Publications and Journals

    2022Kumar, Rupesh et al.Quadratic smoothing based video stabilization using spatiotemporal regularity flow. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022)
    2022Tiwari, Hitika et al. Self-Supervised Robustifying Guidance for Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction. The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022.
    2022Tiwari, Hitika et al.Self-Supervised Cooperative Colorization of Achromatic Faces. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2022 Oct 16 (pp. 236-240). IEEE
    2022Tiwari, Hitika et al.Reduced Dependency Fast Unsupervised 3D Face Reconstruction. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2022 Oct 16 (pp. 1021-1025). IEEE.
    2022Tiwari, Hitika et al.Real-time Self Supervised Achromatic Face Colorization. The Visual Computer (2022).
    2022Tiwari, Hitika et al.Occlusion Resistant Network for 3D Face Reconstruction.2022 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (2022): 297-306.
    2021Vinod Kumar Kurmi, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Vinay P. NamboodiriExploring dropout discriminator for domain adaptation.Neurocomputing 457: 168-181 (2021)
    2021Vinod K. Kurmi, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Vinay P. NamboodiriInformative discriminator for domain adaptation.Image Vis. Comput. 111: 104180 (2021)
    2021Rajesh Bhatt, Naren Naik, Venkatesh K. SubramanianSSIM Compliant Modeling Framework With Denoising and Deblurring Applications.IEEE Trans. Image Process. 30: 2611-2626 (2021)
    2021Nandani Kumari Roma, Ashish Dutta, Venkatesh K. SubramanianModeling and Vision-based Set Point Control of Pneumatic-enabled Robotic Arm.AIR 2021: 8:1-8:6
    2021Vinod K. Kurmi, Vipul Bajaj, Badri N. Patro, K. S. Venkatesh, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Preethi JyothiCollaborative Learning to Generate Audio-Video Jointly.ICASSP 2021: 4180-4184
    2021Vinod K. Kurmi, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Vinay P. NamboodiriDomain Impression: A Source Data Free Domain Adaptation Method.WACV 2021: 615-625
    2021Vinod K. Kurmi, Badri N. Patro, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Vinay P. NamboodiriDo not Forget to Attend to Uncertainty while Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting.WACV 2021: 736-745
    2021Hitika Tiwari, Min-Hung Chen, Yi-Min Tsai, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Hung-Jen Chen, Kevin Jou, K. S. Venkatesh, Yong-Sheng Chen Self-Supervised Robustifying Guidance for Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction.CoRR abs/2112.14382 (2021)
    2021Jain, Subham et al.Automated and contactless approaches for pavement surface texture measurement and analysis – A review.Construction and Building Materials 301 (2021): 124235.
    2021Soman, Kritik and K. S. VenkateshSemantic Mobile Base Station Placement.(2021)
    2021Jain, Subham et al.Design of an active triangulation based measurement device for pavement surfaces.International Journal of Pavement Engineering 23 (2021): 2846 - 2855.
    2020Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, Venkatesh K. SubramanianBlur parameter locus curve and its applications.IET Image Process. 14(2): 297-309 (2020)
    2020Radhe Shyam Sharma, Santosh Shukla, Laxmidhar Behera, Venkatesh K. SubramanianPosition-Based Visual Servoing of a Mobile Robot with an Automatic Extrinsic Calibration Scheme. Robotica 38(5): 831-844 (2020)
    2020Mahesh Kr. Singh, Ashish Dutta, K. S. VenkateshMulti-sensor data fusion for accurate surface modeling.Soft Comput. 24(19): 14449-14462 (2020)
    2020Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshSimultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs From Single Image Using Equivalent Gaussian Representation.IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. 30(10): 3571-3583 (2020)
    2020Priyanshu Gupta, Tushar Goswamy, Himanshu Kumar, K. S. Venkatesh A Defocus Based Novel Keyboard Design.HCI (2) 2020: 363-379
    2020Jain, Subham et al.A Method to Reduce Occlusion While Measuring Pavement Surface Profiles Using Triangulation Based Laser Scanners.(2020)
    2020Kumar, Himanshu et al.A novel non-customary method of image compression based on image spectrum.Sadhana 45 (2020): 1-10.
    2020Singh, Mahesh Kr. et al.Multi-sensor data fusion for accurate surface modeling.Soft Computing (2020): 1-14.
    2019Singh, Mahesh Kr. et al.Fusion of Heterogeneous Range Sensors Dataset for High Fidelity Surface Generation.2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology (2019): 1-6.
    2019Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, Venkatesh K. SubramanianRealtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle.IET Image Process. 13(11): 1931-1939 (2019)
    2019Yogesh Soniwal, Amit Mitra, K. S. VenkateshEntire frame image display employing monotonic convergent nonnegative matrix factorizationJ. Real Time Image Process. 16(6): 2189-2211 (2019)
    2019Radhe Shyam Sharma, Ranjith Ravindranathan Nair, Pooja Agrawal, Laxmidhar Behera, Venkatesh K. SubramanianRobust Hybrid Visual Servoing Using Reinforcement Learning and Finite-Time Adaptive FOSMC IEEE Syst. J. 13(3): 3467-3478 (2019)
    2019Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, Venkatesh K. SubramanianContext Driven Optimized Perceptual Video Summarization and Retrieval. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. 29(10): 3132-3145 (2019)
    2019Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshA Novel Blurring based Method for Video Compression.GlobalSIP 2019: 1-5
    2019Pawar, Maneesh and K. S. VenkateshExtended Super Resolution of Hyperspectral Images via Non-negative Sparse Coding.Sensing and Imaging 20 (2019): 1-17.
    2019Gupta, Priyanshu et al.A Defocus Based Novel Keyboard Design.2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology (2019): 1-6.
    2019Jamal, Arshad & Namboodiri, Vinay & Deodhare, Dipti & Venkatesh, KU-DADA: Unsupervised Deep Action Domain Adaptation.10.1007/978-3-030-20893-6_28.
    2019Sharma, Radhe & Shukla, Santosh & Karki, Hamad & Shukla, Amit & Behera, Lingaraj & S, VenkateshDMP Based Trajectory Tracking for a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot With Automatic Goal Adaptation and Obstacle Avoidance.8613-8619. 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793911
    2019Kumar, Himanshu & Gupta, Sumana & Venkatesh, K.A Novel Method for Inferior Mirage Detection in Video.2019
    2019Vinod Kumar Kurmi, Vipul Bajaj, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Vinay P. NamboodiriCurriculum based Dropout Discriminator for Domain Adaptation.CoRR abs/1907.10628 (2019).
    2019Radhe Shyam Sharma, Ranjith Ravindranathan Nair, Pooja Agrawal, Laxmidhar Behera, Venkatesh K. SubramanianRobust Hybrid Visual Servoing Using Reinforcement Learning and Finite-Time Adaptive FOSMC.IEEE Systems Journal 13(3): 3467-3478 (2019).
    2019Himanshu Kumar, Ajeet Singh Yadav, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshDepth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues.IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 29(5): 1365-1379 (2019).
    2019Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshImage retrieval using dictionary similarity measure.Signal, Image and Video Processing 13(2): 313-320 (2019).
    2018Arshad Jamal, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Dipti Deodhare, K. S. Venkatesh U-DADA: Unsupervised Deep Action Domain Adaptation.ACCV (3) 2018: 444-459
    2018Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshResolving Focal Plane Ambiguity using Chromatic Aberration and Color Uniformity Principle.DSP 2018: 1-5
    2018Saumik Bhattacharya, K. S. Venkatesh, Sumana Gupta Restoration of Archival Videos for Preserving Digital Heritage of India.Heritage Preservation 2018: 181-207
    2018Kumar, Hitendra et al.Surface texture evaluation using 3D reconstruction from images by parametric anisotropic BRDF.Measurement (2018): n. Pag
    2018Deshpande, Sachin G. et al.Vision Based Interactive Devices.2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) (2018): 0317-0321.
    2018Jain, Garima and K. S. VenkateshSpatially Localized Implementation of SSR and DSR for Image Denoising.2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) (2018): 0312-0316.
    2018Singh, Mahesh Kr. et alView planning method for complete 3D digitisation of the scene.Electronics Letters 54 (2018): 490-492.
    2018Bhattacharya, Saumik & Venkatesh, K & Gupta, Sumana.Video Summarization Using Novel Video Decomposition Algorithm.10.1007/978-981-10-7898-9_32.
    2018Arshad Jamal, Dipti Deodhare, Vinay P. Namboodiri, K S VenkateshEclectic domain mixing for effective adaptation in action spaces.Multimedia Tools Appl. 77(22): 29949-29969 (2018).
    2018Anima Majumder, Laxmidhar Behera, K S VenkateshAutomatic Facial Expression Recognition System Using Deep Network-Based Data Fusion.IEEE Trans. Cybernetics 48(1): 103-114 (2018)
    2018Saumik Bhattacharya, Venkatesh K. Subramanian, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshVisual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomposition. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 27(4): 1665-1675 (2018)
    2018Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshEvent Detection on Roads Using Perceptual Video Summarization.IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems 19(9): 2944-2954 (2018)
    2018Arshad Jamal, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Dipti Deodhare, K S VenkateshDeep Domain Adaptation in Action Space.BMVC 2018: 264
    2017Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshHole correction in estimated depth map from single image using color uniformity principleDSP 2017: 1-5
    2017Kumar, Himanshu et alDesign of smart video surveillance system for indoor and outdoor scenes.2017 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) (2017): 1-5.
    2017Koppula, Lakshmi Sravya et al.Fast volume calibration and occlusion free depth estimation using enhanced optical orthogonal codes.2017 28th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC) (2017): 1-6.
    2017Singh, Mahesh Kr. et al.Design and development of a low-cost laser range sensor.The Imaging Science Journal 65 (2017): 203 - 213.
    2017Bhattacharya, Saumik & Venkatesh, K. & Gupta, Sumana. (2017)Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.PP. 1-1. 10.1109/TIP.2017.2781305.
    2017Singh, Mahesh & Venkatesh, K. & Dutta, Ashish.Design and development of a low-cost laser range sensor. The Imaging Science Journal.65. 1-11. 10.1080/13682199.2017.1315481.
    2017Mahesh Kr. Singh, Ashish Dutta, K S VenkateshAccurate three-dimensional documentation of distinct sites. J. Electronic Imaging 26(1): 11012 (2017)
    2017Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshPerceptual synoptic view-based video retrieval using metadata.Signal, Image and Video Processing 11(3): 549-555 (2017)
    2017Rupesh Kumar, Afaque Azam, Sumna Gupta,, K S VenkateshVideo stabilization using regularity of energy flow.Signal, Image and Video Processing 11(8): 1519-1526 (2017)
    2017Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshPerceptual Video Summarization - A New Framework for Video Summarization.IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 27(8): 1790-1802 (2017)
    2017Meenakshi Gupta, Swagat Kumar, Laxmidhar Behera, K S VenkateshA Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following Mobile Robot. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47(7): 1415-1427 (2017)
    2017Saumik Bhattacharya, K S Venkatesh, Sumana GuptaVideo Summarization Using Novel Video Decomposition Algorithm.CVIP (2) 2017: 391-400
    2017Himanshu Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshA Novel Method for Image Compression Using Spectrum.ICAPR 2017: 1-6
    2017Himanshu Kumar, Saumik Bhattacharya, Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshDesign of smart video surveillance system for indoor and outdoor scenes.DSP 2017: 1-5
    2017Himanshu Kumar, Saumik Bhattacharya, Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, K S VenkateshDesign of smart video surveillance system for indoor and outdoor scenes.DSP 2017: 1-5
    2017Megha Nawhal, Saumik Bhattacharya, K S VenkateshImproved scene capture in unfavorable lighting conditions.ICIP 2017: 475-479
    2017Prachi Rani, Arpit Jangid, Vinay P. Namboodiri, K S VenkateshVisual Odometry Based Omni-directional Hyperlapse.NCVPRIPG 2017: 3-13
    2017Swagat Kumar, Anima Majumder, Samrat Dutta, Rekha Raja, Sharath Jotawar, Ashish Kumar, Manish Soni, Venkat Raju, Olyvia Kundu, Ehtesham Hassan, Laxmidhar Behera, K. S. Venkatesh, Rajesh SinhaDesign and Development of an automated Robotic Pick & Stow System for an e-Commerce Warehouse.CoRR abs/1703.02340 (2017)
    2017Karttikeya Mangalam, K. S. VenkateshBitwise Operations of Cellular Automaton on Gray-scale Images.CoRR abs/1705.07080 (2017)
    2016Mahesh Kr. Singh, K. S. Venkatesh, Ashish DuttaKernel based approach for accurate surface estimation.Computers & Electrical Engineering 56: 763-772 (2016)
    2016Sinnu Susan Thomas, Sumana Gupta, Venkatesh K. SubramanianPerceptual synoptic view of pixel, object and semantic based attributes of video.J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 38: 367-377 (2016)
    2016Aishwarya Jadhav, Vinay P. Namboodiri, K. S. VenkateshDeep Attributes for One-Shot Face Recognition.ECCV Workshops (3) 2016: 516-523
    2016K. S. Venkatesh, Saksham Agarwal, Vigneshram KrishnamoorthyVehicle trajectory prediction using a catadioptric omnidirectional camera.ICACCI 2016: 2761-2764
    2016Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshVisual saliency detection using video decomposition.ICIP 2016: 684-688
    2016Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta, K. S. VenkateshDehazing of color image using stochastic enhancement.ICIP 2016: 2251-2255
    2016Atulya Shivam Shree, Radhe Shyam Sharma, Laxmidhar Behera, K. S. VenkateshPosition Based Visual Control of the Hovering Quadcopter.IHCI 2016: 15-26
    2016Rajesh Bhatt, Venkatesh K. SubramanianSparse Multi-Model Based Denoising.SITIS 2016: 139-143
    2015R Raja, A Dutta, B Dasgupta, K S VenkateshRedundancy Resolution and Experimentation of a 14-DOF Mobile Manipulator System on Rough Terrain using parameterized KSOM.IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics [Submitted].
    2015Raja, Rekha, Ashish Dutta, and K. S. VenkateshNew potential field method for rough terrain path planning using genetic algorithm for a 6-wheel rover.Robotics and Autonomous Systems 72 (2015): 295-306.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshTotal Variation based fast video decomposition for artifact restoration IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Aaarti Ghatkesar and K. S. VenkateshEdge Distortion Removal in Depth Map Using Alpha Matting IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing, 2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshDepth Filtering Using Total Variation Based Video Decomposition IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing, 2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshDenoising of Video Using Fast Video Decomposition IEEE WIECON ECE, 2015.
    2015Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta, and Venkatesh K SubramanianImage Content Modeling and Retrieval Using Sparse RepresentationIEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2015).
    2015Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta, and Venkatesh K SubramanianTexture Modeling And Labeling Using Divide And Conquer IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2015).
    2015Rupesh Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K.S. Venkatesh Evaluation of Cost Function for the Oct Tree Segmentation of video cube International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP),Dec 21-24, 2015, simla, India.
    2015Rupesh Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K.S. Venkatesh Cut Scene Change Detection Using Spatio Temporal Video Frame International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP),Dec 21-24, 2015, simla, India.
    2015Rupesh Kumar, Sumana Gupta, K.S. Venkatesh Detection of Line Scratch Using Energy Regularity of Spatio-Temporal Video Cube International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and applications (IPTA'15) Nov 10-13, 2015, Orleans, France.
    2015Mahesh Kr Singh, K.S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta A New NBV Method For 3D Modeling of Unknown Objects IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (IEEE ICIIP-2015) December 21-24, 2015, Simala, New Delhi, India.
    2015Mahesh Kr Singh, K.S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta A New Method for Calibration of Range Sensor and Terrain Classification IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (IEEEICIIP-2015) December 21-24, 2015, Simala, New Delhi, India.
    2015Vivek Srikakulapu,Himanshu Kumar,Sumana Gupta,K.S.Venkatesh Depth estimation single image using defocus and texture cues, NCVPRIPG 2015.
    2015Himanshu Kumar,Sumana Gupta, K S Venkatesh Defocus Map Estimation A Single Image using Principal Components, ISPCC 2015.
    2015 Himanshu Kumar,Sumana Gupta, K S Venkatesh Resolving Focal Plane Ambiguity in Depth Map Creation Defocus Blur Using Chromatic Aberration, ICICS 2015.
    2015 Ankan Bansal and K S Venkatesh People Counting in High Density Crowds from Still Images 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2015) Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    2015 Anand Abhishek, K S Venkatesh Planar epipolar constraint for uav navigation International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control 2015.
    2015Mahesh Kr Singh, K.S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta Accurate Rough Terrain Modeling from Fused 3D Point Cloud Data 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON-15),17-20 Dec-2015,New Delhi, India.
    2015Vinod K. Kurmi, G. Jain, K. S. Venkatesh Robust Hand Gesture Recognition from 3D Data WSCG'2015 - 23rd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2015, Shortpapers proceedings , ISBN 978-80-86943-66-4.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. Venkatesh Video Detection & Story Board Generation Using Video Decomposition IEEE International Coneference on Computer and Communication Technology,2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. Venkatesh Restoration Of Scene Flicker Using Video Decomposition IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control, 2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. Venkatesh Content Summarization using Video Decomposition IET Michael Faraday International Summit 2015.
    2015Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. Venkatesh Archival film restoration using matrix decomposition Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 2015.
    2015Mahesh Kr Singh, K.S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta Based Method For Surface Estimation Using Laser Scanner Data 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing(ICSSP),April 2-4th, 2015, Tamilnadu, India.
    2015 Mahesh Kr Singh, K.S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta Range Data Fusion for Accurate Surface Generation From Heterogeneous Range Scanners 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), 21st-23rd July -2015, Colmar, France.
    2015Rupesh kumar, Sumana Gupta, K. S. Venkatesh Detection of Line Scratch Using Energy Regularity of Spatio-Temporal Video Cube International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA'2015, orleans, France.
    2015Indrajit Kurmi, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh K. S. True Zoom Light Field Panorama. IACC 2015.
    2015Indrajit Kurmi, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh K. S. Space Varrying Light Field Panorama. Digital Signal Processing DSP 2015.
    2015Indrajit Kurmi, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh K. S. Acquisition of Aerial Light fields. International Conference on Vision Theory and Application VISAPP 2015.
    2015J.Dave, Venkatesh K. S., G. Jain Online 3D Signature Verification by using Stereo Camera & Tablet. WSCG'2015 - 23rd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2015, Full papers proceedings , ISBN 978-80-86943-65-7.
    2015Mahesh Kumar Singh, K. S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta Kernel Based Method for Surface Estimation Using Laser Scanner Data 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICSSP), April 2-4th, 2015 Tamilnadu, India.
    2014Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshHigh Accuracy Depth Filtering using Edge Guided Inpainting 3rd IEEE ICACCI, 2014 September 24-27, 2014 Noida, India
    2014Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshLocalized Image Enhancement using Depth Map IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology December 15-17, 2014 Noida, India
    2014Mahesh Kumar Singh, K. S. Venkatesh and Ashish Dutta Accurate 3D Terrain Modeling by Range Data Fusion from Two Heterogeneous Range Scanners 11th INDICON 2014 Emerging Trends and Innovation in Technology, December 11-13, 2014 Pune, India.
    2014Sinnu Thomas, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh Subramanian An energy minimization approach for Automatic Video Shot and Scene Boundary Detection 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, August 27-29, 2014 Kitakyushu, Japan (selected).
    2014Sinnu Thomas, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh Subramanian AUTOENSUM:Automated Enhanced Summary for Multiple Interacting Objects IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo(ICME 2014), July 14-18, 2014 in Chengdu, China.
    2014Sinnu Thomas, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh Subramanian Non user Interaction Content Summarization 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2014), August 20-23, 2014 in Hong Kong.
    2014Rupesh Kumar, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh SubramanianLine Scratch Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Regularity Flow Vectors 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2014), August 20-23, 2014 in Hong Kong.
    2014Rupesh Kumar, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh SubramanianLine scratch restoration using flow vectors of spatio-temporal video cube 11th IEEE India Conference(INDICON), 2014. Pune, India.
    2014Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and Venkatesh SubramanianTexture Segmentation Using Localized Dictionary Learning 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2014), August 20-23, 2014 in Hong Kong.
    2014Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and K. S. VenkateshSupervised Texture Identification Using Dictionary Based Data Modelling IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology December 15-17, 2014 Noida, India
    2014Vishwmitra Bhadouria, Disha Prakash, and Venkatesh Subramanian Stereo image to graphics conversion for indoor environments 3rd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2014). June 2-3, 2014 in London, UK.
    2014Bhumi Sabarwal, Priya Singh, and Venkatesh SubramanianA Robust Technique For Background Estimation in Heavily Intruded Videos 3rd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2014). June 2-3, 2014 in London, UK.
    2014Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshLocalized Image Enhancement 20th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2014)February 28-2 March, 2014, IIT Kanpur, India
    2014Anima Majumder, L Behera and K S VenkateshLocal Binary Pattern based Facial Expression Recognition using Self-organizing Map Presentation formatThe 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2014). July 6-11, 2014 in Beijing, China.
    2014Meenakshi Gupta, Nishant Kejriwal, Laxmidhar Behera and K S Venkatesh SURF-Based Human Tracking Algorithm with On-Line Update of Object Model 3rd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems March 13-15, 2014, IIT Kanpur, India.
    2014Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshA Novel Method for Redundant Feature Rejection in Correspondence Problem 20th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2014)February 28-2 March, 2014, IIT Kanpur, India
    2014Kamlesh Verma, Avnish Kumar, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshFast and Robust Real Time Digital Video Stabilization with Smear Removal Using Integral Projection Curve Warping Technique 20th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2014)February 28-2 March, 2014, IIT Kanpur, India
    2014Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshSparsity Based Face Modelling and Detection with Small Sample Problem 20th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2014)February 28-2 March, 2014, IIT Kanpur, India
    2013Anima Majumder, L Behera and K S VenkateshFacial Expression Recognition with Regional Features using Local Binary Patterns 15th Biennial International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Pattern (CAIP-2013) August 27-29, 2013, York, UK.
    2013Raju Ranjan, Rajesh Bhatt, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshSparsity Based Segmentation in Hybrid Color Space 19th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2013)February 15-17, 2013, IIT Delhi, India
    2013Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshSparsity Based Facial Region Detection From Minimal Training Data IEEE TENCON Spring 2013 Conference, April 17-19, 2013, Sydney, Australia
    2013Vaishali Ailani, Disha Prakash and K. S. VenkateshSelf Localization with Edge Detection in 3D SpaceJournal of Image and Graphics (JOIG, ISSN: 2301-3699), Volume 1, No.2, June 2013
    2013Vaishali Ailani, Disha Prakash and K. S. VenkateshSelf Localization with Edge Detection in 3D Space2nd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision(ICCCV 2013) June 1-2, 2013, Paris, France
    2013Koteswara Rao Gadde, Priya Singh and K.S. VenkateshHigh Accuracy Silhouette Based Reconstruction with Conventional Optics2nd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision(ICCCV 2013) June 1-2, 2013, Paris, France
    2013Koteswara Rao Gadde, Priya Singh and K.S. VenkateshHigh Accuracy Silhouette Based Reconstruction with Conventional OpticsJournal of Image and Graphics (JOIG, ISSN: 2301-3699), Volume 1, No. 3, September 2013
    2013Katta Phani Kumar, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshSpatio-Temporal Multi-View Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Television7th 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON 2013) October 7-8, 2013, Scotland, UK
    2013Pallabi Ghosh and K S Venkatesh Fast and Efficient Computation of Stereo Depth Maps7th 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON 2013) October 7-8, 2013, Scotland, UK
    2013Saumik Bhattacharya, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshMultipoint image destabilization using disparity map 2nd Michael Faraday IET India Summit, November 17th, 2013, Kolkata, India
    2013Sezal Jain, Disha Prakash and K S VenkateshRobust Self Localization by Edge Feature TrackingIEEE 2nd International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2013), December 9 - 11, 2013, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
    2013Apoorva Bhatia, Pallabi Ghosh and K S VenkateshMultistereo System DesignIEEE 2nd International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2013), December 9 - 11, 2013, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
    2013Harshavardhan S, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshFlutter Shutter Based Motion Deblurring in Complex Scenes IEEE INDICON, December 13-15, 2013, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay , Mumbai , India.
    2013Raju Ranjan, Sumana Gupta and K S VenkateshSemi-Interactive Region Segmentation Based on Sparse Representation IEEE INDICON, December 13-15, 2013, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay , Mumbai , India.
    2013Anima Majumder, L Behera and K S VenkateshFacial Expression Recognition with Regional Features using Local Binary Patterns Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8047, 2013, pp 556-563.
    2013Anima Majumder, L Behera and K S VenkateshEmotion Recognition from Geometric Facial Features using Self Organizing Map Pattern Recognition. Volume 47, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 1282–1293.
    2011Anima Mishra Sharma, A Mukerjee, K S VenkateshHuman Pose Estimation in Surveillance Videos using Temporal Continuity on Static Pose2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing, November 3 - 5, 2011, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
    2011Bisjwajit Sharma, A Mukerjee, K S VenkateshFourier shape-frequency words for actions2011 International Conference on Image Information Processing, November 3 - 5, 2011, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
    2011A Mustafa, K S Venkateshbackground reflection modeling for robust finger gesture detection in highly dynamic illuminationInternational Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2011), September 22nd ~ 24th, 2011, Legend Hotel (Yuseong), Daejeon, Korea
    2011Prithwijit Guha Amitabha Mukerjee K.S. VenkateshFormulation,detection and application of occlusion states(Oc-7) in the context of multiple object tracking8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Klagenfurt University Aug 30 – Sep 2, 2011
    2011Prithwijit Guha Amitabha Mukerjee K.S. VenkateshOCS-14: You can get Occluded in Fourteen Ways22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 16-22 July 2011.
    2011A Majumder, L Behera, KS VenkateshAutomatic and Robust Detection of Facial Features in Frontal Face Images2011 UKSim 13th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation Cambridge, Cambridgeshire United Kingdom March 30-April 01
    2011M Gupta, L Behera, KS Venkatesha novel approach of human motion tracking with the mobile robotic platform2011 UKSim 13th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation Cambridge, Cambridgeshire United Kingdom March 30-April 01
    2010M Gupta, L Behera, K S VenkateshPSO based modeling of takagi-sugeno fuzzy motion controllerInternational Multi-conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), October 2010, Wisla, Poland
    2010SR Varier, A Vaidya, KS VenkateshNovel representations, techniques and error evaluation for 3d reconstructionVI Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. 7-9 July , 2010
    2010Richa Gupta, KS VenkateshSet Theory and the Composition of Processors Eighteenth International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques, (IMST 2009-FIM XVIII), August 2 - 4, 2009
    2010Richa Gupta, KS Venkatesh Preservance Topology and Complex Set TheoryEighteenth International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques, (IMST 2009-FIM XVIII), August 2 - 4, 2009
    2009Mi Gupta, T Naveen Kumar, L Behera, K S Venkatesh, A Dutta,Environment Modelling in Mobile Robotics through Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy ModelIrish Signals and Systems Conference, June 2009.
    2009Mandar Dixit, KS Venkateshcombining Edge and color features for tracking partially occluded humans9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi'an, China, September 23-27, 2009,
    2007A Jamal, K S VenkateshA new color based optical flow algorithm for environment mapping using a mobile robotIEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC-2007) Oct 1-3, 2007, Singapore
    2006Varsha H Chanrdashekhar, K S Venkateshaction energy images for reliable human action recognitionProceedings of the Ninth Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), New Delhi, India, Oct 8th – 12th, 2006
    2006M P Sriram, K.S. VenkateshA Robust Algorithm for Automatic Novel View Synthesis/Stereo Compression With Efficient Handling of Occlusions and Illumination EffectsProceedings of the Ninth Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), New Delhi, India, Oct 8 – 12, 2006
    2006P Guha, A Biswas, A Mukerjee, K.S. Venkateshocclusion sequence mining for complex multi-agent discoveryProceedings of The Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (In conjunction with ECCV 2006), pp. 33-40, Graz (Austria), 13'th May, 2006.
    2006P Guha, A Mukerjee, K.S. Venkatesh, appearance based multiple agent tracking under complex occlusionsProceedings of the 9'th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4099, Springer, pp. 593-602, Guilin (China), August 7-11, 2006.
    2006P Guha, A Mukerjee, K.S. Venkatesh, P Mitra Activity Discovery from Surveillance VideosProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Vol. 1, pp. 433-436, Hong Kong (China), August 20-24, 2006.
    2006A Biswas, P Guha, A Mukerjee, K.S. Venkatesh, intrusion detection and tracking with pan-tilt cameraProceedings of the Third IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering, pp. 565-571, Bangalore (India), September 26-28, 2006.
    2006P Guha, A Biswas, A Mukerjee, P Sateesh, K.S. Venkatesh, Surveillance video miningProceedings of the Third IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering, pp. 447-453, Bangalore (India), September 26-28, 2006.
    2006P Guha, A Mukerjee and K.S. Venkatesh spatio-temporal discovery: Appearance+Behavior=AgentProceedings of the 5th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai (India), December 13-16, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4338, Springer, pp. 516-527,
    2006T Santra, K S Venkatesh, A MukerjeeSelf Managing Systems Based On Human SocialBehaviorsProceedings of the Ninth Int’l Symp. On Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (AIMATH 2006), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, Jan 4-6, 2006
    2006P Guha, K S Venkatesh, A MukerjeeA multiscale co-linearity statistic based approach to robust background modelingProceedings of the Seventh Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, (ACCV’06), Hyderabad, Jan 13-16, 2006
    2005T Mishra, P Guha, A Dutta, K S VenkateshEfficient continuous re-grasp planning for moving and deforming planar objects2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Orlando, Florida, May 15-19 2006.
    2005P Guha, P Mitra, P Vaghela, K S Venkatesh, A Mukerjeehybrid hierarchical learning from dynamic scenesProceedings of the First Int’l Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI'05) ISI Kolkata, Dec. 2005
    2005Prithwijit Guha, Amitabha Mukerjee, K.S. Venkateshefficient occlusion handling for multiple agent tracking by reasoning with surveillance event primitivesProceedings of the Tenth Int’l Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV – VS-PETS, 2005, Beijing, China.
    2005Ritu Mallik, Amit Misra, K S Venkatesh, Shailesh TondwalInsights Offered By A Mathematical Model Of The HPT Axis On Transdermal Testosterone Delivery For Male ContraceptionControlled Release Society Conf. Mumbai, March 2005
    2005A Bohori, K S Venkatesh, A Mukherjee, V K SinghVisual navigation of wheeled robots: compensating floor undulationsTwelfth Int’l Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2005), Seattle, USA. July 17-20, 2005
    2004P Guha, N Vyas, A Mukerjee, K S Venkateshhandling occlusions in monocular surveillance systemsFourth Indian Conf. on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image (ICVGIP 2004), Kolkata, Dec. 16-18, 2004
    2004Om Ji Omer, Sameer Kumar, Rajeev Bajpai,K S Venkatesh and Sumana Guptamotion estimation from motion-smear- a system identification approachIEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) October 24 - 27, 2004 Singapore
    2004A Bohori, K S Venkatesh,A Mukherjee,V K Singhreal time robot navigation with optical flow handling undulating motion and noisy computationProceedings of the National Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing And Robotics, Durgapur (AMR 2004)
    2001R Bajpai, S Gupta,K S VenkateshEstimation of Motion from Smeared ImagesProceedings of the CSI 2001 XXXVI Annual Convention, 2001, Kolkata, India
    2001K S Sisodia,K S Venkatesh, S GuptaSpatial Domain Superresolution Reconstruction From Several Degraded FramesProceedings of the SPCOM 2001, Bangalore, India
    2001D G Gnanaraj,K S VenkateshDynamic Colour Quantization of video Sequences in the Transform DomainProceedings of the ICIT, 2001, Gopalpur-on-Sea, India
    2000KS Venkatesh, VP Sinhaa locality principle for system theorySignal Processing (Elsevier) March, 2000