Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Class of 1986 Young Faculty Fellow
Editor, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.
ACES305C, EE, IIT Kanpur
(0512) 259-2001
Bio: Dr. Abhishek Gupta
Dr. Abhishek K. Gupta received his B.Tech.- M.Tech dual degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 2010 and PhD degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in 2016. He is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He heads the modern wireless networks group at IITK. His research is in the area of stochastic geometry and modern communication systems, including 5G, mmWave, THz, vehicular, and molecular communication.
He was recipient of IEI young engineer award (electronics and telecommunication discipline) by Institute of Engineers (India) in 2021, Class of 1986 young faculty fellowship by IIT Kanpur in 2022, IEEE wireless communication letters exemplary reviewer award in 2016, GE-FS leadership award by General Electric Foundation and Institute of International Education in 2009 and IITK academic excellence award for four consecutive years (2006-2009). He is author of the books, An introduction to stochastic geometry (Springer Morgan-Claypool, 2022), Numerical methods using MATLAB (Springer Apress, 2014), and MATLAB by examples (Finch, 2010). Before joining IITK, he was working as Sr. standards engineer at Samsung Research America in Dallas, TX, USA. In the past, he has worked in Applied Microelectronics Circuit Corporation (Pune), Futurewei Technologies (NJ) and Nokia Networks (IL).
Dr. Abhishek K. Gupta received his B.Tech.- M.Tech dual degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 2010 and PhD degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in 2016. He is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He heads the modern wireless networks group at IITK. His research is in the area of stochastic geometry and modern communication systems, including 5G, mmWave, THz, vehicular, and molecular communication.
He was recipient of IEI young engineer award (electronics and telecommunication discipline) by Institute of Engineers (India) in 2021, Class of 1986 young faculty fellowship by IIT Kanpur in 2022, IEEE wireless communication letters exemplary reviewer award in 2016, GE-FS leadership award by General Electric Foundation and Institute of International Education in 2009 and IITK academic excellence award for four consecutive years (2006-2009). He is author of the books, An introduction to stochastic geometry (Springer Morgan-Claypool, 2022), Numerical methods using MATLAB (Springer Apress, 2014), and MATLAB by examples (Finch, 2010). Before joining IITK, he was working as Sr. standards engineer at Samsung Research America in Dallas, TX, USA. In the past, he has worked in Applied Microelectronics Circuit Corporation (Pune), Futurewei Technologies (NJ) and Nokia Networks (IL).
He is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Work involved 5G standardization, active participation in 3GPP standards meetings, performance evaluation of new technologies and innovation efforts.
Work involved design and verification of multiple design blocks including SATA 2.0, USB 3.0 and Queue manager interface on SOC level using Verilog/System Verilog/OVM..
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
PhD Thesis: Association and spectrum sharing in cellular networks
Department of Electrical Engineering.
Master Thesis: Beneficial impact of antenna correlation
Department of Electrical Engineering
Please visit our research group page here.
I am looking for motivated BTech, Masters and PhD students to work with me on interesting problems in wireless systems/communication theory. Please check my research brief, papers, talks and projects for further details. I am also open to explore new topics. Interested students can contact me by email with a short description about their interests.
Students' Awards/Achievements
Research Focus Areas
Wireless Communication
Stochastic Geometry
Analysis and modeling of cellular systems
mmWave and 5G networks
Molecular Communications
6G and Beyond
As the fourth generation of mobile standards is reaching its limits, the researchers and industries together have started focusing on the next generation standard. 5G systems are expected to provide very high data rates and have low latency. One of the proposed features of 5G is leveraging the large available bands at the mmWave frequencies. We analyze mmWave systems and various issues related to them such as characterizing mmWave channel, modeling and evaluating the system performance and making the communication work at mmWave. There are many other interesting features/problems related to modern networks such as internet of things (IoT), coordination techniques in sub 6GHz networks, renewable energy based device networks, which our group aims to analyze.
J. G. Andrews, T. Bai, M. N. Kulkarni, A. Alkhateeb, A. K. Gupta,R. W. Heath Jr, ''Modeling and analyzing millimeter wave cellular systems,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 65(1), pp 403-430, Jan. 2017. (Details, Link, PDF)
A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''On the feasibility of sharing spectrum licenses in mmWave cellular systems,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 64(9), pp 3981-3995, Sept. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Macro-diversity in cellular networks with random blockages,'' IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , 17(2), pp 996-1010, Feb. 2018. (Details, Link, PDF)
Reena Sahu, Kanchan Chaurasia and A. K. Gupta, ''SINR and Rate Coverage of Broadcast Networks using Stochastic Geometry'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179521. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation , Video )
The field of stochastic geometry provides many random spatial models and relevant tools to characterize most wireless communication systems. Due to increasing heterogeneity in cellular infrastructure and irregularity in base station (BS) locations, random spatial models are proposed to model the inherent randomness in such networks. Modeling the BS locations as a Poisson Point Process (PPP) further lends tractability and allows to compute simple expressions for important distributions such as distribution of distance of the serving BS and sum interference from all BSs, and key metrics, such as SINR coverage and rate. The field of stochastic geometry is attracting growing interest.
In past research, We have used stochastic geometry tools extensively to analyze multi-antenna HetNets, 3D network deployments, network densification with multi-slope path-loss models, mmWave networks, spectrum license sharing in mmWave and self-localizing sensors. We should emphasize that stochastic geometry is not merely a tool to analyze wireless systems. In addition to its promising applications, there are many interesting research directions in developing stochastic geometry tools, e.g. finding the condition for percolation in random graphs constructed on point processes, analysis of repulsive and other non-PPP point processes, and modeling of correlated point processes including PPPs. Our group is interested in both aspects: application of stochastic geometry in wireless systems, and properties of random point processes.
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A. K. Gupta, H. Dhillon, S. Vishwanath and J. G. Andrews, ''Downlink multi-antenna heterogeneous cellular network with load balancing,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 62(11), pp 4052-67, Nov. 2014. (Details, Link, PDF)
A. K. Gupta, X. Zhang and J. G. Andrews, ''Potential throughput in 3D ultradense cellular networks'', in Proc. ASILOMAR, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2015. (Details, Link, PDF )
J. G. Andrews, X. Zhang, G. D. Durgin and A. K. Gupta, ''Are we approaching the fundamental limits of wireless network densification?,'' IEEE Commun. Mag. , 54(10), pp 84-90, Oct. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''On the feasibility of sharing spectrum licenses in mmWave cellular systems,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 64(9), pp 3981-3995, Sept. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
A. K. Gupta, S. Barik and H. Vikalo, ''Distributed self localization of sensors with Poisson deployment using extended Kalman filter'', in Proc. IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, USA, May. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF )
K. Pandey , Harpreet S Dhillon and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Contact and Nearest-Neighbor Distance Distributions for the n Dimensional Matern Cluster Process,'' IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett. , 9(3), pp 394-397, Mar. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2019.2957221. (Details, Link, PDF)
K. Pandey, and A. K. Gupta, ''Coverage Improvement of Wireless Sensor Networks via Spatial Profile Information'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179613. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
In simple terms, molecular programming refers to programming with molecules where each operation is performed in the form of chemical reaction. It involves the specification of structures, circuits, and behaviors both within living and non-living systems-systems in which computing and decision-making will be carried out by chemical processes themselves. Like the logical gates in conventional computer programming, basic building blocks of molecular programming are chemical reaction networks (CRNs). In recent years, there has been huge interest in understanding CRNs to perform basic operations and assemble them to build complex systems. Closely related to molecular programming, the field of molecular communication involves studying communication between bio-receivers via molecules including modulation techniques and optimizing channel. Our group focuses on applying knowledge of the conventional communication theory to molecular communication.
Nithin V Sabu, Neeraj Varshney and A. K. Gupta, ''On Hybrid MoSK-CSK Modulation based Molecular Communication: Error Rate Performance Analysis using Stochastic Geometry'', in Proc. SpaSWiN, WiOpt, Avignon, France, June 2019. DOI: 10.23919/WiOPT47501.2019.9144119. (Details, Link, PDF )
Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Analysis of Diffusion Based Molecular Communication with Multiple Transmitters having Individual Random Information Bits,'' IEEE Trans. Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 5(3), , Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMBMC.2020.2986719. (Details, Link, PDF)
Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Analysis of Diffusion Based Molecular Communication System with Multiple Transmitters'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179506. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
Nithin V S , N. Varsney and A. K. Gupta, ''3-D Diffusive Molecular Communication with Two Fully-Absorbing Receivers: Hitting Probability and Performance Analysis,'' IEEE Trans. Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 6(3), pp 244-249 , Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMBMC.2020.3031414. (Details, Link, PDF)
Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Detection Probability in a Molecular Communication via Diffusion System with Multiple Fully Absorbing Receivers,'' IEEE Communication Letters, 24(12), pp 2824-2828 , Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3017243. (Details, Link, PDF)
Visible light communication is an attractive option to mitigate the problem of spectrum scarcity as demand for data services explode. One can achieve higher capacity, and more secure communication using VLC. It allows significant power savings as visible light sources can serve the dual role of communications as well as room illumination. We present a stochastic geometry based framework to analyze the performance of a downlink indoor VLC network at a typical arbitrarily located user in the room and may not necessarily be at the center. It is in general difficult to compute the distribution of the distance of the serving base-station (BS) from the user when the BSs process is non-stationary. We give a technique based on Campbell-Mecke theorem, which does not require this distribution computation. This technique is valid for SINR threshold greater than 1 which is typically the case. We then derive the SINR and rate coverage probability for a typical user. We present a model to include the impact of wall reflections and extend the analysis to study the performance in the presence of wall reflections. We provide some numerical results showing the impact of user’s location and reflections. We observe that users location significantly affect the performance of the network. In the presence of reflections, corner users are affected more due to increased non line-of-sight interference. We also showed that reflections can be an important factor while computing performance for corner and edge users.
In the conventional cellular licensing, commercial operators buy exclusive licenses which give each of them exclusive and complete control over a band of spectrum. Due to highly directional communication and high penetration losses, the mmWave communication causes less interference to neighboring BSs compared to sub-6 GHz frequencies. Therefore, the conventional exclusive licensing is not efficient for mmWave and spectrum sharing is a definite way to go for mmWave systems. There are two main ways to share the spectrum: (i) to share the spectrum without any coordination among the operators, or (ii) to implement some type of sensing or coordination to avoid transmission conflicts. Currently, there is no regulatory framework for cellular services in the mmWave bands. Therefore, these different types of sharing mechanisms should be evaluated in advance to understand what licensing schemes should be used in mmWave networks to maximize spectrum utilization.
We modeled multi-operator mmWave cellular networks with uncoordinated (or unrestricted) spectrum license sharing using superposition of multiple independent PPPs. The considered setup was general enough to allow any arbitrary group granularity for infrastructure access and license sharing. We computed performance metrics in terms of SINR and rate coverage of this system. By comparing the exclusive licensing with license sharing, we showed that sharing increases the per-user median rate. We also showed that there is a trade-off between median and edge rate and sharing licenses may result in lower edge rates in some scenarios.
An operator may be ready to share its spectrum, but it may still want to distinguish itself as the primary owner of a spectrum to achieve a certain level of quality of service. Therefore, it is intuitive to have a licensing scheme where the owner of the spectrum has higher control of the spectrum and it can impose some restrictions on the other operators it lends the spectrum to. One important thing while imposing such restrictions on the secondary operators is that too high coordination requirements can eat away the gains from spectrum sharing. Therefore, there must be a certain limit on how much coordination is required from the secondary operators. One practical solution is to allow some static coordination based on large scale channel statistics which does not require continuous sensing of the spectrum. We analyzed such an mmWave system with static coordination where the secondary operator has a restriction on the maximum interference it can cause to the owner operator and showed that both operators benefit from this type of secondary licensing.
Signal propagation at mmWave frequencies suffers from various issues such as higher atmospheric absorption and sensitivity to blockages due to reduced diffraction and penetration. Also, blockages present in the channel severely impact the performance of mmWave systems. This necessitates the separate modeling of line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) links for mmWave systems. Random shape theory can be used to model the effect of blocking in cellular systems where buildings are modeled as random shapes including lines, rectangles or circles. However, the prior work has mainly focused on the analysis of single serving link or analysis assuming independent blocking among links.
Macro-diversity where a user is simultaneously connected with multiple mmWave BSs can be used to increase LOS probability of serving links, thus boosting the system performance. In this case, it is very important to understand how correlation among blocking events occurring in multiple serving links impacts the diversity gain. We analyzed the correlation among the blocking events occurring in links from different BSs to a single user. We modeled the blockage process using a line-Boolean model and BS locations as a PPP. We, then, computed the joint probability of multiple serving links to be blocked and then derived the probability of at least one serving link to be LOS, termed system reliability.
A drone (UAV) network consists of multiple drones spread over a space and communicating directly with each other. Drones can be deployed to provide instant network to a disaster affected area where radio networks are damaged. Drone networks can also be used to help cellular networks to provide coverage when good connection to any macro cell is not available. There are various challenges in implementing a real world drone network. We are working in different aspects such as modeling and anslysis of drone networks.
[B01][2022] J. G. Andrews, A. K. Gupta, Ahmad AlAmmouri, Harpreet S Dhillon, ''An Introduction to Cellular Network Analysis using Stochastic Geometry,'' (Publisher: Morgan and Claypool (Springer)). March. 2022. (Details, Link, PDF)
[B02][2015] A. K. Gupta, ''Numerical Method using MATLAB,'' (Publisher: Apress (Springer)). Dec. 2015. (Details, Link, PDF)
[B03][2010] A. K. Gupta, ''MATLAB By Examples,'' (Publisher: Finch, India). Mar. 2010. (Details, Link, PDF)
[BC01][2021] Shuchi Tripathi, Nithin V S , A. K. Gupta and Harpreet S Dhillon, ''Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Spectrum for 6G Wireless,'' in 6G Mobile Wireless Networks, (Publisher: Springer). 2021. (Details, Link, PDF)
[BC02][2020] A. K. Gupta, Nithin V S and Harpreet S Dhillon, ''Fundamentals of Network Densification,'' in 5G and Beyond: Fundamentals and Standards, (Publisher: Springer). 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58197-8. (Details, Link, PDF)
[BC03][2020] A. K. Gupta, and A. Banerjee, ''Spectrum above Radio Bands,'' in Spectrum Sharing: The Next Frontier in Wireless Networks, (Publisher: Wiley). June 2020. DOI: 10.1002/9781119551539.ch5. (Details, Link, PDF)
[BC04][2012] A. K. Gupta, and Shaun A Forth, ''An AD-Enabled Optimization Toolbox in LabVIEW,'' in Lecture Notes in Recent Advances In Algorithmic Differentiation, (Publisher: Springer). June 2012. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J01][2023] Shuchi Tripathi, Abhishek K. Gupta, SaiDhiraj Amuru, ''On the Coverage of Cognitive mmWave Networks with Directional Sensing and Communications,'' ArXiv: 2306.01652, , , June 2023. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J02][2023] Vikrant Malik, Gourab Ghatak, A. K. Gupta, Sanket S. Kalamkar, ''On the Deployment of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in the Presence of Blockages,'' ArXiv: 2303.07311, , , March 2023. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J03][2023] K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S Dhillon, Kanaka R Perumalla, ''Properties of A Random Bipartite Geometric Associator Graph Inspired by Vehicular Networks,'' Entropy, , , April 2023. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J04][2022] K. Pandey, K R Perumalla, A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S Dhillon, '' Load distribution in the typical and zero cells in a PLP-PPP vehicular communication network.,'' , , , June 2022. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J05][2022] Nithin V S , A. K. Gupta, N. Varhney, A. Jindal, ''Investigation of approximation accuracy in the hitting probability in a 3-D molecular communication system with multiple fully absorbing receivers.,'' , , , May 2022. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J06][2021] A. K. Gupta, ''On the Distribution of Various Voronoi Association Cells in Cellular Networks,'' , , , Feb. 2021. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J07][2021] Shuchi Tripathi and A. K. Gupta, ''Measurement Efforts at mmWave Indoor and Outdoor environments,'' , , , Jan. 2021. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J08][2020] A. K. Gupta, ''Coverage in Asymmetric HetNets with User-Access Restrictions,'' , , , Aug. 2020. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J09][2016] J. G. Andrews, A. K. Gupta and H. S. Dhillon, ''A primer on cellular network analysis using stochastic geometry,'' ArXiv: 1604.03183, , , April 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J01][2024] Shuchi Tripathi, Abhishek K. Gupta, SaiDhiraj Amuru, ''On the Coverage of Cognitive mmWave Networks with Directional Sensing and Communications,'' IEEE Transcations on Wireless Communications, Early Access, , June 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3410382. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J02][2024] Nithin V S and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Target Detection Performance of a Molecular Communication Network with Multiple Mobile Nanomachines ,'' IEEE Transcations on NanoBioscience, 23(3), 524-536 , July 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2024.3399188. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J03][2023] K. Pandey, K R Perumalla, A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S Dhillon, ''Fundamentals of Vehicular Communication Networks with Vehicle Platoons,'' IEEE Transcations on Wireless Communications, 22(12), 8634-49 , December 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2023.3264662. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J04][2023] K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S Dhillon and K R Perumalla, ''Properties of a Random Bipartite Geometric Associator Graph Inspired by Vehicular Networks,'' Entropy, 25,12, 1619 , Dec 2023 2023. DOI: 10.3390/e25121619. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J05][2023] Nithin V S , A. K. Gupta, N Varsney and A Jindal, ''Channel Characterization and Performance of a 3-D Molecular Communication System with Multiple Fully-Absorbing Receivers,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications, 71 (2), pp. 714-727, Feb. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2022.3228920. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J06][2022] Afaq A Lone, A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S Dhillon, Somya Sharma, ''Coverage and Rate in MIMO Cellular Networks with Location-Aware Transmission Rank Selection,'' IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, 11(10), pp. 2026-2030, Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2022.3191137. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J07][2022] Saurabh Kumar Gupta, Vikrant Malik, A. K. Gupta and J. G. Andrews, ''Impact of Blocking Correlation on the Performance of mmWave Cellular Networks,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70(7), pp. 4925-4939, July 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2022.3176345. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J08][2022] Kanchan Chaurasia, Reena Sahu, Shuchi Tripathi and A. K. Gupta, ''Coverage Analysis of Broadcast Networks with Users Having Heterogeneous Content/Advertisement Preferences,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70(3), pp. 2057-2071, March 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2021.3131692. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J09][2021] Nithin V S , N. Varsney and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Performance of the Primary and Secondary Links in a 3-D Underlay Cognitive Molecular Communication,'' IEEE Trans. Communications, 69(12), pp. 8028-8041 , Dec. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2021.3112557. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J10][2021] A. K. Gupta, Reena Sahu, Kanchan Chaurasia and Shuchi Tripathi, ''On the Analysis of a Cellular Network with Macro-diversity using Stochastic Geometry,'' IEEE Communication Letters, 25(10), pp. 3244-3248 , July. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3098384. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J11][2021] K. Pandey and A. K. Gupta, ''kth Distance Distributions for Generalized Gauss-Poisson Process in Rn,'' Statistics and Probability Letters, 172,pp 109048 , May 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2021.109048. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J12][2021] Deepak Singh Kalhan, A. S. Bedi, A. Koppel, K. Rajawat, H. Hassani, A. K. Gupta, and A. Banerjee, ''Dynamic Online Learning via Frank-Wolfe Algorithm,'' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69 pp 932-947, Jan 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2021.3051871. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J13][2021] K. Pandey and A. K. Gupta, ''kth Distance Distributions of n-Dimensional Matern Cluster Process,'' IEEE Communication Letters, 25(3), pp 769 - 773, March 2021. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3041435. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J14][2020] Nithin V S , N. Varsney and A. K. Gupta, ''3-D Diffusive Molecular Communication with Two Fully-Absorbing Receivers: Hitting Probability and Performance Analysis,'' IEEE Trans. Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 6(3), pp 244-249 , Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMBMC.2020.3031414. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J15][2020] Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Detection Probability in a Molecular Communication via Diffusion System with Multiple Fully Absorbing Receivers,'' IEEE Communication Letters, 24(12), pp 2824-2828 , Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3017243. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J16][2019] Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Analysis of Diffusion Based Molecular Communication with Multiple Transmitters having Individual Random Information Bits,'' IEEE Trans. Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 5(3), , Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMBMC.2020.2986719. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J17][2020] K. Pandey , Harpreet S Dhillon and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Contact and Nearest-Neighbor Distance Distributions for the n Dimensional Matern Cluster Process,'' IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett. , 9(3), pp 394-397, Mar. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2019.2957221. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J18][2019] A. K. Gupta and J. G. Andrews, ''Comments on 'Coverage Analysis of Multiuser Visible Light Communication Networks','' IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , 18(9), pp 4605-4606, Sept. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2019.2919022. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J19][2018] R. Jurdi, A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Modeling infrastructure sharing in mmWave networks with shared spectrum licenses,'' IEEE Trans. Cognitive Commun. Networking , 4(2), pp 328-343, June 2018. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J20][2018] A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Macro-diversity in cellular networks with random blockages,'' IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , 17(2), pp 996-1010, Feb. 2018. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J21][2017] J. G. Andrews, T. Bai, M. N. Kulkarni, A. Alkhateeb, A. K. Gupta,R. W. Heath Jr, ''Modeling and analyzing millimeter wave cellular systems,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 65(1), pp 403-430, Jan. 2017. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J22][2016] A. K. Gupta, A. Alkhateeb, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Gains of restricted secondary licensing in millimeter wave cellular systems,'' IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. , 34(11), pp 2935-2950, Nov. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J23][2016] J. G. Andrews, X. Zhang, G. D. Durgin and A. K. Gupta, ''Are we approaching the fundamental limits of wireless network densification?,'' IEEE Commun. Mag. , 54(10), pp 84-90, Oct. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J24][2016] A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''On the feasibility of sharing spectrum licenses in mmWave cellular systems,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 64(9), pp 3981-3995, Sept. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J25][2015] A. K. Gupta, Xinchen Zhang, J. G. Andrews, ''SINR and Throughput scaling in ultradense urban cellular networks,'' IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett. , 4(6), pp 605-608, Dec. 2015. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J26][2015] S. Kalamkar, A. K. Gupta and A. Banerjee, ''Impact of Antenna Correlation on Optimum Improved Energy Detection in Cognitive Radio,'' IEICE Trans. Commun. , E98B(8), pp 1609-99, Aug. 2015. (Details, Link, PDF)
[J27][2014] A. K. Gupta, H. Dhillon, S. Vishwanath and J. G. Andrews, ''Downlink multi-antenna heterogeneous cellular network with load balancing,'' IEEE Trans. Commun. , 62(11), pp 4052-67, Nov. 2014. (Details, Link, PDF)
[C01][2023] Saurabh Kumar Gupta, A. K. Gupta, ''Characterizing Acceptance in Post-Selection One-Shot Quantum Hypothesis Testing'', in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2023. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C02][2023] K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta and K R Perumalla, , ''Vehicular Communication Networks with Platooned Vehicles: Modeling and Analysis'', in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome Italy, May 2023. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C03][2023] K. Pandey, Aman Pandey, A. K. Gupta and Harpreet S Dhillon, '' Coverage Analysis of a THz Cellular Network in the Presence of Scatterers'', in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome Italy, May 2023. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C04][2023] Rangesh P. K. Pandey, A. K. Gupta, ''On the Performance of Communication in a Vehicular Network with Platooned Traffic'', in Proc. National Conference on Communications (NCC), Guwahati, India, Feb 2023. DOI: 10.1109/NCC56989.2023.10068039. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C05][2022] Lakshay Tyagi, A. K. Gupta and Nithin V S , ''Analysis of A Molecular Ad Hoc Network with Passive Receivers'', in Proc. ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication Nanocom 2022 (Accepted, Not presented), Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2022. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C06][2022] Nithin V S and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Target Detection Performance of a Molecular Communication Network with Multiple Mobile Nanomachines'', in Proc. ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication Nanocom 2022 (Accepted, Not presented), Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2022. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C07][2022] Sagnik Bhattacharya and A. K. Gupta, ''Deep Learning for THz Channel Estimation and Beamforming Prediction via Sub-6GHz Channel'', in Proc. SPCOM 2022, IISc Bangalore, July 2022. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM55316.2022.9840844. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C08][2022] A. K. Gupta and Nithin V S , ''Diversity Combining in a Single-Input-Multiple-Output Molecular Communication System'', in Proc. NCC (Invited Talk), IIT Bombay, May 2022. DOI: 10.1109/NCC55593.2022.9806762. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C09][2022] Nithin V S , A. K. Gupta, Neeraj Varshney, Anshuman Jindal, ''Impact of Multiple Fully-Absorbing Receivers in Molecular Communications'', in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshop- 6G-eHealth-Sec, Seoul South Korea, May 2022. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C10][2021] Shuchi Tripathi, A. K. Gupta and SaiDhiraj Amuru, ''Coverage Analysis of Cognitive mmWave Networks with Directional Sensing'', in Proc. ASILOMAR, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF53345.2021.9723246. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C11][2021] Gourab Ghatak, Vikrant Malik, Sanket S. Kalamkar, and A. K. Gupta, ''Where to Deploy Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in the Presence of Blockages?'', in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC50174.2021.9569657. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C12][2021] Reena Sahu, Kanchan Chaurasia, and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Coverage of Broadcast Networks with Multiple Transmitters and Heterogeneous Users'', in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshop (Emerging6G-Com), Montreal Canada, June 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops50388.2021.9473841. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C13][2020] Nitish Vikas Deshpande, Sandeep K Routray, A. K. Gupta, ''Spectral Efficiency in Poisson Cluster Based HetNets with Users-Basestations Correlation'', in Proc. IEEE ANTS, Delhi, India, Dec. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ANTS50601.2020.9342826. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C14][2020] Saurabh Kumar Gupta and A. K. Gupta, ''Does Blockage Correlation Matter in the Performance of mmWave Cellular Networks'', in Proc. GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9322413. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C15][2020] A. K. Gupta, K. Pandey and Harpreet S Dhillon, ''Stochastic Geometry for Sensing Environment Processes with a Known Spatio-Temporal Profile'', in Proc. ASILOMAR, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF51394.2020.9443503. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C16][2020] Reena Sahu, Kanchan Chaurasia and A. K. Gupta, ''SINR and Rate Coverage of Broadcast Networks using Stochastic Geometry'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179521. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation , Video )
[C17][2020] K. Pandey, and A. K. Gupta, ''Coverage Improvement of Wireless Sensor Networks via Spatial Profile Information'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179613. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C18][2020] Nithin V S , and A. K. Gupta, ''Analysis of Diffusion Based Molecular Communication System with Multiple Transmitters'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM50965.2020.9179506. (Details, Link, PDF , Video )
[C19][2020] Deepak Singh Kalhan, A. S. Bedi, Alec Koppel, K. Rajawat, A. K. Gupta, A. Banerjee, ''Projection Free Dynamic Online Learning'', in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona , Spain, May 2020. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C20][2020] K. Pandey, and A. K. Gupta, ''On the Coverage Performance of Boolean-Poisson Cluster Models for Wireless Sensor Networks'', in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Seoul, South Korea, April 2020. DOI: 10.1109/WCNC45663.2020.9120471. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C21][2019] A. K. Gupta and A. Banerjee, ''Modeling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Traffic Networks with Anarchists and Socialist Traffic'', in Proc. Proc. IEEE ANTS, Goa, India, Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ANTS47819.2019.9117908. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C22][2019] Shuchi Tripathi, Amol Pidurkar, A. K. Gupta and Pradip Sircar, ''System-Level Performance Analysis of DOA Estimation in Cellular Networks using Stochastic Geometry'', in Proc. Proc. IEEE ANTS, Goa, India, Dec. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ANTS47819.2019.9118085. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C23][2019] Nithin V Sabu, Neeraj Varshney and A. K. Gupta, ''On Hybrid MoSK-CSK Modulation based Molecular Communication: Error Rate Performance Analysis using Stochastic Geometry'', in Proc. SpaSWiN, WiOpt, Avignon, France, June 2019. DOI: 10.23919/WiOPT47501.2019.9144119. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C24][2019] K. Pandey and A. K. Gupta, ''On Detection of Critical Events in a Finite Forest using Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensors'', in Proc. SpaSWiN, WiOpt, Avignon, France, June 2019. DOI: 10.23919/WiOPT47501.2019.9144113. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C25][2018] K. Pandey and A. K. Gupta, ''Modeling and Analysis of Wildfire Detection using Wireless Sensor Network with Poisson Deployment'', in Proc. Proc. IEEE ANTS, Indore, India, Dec. 2018. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C26][2018] Anant Chopra, Deepak Singh Kalhan, A. S. Bedi, A. K. Gupta and K. Rajawat, ''On Socially Optimal Traffic Flow in the Presence of Random Users'', in Proc. Proc. IEEE ANTS, Indore, India, Dec. 2018. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C27][2018] A. K. Gupta, A. Banerjee, K. Pathak, and S. Srivastava, ''On Association and Bandwidth Allocation for Hybrid RF/VLC Systems'', in Proc. Proc. IEEE ANTS, Indore, India, Dec. 2018. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C28][2018] A. K. Gupta, and A. Banerjee, ''On the spatial performance of users in indoor VLC networks with multiple reflections'', in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore , India, July 2018. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C29][2018] A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Impact of correlation between link blockages on macro-diversity gains in mmWave networks'', in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshop WDN-5G, Kansas Ciry, MO, USA, May 2018. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C30][2018] R. Jurdi, A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews and R. W. Heath Jr, ''A Model for infrastructure sharing in mmWave cellular networks'', in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kansas Ciry, MO, USA, May 2018. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C31][2016] A. K. Gupta, A. Alkhateeb, J. G. Andrews, and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Restricted secondary licensing for mmWave cellular: How much gain can be obtained?'', in Proc. GLOBECOM, Washington DC, Dec. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C32][2016] A. K. Gupta, M. N. Kulkarni, E. Visotsky, F. W. Vook, A.Ghosh, J. G. Andrews,R. W. Heath Jr, ''Rate analysis and feasibility of dynamic TDD in 5G cellular systems'', in Proc. IEEE ICC, Malaysia, May. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C33][2016] A. K. Gupta, J. G. Andrews, and R. W. Heath Jr, ''Can operators simply share millimeter wave spectrum licenses?'', in Proc. Information Theory and Application, San Diego, USA, Feb. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C34][2015] A. K. Gupta, X. Zhang and J. G. Andrews, ''Potential throughput in 3D ultradense cellular networks'', in Proc. ASILOMAR, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2015. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C35][2016] A. K. Gupta, S. Barik and H. Vikalo, ''Distributed self localization of sensors with Poisson deployment using extended Kalman filter'', in Proc. IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, USA, May. 2016. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C36][2014] A. K. Gupta, Harpreet S. Dhillon, Sriram Vishwanath, and J. G. Andrews, ''Downlink coverage probability in MIMO HetNets with flexible cell selection'', in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, USA, Dec. 2014. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C37][2013] S. Kalamkar, A. Banerjee, and A. K. Gupta, ''SNR Wall for generalized energy detection under noise uncertainty in cognitive radio'', in Proc. APC, , May. 2013. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C38][2012] A. K. Gupta, and Shaun A Forth, ''An AD-Enabled Optimization Toolbox in LabVIEW'', in Proc. International Conference on Automatic Differentiation-AD2012 (also published in Lecture Notes in Recent Advances In Algorithmic Differentiation), Fort Collins (CO), USA, June 2012. (Details, Link, PDF , Presentation )
[C39][2011] R. Ganti and A. K. Gupta, ''Development of ANN River Flow Model using Particle Swarm Optimization'', in Proc. National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources-2011 (also published in Journal of Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH)), Surat, India, Dec. 2011. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C40][2008] A. Gupta, A. K. Gupta, C. Bocaniala, and V. Sastry, ''Avoidance of Threat Zone by UAV for Automated Navigation'', in Proc. IEEE INDICON, Kanpur, India, Dec. 2008. (Details, Link, PDF )
[C41][2008] A. K. Gupta and A. Agrahari, ''LVAD package: Implementation of forward mode automatic differentiation in LabVIEW using operator overloading'', in Proc. National Instrument VI Mantra, Online, Oct. 2008. (Details, Link, PDF )
Name | Program | Thesis Title | Starting Year | Graduation Year | ||
1 | Nithin V Sabu | PhD |
Received Outstanding PhD Thesis Award.
Current Affiliation: PostDoctral researcher at Michigan State University |
2017 | 2022 | |
2 | Kaushlendra Kumar Pandey | PhD | Stochastic Geometry in Communications | 2017 | ||
3 | Shuchi Tripathi | PhD | Millimeter Waves | 2017 | ||
4 | Saurabh Kumar Gupta | PhD | 2020 | |||
1 | Piyush Tiwari | MTech | Overlay management for VOIP telephony system, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
2 | Niladri Roy | MTech | Development and implementation of chord tapestry hybrid routing module for VOIP telephony system, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
3 | Raja Vijit | MTech | Identity Server and Secure VoIP Telephony, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
4 | Deepak Sharma | MTech | Implementation of Communication Manager and Index Management Modules for VoIP Telephony System, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
5 | Umesh K. Gupta | MTech | Error Analysis of Direction of Arrival Estimation Using MUSIC for Single Source Scenario, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
6 | Amol Pidurkar | MTech | Performance Analysis of MUSIC algorithm for cellular networks, 2017-2018 | 2017 | 2018 | |
7 | Rakesh Kumar Gandhi | MTech | System level simulator for Cellular systems, 2017-2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
8 | Deepak Singh Kalhan | MTech | Online Learning Using Frank-Wolfe Method 2017-2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
9 | Saurabh Kumar Gupta | MTech | Impact of blockage correlation on the coverage probability in mmWave Cellular Networks 2017-2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
10 | Ashna Kumari Banka | MTech | Study on Blockage Correlation in Cellular Network, 2017-2019 | 2018 | 2019 | |
11 | Somya Sharma | MTech | Coverage Analysis of a Multi-stream MIMO Network with ZFBF at Receivers 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
12 | Kanchan Chaurasia | MTech | Coverage Analysis of a Broadcast Network using Stochastic Geometry 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
13 | Reena Sahu | MTech | Scheduling in Broadcast networks: Modeling and Analysis 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
14 | Himanshu | MTech | Implementation of MIMO and Feedback for In-house System Level Simulator 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
15 | Yuvraj Aghvane | MTech | Scheduling and Performance Calculations for In-house System Level Simulator 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
16 | Himanshu Gautam | MTech | Mean SINR And Rate In a Downlink Visible Light Communication System 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
17 | Anand Kumar | MTech | Analysis of a UAV Assisted Cellular Network 2019-2020 | 2019 | 2020 | |
18 | Anshuman Jindal | MTech | 2020 | 2020 | 2021 | |
19 | Kanak Raju Perumalla | MTech |
The Load Distribution on a Typical Base Station in a Vehicular Communication Network with Vehicle Platoons
Received Dr Vijay K Varma Talent Award . |
2020 | 2021 | |
20 | Afaq A Lone | MTech | Coverage Analysis in MIMO Cellular Networks with Location Aware Transmission Rank Selection 2020-2021 | 2020 | 2021 | |
21 | Aman Pandey | MTech | Coverage of THz networks 2021-2022 | 2021 | 2022 | |
22 | Abhinav Kumar | MTech | 2021 | 2021 | 2022 | |
23 | Satya Prayojini | MTech | 2020 | 2020 | 2021 | |
24 | Rangesh P. | MTech | On the Communication Performance in a Vehicular Network with Platooned Traffic. 2022-2023 | 2022 | 2023 | |
25 | Dandu Pavan Kumar | MTech | 2020 | 2020 | 2021 | |
26 | M. Aravind | MTech | 2020 | 2020 | 2021 | |
27 | Aritra Roy | MTech | COVERAGE ANALYSIS OF HYBRID MMWAVE THZ NETWORKS. 2022-2023 | 2022 | 2023 | |
28 | Wasif Jawad Hussain | MTech |
Performance of Cyber-Physical Agents with Discrete Trajectories for Sensing Environmental Variable with Known Spatio-Temporal Profile. 2022-2023.
Received Dr Vijay K Varma Talent Award . |
2022 | 2023 | |
29 | Satvik Jain | MTech | Sensing Spatio-Temporal Environmental Variables via CPS Agents Moving over Region Formed by Network of Lines. 2022-2023 | 2022 | 2023 | |
30 | Sai Krishna Charitha | MTech | 2023 | 2023 | 2024 | |
31 | Keshav Nair | MTech | 2023 | 2023 | 2024 |
Class: Online (Via MookiT)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week:
2 Lectures, 3 Hours, Pre-recorded, Released on MooKit
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Teaching Assistants
Objective: This course will cover tools from stochastic geometry to model and analyze modern wireless systems being used in 4G and 5G systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply mathematical tools from stochastic geometry in their own research to analyze modern wireless systems.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus
Quizes | 20 |
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 20 |
Assignments | 20 |
Project/Term paper | 20 |
Topic | Description | No of Hours |
Introduction to modern communication networks | 1) Introduction and evolution of communication systems; and 2) Modeling and analysis issues in modern communication systems. | 1 |
Introduction to stochastic geometry | 1) Why use stochastic geometry?; 2) Its applications and validation and 3) Point processes (PPs) and their characterization. | 2 |
Poisson point process | 1) Poisson Point Process (PPP); 2) Types and properties of PPP; 3) Thinning, displacement and superposition of PPPs ; 4) Laplace functional and PGFL of PPP; 5) Campbell theorem. | 5 |
Marked point process | 1) Theory of marked point processes 2) Distribution of marks; Slivnyak theorem; | 2 |
Performance of an ad-hoc network | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) Transmission capacity 3) SINR distribution. | 2 |
Downlink cellular system | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) SINR and rate coverage; 3) Impact of fading, shadowing; and 4) MIMO. | 3 |
Uplink cellular systems | 1) Modeling of user processes; 2) SINR and rate coverage; | 2 |
Palm distribution | 1) Palm distribution for stationary processes; 2) Reduced palm distribution; 3) Marked point processes; 4) Campbell Mecke theorem, Slivnyak theorem (revisited); Palm distribution for general processes; and Revisiting cell association in cellular networks. | 4 |
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) | 1) Introduction to modern HetNets; 2) Performance with various cell association rules; 3) HetNet MIMO | 4 |
Equivalency of PPPs | 1) Displacement theorem (revisited); 2) 1D equivalent of higher dimensional PPPs; 3) Application networks with shadowing, HetNets | 2 |
Boolean models | 1) Boolean models; 2) Boolean models with lines/circles; 3) Applications connectivity, coverage. | 4 |
mmWave Networks | 1)Modeling and analysis issues with mmWave networks; 2) Modeling of blockages 3) Performance evaluation. | 3 |
Moment measures and other PPs | 1) Second order measure of PPs; 2) Reduced moment measure and density functions, K function; 3) Higher order moment measures; 4) Other important point processes. | 3 |
Percolation | 1) Introduction; 2) Bond and site percolation; and 3) Applications. | 3 |
Class: Online (Via MookiT)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
About Molecular Communication:
Molecular communication is a communication paradigm inspired from the nature that includes
communication between macro-scale, micro-scale and nano-scale devices (or organisms) with
the help of molecules as information carriers between these devices. An example of molecular
communication is the human body itself where most communications including intra-cellular
inter-cellular, and inter-organ communications occur via various types of molecules.
Molecular communication can enable nano-machines (devices with nano-scale functional units) to communicate over small distances (typically several micrometers) in an appropriate medium.
Nano-machines can be biological systems like bacteria, human cells, which can perform simple
computations, sensing and actuation or artificially created devices to mimic such activities. These
nano-machines acting as transmitters or receivers can communicate with each other by sending
and receiving messenger molecules. These molecules are termed as information molecules (IMs).
The molecular communication using bio-nano-machines (nano-machines made up of biological
materials) may consist of five basic steps- namely- encoding, transmission, propagation, receiving
and decoding. First, the transmitter bio-nano-machine (TBN) encodes the transmit
message into IMs via various schemes e.g. by using different concentration or types of IMs
for each message, or by emitting IMs at different time instants, or by encoding in the threedimensional structure of molecules. Then, the transmission step consists of emitting these IMs
to the propagation medium via various mechanisms including budding of vesicles, or opening gate
channels in the membrane. These emitted IMs, then, move from TBN to the receiver bio-nanomachine (RBN). This propagation can be either controlled e.g. via movement of motor protein
over molecule rails or can be passive e.g. diffusion via Brownian motion . At RBN, IMs are
captured using receptor structures which can bind to IMs. In the decoding phase, the captured
molecules are used to estimate the transmitted message. Owing to its bio-compatibility, energy
efficiency and high storage capacity, molecular communication has many futuristic applications
including nano-machine communication, molecular computing, targeted drug delivery and is
seeing a growing interest among researchers.
Objective: This course will cover basics of molecular communication and mathematical tools to model and analyze these systems. Since this field is a recent and still emerging reseach field, our goal would be to enable students to apply learnt tools in their own research.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus, Basic understanding of communication theory
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 20 |
Assignments | 30 |
Project/Term paper | 30 |
Class: W 12:00pm - 1:00pm (VENUE Online)
Class: Online (Via MookiT)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week:
2 Lectures, 3 Hours, Pre-recorded, Released on MooKit
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Teaching Assistants
Objective: This course will cover tools from stochastic geometry to model and analyze modern wireless systems being used in 4G and 5G systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply mathematical tools from stochastic geometry in their own research to analyze modern wireless systems.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus
Quizes | 20 |
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 20 |
Assignments | 20 |
Project/Term paper | 20 |
Topic | Description | No of Hours |
Introduction to modern communication networks | 1) Introduction and evolution of communication systems; and 2) Modeling and analysis issues in modern communication systems. | 1 |
Introduction to stochastic geometry | 1) Why use stochastic geometry?; 2) Its applications and validation and 3) Point processes (PPs) and their characterization. | 2 |
Poisson point process | 1) Poisson Point Process (PPP); 2) Types and properties of PPP; 3) Thinning, displacement and superposition of PPPs ; 4) Laplace functional and PGFL of PPP; 5) Campbell theorem. | 5 |
Marked point process | 1) Theory of marked point processes 2) Distribution of marks; Slivnyak theorem; | 2 |
Performance of an ad-hoc network | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) Transmission capacity 3) SINR distribution. | 2 |
Downlink cellular system | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) SINR and rate coverage; 3) Impact of fading, shadowing; and 4) MIMO. | 3 |
Uplink cellular systems | 1) Modeling of user processes; 2) SINR and rate coverage; | 2 |
Palm distribution | 1) Palm distribution for stationary processes; 2) Reduced palm distribution; 3) Marked point processes; 4) Campbell Mecke theorem, Slivnyak theorem (revisited); Palm distribution for general processes; and Revisiting cell association in cellular networks. | 4 |
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) | 1) Introduction to modern HetNets; 2) Performance with various cell association rules; 3) HetNet MIMO | 4 |
Equivalency of PPPs | 1) Displacement theorem (revisited); 2) 1D equivalent of higher dimensional PPPs; 3) Application networks with shadowing, HetNets | 2 |
Boolean models | 1) Boolean models; 2) Boolean models with lines/circles; 3) Applications connectivity, coverage. | 4 |
mmWave Networks | 1)Modeling and analysis issues with mmWave networks; 2) Modeling of blockages 3) Performance evaluation. | 3 |
Moment measures and other PPs | 1) Second order measure of PPs; 2) Reduced moment measure and density functions, K function; 3) Higher order moment measures; 4) Other important point processes. | 3 |
Percolation | 1) Introduction; 2) Bond and site percolation; and 3) Applications. | 3 |
Class: W 12:00pm - 1:00pm (VENUE Online)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours, Pre-recorded, Released on MooKit
Discussion Class: W 12pm-1 pm ()
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Instructor's Office Hours: Wednesday 12-1PM
Teaching Assistants:
Objective: This course will focus on strengthening foundation of probability keeping its application into signal processing and communications in mind. The course is divided into two parts. First part would discuss probability space, random variables and their transformations, conditional distributions and estimation of random variables. Second part will extend the theory to random vectors, random processes including Markov chains and some applications into linear systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to strengthen their base in probability theory and stochastic processes and apply these tools in their own research.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Basic Calculus
Online Quizes/Other Online Evaluations | 35 |
Mid-sem exam | 15 |
End-sem exam | 20 |
Assignments | 30 |
Class: T 10:30-12:00 PM, Th 12:00-1:30 PM (Venue T204)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: T 10:30-12:00 PM, Th 12:00-1:30 PM ()
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Objective: This course will cover tools from stochastic geometry to model and analyze modern wireless systems being used in 4G and 5G systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply mathematical tools from stochastic geometry in their own research to analyze modern wireless systems.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus
Quizes | 10 |
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 30 |
Assignments | 10 |
Project/Term paper | 30 |
Topic | Description | No of Hours |
Introduction to modern communication networks | 1) Introduction and evolution of communication systems; and 2) Modeling and analysis issues in modern communication systems. | 1 |
Introduction to stochastic geometry | 1) Why use stochastic geometry?; 2) Its applications and validation and 3) Point processes (PPs) and their characterization. | 2 |
Poisson point process | 1) Poisson Point Process (PPP); 2) Types and properties of PPP; 3) Thinning, displacement and superposition of PPPs ; 4) Laplace functional and PGFL of PPP; 5) Campbell theorem. | 5 |
Marked point process | 1) Theory of marked point processes 2) Distribution of marks; Slivnyak theorem; | 2 |
Performance of an ad-hoc network | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) Transmission capacity 3) SINR distribution. | 2 |
Downlink cellular system | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) SINR and rate coverage; 3) Impact of fading, shadowing; and 4) MIMO. | 3 |
Uplink cellular systems | 1) Modeling of user processes; 2) SINR and rate coverage; | 2 |
Palm distribution | 1) Palm distribution for stationary processes; 2) Reduced palm distribution; 3) Marked point processes; 4) Campbell Mecke theorem, Slivnyak theorem (revisited); Palm distribution for general processes; and Revisiting cell association in cellular networks. | 4 |
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) | 1) Introduction to modern HetNets; 2) Performance with various cell association rules; 3) HetNet MIMO | 4 |
Equivalency of PPPs | 1) Displacement theorem (revisited); 2) 1D equivalent of higher dimensional PPPs; 3) Application networks with shadowing, HetNets | 2 |
Boolean models | 1) Boolean models; 2) Boolean models with lines/circles; 3) Applications connectivity, coverage. | 4 |
mmWave Networks | 1)Modeling and analysis issues with mmWave networks; 2) Modeling of blockages 3) Performance evaluation. | 3 |
Moment measures and other PPs | 1) Second order measure of PPs; 2) Reduced moment measure and density functions, K function; 3) Higher order moment measures; 4) Other important point processes. | 3 |
Percolation | 1) Introduction; 2) Bond and site percolation; and 3) Applications. | 3 |
Class: W-Th-F 11:00AM-12:00 PM (Venue T103)
Instructor: Profs. Abhishek Gupta and Adrish Banerjee, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: Per Week: 3 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: W-Th-F 11am - 12pm
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Objective: Numerical evaluation is a quick way to evaluate complex systems where analysis is difficult. Most of the telecommunication industry relies on simulations to test their methodology. Academicians use simulation to validate their analysis and extend their results for complex systems. This course will focus on simulation methodologies in the field of communication with a great focus on their actual implementations. The course is balanced version of theory and implementation. It would discuss fundamental tools in numerical techniques and its application to communications. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply these tools in their own research to evaluate their ideas.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Communication theory, Basic Programming in MATLAB
Instructor's Office Hours: Monday 3:30-5:30 (Abhishek), Monday: 4.30-5.30 (Adrish)
Teaching Assistants:
Himanshu Gautam (e.mail:
Anand Kumar (e.mail:
Kanchan Kumari Chaurasia (e.mail:
Somya Sharma (e.mail:
Office Hours: TBD
Mid-sem exam | 25 |
End-sem exam | 40 |
Assignments | 15 |
Project Assignment | 20 |
Assignments and exams will contain programming/coding tasks in MATLAB. Students are expected to know MATLAB.
Use of unfair means is not allowed in any case.
In case you take help of each other in assignments or discuss in groups, you must write the name of everyone in top while submitting the assignment. It will not affect your grades. However, assignments problems should be solved finally by yourself and not just copied from others. We may use plagiarism softwares to randomly check for plagiarism. Copying may results in Fail grade in this course.
Heading |
Content |
Hours |
1 |
Introduction to Course and Simulation |
How to Mimic physical phenomenon. Types of Simulations: event based simulation, discrete time based simulation, CFD with examples Flow based simulation (like Verilog, Simscape), block diagram based simulation (simulink, LabView) and sequential programming (MATLAB) Abstraction in Simulation |
2 |
2 |
Numerical Techniques |
Fundamental techniques in numerical computation including Differentiation, integration, Root finding Interpolation, Curve fitting, Optimization |
2 |
3 |
Random Variables |
RV Sampling of RVs. PDF, CDF Calculation, Histogram Plot. Conditional distribution, marginal distribution, expectation estimation, variance estimation, transformation of RVs, estimation of Y|X, (linear and optimal) |
2 |
4 |
Random Number generation |
Random sequence, Random number generation, |
2 |
5 |
Testing of random number |
Testing of random number generators, |
1 |
6 |
Signals |
Continuous & Discrete time signals Sampling of a continuous signals. Random Process and signals. Time Average, Ensemble Average. Point Process. Vector Process |
2 |
7 |
System Dynamics |
Numerical Solution to Differential Equations (First principle approach and direct inbuilt functions) Difference Equations Markov Chains: DTMC and CTMC |
2 |
8 |
Discrete Signals |
Sampling of continuous signals Fourier transform Response of LTI systems Response of a time varying linear systems |
1 |
9 |
Continuous Signals |
Fourier transform Response of linear TI systems Effect of Sampling, Nyquist theorem demonstration |
1 |
10 |
Monte-Carlo Simulation |
What is Monte Carlo simulation? MCMC chain |
2 |
11 |
Communication Channel |
Baseband operations Modulation, Demodulation Decoding A complete AWGN channel Bit Error Probability and Correction |
2 |
12 |
Performance Calculation |
Interesting performance metrics, BER, SINR, Rate How to estimate performance How much data/iteration we need? Advanced: Packet formulation, CRC errors, Channel Encoders |
2 |
13 |
Wireless Channel Modelling |
Modeling of wireless channels, |
2 |
14 |
Wireless Channel |
Additional concepts in Wireless Channel: Multipath, Fading BER and channel rate Adaptive modulation Water filling Pilot estimation |
3 |
15 |
Modeling of Nonlinear Systems |
Memoryless systems Systems with memory |
2 |
16 |
OFDM simulation, Cyclic Prefix, PAPR |
2 |
17 |
Access schemes: OFDMA CDMA |
OFDMA, Pilots, resource blocks SCFDMA FDMA BER |
1 |
18 |
MIMO simulations, Receiver structures, MIMO Transmit beamforming Spatial multiplexing analog beamforming |
2 |
19 |
System Level Simulation |
Ad-hoc Cellular How to deal with corner-issues Scheduling Wrap around |
2 |
20 |
SLS for mmWave |
Simulation of mmWave systems |
1 |
21 |
Modeling using Simulink |
Basic communication link using simulink |
2 |
22 |
Large Scale Coding |
Software architecture Classes, structuring of code cohesion and coupling Efficiency: Vectorization, logical indexing Verification Coverage of code Ensure validity of results |
1 |
Class: MTh 10:30am - 12:00pm (VENUE TBD)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: MTh 10:30am - 12pm ()
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Instructor's Office Hours: Monday 3:30-5:30
Teaching Assistants:
Objective: This course will focus on strengthening foundation of probability keeping its application into signal processing and communications in mind. The course is divided into two parts. First part would discuss probability space, random variables and their transformations, conditional distributions and estimation of random variables. Second part will extend the theory to random vectors, random processes including Markov chains and some applications into linear systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to strengthen their base in probability theory and stochastic processes and apply these tools in their own research.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Basic Calculus
Major quiz | 10 |
Mid-sem exam | 30 |
End-sem exam | 45 |
Assignments | 15 |
Class: TF 3:30pm - 5pm (Venue TBD)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: TF :30pm-5:00 pm ()
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Objective: This course will cover tools from stochastic geometry to model and analyze modern wireless systems being used in 4G and 5G systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply mathematical tools from stochastic geometry in their own research to analyze modern wireless systems.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus
Quizes | 10 |
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 30 |
Assignments | 10 |
Project/Term paper | 30 |
Topic | Description | No of Hours |
Introduction to modern communication networks | 1) Introduction and evolution of communication systems; and 2) Modeling and analysis issues in modern communication systems. | 1 |
Introduction to stochastic geometry | 1) Why use stochastic geometry?; 2) Its applications and validation and 3) Point processes (PPs) and their characterization. | 2 |
Poisson point process | 1) Poisson Point Process (PPP); 2) Types and properties of PPP; 3) Thinning, displacement and superposition of PPPs ; 4) Laplace functional and PGFL of PPP; 5) Campbell theorem. | 5 |
Marked point process | 1) Theory of marked point processes 2) Distribution of marks; Slivnyak theorem; | 2 |
Performance of an ad-hoc network | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) Transmission capacity 3) SINR distribution. | 2 |
Downlink cellular system | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) SINR and rate coverage; 3) Impact of fading, shadowing; and 4) MIMO. | 3 |
Uplink cellular systems | 1) Modeling of user processes; 2) SINR and rate coverage; | 2 |
Palm distribution | 1) Palm distribution for stationary processes; 2) Reduced palm distribution; 3) Marked point processes; 4) Campbell Mecke theorem, Slivnyak theorem (revisited); Palm distribution for general processes; and Revisiting cell association in cellular networks. | 4 |
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) | 1) Introduction to modern HetNets; 2) Performance with various cell association rules; 3) HetNet MIMO | 4 |
Equivalency of PPPs | 1) Displacement theorem (revisited); 2) 1D equivalent of higher dimensional PPPs; 3) Application networks with shadowing, HetNets | 2 |
Boolean models | 1) Boolean models; 2) Boolean models with lines/circles; 3) Applications connectivity, coverage. | 4 |
mmWave Networks | 1)Modeling and analysis issues with mmWave networks; 2) Modeling of blockages 3) Performance evaluation. | 3 |
Moment measures and other PPs | 1) Second order measure of PPs; 2) Reduced moment measure and density functions, K function; 3) Higher order moment measures; 4) Other important point processes. | 3 |
Percolation | 1) Introduction; 2) Bond and site percolation; and 3) Applications. | 3 |
Class: MTh 2pm - 3:30pm (L11)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: MTh 2pm - 3:30pm (L11)
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Instructor's Office Hours: Monday 3:30-5:30
Teaching Assistants:
Objective: This course will focus on strengthening foundation of probability keeping its application into signal processing and communications in mind. The course is divided into two parts. First part would discuss probability space, random variables and their transformations, conditional distributions and estimation of random variables. Second part will extend the theory to random vectors, random processes including Markov chains and some applications into linear systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to strengthen their base in probability theory and stochastic processes and apply these tools in their own research.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Basic Calculus
Major quiz | 10 |
Mid-sem exam | 30 |
End-sem exam | 40 |
Assignments | 15 |
Scribing | 5 |
Class: TF 2pm - 3:30pm (ACES213)
Instructor: Prof. Abhishek Gupta, EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Per Week: 2 Lectures, 3 Hours
Class: TF 2pm - 3:30pm (ACES213)
Credits: 9
Duration of Course: Full Semester.
Objective: This course will cover tools from stochastic geometry to model and analyze modern wireless systems being used in 4G and 5G systems. After completion of the course, the students should be able to apply mathematical tools from stochastic geometry in their own research to analyze modern wireless systems.
Pre-requisite: Basic Probability, Calculus
Major quiz | 10 |
Mid-sem exam | 20 |
End-sem exam | 30 |
Assignments | 10 |
Project/Term paper | 30 |
Topic | Description | No of Hours |
Introduction to modern communication networks | 1) Introduction and evolution of communication systems; and 2) Modeling and analysis issues in modern communication systems. | 1 |
Introduction to stochastic geometry | 1) Why use stochastic geometry?; 2) Its applications and validation and 3) Point processes (PPs) and their characterization. | 2 |
Poisson point process | 1) Poisson Point Process (PPP); 2) Types and properties of PPP; 3) Thinning, displacement and superposition of PPPs ; 4) Laplace functional and PGFL of PPP; 5) Campbell theorem. | 5 |
Marked point process | 1) Theory of marked point processes 2) Distribution of marks; Slivnyak theorem; | 2 |
Performance of an ad-hoc network | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) Transmission capacity 3) SINR distribution. | 2 |
Downlink cellular system | 1) Interference characteristics; 2) SINR and rate coverage; 3) Impact of fading, shadowing; and 4) MIMO. | 3 |
Uplink cellular systems | 1) Modeling of user processes; 2) SINR and rate coverage; | 2 |
Palm distribution | 1) Palm distribution for stationary processes; 2) Reduced palm distribution; 3) Marked point processes; 4) Campbell Mecke theorem, Slivnyak theorem (revisited); Palm distribution for general processes; and Revisiting cell association in cellular networks. | 4 |
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) | 1) Introduction to modern HetNets; 2) Performance with various cell association rules; 3) HetNet MIMO | 4 |
Equivalency of PPPs | 1) Displacement theorem (revisited); 2) 1D equivalent of higher dimensional PPPs; 3) Application networks with shadowing, HetNets | 2 |
Boolean models | 1) Boolean models; 2) Boolean models with lines/circles; 3) Applications connectivity, coverage. | 4 |
mmWave Networks | 1)Modeling and analysis issues with mmWave networks; 2) Modeling of blockages 3) Performance evaluation. | 3 |
Moment measures and other PPs | 1) Second order measure of PPs; 2) Reduced moment measure and density functions, K function; 3) Higher order moment measures; 4) Other important point processes. | 3 |
Percolation | 1) Introduction; 2) Bond and site percolation; and 3) Applications. | 3 |
Office Hour: Tuesday 10:30 am - 11:30 am (Office)
Course Link; Class: Monday 9 am - 10am (L10)
Office Hour: Tuesday 10:30 am - 11:30 am (Office)
Course Link. Class: Thursday 8 am - 9am (TB-110)
National Institute of Technology Rourkela
Short-Term Course on Emerging Wireless Communications: 6G and Beyond,
13th May 2022, at National Institute of Technology Rourkela
17 Nov 2021 at IIT Goa.
Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
Feb 24, 2021, Invited to attend and give a talk at 5G-AI workshop held as part of Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (INDOGFOE), the Humboldt Foundation and the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre.
Seminar Series at IIIT Delhi
1 July 2020: Modeling and Analysis of Molecular Communication Systems: Invited talk (IIITD)
Workshop on Mathematics Tools in Wireless Communication and Networks
15 Sept 2019: Speaker at Workshop on Mathematics Tools in Wireless Communication and Networks (IIT Ropar) Link
IEEE-BIS Seminar on 5G at IIT Kanpur
11 Oct 2018: Speaker, at IIT Kanpur.
JTG Summer School, IIT Bombay
3 July 2018. Speaker at Joint Telecom Group Summar School at IIT Bombday
Short Course at IIT Kanpur
29 March 2018, Weblink
National Conference on Communication (NCC) 2018
25 Feb 2018, Tutorial Speaker at NCC2018 at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Pondicherry Engineering College
13 Nov 2017, Keynote Speaker at STC on '5G mmWave Radio Transmission for Ultra-High Speed Wireless Technologies' at Pondicherry Engineering College.
Workshop on Issues Related to Spectrum Policy and Management
August 29, 2017, Workshop conducted by IITCOE,New Delhi
Workshop 5G Spectrum Roadmap: Transforming the Digital Landscape in India
November 20, 2017, Workshop conducted by IITCOE, ‘Ganga Hall’, Shangri-la Eros Hotel, New Delhi
Instructor, MATLAB for Hewlet Packard Education Services (MAY 2009-JUNE 2012). Worked as instructor for MATLAB at HPES. The work involved designing the course, the full organization of the course, teaching as an instructor along with managing the resources for it.Conducted the following technical sessions on MATLAB as instructor
Instructor, Advanced Courses in MATLAB (MAY 2009 AND NOV 2009). Organized and taught two advanced courses in MATLAB at IIT Kanpur. The work involved full teaching responsibility, homework assignments and complete organization of course.
June 2012, Introduction to Numerical Analysis using MATLAB Noida (India), 6 days
July 2011, Tools in MATLAB: Signal Proc. & Communications BBDNITM, Lucknow
June 2011, Engineering in MATLAB: Tools and Simulink JSS Noida, 11 days course
June 2010 & May 2009, Control Systems in MATLAB BIT Meerut, 7days
July 2010, Control and Power systems in MATLAB SRIT Jabalpur, 11 days
March 2011, Engineering in MATLAB 3 days Course at HBTI Kanpur
April 2010, Talk: Introduction to MATLAB and Its Application in Electrical at Integral University, Lucknow
April 2010, Talk: Introduction to MATLAB for Mechanical Students, at HBTI Kanpur
March 2010, Talk: MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers, At Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow
Teaching Assistant in ECE, UT Austin (JAN 2015-MAY 2015, AUGUST 2012-MAY 2013). Worked as Teaching Assistant under Prof S. Sanghavi for Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes Course in Fall 2012 and Prof R. Flake for Introduction to Automatic Control Course in Spring 2013 in ECE, UT-Austin
Teaching Assistant in EE IIT Kanpur (JULY 2009-MAY 2010). Worked as Teaching Assistant for one year under Prof Adrish Banerjee in Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Kanpur for Cryptography Course and Summer Workshops.