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Session | Instruction | Questions | Assignment and Sample Solutions | Tutorial/Practice | Teaching |
Video of lesson 1. |
Introduction. | Discussions. | Write a summary, a report, or a critique
on the opening introductory lecture.
A report. A summary. A paraphrase. A critique. |
Course plan. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 2. |
Letters and writing style. Interpretation (Eng2CLL) technique: passage to interpret. |
Discussion. | Translate the given passage into Hindi.
Solution Sample. |
Interpretation (Eng2CLL) practice on continuation passage. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 3. |
Word families "cat", "car-ball",
"bed-her", "big",
"box", "cup". Expression (CLL2Eng) technique: passage to express. |
Discussion. | Translate the given passage into English.
Solution Sample. |
Expression (CLL2Eng) practice on
continuation passage. Practice of words of the present families. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 4. |
End-e effect. Simplest sentences. "go". |
Discussion. | Make sentences in the required types with given words. | Exercise on simple present, past and future with selected words from families "cat", "car-ball", "bed-her", "big", "box", "cup". | Notes. |
Video of lesson 5. |
Word families "make",
"gene" & "tube",
"home". "eat". Verbs List 1. |
Discussion. | Make sentences with the given words in simple present. | Practice of words of the present families. Exercise on simple present with selected words from old families "cat", "car-ball", "bed-her", "big", "box", "cup". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 6. |
Mixed Words 1st List Verbs List 2 "play". PPF triplets. Phrases and long sentences. |
Discussion. | Make PPF triplets with the given words. | Exercise on PPF triplets with selected words from families "make", "five", "gene" & "tube", "home". | Notes. |
Video of lesson 7. |
Word Family "baby-cry" "do": Support. P/N/I triplets. 3 x 3 PPF P/N/I Sets. Objects and phrases: order. |
Discussion. | Make sentences in the required types with given words. | Practice of words from the present family. Exercise on 3 x 3 sets with selected words from old families "make", "five", "gene" & "tube", "home". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 8. |
Word families
"move"&"moon-book" and
"green" Questions: Binary/Query. Wh-words and questions. P/N/I/I-Wh Quadruplets. |
Discussion. | Make sentences in the required types with given words. | Practice of words of the present families. Exercise on P/N/I/I-Wh Quadruplets with selected words from family "baby-cry". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 9. |
14 Types, 18 Forms. Why is it necessary to know the meaning and usage of a lot of words? |
Discussion. | Translate the given sentences into English. | Exercise on sentences of 14 Types, 18 Forms with old word families "report-refer", "move"&"moon-book" and "green". | Notes. |
Video of lesson 10. |
Articles, Capitalization, Punctuation. | Discussion. | Rewrite the passage using appropriate articles, capitalization and punctuation marks. | Why do we advise breaking up of sentences during interpretation and expression? | Notes. |
Quarter 1 ends here. | Thousands of stories free in the net. | Additional exercise for teachers. | |||
Video of lesson 11. |
Letters and writing style. Summary of Basic Word Families. Summary of "go", "eat", "play" and "do". Interpretation (Eng2CLL) of a small passage. Expression (CLL2Eng) of a small passage. Word family "beat-head-near". |
Discussion. | Frame sentences in simple present/past/future and extend them with additional details. | Practice of words from the present word family: predicate expansion (information enrichment). | Notes. |
Video of lesson 12. |
Revision of Verbs List 1 and
List 2. Word Families "rain"&"serial". 3rd forms and 5th forms of Verbs. |
Discussion. | Translate the given sentences into English. | Practice of words from the present word family. Revision of 14 Types, 18 Forms with old word family "beat-head-near". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 13. |
Word family "boat". Verbs List 3. Verb "be". |
Discussion. | Frame sentences using 'be' as the only verb and extend them with additional details, as required. | Practice of words from the present word family. Exercise of 3rd and 5th forms with old word family "rain"&"serial". Exercise of verb 'be'. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 14. |
Word Families "pause"&"dual". Adverbs, Nouns looking like verbs. Dummy Subject (through CLL2Eng). |
Discussion. | Translate the given sentences into English. | Practice of words from the present word family. Exercise of sentences with dummy subjects and Noun forms of verbs with old word family "boat". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 15. |
Word Families "law"&"day". Verbs List 4. be + 3rd form. Construction of sentences in passive voice. |
Discussion. | Frame sentences and extend them with additional details, as required. | Practice of words from the present word family. Exercise of passive voice (be + 3rd form) with old word family "pause"&"dual". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 16. |
Revision of Mixed Words 1st List. Mixed Words 2nd List. "tell". Active-Passive Conversion. |
Discussion. | Convert the given sentences as required so as to retain the meaning. | Exercise of voice (active-passive) conversion with word families "law"&"day". | Notes. |
Video of lesson 17. |
Word families "field-die"&"being". Word families "toe"&"peon" and "euro". be + 5th form. Complements. |
Discussion. | Frame sentences and extend them with additional details, as required. | Practice of words from the present word families. Exercise of continuous tense (be + 5th form). |
Notes. Basic build-up. |
Video of lesson 18. |
Word family "due-cheque". Word families "new"&"key". "telling". "do" versus "be". |
Discussion. | Convert the given sentences as required so as to retain the meaning. | Practice of words from the present word families. Exercise of active-passive conversion (same meaning) in continuous tense with old word families "field-die"&"being". |
Notes. Basic build-up. |
Video of lesson 19. |
"have". Verbs List 5. "call". 46 types. |
Discussion. | Read the given passage and answer the following questions. | Active-Passive conversion on different types of sentences with old word families "due-cheque" and "new"&"key". | Notes. Basic build-up. |
Video of lesson 20. |
A hundred verbs. Objects: zero, one or two? Alternative meanings? |
Discussion. | From the internet, read a fresh story and write its summary in 30-50 sentences (one or two pages). | Reading and summarising. Example: a novel of 232 pages. |
Notes. |
Quarter 2 ends here. | Thousands of stories free in the net. | Additional exercise for teachers. | |||
Video of lesson 21. |
Letters and writing style. Recapitulation: Words and Sentences. Verbs and More verbs Sentences in 46 types. Interpretation and Expression. |
Discussion. | Translate the given English passage into Hindi and the given Hindi passage into English. | Game between two teams on active to passive conversion and vice versa. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 22. |
Word families "boil" & "radio-lion". Word families "ruin" & "medium". Two objects. Special structures. |
Discussion. | Make 50 sentences: 46 in 46 types, three with "have/has/had to" and one with "used to", using 50 verbs from the Second List. | Practice of words from the present word families, preferably using two objects or "have to"/"used to" structures. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 23. |
Word Family "cloud-rough-four-group". Even more verbs. have + 3rd form. Phrases. |
Discussion. | Frame sentences and extend them with additional details, as required. | Practice of words from the present word families. Exercise of perfect tense with old word families "boil" & "radio-lion" and "ruin" & "medium". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 24. |
Word Family "low-down". Word Family "boy" and small word-families. "get". Relation Markers. |
Discussion. | With more relation markers, construct phrases and use them in sentences. | Practice of words from the present word families. Exercise on using relation markers and phrases with old word family "cloud-rough-four-group". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 25. |
Words club "SHUN". Another set of verbs. have been + 3rd form. Connections. |
Discussion. | Frame sentences and extend them with additional details, as required. | Practice of words from the present words club. Exercise on active-passive conversion in perfect tense with old word families "low-down" and "boy". |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 26. |
Vowel-Rich Words. Summary of Vowel Sounds. Connecting Words and Connecting Patterns. |
Discussion. | Expand the idea in the quotation in 15-20 sentences. | Practice of Vowel-Rich Words. Exercise of connections with words of the SHUN club. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 27. |
Compound Words. Yet another set of verbs. have been + 5th form. Halts and Stops. |
Discussion. | Convert the given sentences, beginning/ending as given, so that the meaning remains the same. | Practice of compound words. Exercise of perfect continuous tense (have been + 5th form). |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 28. |
Hyphenated Words. Supporting Action of Special Verbs. Subject-Verb Agreement. Short versus Long Sentences. |
Discussion. | Work with long and short sentences in interpretation and expression. | Practice of hyphenated words. Exercise of changing the subject 'under cover'. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 29. |
Summary of Special Verbs. Our final set of verbs. Major Forms of Sentences. |
Discussion. | Frame 20 sentences in the given structures and write their intended meanings in Hindi. | Practice of Major Forms of Sentences. Study of defective verbs. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 30. |
EPP teaching scheme: more a teaching guide than a textbook. Quarter (Module) 4 will show further avenues. |
Discussion. | Write a short essay (30-40 sentences) on your thoughts and opinions about what an educated/prosperous Indian can do to promote teaching and learning of English. | A brief history of EPP. | Notes. |
Quarter 3 ends here. | Some suggestions on good and gripping authors. | Additional exercise for teachers. | |||
Video of lesson 31. |
Some administrative issues. Revisiting Major Forms of sentences. |
Discussion. | Sample syntax seeds into elaborate sets of independent sentences. | Future potentials of EPP. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 32. |
A word tree and
its root, branches, fruits in a tub. Surgery on Sentences. |
Discussion. | From the internet, read a fresh story and collect a total of 100 sentences: 25 of each kind. | Identification of sentences as simple, compound, complex, mixed etc: Examples. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 33. |
Another word tree. Careful about trees that are misleading. |
Discussion. | Find out trees of etymologically connected words to the given words and provide illustrations their parts of speech. | Practice on Parsing: Classification. Practice on etymologically connected words. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 34. |
Parsing of Simple Sentences. Text-based parsing. |
Discussion. | Parse (Analyse) 10 simple sentences from your collection. | Games: A great contributor to 'learning'. Rules of a game of 5-letter words. |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 35. |
Live session for doubt resolution. | Discussion. | Identify words of multiple parts of speech from word families; and shrink phrases and clause in a given pasaage. | Discussion on learning, teaching and examination-related issues. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 36. |
Words in multiple roles. Parsing of Compound Sentences. Clauses and Phrases: Interchangeability. |
Discussion. | Parse (Analyse) 10 compound sentences from your collection. | Exercise on Parsing. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 37. |
Suffixes and
Prefixes. Parsing of Complex Sentences. |
Discussion. | Parse (Analyse) 10 complex sentences from your collection. | Test of English as a Functional Language. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 38. |
Phrasal Verbs. Parsing of Mixed Sentences. |
Discussion. | Parse (Analyse) 10 mixed sentences from your collection. | A discussion on Module Zero. | Notes. |
Video of lesson 39. |
Design and Rephrasing of sentences. Direct and Indirect Narration. |
Discussion. | Change the given excerpt from a play to indirect narration, as in its 'tale' being narrated. | Games in learning. A word-guessing game that involves syntax too! |
Notes. |
Video of lesson 40. |
What was achieved? | Discussion. | Read the given passage and answer the following questions. | What next? | Notes. |
Sample Solutions. | Sources of passages. | Additional exercise for teachers. | |||
Good bye. See you again. |