
Abhishek Gupta

 Associate Professor
 Department of Electrical Engineering
 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
 Class of 1986 Young Faculty Fellow
 Editor, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.

ACES305C, EE, IIT Kanpur


(0512) 259-2001

Research Group

Please visit our research group page here.

I am looking for motivated BTech, Masters and PhD students to work with me on interesting problems in wireless systems/communication theory. Please check my research brief, papers, talks and projects for further details. I am also open to explore new topics. Interested students can contact me by email with a short description about their interests.

Students' Awards/Achievements

    • Nithin V Sabu received Outstanding Thesis Award for his PhD thesis at IITK convocation 2023. He worked on developing mathematical models for large scale molecular communication network with multiple transmitters and receivers. Congratulations Nithin.

    • Wasif J Hussain received Dr Vijay K Varma Talent award for his MTech thesis at IITK convocation 2023.His worked involved characterizing performance of mobile sensor agents in a CPS. Congratulations Wasif.

    • Kaushledra received ICC Conference travel grant to present two papers at IEEE ICC 2023. Congratulations Kaushlendra.

    • Saurabh Gupta received ISIT Student travel grant to present his paper on quantum communication in ISIT 2023. Congratulations Saurabh.

    • Kushagra received Ansys fellowship to conduct research in 5G. Congratulations Kushagra.

    • Jan. 2023. Shuchi received COMNETS Association PhD fellowship for Quarter 2023. Congratulations Shuchi.

    • Vikrant Malik received Samares Kar Memorial Gold Medal for his BTech project at IITK convocation 2022. His work involved developing an analytical framework to study blockage correlation in mmWave networks.

    • P. K. Raju received Vijay Varma Talent Award 2021 for the MTech thesis work on vehicular communciation at IITK convocation 2021.

    • S. Routray received Samares Kar Memorial Gold Medal for his BTech project at IITK convocation 2021. His work involved developing an analytical framework to study spectral efficiency in a user-correlated HetNet deployment.

    • Saurabh Gupta has been selected for the prestigious Prime minister research fellowship (PMRF).

    • July 2021. Nithin Sabu was a finalist in Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, India (Details).

    • Our team RISE@IITK ranked 14 among 30 teams in IEEE ICASSP SPCUP 2021.

Research Focus Areas

Wireless Communication

Stochastic Geometry

Analysis and modeling of cellular systems

mmWave and 5G networks

Molecular Communications

6G and Beyond

Research Topics

Modern Communication Systems including 5G and mmWave networks
Modeling and Analysis of Modern Cellular System using Stochastic Geometry
Molecular Programming and Communication
Performance of Visible Light Communcication Networks
Spectrum Sharing in mmWave Networks
Modelling Random Blockages in Cellular Networks
Drone Communications: Modeling and Analysis
Web Applications and Information Systems