Expt 9: Measurement of Droplet Size for an Air-Assist Atomizer


  • Huimin Liu, ‘Science and Engineering of Droplets’, Noyes Publication, Park Ridge, U.S.A.

  • William A. Sirignano, ‘Fluid dynamics and transport of droplets and sprays’, University of California, Irvine.

  • ‘Handbook of Atomization and sprays – Theory and Applications’, Springer.

  • A. H. Lefebvre, ‘Air-blast atomization’, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 6, Issue 3, 1980.

  • K.U. Reddy & D.P.Mishra , ‘ Studies of Spray Behavior of a Pressure Swirl Atomizer in Transition Regime’, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2007.