Expt 1: Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocity

Experimental Setup

  • The burner has to be kept in an enclosed chamber to avoid the entrainment of ambient air.

  • The burner has two inlets; one for the fuel-air mixture and the other one for nitrogen gas, which will act as a curtain to the flame.

  • Rotameters are employed to measure the flow rate of fuel and air supplied to the burner.

  • The supply air and fuel is controlled through a fine control needle valve, fitted just before the rotameters.

  • Care should be taken to calibrate the measuring equipments before using in the experimental setup.

  • Camera has to be kept sufficient distance away from the flame.

  • Ensure burner alignment with the help of sprit level.

Experimental Procedure

  • Open the air inlet valve.

  • Set the desired pressure in the inlet pressure regulator.

  • Fix the fuel flow rate to a desired level.

  • Now open the needle valve and set the air flow with the help of rotameter to obtain the specified equivalence ratio.

  • Now ignite the mixture at the burner exit.

  • Wait for sometime till no further changes in the flame shape is observed.

  • Acquire the flame image through image recording system.

  • Ensure that the camera is aligned properly to avoid systematic errors.