 Department of Electrical Engineering
 IIT Kanpur

EE627A- Jan. 2018

Speech Signal Processing

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Term Project Evaluation Details for 2018

1. Guidelines

2. Presentation Schedule

3. Code Submission Procedure



Term Project Assignment for July 2013
The following is a list of projects assigned for July 2013 batch. Projects are linked to a pdf file with details of the project, tools, and references. There are 11 batches. Details can be downloaded by clicking on the the links below.

1. Term Project Batches

2. Term Project Assignments to various Batches.

Table giving Batch wise Documents 

     Batch Number Term Paper Document Link
             1 Batch 1 Document
             2 Batch 2 Document
             3 Batch 3 Document
             4 Batch 4 Document
             5 Batch 5 Document
             6 Batch 6 Document
             7 Batch 7 Document
             8 Batch 8 Document
             9 Batch 9 Document
            10 Batch 10 Document
            11 Batch 11 Document

Important Instructions

1. Meet the TAs assigned to your Term Project immediately and start the project ASAP.
2. The databases required for building acoustic models are available in the Lab. The TAs can help you with it.
3.  Since the databases are proprietary, they cannot be handed out to you.
4. The training phase for building acoustic models will have to done on the MiPS Lab server.
5. Each Batch will be assigned a login/pwd for the MiPS server. The databases will be available on the server along with the tools (HTK/Sphinx/Bechetti) installed. The training will have to be done on the server.
6. The testing or the decoding phase can then done individually on your laptops or computing devices.
7. Demos have to be given on the laptop or MiPS lab computer.
8. Additional Clarifications can be obtained from the assigned TAs who are available in MiPS Lab.

 Rajesh Hegde<rhegde@ucsd.edu>
 Dept. of Electrical Engg. IIT Kanpur