Expt 7: Flame Spread over a Solid Fuel Surface

Process in Solid Fuel Combustion

  • The flame front generates heat and pyrolyzes the unburnt side of the solid fuel.

  • Pyrolysis is the process during which solid fuel undergoes thermal degradation in the absence of oxidizer.

  • Pyrolysis leads to flow of fuel vapour.

  • Followed by this, mixing of ambient air with the fuel vapour occurs.

  • Fuel-air mixture gets ignited, and thereby forming a self-sustained flame.

  • Flame propagates in the downward direction.

Flame Spread Rate

  • The length of the paper consumed per unit time by the flame is known as Flame Spread Rate (FSR).

  • As the flame front propagates in the downward direction, the solid furl surface regresses.

Flame Spread Rate (FSR):

Factors Affecting Flame Spread Rate