Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 

EE-627A - Jan. 2018

Speech Signal Processing

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Latest Announcements (For older annoucements see Announcements link to the left) 22/1/2018
Assignment 6 Posted - Due 15/04/18 . Please see Assignment Link for other details.
Guidelines, Presentation Schedule, and Code Submission Procedure for Term Project Evaluation Announced
Assignment 5 Posted - 
Due on 28/03/18
Assignment 4 Posted -  Due on 21/03/18
Assignment 3 Posted - Due on 10/02/18.
See Assignments Link to the left.

Assignment 1 (Due on 30/1/18) and Assignment 2 (Due on 3/2/2018) Posted. See Assignments Link to the left.
This is the website for the Jan 2018 edition of EE627A.
Schedule : Tue. : 12:00 - 1.15 PM, Wed. : 12:00 - 01:15 PM ; Venue : L13
Course Objectives and Summary:
This course will deal with both theory and practical aspects of Speech signal processing. The course requires basics of digital signal processing and probability theory . Although the course will include math, the key idea is to get the participants to appreciate the math behind the practice and not get lost in the math itself. The Assignments will include reading, math, and implementation assignments while making it challenging for participants who like math also. Although the course content lists several books, the quizzes and the finals will be based only on what is delivered in the class, assignments and the classnotes (which is basically portions of specific text books). The projects listed will cover various topics in speech and audio processing in general and will include tools like HTK, CMU Spinx, Voice XML, Matlab. Each participant will be expected to turn in a report, demo and present the particular project assigned to him. The Instructor will provide support to the best extent possible with the projects. 
Instructor: Rajesh Hegde

Gyanajyoti R, Ajay Dagar
loc: ACES 203 MiPS Lab

Office ACES 203-B, MiPS Lab
Office Hours Tue. 11 - 12 Noon
Lecture Location L-13 @ New LHC
Lecture Schedule Tue : 12:00 - 1:15 PM, Wed. : 12:00 -1.15 PM
Primary References  quatbook  schafer.jpg  juangbook  tslp
See Course content for a detailed list of
Practical References htklogo  sphinxlogo
1. http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/
2. http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/
Other References
on Speech Recognition
1. Elsevier Speech communication
2. Eurasip JASP and JASMP
3. Elsevier Signal processing
4. Wiley books on Speech Recognition
5. Pearson books on Speech Recognition
Notable Speech Conferences 1. ICASSP

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 Rajesh Hegde<rhegde@iitk.ac.in>
Dept. of Elecl. Engg. IIT Kanpur