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Content and References (in pdf)
I. Overview of the speech production mechanism a) The physiological model of speech production b) The mathematical (source-system) model of speech production c) Relation between (a) and (b) d) Physiological and mathematical basis of categorization of speech sounds II. Basic Signal processing techniques for speech recognition a) Discrete time speech signals, relevant properties of the fast Fourier transform and Z-transform for speech processing. Convolution, filter banks, and analytical pole-zero modeling of the speech signal b) Spectral estimation of speech using the Discrete Fourier transform c) Pole-zero modeling, linear prediction (LP) analysis, perceptual linear prediction (PLP), analysis of speech d) Homomorphic speech signal deconvolution, real and complex cepstrum, application of cepstral analysis to speech signals
III. The speech recognition front end and pattern comparison techniques a) Mel frequency cepstral co-efficients (MFCC), MVDR-MFCC, RASTA-PLP cepstral co-efficients. b) Issues in feature vector extraction for speech recongition, Static and dynamic feature vectors for speech recognition, robustness issues, discrimination in the feature space, feature selection c) Log spectral distance, cepstral distances, weighted cepstral distances, distances for linear and warped scales IV. Statistical models for speech recognition a) Vector quantization models for speech and speaker recognition b) Gaussian mixture modeling for speaker, language and speech recognition c) Hidden Markov modeling for isolated word and continuous speech recognition V. Speech Recognition in practice a)Using HTK for speech recognition
Reference List:
* Note that
portions of these references will be used for teaching. While you are
encouraged to read all the stuff in the book chapters
mentioned below,
it is not mandatory. You need to read only what is
covered in the lectures which will be listed
in the course notes link to the left of this page.
Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice,
Thomas F.
Cloth, 816 pp. ISBN: 013242942X Published:
OCT 29, 2001
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13 (CMS & SS only), 14 (14.2, 14.3 only)
2. Fundamentals
of Speech Recognition, L.
Rabiner and B. Juang,
SignalProcessing Series, Pages:
507, Year of Publication: 1993, ISBN:0-13-015157-2
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 8
3. Speech and Audio
Signal Processing: Processing
and perception of speech and music
B. Gold and N. Morgan, Wiley 2000, ISBN: 0-471-35154-7
Chapters 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28
(overview only)
Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing, Steve
Young et. al editors, 234 pages, Kluwer, ISBN
Chapters 2, 3
5. Discrete Time
Processing of Speech Signals, JR
Deller, JG Proakis, JH Hansen,
Year of
Publication: 1993, ISBN:0023283017
Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12
Transactions on audio, speech and language processing, (formerly
speech and audio processing, ASSP),
Available on IEEE Xplore
accessible from inside UCSD and on VPN from outside
6.a J. Makhoul, Linear Prediction:
A Tutorial Review
6.b JW Picone, Signal Modeling
Techniques in Speech Recognition
6.c SB Davis and P Mermelstein,
Comparison of Parametric Representations for Monosyllabic Word
Recognition in
Continuously Spoken Sentences
6.d H Hermansky and N
Morgan, RASTA Processing of Speech
6.e DA Reynolds and
RC Rose, Robust Text-Independent Speaker Identification Using
Speaker Models
6.f LR Rabiner and BH Juang, An Introduction to
Hidden Markov Models
6.g LR Rabiner, A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models
and Selected Applications in Speech
7. The HTK toolkit for speech recognition
8. The Sphinx toolkit for speech recognition
9. Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition, XD Huang, Y
Ariki, MA Jack, Edinburgh University Press
Chapters 2,3,4,5,6,8
9. Digital Processing of Speech Signals,
LR Rabiner and RW Schafer, Pearson Education
Chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.
Dept. of Electrical Engg. IIT Kanpur