hindi background, it is not a serious impediment
in following the course. But, people who do not like to hear a single
word of Hindi (in an English class) may feel a bit awkward, hence this
clarification. Neither the diagnostic test (ToEFL) nor the latter half
of the course, however, makes any reference to CLL/Hindi; and certainly
not the final examination.
- For passing the course and acquiring a 'grade',
it is necessary to pass the final
examination. Module tests/Assignments will be strongly advised for real
learning and will carry an advantage in the final grading as well.
Test of English as a Functional Language (ToEFL) 2015
- Those participants who register for the one-year course (see above) till 6th Nov will automatically
get included in the test.
- From others who want to register for the test only, for the time being, and do not register for
the course till 6th Nov, a small contribution of Rs.500/- is expected. (Make note that there is no way
to make a refund of this 'contribution'.) See below how to 'contribute'. In fact, this is purely a
contribution to a good cause on your part, and we conduct an assessment for you or your nominee as a
courtesy to a kind contributor.
[Why do we ask for this?]
- Upon registration, you will be given a 'confidential' 4-digit Code Number. (For classroom participants,
it is a 3-digit number.)
- The 30-minutes classroom version of the Diagnostic Test
will be held on Sun, 08 Nov, 2015 forenoon.
- The question paper of the online version will be uploaded by 14:00 hours on the same day (8 Nov).
- Solution will be accepted electronically till 13:00 hours on the next day (Mon, 9 Nov),
only as a PDF file, irrespective of the software used for
processing the text. [Scanned copy of handwritten material in PDF format is acceptable.]
- After a week or so, your test grade will be openly displayed at our web-site against the
confidential code number.
- The test grade is a matter of self-assessment only - for self-satisfaction on high grade and as an
alarm bell for a low one.
For obvious reasons, it has absolutely no value in terms of certification.
Contribute: If you want to donate
(please do) to this programme, then simply print the
Donation Form,
fill it up, enclose your cheque and send by post to
Prof Bhaskar Dasgupta, Dept of Mech Engg, IIT Kanpur - 208016 (India).
Or, make your donation electronically
through the official IIT site
mentioning the "purpose of donation" as "English Proficiency", and forward
the email acknowledgement to epp.iitkanpur@gmail.com or epp@iitk.ac.in, for our informtion.