English Proficiency Programme EPP Report

English Proficiency Programme

IIT Kanpur

Most EPP activities are now online:

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Current News:

Registration: Course "PELT 2017"         Classroom ToEFL (29 Oct): Results         Next: ToEFL (Jan) and AdEPT

Know EPP

English Proficiency Programme of IIT Kanpur was initiated in 2013 and is perpetually engaged in making an improvement to the English proficiency of

The current position of EPP stands on five assets developed during 2013-16.
  1. A complete Course on Functional English

  2. A lecture-demonstration video-illustration of the entire course

  3. A strong team of academic contributors

  4. A remarkably efficient and effective English Proficiency Test

  5. A semester course on Language and Style of Scholarly Communication

Development of EPP can be traced through some of the documentation at several intermediate stages.

Events going on

General information

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- Bhaskar Dasgupta