Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 

EE-627A - Jan. 2018

Speech Signal Processing

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You have reached the page to upload your Assignments and Project materials for evaluation.

Instructions to upload Assignments:

You can upload your assignment, matlab code, and plots from the links at the bottom of this web page. Please note that your assignment solutions, matlab code and plots have to be integrated into a single pdf file and uploaded.  The handwritten portion of your assignment can be scanned prior to integrating into a single pdf file. You can use a full version of Adobe Acrobat to do this. Micrsoft office documents are also allowed to be uploaded. For the Project code submission part, all the code can be zipped and a corresponding zip (ZIP/RAR/TAR)  file can be uploaded. Each Assignment will have to be uploaded separately from the links below. The upload will be done using the following menu below.
File Naming Conventions for Assignment Upload

<Your roll no>_<Assignment number>_<date uploaded>.<pdf/doc/ppt/pptx>

In case you feel you want to reload an already submitted assignment indicate the version on the new document as follows

<Your roll no>_<Assignment number>_<date uploaded>_<ver number>.<pdf/doc/ppt/pptx>

The TA will take a look at the final version and evaluate the assignment.

File Naming Conventions for Project Upload

<Your Batch  no>_<Project acronym>_<date uploaded>.<pdf/doc/ppt/pptx/ZIP/RAR/TAR>
 For newer or corrected versions of project material upload the convention is as follows
<Your Batch  no>_<Project acronym>_<date uploaded>_<ver number>.<pdf/doc/ppt/pptx/ZIP/RAR/TAR>
The Instructor will take a look at the final version and evaluate the project.

Links for uploading your assignments (Set No Proxy for in your browser)

Assignment 1
Upload Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Upload Assignment 2
Assignment 3 Upload Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Upload Assignment 4
Assignment 5 Upload Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Upload Assignment 6
Project (I)
Upload Project Report
Project (II)
Upload Project Presentation
Project (III)
Upload Project Code

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 Rajesh Hegde<rhegde@iitk.ac.in>
Dept. of Elecl. Engg. IIT Kanpur