Expt 1: Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocity

1-D Premixed Flame

    Preheat Zone: Negligibly small heat release.
  • Decomposition of fuel takes place, leading to intermediate radical formation.
  • Certain chemical reactions take place in this zone.

  • Reaction Zone: Most of the chemical energy is released in the form of heat.
  • Reaction zone is very thin as compared to the preheat zone.
  • Temperature gradient and concentration gradient are high.
  • Diffusion of heat and radicals from this zone to preheat zone sustains combustion.

  • Recombination Zone: CO2 and H2O are formed.
  • Negligible heat release in this zone.

    Luminous Zone: Portion of flame in which temperature is high and has several radicals to emit radiation.

    Hydrocarbon flames – characterized by the emitted visible radiation.

    Dark zone: unburnt gases are heated to the critical temperature.

    Luminous zone: region where much of the chemical reactions take place.
  • Highest temperature prevails in this zone.
  • Color of luminous zone depends on the fuel-air ratio.
  • Fuel lean mixture: blue colored flame due to excited CH radical.
  • Fuel rich mixture: green colored flame due to excitation of C2 molecule.
  • Highly fuel rich mixture: yellow colored flame due to soot formation.

  • Diffusion Zone: outer cone above luminous zone.
  • Observed especially in rich flames.

Characterization of Premixed Flame

    Importance of burning velocity

  • Premixed flame can be characterized by laminar burning velocity.

  • Laminar burning velocity influences the flame shape.

  • Laminar burning velocity dictates the stability characteristics of the flame.

  • Laminar burning velocity dictates flame quenching.

Burning Velocity Measurement Methods

Stationary Flame Method (Bunsen Burner)

First laboratory premixed flame burner : invented by Robert Bunsen in 1855

How to get a parabolic velocity profile?
By providing sufficient tube length to ensure fully developed flow.

Stationary Flame Method (Bunsen Flame)

Angle Method

  • Uniform velocity profile has to be maintained at the tube exit.

  • Nozzle is employed to maintain uniform velocity profile.

  • Infinitely thin perfectly conical flame front is established.

  • For flame to be stationary, the local burning velocity must be equal to the local flow velocity.

    Area Method
  • The gas burns at the exit of the tube and a conical flame with a tip and base is established.

  • For flame to be stationary, the local burning velocity must be equal to the local flow velocity.

  • Flame shape will be influenced by the exit velocity profile and heat loss to the tube wall.

  • Lengthy tube ensures fully developed flow.

  • For a stationary flame, mass balance provides expression for SL Vu: average flow velocity in tube
    At: tube cross sectional area
    AF: conical surface area of flame
    This method is known as area method.

  • Heat loss to the wall cannot be avoided completely.
  • Burning velocity does not remain constant along its surface.
  • Flame stabilization for large diameter is difficult due to flash back.

Procedure for Area Method

By carrying out a mass balance across the flame, Vu - average flow velocity of the unburned fuel-air mixture
At - cross-sectional area of the tube
AF - conical surface area of the flame
flame surface area,