Publications and Patents

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Cover Pages

Cover art of Suman and joshi (2019) Shear stress induced in a hectorite clay dispersion at the critical gel state during a start up shear experiment at different shear rates. After suitable normalization the experimental data shows a superposition. The black dashed line is the prediction of Boltzmann superposition principle, which matches the experimental data up to the point of departure from linearity. The green line is the prediction of the K-BKZ model in the weakly non-linear regime, wherein the relaxation modulus is weighted by the strain dependent damping function. Schematic represents a cartoon of the percolated critical gel of the charged disks of hectorite and how it gets deformed in a start up flow experiment. (LINK)

Cover image by Khushboo Suman and Yogesh M. Joshi. The cover art depicts the schematic representation of the structural evolution in an aqueous dispersion of nanoclay, Laponite, with a cryo-TEM image of 2.8 wt % of the dispersion in the background. Laponite is a disk-shaped nanoparticle having a thickness of 1 nm and diameter of 30 nm. In dry form, Laponite is present as aggregates of tactoids. On dispersing Laponite in water, the aggregates swell, and sodium ions diffuse out of the interlayer gallery thus rendering the faces with a negative charge while the edges acquire a positive charge. Gradual delamination of the tactoids continues, and the particles start interacting to form clusters. As time progresses, growing clusters of Laponite particles form a space-spanning percolated network. The cryo-TEM image indeed displays interparticle edge-to-face bonds. Owing to the property of Laponite to self-assemble, it has widespread applications as a rheology modifier. The cover image is designed by Shreya Agrawal. For more information, see Microstructure and Soft Glassy Dynamics of an Aqueous Laponite Dispersion by Khushboo Suman and Yogesh M. Joshi (LINK)

Schematic representation of a network formation in poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVOH) solution during the freeze–thaw process [Joshi et al. 2020]. The circles denote PVOH coils, which overlap as the concentration is above the critical concentration. The polymer coils interconnected through the microcrystalline domain are shown by dark yellow circles. With a decrease in temperature, the number of interconnected coils goes on increasing and vice versa. Consequently, at a certain temperature the polymer coils form a critical percolated network. The dense network at the post-critical gel state is highlighted in the bottom figure. The microcrystalline junctions formed by the polymer chains are enlarged in the adjacent figure, while the interrelation between the segments of two PVOH chains is shown in the subsequent illustration. The hydrogen bonding between the polymer segments, which is responsible for the formation of the microcrystalline domains, is shown in the enlarged view. (LINK).
The cover image by Suman, Shanbhag and Joshi, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 054907 (2023). Schematic representation of a how a network of colloidal particles gets deformed under application of nonlinear deformation. The corresponding Stress - Strain and Strain Rate dependence has been shown in a 3 dimentional plot. (LINK).
The image on the cover is from the paper by Tulika Bhattacharyya, et al. On the nature of flow curve and categorization of thixotropic yield stress materials, J. Rheol. 67(2), 461 (2023). The experimental data depicts the dependence of yield stress on aging time for attractive clay gel (top) and hard sphere glass (bottom). The respective cartoons illustrate the states of unbroken and broken microstructures under shear. (LINK).
The image on the cover is from the paper by Anurn Kumar et al., Tribological and Rheological Study of Thixotropic Gels of 2D Nanoparticles 2024, 40, 14, 7310. This paper discusses the tribological and rheological performance of a thixotropic colloidal gel made from Laponite clay as a lubricant. The thixotropic gel of this 2D nanomaterial shows significant reductions in friction and wear rates under different load-speed conditions, suggesting improved lubrication effectiveness due to aligned Laponite particles. (LINK).

Scilights article

A Scilights article [Download] associated with Suman K., Joshi Y. M. "On the universality of the scaling relations during sol-gel transition", Journal of Rheology 64 (2020) 863.

A Scilights article [Download] associated with Bhattacharyya T., Joshi Y. M. "Effect of Thermal and Mechanical Rejuvenation on Rheological Behavior of Chocolate", Physics of Fluids 34 (2022) 037111.

    Edited Book

    1. Joshi, Y. M. and Khandekar S. (Editors), Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications, Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-322-2288-0. [link]

    Special issue edited by Prof. Joshi

    1. Special issue of Physics of Fluids on Dynamics of Out-of-Equilibrium Soft Materials

    Journal Publications


    120. Gupta S.; He G., Kumar V., Pitter A., Trebbin M., Swihart M., Kailas K. R., Nebhani L., Joshi Y. M., Vaia R., Prasad P. "Dramatic Enhancement of One and Two Photon Excited Emission of a Stilbazolium Dye Coupled to Laponite Platelets" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, in press, (2024). [Download]

    119. Sharma S., Joshi Y. M., Shankar V. "Transient shear banding during startup flow: Insights from nonlinear simulations" Physics of Fluids 36, 094135 (2024). [Download] This article has been chosen as Editor's pick by Physics of Fluids

    118. Joshi Y. M., "Analysis of thixotropic timescale", Journal of Rheology 68, 641-653 (2024) [cond-mat.soft]. [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by the Journal of Rheology

    117. Mittal S., Joshi Y. M., Shanbhag S. "Harmonic Balance for Differential Constitutive Models under Oscillatory Shear" Physics of Fluids, 36, 053104 (2024). [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by Physics of Fluids

    116. Divoux T., Joshi Y. M., and coworkers "Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions" Soft Matter, in press (2024) [cond-mat.soft]. [Download]

    115. Kumar A., Kumar V., Joshi Y. M., Singh M. "Tribological and Rheological Study of Thixotropic Gels of 2D Nanoparticles" Langmuir, 40, 7310 (2024). [Download]

    114. Mittal S., Joshi Y. M., Shanbhag S. "Can Numerical Methods Compete with Analytical Solutions of Linear Constitutive Models for Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow?" Rheologica Acta, 63, 145 (2024). [Download]

    113. Joshi Y. M., Patel S., Suman K. "Aqueous Laponite dispersions are attractive gels, not repulsive Wigner glasses: A critical commentary", Journal of Rheology, 68, 145 (2024). [Download]

    112. Bhattacharyya, T., Palla, C., Dethe, D., Joshi Y. M. "Rheological Investigation of The Network Structure in Mixed Gels of Kappa and Iota Carrageenan" Food Hydrocolloids, 146 (2024) 109298. [Download]


    111. Heinz, H., Joshi, Y. M., Zeng, H., Tsao, H-K, de Beer, S., Koos, E., Takahara, A., Walker, G. C., 2023 Highlights in Interface Science and Engineering: A Collection of Virtual Special Issues, Langmuir 39, 10711-10714 (2023). [Download]

    110. Mittal S., Joshi Y. M., Shanbhag S. "The Method of Harmonic Balance for the Giesekus Model under Oscillatory Shear"Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 321, 105092 (2023). [Download]

    109. Bhattacharyya, T., Suman, K., Joshi Y. M. "Gel-Sol Transition of Thermoresponsive Poly(vinyl alcohol) Solution: Validation of the Universal Critical Scaling Relations" Physics of Fluids 35, 027120 (2023). [Download]

    108. Suman, K., Shanbhag, S., Joshi Y. M. "Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Study of a Colloidal Gel at the Critical State" J. Chem. Phys. 158, 054907 (2023). [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by the Journal of Chemical Physics and also a cover art has been published for this article as mentioned above

    107. Bhattacharyya, T., Jacob, A. R., Petekidis G., Joshi Y. M. "On the Nature of Flow Curve and Categorization of Thixotropic Yield Stress Materials" Journal of Rheology, 67, 461 (2023). [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by the Journal of Rheology and also a cover art has been published for this article

    106. Sharma S., Shankar V., Joshi Y. M., "Viscoelasticity and Rheological Hysteresis", Journal of Rheology, 67, 139 (2023) . [Download]


    105. Shanbhag, S., Joshi Y. M. "Kramers-Kronig Relations for Nonlinear Rheology: 2. Validation of Medium Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (MAOS) Measurements" Journal of Rheology, 66 (2022), 925. [Download]

    104. Shanbhag, S., Joshi Y. M. "Kramers-Kronig Relations for Nonlinear Rheology: 1. General Expression and Implications" Journal of Rheology 66 (2022), 973. [Download]

    103. Khsuwaha L., Shankar V., Joshi Y. M., "Dynamics and shear banding in stress-controlled start-up shear flow of a model aging soft materials: Role of inertia and thixotropy", Rheologica Acta 61 (2022), 355. [Download]

    102. Bhattacharyya T., Joshi Y. M. "Effect of Thermal and Mechanical Rejuvenation on Rheological Behavior of Chocolate", Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022) 037111. [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by Physics of Fluids. A Scilights article has been published on this article [Download]

    101. Joshi Y. M. "Thixotropy, non-monotonic stress relaxation, and the second law of thermodynamics", Journal of Rheology, 66 (2022) 111. [Download]


    100. Shanbhag S., Mittal S., Joshi Y. M. "Spectral Method for Time-Strain Separable Integral Constitutive Models in Oscillatory Shear" Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021) 113104. [Download] This article has been chosen as a featured article by Physics of Fluids

    99. Sharma S, Shankar V., Joshi Y. M., "Onset of transient shear banding in viscoelastic shear start-up flows: Implications from linearized dynamics", Journal of Rheology, 65 (2021) 1391. [Download]

    98. Suman K., Saurav, S., Joshi Y. M. "Rheological signatures of gel - glass transition and a revised phase diagram of an aqueous triblock copolymer solution of Pluronic F127" Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021)073610. [Download] An invited article for a special issue of Physics of Fluids Celebration of Robert Byron Bird (1924-2020) This paper been chosen as an Editor's Pick

    97. Ahuja A., Lee, R., Joshi Y. M. "Advances and challenges in the high-pressure rheology of complex fluids", Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 295 (2021) 102472. [Download]

    96. Yogesh M. Joshi, "Special topic on dynamics of out of equilibrium soft materials", Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021) 060401. [Download]

    95. Agarwal M.,Sharma S, Shankar V., Joshi Y. M., "Distinguishing thixotropy from viscoelasticity", Journal of Rheology, 65 (2021) 663. [Download]

    94. Suman K., Shanbhag, S., Joshi Y. M. "Phenomenological Model of Viscoelasticity for Systems Undergoing Sol-Gel Transition" Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021) 033103. [Download]

    93. Yogesh M. Joshi and Gilbert C. Walker, "Langmuir Hosts an ACS Connect Symposium in India", Langmuir, 37 (2021) 603. [Download]


    92. Agarwal M., Kaushal M., Joshi Y. M., "Signatures of Overaging in an Aqueous Dispersion of Carbopol", Langmuir, 36 (2020) 14849. [Download]

    91. Suman K., Joshi Y. M., "Kinetic model for a sol-gel transition: Application of the modified Bailey criterion", Rheologica Acta, 59, (2020) 745. [Download]

    90. Shukla, A., Shanbhag, S., Joshi Y. M., "Analysis of Linear Viscoelasticity of Aging Soft Glasses", Journal of Rheology 64 (2020) 863. [Download]

    89. Ahuja A., Potanin, A., Joshi Y. M. "Two-Step Yielding in Soft Materials", Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 282 (2020) 102179. [Download]

    88. Suman K., Joshi Y. M. "On the universality of the scaling relations during sol-gel transition", Journal of Rheology 64 (2020) 863. [Download] A Scilights article has been published on this article [Download]

    87. Joshi N., Suman K., Joshi Y. M., "Rheological Behavior of Aqueous Poly (vinyl alcohol) Solution During a Freeze-Thaw gelation Process" (Cover Art) Macromolecules 53 (2020) 3452. [Download]

    86. Suman K., Mittal M., Joshi Y. M., "Effect of sodium pyrophosphate and understanding microstructure of aqueous LAPONITE® dispersion using dissolution study" Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32 (2020), 224002. [Download]


    85. Suman K., Joshi Y. M. "Analyzing onset of nonlinearity of a colloidal gel at the critical point" (Cover Art), Journal of Rheology 63 (2019), 991-1001. [Download]

    84. Kumar S., Prasad E., Joshi Y. M., "Crosslinking Reaction Under a Stress and Temperature Field: Effect on Time-Dependent Rheological Behavior During Thermosetting Polymer Processing", ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1 (2019), 2334-2341. [Download]

    83. Macmillan K., Royer J., Morozov A., Joshi Y. M., Cloitre M., Clegg P, "Rheological Behavior and in-situ Confocal Imaging of Bijels Made by Mixing", Langmuir, 35 (2019), 10927-10936. [Download]

    82. Agarwal M., Joshi Y. M. "Signatures of physical aging and thixotropy in aqueous dispersion of Carbopol" Physics of Fluids 31 (2019), 063107. [Download]

    81. Deshpande T. D., Singh Y. R. G., Patil S., Joshi Y. M., Sharma A."Adhesion strength and viscoelastic properties of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based elastomeric nanocomposite embedded with electrospun nanofibers" Soft Matter, 15 (2019), 5739-5747. [Download]

    80. Kaushal M. , Joshi Y. M, "Three-dimensional yielding in anisotropic materials: validation of Hills criterion", Soft Matter 15 (2019), 4915. [Download]


    79. Suman K., Joshi, Y. M. "Microstructure and Soft Glassy Dynamics of Aqueous Laponite Dispersion" (Invited Feature Article and Cover Art), Langmuir 34 (2018), 13079-13103. [Download]

    78. Deshpande T. D., Singh Y. R. G., Patil S., Joshi Y. M., Sharma A."To Study Surface and Sub-surface Nanomechanical Properties of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Nanofibers/Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Composites" Soft Matter 14 (2018), 7829-7838. [Download]

    77. Jain A., Singh R., Kushwaha L., Shankar V., Joshi, Y. M. "Role of inertia and thixotropy in start-up flows of aging soft materials: Transient dynamics and shear banding in a rate-controlled flow field", Journal of Rheology 64 (2018) 1001-1016. [Download]

    76. Joshi Y. M., Petekidis G. "Yield stress fluids and ageing" (Invited review), Rheologica Acta, 57 (2018), 521-549. [Download]

    75. Patil, S., Deshpande, T., Chaudhari, N., Singh, Y., Raut, J., Joshi, Y. M., Sharma, A., "Making Nonsticky Surfaces of Sticky Materials: Self-Organized Microtexturing of Viscoelastic Elastomeric Layers by Tearing", Langmuir, 34 (2018), 3767-3774. [Download]


    74. Shukla, A., Joshi Y. M., "Boltzmann Superposition Principle for a Time Dependent Soft Material: Assessment under Creep Flow Field", Rheologica Acta, 56 (2017), 927-940 [Download]

    73. Jatav, S., Joshi Y. M., "Phase Behavior of Aqueous Suspension of Laponite: New Insights with Microscopic Evidence", Langmuir, 33 (2017) 2370. [Download]

    72. Nimdeo Y. M., Joshi Y. M., Muralidhar K., "Diffusion of Charged Nano-disks in Aqueous Media: Influence of Competing Inter-Particle Interactions and Thermal Effects", Chemical Engineering Science, 164 (2017) 71 - 80. [Download]

    71. Mohanty, R. P., Suman, K., Joshi Y. M., "In Situ Ion Induced Gelation of Colloidal Dispersion of Laponite: Relating Microscopic Interactions to Macroscopic Behavior", Applied Clay Science, 138 (2017) 17-24 [Download]


    70. Vyas B. M., Orpe A. V., Kaushal M., Joshi Y. M., "Passive Microrheology in the Effective Time Domain: Analyzing Time Dependent Colloidal Dispersions", Soft Matter, 12 (2016) 8167. [Download]

    69. Kaushal M., Joshi Y. M., "Analyzing Aging under Oscillatory Strain Field through the Soft Glassy Rheology Model ", Journal of Chemical Physics, 144 (2016), 244504. [Download]

    68. Shukla A., Arnipally S., Dagaonkar M., Joshi Y. M. "Yielding in surfactant suspension pastes: effect of surfactant type", Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 19 (2016) 999-1007. [Download]

    67. Jatav, S., Joshi Y. M., "Analyzing fractal gel of charged oblate nanoparticles in suspension using time resolved rheometry and DLVO theory", Faraday Discussions, 186 (2016) 199. [Download]

    66. Joshi Y. M. and coworkers, "Applications to Soft Matter: general discussion", Faraday Discussions, 186 (2016) 503. [Download]

    65. Joshi Y. M. and coworkers, "Modeling and Theory: general discussion", Faraday Discussions, 186 (2016) 371. [Download]

    64. Nimdeo Y. M., Joshi Y. M., Muralidhar K. "Refractive Index Measurement of Sol Forming Laponite JS Dispersion Using Interferometry", Applied Clay Science, 123 (2016) 272. [Download]

    63. Mohanty, R. P., Joshi Y. M., "Chemical stability phase diagram of aqueous Laponite dispersions", Applied Clay Science, 119 (2016) 243. [Download]


    62. Saha D., Joshi Y. M., Bandyopadhyay R., "Kinetics of the glass transition of fragile soft colloidal suspensions", J. Chem Phys. 143 (2015) 214901. [Download]

    61. Saha D., Joshi Y. M., Bandyopadhyay R., "Characteristics of the secondary relaxation process in soft colloidal suspensions", Europhysics Letters 112 (2015) 46004. [Download]

    60. Nimdeo Y. M., Joshi Y. M., Muralidhar K. "Measurement of Mass Diffusivity by Light Streak Imaging", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 102 (2015) 207. [Download]

    59. Joshi Y. M., "A Model for Aging under Deformation Field, Residual Stresses and Strains in Soft Glassy Materials", Soft Matter, 11 (2015) 3198. [Download]

    58. Saha D., Bandyopadhyay R., Joshi Y. M.,"A Dynamic Light Scattering Study and DLVO Analysis of Physicochemical Interactions in Colloidal Suspensions of Charged Disks", Langmuir, 31 (2015) 3012.[Download]

    57. Shukla A., Arnipally S., Dagaonkar M., Joshi Y. M. "Two Step Yielding in Surfactant Suspension Pastes", Rheologica Acta, 54 (2015) 353. [Download]


    56. Nimdeo Y. M., Joshi Y. M., Muralidhar K. "Measurement of Mass Diffusivity using Interferometry through Sensitivity Analysis", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (2014) 19338. [Download]

    55. Kaushal M., Joshi Y. M., "Validation of Effective Time Translational Invariance and Linear Viscoelasticity of Polymer Undergoing Crosslinking Reaction", Macromolecules, 47 (2014) 8041. [Download]

    54. Jatav, S., Joshi Y. M., "Rheological Signatures of Gelation and Effect of Shear Melting on Aging Colloidal Suspension", Journal of Rheology, 58 (2014) 1535. [Download]

    53. Joshi Y. M., Cloitre M., "Discussion of 017405JOR by L. Mohan et al.", Journal of Rheology, 58 (2014) 1483. [Download]

    52. Vlassopoulos D, Joshi Y. M., "Discussion of 016405JOR by S. Jatav and Y. M. Joshi", Journal of Rheology, 58 (2014) 1555. [Download]

    51. R. Bonnecaze, G. Petekidis, D. Vlassopoulos, N. Mahmoudi, E. Del Gado, Y. M. Joshi, R. Zia, "Discussion of 019405JOR by R. Zia et al.", Journal of Rheology, 58 (2014) 1158.[Download]

    50. Jatav, S., Joshi Y. M., "Chemical Stability of Laponite in Aqueous Media", Applied Clay Science, 97-98 (2014) 72. [Download]

    49. Joshi Y. M., "Long Time Response of Aging Glassy Polymers", Rheologica Acta, 53 (2014) 477. [Download]

    48. Joshi Y. M., "Dynamics of Colloidal Glasses and Gels", Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng. 5 (2014) 181. [Download]

    47. Saha D., Joshi Y. M., Bandyopadhyay R., "Investigation of the dynamical slowing down process in soft glassy colloidal suspensions: comparisons with supercooled liquids", Soft Matter 10 (2014), 3292. [Download]

    46. Kaushal M., Joshi Y. M., "Linear Viscoelasticity of Soft Glassy Materials", Soft Matter 10 (2014), 1819. [Download]


    45. Bhandari S., Muralidhar K., Joshi Y. M., "Thermal Diffusivity and Viscosity of Suspensions of Disc Shaped Nanoparticles", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 52 - 15114 (2013). [Download]

    44. M. Kaushal, Y. M. Joshi, Tailoring Relaxation Time Spectrum in Soft Glassy Materials, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139 (2013) 024904. [Download]

    43. Dhavale T., Jatav S., Joshi Y. M. "Thermally Activated Asymmetric Structural Recovery in a Soft Glassy Nano-Clay Suspension", Soft Matter, 9 (2013), 7751. [Download]

    42. Bhandari S.S., Joshi Y. M., Muralidhar K. "Enhanced thermal transport through a soft glassy nanodisk paste", Physical Review E 87, 022301 (2013). [Download]


    41. Shahin A. and Joshi Y. M. "Physicochemical Effects in Aging Aqueous Laponite Suspensions", Langmuir, 28, 15674-15686, (2012). [Download]

    40. Shaukat A., Kaushal M., Sharma A and Joshi Y.M. "Shear mediated elongational flow and yielding in soft glassy materials", Soft Matter, 8, 10107, (2012). . [Download]

    39. Shahin A., Joshi Y. M., Cates M. E. "Delayed solidification of soft glasses: New experiments, and a theoretical challenge", Faraday Discussion, 158, 313-324 (2012).[Download]

    38. M. Ravi Sankar, V. K. Jain, J. Ramkumar, Y. M. Joshi "Dependence of R-AFF process on rheological characteristics of soft styrene based organic polymer abrasive medium", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, 4 (2012), 89. [Abstract]

    37. Shahin A., Joshi Y. M. "Hyper-aging Dynamics of Nano-clay Suspension", Langmuir, 28 (13), 5826 - 5833,(2012). [Download]

    36. Gupta R., Baldewa B. and Joshi Y. M., "Time Temperature Superposition in Soft Glassy Materials ", Soft Matter, 8, 4171 - 4176 (2012), . [Download]

    35. Baldewa B. and Joshi Y. M. "Delayed Yielding in Creep, Time -Stress Superposition and Effective Time Theory for a Soft Glass ", Soft Matter, 8, 789 - 796.(2012) . [Download]

    34. Shaukat A.,Sharma A. and Joshi Y. M. "Squeeze flow behavior of (soft glassy)thixotropic material",Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 167, 9 - 17 (2012). . [Download]

    33. S. Kazim, S. Ahmad, J. Pfleger,J. Plestil,Y. M. Joshi., "Polyaniline-Sodium Montmorillonite Clay Nanocomposites: Effect of Clay Concentration on Thermal, Structural and Electrical Properties ", Journal of Materials Science, 47, 420 - 428. (2012). [Download]


    32. Shahin A., Joshi Y. M., Ramakrishna S. Anantha, "Interface Induced Anisotropy and nematic glass/gel state in Jammed Aqueous Laponite Suspensions", Langmuir 27, 14045 - 14052, (2011) [Download]

    31. Kaushal M. , Joshi Y. M, "Self-Similarity in Electrorheological Behavior", Soft Matter ,7, 9051 - 9060. (2011) [Download]

    30. Baldewa B. , Joshi Y. M, "Thixotropy and Physical Aging in Acrylic Emulsion Paint", Polymer Engineering & Science, 51, 2084 - 2091. (2011). [Download]

    29. Shahin A. and Joshi Y. M., Prediction of long and short time rheological behavior in soft glassy materials, Physical Review Letters(106) 038302 (2011). [Download]

    28. M. Ravi Sankar, V. K. Jain, J. Ramkumar, Y. M. Joshi "Dependence of R-AFF process on rheological characteristics of soft Styrene based organic polymer abrasive medium", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51, 947 - 957. (2011). [Abstract]


    27. Shaukat A., Sharma A. and Joshi Y. M., Time-aging time-stress superposition in soft glass under tensile deformation field, Rheologica Acta 49, 1093- 1101 (2010). [Download]

    26. Shahin A. and Joshi Y. M., Irreversible Aging Dynamics and Generic Phase Behavior of Aqueous Suspensions of Laponite, Langmuir 26, 4219- 4225 (2010). [Download]

    25. Bandyopadhyay R., Mohan H. P. and Joshi Y. M., Stress Relaxation in Aging Soft Colloidal Glasses, Soft Matter, 6, 1462- 1466 (2010). [Download]


    24. Awasthi, V. and Joshi Y. M., Effect of temperature on aging and time-temperature superposition in nonergodic laponite suspensions, Soft Matter, 5, 4991-4996 (2009). [Download]

    23. Shaukat A., Joshi Y. M. and Sharma A., Tensile Deformation and Failure of Thin Films of Aging Laponite Suspension, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 8211-8218 (2009). [Download]

    22. Shukla A. and Joshi Y. M., Aging under oscillatory stress: Role of energy barrier distribution in thixotropic materials, Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (2009) 4668. [Download]

    21. Joshi Y. M., Modeling dependence of creep recovery behavior on relaxation time distribution of ageing colloidal suspensions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 8232- 8236 (2009). [Download]


    20. G. R. K. Reddy, Y. M. Joshi, [2008] "Ageing under stress and mechanical fragility of soft solids of laponite", Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (9), 094901. [Download]

    19. N. Ravi Kumar, K. Muralidhar, Y. M. Joshi, [2008] "On the refractive index of ageing dispersions of Laponite", Applied Clay Science, 42 (1-2), 326. [Download]

    18. S. Khandekar, Y. M. Joshi, B. Mehta, [2008] "Thermal performance of closed two-phase thermosyphon using nanofluids", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 47 (6), 659. [Download]

    17. Y. M. Joshi, G. R. K. Reddy, [2008] "Aging in a colloidal glass in creep flow: Time-stress superposition", Physical Review E, 77 (2), 021501. [Download]

    16. Y. M. Joshi, G. R. K. Reddy, A. L. Kulkarni, N. Kumar, R. P. Chhabra, [2008] "Rheological behaviour of aqueous suspensions of laponite: New insights into the ageing phenomena", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 464 (2090), 469. [Download]


    15. H. V. Pol, Y. M. Joshi, P. S. Tapadia, A. K. Lele, R. A. Mashelkar, [2007] "A geometrical solution to the sharkskin instability", Industrial and. Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (10), 3048. [Download]

    14. Y. M. Joshi, [2007] "Model for cage formation in colloidal suspension of Laponite", Journal of Chemical Physics, 127 (8), 081102. [Download]


    13. Y. M. Joshi, [2005] "Nonlinear dynamics of confined polymer melts with attractive walls", Langmuir, 21 (20), 9013. [Download]


    12. Y. M. Joshi,M. M. Denn, "Failure and recovery of entangled polymer melts in elongational flow" Rheology Reviews, 2 (2004), 1-17. [Download]

    11. Y. M. Joshi,M. M. Denn, [2004] "Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow with dissipation", Journal of Rheology, 48 (3), 591. [Download]


    10. Y. M. Joshi,M. M. Denn, [2004] "Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow with dissipation", Journal of Rheology, 48 (3), 591. [Download]

    9. Y. M. Joshi ,M. M. Denn, [2003] "Planar contraction flow with a slip boundary condition", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 114 (2-3), 185. [Download]


    8. Y. M. Joshi , A. K. Lele, [2002] "Dynamics of end-tethered chains at high surface coverage", Journal of Rheology, 46 (2), 427. [Download]


    7. A. K. Lele,Y. M. Joshi,R. A. Mashelkar, [2001] "Deformation induced hydrophobicity: Implications in spider silk formation", Chemical Engineering Science, 56 , 5793. [Download]

    6. Y. M. Joshi, [2001] "Studies on wall-slip in entangled polymeric liquids", Applied Rheology, 11 (5), 277. [Download]

    5. Y. M. Joshi,A. K. Lele,R. A. Mashelkar, [2001] "Molecular model for wall slip: Role of convective constraint release", Macromolecules, 34 (10), 3412. [Download]


    4. P. S. Tapadia,Y. M. Joshi,A. K. Lele,R. A. Mashelkar, [2000] "Influence of stereoregularity on the wall slip phenomenon in polypropylene", Macromolecules, 33 (2), 250. [Download]

    3. Y. M. Joshi,P. S. Tapadia,A. K. Lele,R. A. Mashelkar, [2000] "Temperature dependence of critical stress for wall slip by debonding", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 94, 151. [Download]

    2. Y. M. Joshi,A. K. Lele,R. A. Mashelkar, [2000] "A unified wall slip model", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 94 , 135. [Download]

    1. Y. M. Joshi,A. K. Lele,R. A. Mashelkar, [2000] "Slipping fluids: A unified transient network model", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 89, 303.[Download]


    1. S. Kumar, K. Roy, T. Nandi, N. E. Prasad, Y. M. Joshi, An electro-rheological composition, and its process of preparation, Indian Patent Application, 201911019848

    2. S. Kumar, N. Khan, T. Nandi, N. E. Prasad, Y. M. Joshi Tridisperse nano-micro-nano magneto rheological fluid and method of preparation thereof, Indian Patent Application, 201811029692.

    3. S. Kumar, N. Khan, M. K. Bharadwaj, T. Nandi, N. E. Prasad, Y. M. Joshi, Magneto sensitive rheological fluid and its method of preparation thereof, Indian Patent Application, 201711029925

    4. T. D. Deshpande, Y. R. G. Singh, S. S. Patil, Y. M. Joshi, A. Sharma, Method of fabricating microporous elastomer thin films, Indian Patent No. IN201811000964A.

    5. K. Muralidhar, Y. Nimdeo, Subhajit Kar, Y.M. Joshi, Mass Diffusivity Measurement System, Indian Patent No. IN201400904I1.

    Book Chapter:

    1. Verma S., Joshi, Y. M. and Muralidhar K., 2011, Optical interferometers: principles and applications in transport phenomena, in Interferometry Principles and Applications (Editor: Mark E. Russo), Chapter 13.

    Presentations made as an invited speaker

    1)           Disciplining thixotropy: application of Boltzmann superposition principle to soft glassy materials, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, August 2014.

    2)           Rheological Signatures of Gelation and Effect of Shear Melting on Aging Colloidal Suspension, 7th International Meeting of the Hellenic Rheology Society and focused Meeting "Attractive Colloids & Gels", Crete, Greece, July 2014

    3)           Validation of Effective Time Translational Invariance for Polymer Undergoing Crosslinking Reaction, 7th International Meeting of the Hellenic Rheology Society and focused Meeting "Attractive Colloids & Gels", Crete, Greece, July 2014

    4)           Chemical Stability of Laponite in Aqueous Media, BYK Additives, Louiseville, USA, June 2014.

    5)           Linear Viscoelasticity of time dependent Polymeric Materials, Symposium on Macromolecular Science & Engineering, Kottayam December 2013.

    6)           Linear Viscoelasticity of Polymer undergoing gelation, Polymer Processing Society Asia/Australia Conference 2013, Mumbai, December 2013.

    7)           Thermally Activated Asymmetric Structural Recovery in a Soft Glassy Nano-Clay Suspension, Unilever Research Center, Bangalore, May 2013.

    8)           Thermally Activated Asymmetric Structural Recovery in a Soft Glassy Nano-Clay Suspension, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, May 2013.

    9)           Long Time Response of Aging Amorphous Polymers, 3rd Federation of the Asian Polymer Societies Congress and Macro 2013, Bangalore, May 2013.

    10)        Physiochemical Effects in Aging Aqueous Suspension of Laponite: New Insights into Phase Behavior, March Meeting, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, March 2013.

    11)        Disciplining thixotropy: application of Boltzmann superposition principle to soft glassy materials, Complex Fluids and Polymer Engineering, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, June 2012.

    12)        Disciplining thixotropy: application of Boltzmann superposition principle to soft glassy materials, Department of Chemical Engineering, IISc Bangalore, May 2012.

    13)        Disciplining thixotropy: application of Boltzmann superposition principle to soft glassy materials, Unilever Research Center, Bangalore, May 2012.

    14)        New Insights into Phase Behavior of Aqueous Suspension of Laponite, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, May 2012.

    15)        Rheology and Stability of Pasty Materials, United Phosphorous Ltd. Mumbai, February 2012.

    16)        Time temperature superposition in glassy materials, Conference on Dynamics of Phase Transformations, JNCASR Bangalore, November 2011.

    17)        Effective time theory and prediction of long time rheological behavior in soft glassy materials, Department of Polymer Engineering, University of Akron, USA, October 2011.

    18)        Structure and rheology of aqueous Laponite suspension, Southern Clay Porducts, Louiseville, USA, October 2011.

    19)        Effective time theory and prediction of long time rheological behavior in time dependent pasty materials, Southern Clay Porducts, Louiseville, USA, October 2011.

    20)        Superpositions in time domain and prediction of long time behavior in soft glassy materials, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, March 2011.

    21)        Aging and rheology of pasty materials, Unilever Research and Development Center, Connecticut, USA, October 2010.

    22)        Superpositions in time domain and prediction of long time behavior in soft glassy materials, KAUST center, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, October 2010.

    23)        Irreversible aging in aqueous Laponite suspension, Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK June 2010.

    24)        Time – stress and time – temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, SPS March Meeting on Soft Matter Physics, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 2010.

    25)        Time-Temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, IIT Kanpur golden jubilee conference on Interaction, Instability, Transport and Kinetics: Glassiness and Jamming, IIT Kanpur, February 2010.

    26)        Anomalous creep flow dynamics of aging polymer-clay nanocomposite, Vth Rheology of complex fluids symposium, IIT Madras, January 2010.

    27)        Time-Temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT2009), New Delhi, September 2009.

    28)        Time-Temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Process Technology, NCL Diamond Jubilee Symposium, Pune, June 2009.

    29)        Time-Temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, 25th Annual meeting of Polymer Processing Society, Goa, March 2009.

    30)        Time-Temperature superposition in soft glassy materials, Annual Physics convention. Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, February, 2009.

    31)        Ageing under deformation field: Time-Stress superposition, Tata Research Development and Design Center, Pune, December 2008.

    32)        Ageing under deformation field: Time-Stress superposition, National Chemical Laboratory-Pune, December 2008.

    33)        Ageing under deformation field: Time-Stress superposition, Annual Meeting of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Goa December 2008.

    34)        Ageing under deformation field: Time-Stress superposition, 78th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences, Chandigarh November 2008.

    35)        Ageing under deformation field in soft glassy materials, Polymères, Colloïdes, Interfaces, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France June 2008.

    36)        Ageing under deformation field in soft glassy materials, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris Sud Bât, Orsay, France May 2008.

    37)        Ageing under deformation field in soft glassy materials, Navier Institute, University of Eastern Paris, Paris, France, May 2008.

    38)        Ageing under deformation field in soft glassy materials, Dipartmento di Fisica Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, May 2008.

    39)        Ageing under deformation field: Time-Stress superposition, IVth Rheology of complex fluids symposium, IIT Bombay, January 2008.

    40)        Ageing dynamics in soft materials, City University of New York, USA, October 2007.

    41)        Ageing dynamics in soft materials, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, September 2007.

    42)        Ageing dynamics in soft materials, National Chemical Laboratory-Pune, July 2007.

    43)        Rheological study of aging soft glasses of laponite, 18th Mid-Year Meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, July 2007.

    44)        Aging dynamics in soft glasses, Université du Maine, Le Mans France, February 2007.

    45)        Aging dynamics in soft glasses, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, November 2006.

    46)        Aging dynamics in soft glasses, IIT Bombay, November 2006.

    47)        Structure-Rheology and Processing of Polymer Nanocomposites, QIP course on, “Recent Trends in Nanocomposites,” IIT Kanpur, November 2006.

    48)        Dynamics of smectite clay filled systems, JNCASR Bangalore, March 2006.

    49)        Dynamics of smectite clay filled systems, GE Plastics, Bangalore, March 2006.

    50)        De Gennes’ scaling model for polymer drag reduction, National Chemical Laboratory Pune, June 2004.

    51)        Cohesive failure and instabilities in processing flow fields, National Chemical Laboratory-Pune, August 2003

    52)        Cohesive failure and instabilities in processing flow fields, IIT Bombay, August 2003.

    53)        Cohesive failure and instabilities in processing flow fields, IIT Kanpur, August 2003.

    54)        Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow, IISc Bangalore, August 2002.

    55)        Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow, GE Plastics, Bangalore, August 2002.

    56)        Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow, IIT Bombay, August 2002.

    57)        Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow, National Chemical Laboratory-Pune, August 2002.

    58)        Wall slip in entangled liquids, Benjamin Levich Institute, New York, USA, April 2002.


    Chairing of Conference symposium:

    1)           Chaired a session on Colloids and Suspensions in XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbon Portugal (2012)

    2)           Chaired a session on Rheology of Solids, Glasses and Composites in 83rd Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology, Cleveland, Ohio (2011).

    3)           Chaired a session on Rheology of particulate system in 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT2009), New Delhi, September (2009).

    4)           Chaired a session on rheology of polymer melts in 25th Annual meeting of Polymer Processing Society, Goa, March (2009).


    Last Updated on 17 April 2011