Vinay Kumar Gupta


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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards

Contact Information

Address (Home):        House # 619, IIT Campus, Kanpur-208016, INDIA

Address (Work):         Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
                                    Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016, INDIA

Phone Numbers:         +91-512-2591828, 6798425 (Home)
                                                    6797118 (Work)

Fax Number:             +91-512-6797395 (Work)

E-mail:              ;

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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards



Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, University of Southern California, USA, 1989. 



Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California, USA, 1990. 


Structural Engineering, University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), India, 1985. 


Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), India, 1982. 

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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards



Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India


Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India 


Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India 


Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, USA 


Teaching Assistant/Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, India 


Management Trainee/Junior Engineer, Ocean Engineering Department, Engineers India Limited, New Delhi, India 

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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards

Courses Taught

1. TA 101 - Engineering Graphics
2. ESO 204 - Mechanics of Solids
3. CE 222 - Structural Analysis
4. CE 321 - Structural Design I
5. CE 322 - Structural Design II
6. CE 351 - Materials Quality and Management
7. CE 620 - Structural Dynamics

8. CE 621 - Engineering Mechanics
8. CE 629 - Earthquake Analysis and Design of Structures
9. CE 721 - Random Vibrations

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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards


1.      Agarwal, S.K. and V.K. Gupta (1985). Deflection  control  measures for slabs as per  IS:456-1978,  Bridge  and  Structural  Engineer, 15(1), 21-30.

2.      Agarwal, S.K. and V.K. Gupta (1985). Letters to the  editor:  slab deflection control to IS: 456-1978, The Ind. Concrete  J.,  59(4), 88-89.

3.      Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac (1990). A note on  contributions  of ground torsion  to  seismic  response  of  symmetric  multistoried buildings, Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib., 10(3), 27-40.

4.      Gupta, V.K. (1990). New ideas on response  spectrum  superposition and modal interaction, Proc. Ninth  Sym.  Earthq.  Eng.Roorkee, India, 1(2), 43-50.

5.      Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac  (1990).  Response  of  multistoried buildings to ground translation and rocking during earthquakes, J. Prob. Eng. Mech., 5(3), 138-145.

6.      Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac  (1990).  Response  of  multistoried buildings to ground translation and  torsion during  earthquakes, European Earthq. Eng., IV(1), 34-42.

7.      Trifunac, M.D. and V.K. Gupta (1991). Pseudo relative acceleration spectrum, J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE), 117(4), 924-927.

8.      Gupta,  V.K.  and  M.D.  Trifunac  (1991).  Seismic response of  multistoried buildings including the effects of soil-structure interaction, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 10(8), 414-422.

9.      Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac (1991). Effects of ground rocking on dynamic response of  multistoried  buildings  during  earthquakes, Struct. Eng./Earthquake Eng. (JSCE), 8(2), 43-50.

10.  Gupta, V.K. and  M.D.  Trifunac  (1992).  Higher  order  peaks  in response of multistoried buildings, Proc. Tenth Wld Conf.  Earthq. Eng., Madrid, Spain, 7, 3819-3824.

11.  Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac (1993). A note  on  the  effects  of ground rocking on the  response  of  buildings  during  1989  Loma Prieta earthquake, Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib., 13(2), 12-28.

12.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (1994). Statistics of ordered peaks  in  a random response, Proc. Tenth Symp. Earthq. Eng., Roorkee, 907-915.

13.  Agarwal,  P.  and  V.K.  Gupta   (1994).   A   note   on   dynamic eccentricities obtained by using a  stochastic  approach  and  IS:1893-1984, Proc. Tenth Symp. Earthq. Eng., Roorkee, 351-359.

14.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta  (1995).  A  probabilistic  assessment  of  seismic damage in ductile structures, Earthq. Eng.  Struct.  Dyn., 24, 1333-1342.

15.  Basu,  B.  and  V.K.  Gupta  (1995).  A  note  on  ductility   for probabilistic seismic design of structures, European Earthq. Eng., IX(1), 34-43.

16.  Agarwal, P. and V.K. Gupta (1995). A stochastic  approach  to  the response of torsionally coupled multistoried  buildings,  European Earthq. Eng., IX(2), 44-55.

17.  Gupta, V.K. and M.D. Trifunac (1995). Discussion  on  a  paper  by W.-H. Wu and H.A. Smith, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 24, 1541-1542.

18.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (1996). A note on  damage-based  inelastic spectra, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 25, 421-433.

19.  Basu, B., V.K. Gupta, and D. Kundu (1996). Ordered peak statistics through  digital  simulation,  Earthq.  Eng.  Struct.  Dyn.,  25, 1061-1073.

20.  Basu, B., V.K. Gupta, and D. Kundu (1996). A Markovian approach to ordered peak statistics, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 25, 1335-1351.

21.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K. Gupta (1996). On  generating  ensemble  of design spectrum-compatible accelerograms, European  Earthq.  Eng., X(3), 49-56.

22.  Gupta, V.K. (1996). A new modal combination rule for the  building response to earthquakes, Int. Seminar on Civil Eng.  Practices  in the Twentyfirst Century, Roorkee, India, III, 1756-1764.

23.  Chandra Sekher, K.V.S. and  V.K.  Gupta  (1996).  A  note  on  IS: 875-1987 approach to along-wind building response, J. Struct. Eng. (SERC), 23(3), 121-127.

24.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (1996).  Expected  seismic  damage  during narrow-band  structural  responses,  Struct.   Eng./Earthq.   Eng. (JSCE), 13(2), 119-123.

25.  Gupta, V.K. (1996). A new stochastic approach  for  seismic  floor spectra generation, Symp. on Earthq. Effects on Structures,  Plant and Machinery, New Delhi, I(II-4), 1-12.

26.  Gupta, V.K. (1997). Acceleration transfer  function  of  secondary systems, J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE), 123(7), 678-685.

27.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta  (1997).  Probabilistic  ductility  demand including peak dependence, European Earthq. Eng., XI(1), 3-6.

28.  Agarwal, P.  and  V.K.  Gupta  (1997).  Dynamic  amplification  of eccentricities in  seismic  response  of  multistoried  buildings, European Earthq. Eng., XI(1), 37-45.

29.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K. Gupta (1997). A generalized  approach  for the seismic response of structural systems, European Earthq. Eng., XI(2), 3-12.

30.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (1997). Non-stationary seismic response of MDOF systems by wavelet transform, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn.,  26, 1243-1258.

31.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K.  Gupta  (1997).  On  evolutionary  seismic response and peak factors, Proc. Structural Eng. Convention  1997, Dept. Civil Eng., I.I.T. Madras, Chennai, 511-517.

32.  Basu, U. and V.K. Gupta (1997). A critical analysis  of  the  gust factor method for chimneys, Proc. Second National Seminar on  Wind Eng., SERC, Ghaziabad, 195-206.

33.  Dey, A. and V.K. Gupta  (1997).  Response  transfer  functions  of multiply supported secondary  systems,  Proc.  14th  SMiRT  Conf., Lyon, France, 8, 285-292.

34.  Basu, B.  and  V.K.  Gupta  (1997).  On  wavelet-analyzed  seismic response of SDOF systems,  Symp.  on  Time-Frequency  and  Wavelet Analysis, ASME Sixteenth Biennial Conf.  on  Mechanical  Vib.  and Noise, Sacramento, U.S.A.

35.   Chandra Sekher, K.V.S. and V.K.  Gupta  (1997).  Higher modes in along-wind building response,  J.  Struct.  Eng.  (SERC), 24(3), 181-184.

36.  Basu, U. and V.K. Gupta (1998). A note on the codal gust factor provisions for concrete chimneys, The Ind.  Conc.  J., 72(5), 259-269.

37.  Dey, A. and V.K. Gupta  (1998).  Response of  multiply  supported secondary systems to earthquakes in frequency domain, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 187-201.

38.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta  (1998).  A damage-based  definition  of effective  peak  acceleration,  Earthq.  Eng.  Struct.  Dyn.,  27, 503-512.

39.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (1998). Seismic response of SDOF systems by wavelet modelling  of  nonstationary  process,  J.  Eng.  Mech. (ASCE), 124(10), 1142-1150.

40.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K. Gupta (1998). On synthesizing ensembles of spatially correlated accelerograms, J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE), 124(11), 1185-1192.

41.  Dey,  A.  and  V.K.  Gupta  (1999).  Stochastic seismic   response   of multiply-supported secondary systems in   flexible-base   structures, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 28, 351-369.

42.  Basu,  B.  and  V.K.  Gupta  (1999).  Wavelet-based analysis   of   the non-stationary response of a slipping foundation, J. Sound Vib., 222(4), 547-563.

43.  Basu, B. and  V.K.  Gupta  (1999).  On equivalent linearization using wavelet transform, J. Vib. Acoust. (ASME), 121(4), 429-432.

44.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K. Gupta (1999). Dynamic soil-structure interaction effects on the seismic response of suspension bridges,  Earthq.  Eng. Struct. Dyn., 28, 1383-1403.

45.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (2000). Stochastic seismic response of single-degree-of-freedom systems through wavelets, Eng. Structures, 22, 1714-1722.

46.  Tiwari, A.K. and V.K. Gupta (2000). Scaling of ductility and damage-based strength reduction factors for horizontal motions, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 29, 969-987.

47.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (2000). Wavelet-based non-stationary response analysis of a friction base-isolated structure, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 29, 1659-1676.

48.  Gupta, V.K., S.R.K. Nielsen, and P.H. Kirkegaard (2001). A preliminary prediction of seismic damage-based degradation in RC structures, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 30, 981-993.

49.  Basu, B. and V.K. Gupta (2001). Wavelet-based stochastic seismic response of a Duffing oscillator, J. Sound Vib., 245(2), 251-260.

50.  Shrikhande, M. and V.K. Gupta (2001). On the characterisation of the phase spectrum for strong motion synthesis, J. Earthq. Eng., 5(4), 465-482.

51.  Mukherjee¸ S. and V.K. Gupta (2002). Wavelet-based characterization of design ground motions, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 31, 1173-1190.

52.  Ray Chaudhuri, S. and V.K. Gupta (2002). A response-based decoupling criterion for multiply-supported secondary systems, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 31, 1541-1562.

53.  Rao, V.S.C., S. Ray Chaudhuri, and V.K. Gupta (2002). Mode-acceleration approach to seismic response of multiply-supported secondary systems, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 31, 1603-1621.

54.  Mukherjee, S. and V.K. Gupta (2002). Wavelet-based generation of spectrum-compatible time-histories, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 22(9-12), 799-804.

55.  Ray Chaudhuri, S. and V.K. Gupta (2002). Variability in seismic response of secondary systems due to uncertain soil properties, Eng. Structures, 24, 1601-1613. (erratum on Page 847 in the May 2003 issue)

56.  Das, S., I.D. Gupta, and V.K. Gupta (2002). A new attenuation model for North-East India, Proc. Twelfth Symp. Earthq. Eng., Roorkee, 151-158.

57.  Gupta, V.K. (2002). Developments in response spectrum-based stochastic response of structural systems, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 39(4), 347-365.

58.  Gupta, V.K. (2002). Wavelet-based random vibrations in earthquake engineering, Proc. Seminar on Structural Dynamics in Civil Engineering (SDCE-2002), Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 50-65.

59.  Ray Chaudhuri, S. and V.K. Gupta (2003). Mode acceleration approach for generation of floor spectra including soil-structure interaction, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 40(2-4), 99-115.

60.  Chakraborti, A. and V.K. Gupta (2004). Design spectrum-based scaling of strength reduction factors, Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, Paper 539, 1-9.

61.  Chakraborti, A. and V.K. Gupta (2005). Scaling of strength reduction factors for degrading elasto-plastic oscillators, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 34, 189-206.

62.  Sarkar, K. and V.K. Gupta (2005). Wavelet-based simulation of Spatially Correlated and Spectrum-Compatible Accelerograms, Proc. National Symposium on Structural Dynamics, Random Vibrations & Earthquake Engineering (NSSD-2005), Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 69-78.

63.  Das, S., V.K. Gupta, and I.D. Gupta (2005). Codal provisions of seismic hazard in Northeast India, Current Science, 89(12), 2004-2008.

64.  Das, S., I.D. Gupta, and V.K. Gupta (2006). A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of North-East India, Earthq. Spectra, 22(1), 1-27.

65.  Karmakar, D. and V.K. Gupta (2006). Design spectrum-based scaling and parametric study of strength reduction factor spectrum, Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, U.S.A., Paper 615, 1-10.

66.  Karmakar, D. and V.K. Gupta (2006). A parametric study of strength reduction factors for elasto-plastic oscillators, Sādhanā, 31(4), 343-357.

67.  Das, S., V.K. Gupta, and R. Pradeep Kumar (2006). Design force ratio spectrum for performance-based design in case of multiple events, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, Paper 46, 1-9.

68.  Das, S., V.K. Gupta, and V. Srimahavishnu (2007). Damage-based design with no repairs for multiple events and its sensitivity to seismicity model, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 36(3), 307-325.

69.  Karmakar, D. and V.K. Gupta (2007). Estimation of strength reduction factors via normalized pseudo-acceleration response spectrum, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 36(6), 751-763.

70.  Kumari, R. and V.K. Gupta (2007). A modal combination rule for peak floor accelerations in multistoried buildings, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 44(1), 213-231.

71.  Banerjee, A. and V.K. Gupta (2007). A note on significant strong-motion duration definitions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM-2007), Department of Civil Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India, 1, 339-350.

72.  Das, S. and V.K. Gupta (2008). Wavelet-based simulation of spectrum-compatible aftershock accelerograms, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 37(11), 1333-1348.

73.  Sadhu, A. and V.K. Gupta (2008). A modal combination rule for ordered peak response under multi-component ground motion, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 45(3-4), 79-96.

74.  Gupta, V.K. (2009). Short communication: A new approximation for spectral velocity ordinates at short periods, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 38(7), 941-949.

75.  Gupta, V.K., M. Kumar, and D. Kumar (2009). Peak floor accelerations in multistoried buildings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering—On the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Banja Luka Earthquake, Banja Luka, B&H, Keynote Lecture, Volume on Selected Topics in Earthquake Engineering—From Earthquake Source to Seismic Design and Hazard Mitigation, 217-235.

76.  Das, S. and V.K. Gupta (2010). Scaling of response spectrum and duration for aftershocks, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 30(8), 724-735.

77.  Das, S. and V.K. Gupta (2011). A wavelet-based parametric characterization of temporal features of earthquake accelerograms, Eng. Structures, 33, 2173-2185.

78.  Mukhopadhyay, S. and V.K. Gupta (2013). Directivity pulses in near-fault ground motions—I: Identification, extraction and modelling, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 50, 1-15.

79.  Mukhopadhyay, S. and V.K. Gupta (2013). Directivity pulses in near-fault ground motions—II: Estimation of pulse parameters, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 50, 38-52.

80.  Singla, V.K. and V.K. Gupta (2016). On planar seismic wavefront modeling for estimating rotational ground motions: Case of 2-D SH line-source, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 85, 62-77.

81.  Sarkar, K., V.K. Gupta, and R.C. George (2016). Wavelet-based generation of spatially correlated accelerograms, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 87, 116-124.

82.  Yadav, K.K. and V.K. Gupta (2017). Near-fault fling-step ground motions: Characteristics and simulation, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 101, 90-104.

83.  Pathak, S. and V.K. Gupta (2017). On nonstationarity-related errors in modal combination rules of the response spectrum method, J. Sound Vib., 407, 106-127.

84.  Samdaria, N. and V.K. Gupta (2018). A new model for spectral velocity ordinates at long periods, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 47, 169-194.

85.  Singla, V.K. and V.K. Gupta (2018). Planar seismic wavefront modeling for estimating rotational ground motions: Case of 2D P-SV line source, J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE), 144(7), 04018048.

86.  Sen, N. and V.K. Gupta (2018). On estimation of seismic damage from ductility and hysteretic energy demands in equivalent oscillators using linear response, Eng. Structures, 172, 663-686.

87.  Singla, V.K. and V.K. Gupta (2019). Surface rotations due to kinematic shear dislocation point source in a multilayered elastic medium, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 109(1), 433-447.

88.  Singla, V.K. and V.K. Gupta (2019). Physics-based planar wavefront model to estimate seismic rocking spectra using translational spectra, J. Eng. Mech. (ASCE), 145(4), 04019016.

89.  Mukhopadhyay, S., S. Das, and V.K. Gupta (2019). Wavelet-based generation of accelerogram-consistent, spectrum-compatible motions: New algorithms and short-period overestimation, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 121, 327-340.

90.  Dey, P. and V.K. Gupta (2020). Effect of residual displacement and sequence of events on design force ratio spectrum, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 131, 105974.

91.  Harikrishnan, M.G. and V.K. Gupta (2020). Scaling of residual displacements in terms of elastic and inelastic spectral displacements for existing SDOF systems, Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib., 19(1), 71-85.

92.  Harikrishnan, M.G. and V.K. Gupta (2020). Scaling of constant-ductility residual displacement spectrum, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 49, 215-233.

93.  Jaisal, A.K., I.D. Gupta, and V.K. Gupta (2020). Probabilistic seismic hazard mapping of Northwest India using area sources with non-uniform spatial distribution of seismicity, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 57(3), 103-150.

94.  Saifullah, M. and V.K. Gupta (2020). Normalized residual displacements for bilinear and pinching oscillators, J. Struct. Eng. (ASCE), 146(11), 04020242.

95.  Scaria, A., I.D. Gupta, and V.K. Gupta (2021). An improved probabilistic seismic hazard mapping of peninsular shield region of India, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 141, 106417.

96.  Pal, A. and V.K. Gupta (2021). A note on spectral velocity approximation at shorter intermediate periods, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 141, 106422.

97.  Singla, V.K. and V.K. Gupta (2021). An improved planar wavefront model to estimate rocking seismic motion spectra using translational spectra at a single station, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 144, 106612.

98.  Gupta, A., I.D. Gupta, and V.K. Gupta (2021). Probabilistic seismic hazard mapping of National Capital Region of India using a modified gridded seismicity model, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 144, 106632.

99.  Pal, A. and V.K. Gupta (2021). Peak factor-based modal combination rule of response-spectrum method for peak floor accelerations, J. Struct. Eng. (ASCE), 147(7), 04021095.

100.    Das, S. and V.K. Gupta (2022). On contribution of aftershocks to cumulative seismic damage in RC frames, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 59(1), 1-26.

101.    Sethi, H. and V.K. Gupta (2022). Effect of multiple events with no repairs on ductility-based seismic design, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 59(2), 47-71.

102.    Banerjee, A. and V.K. Gupta (2022). A statistical study of inelastic displacement ratio spectrum for existing structures, Earthq. Eng. Resilience, 1(4), 454-479.

103.    Naqvi, A.A. and V.K. Gupta (2023). Duration and damping for ground motion characterization in frequency-domain damage estimation of SDOF structures, Earthq. Eng. Resilience, 2(3), 335-347.

104.    Naqvi, A.A., V.K. Gupta, and S. Das (2023). On frequency-domain estimation of increase in design yield force levels of SDOF structures due to multiplicity of earthquake events, Earthq. Eng. Resilience, 2(4), 458-478.

105.    Saifullah, M. and V.K. Gupta (2024). Direct scaling of residual displacements for bilinear and pinching oscillators, Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib., 23(1), 129-149.

106.    Dadheech, S. and V.K. Gupta (2024). Estimation of inelastic displacement ratio spectrum for existing RC structures via displacement response spectrum, Earthq. Eng. Struct. Dyn., 53, 4806-4829.


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Courses Taught


Honours & Awards

Honors and Awards

·      Young Engineer Award, 1997 from the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)

·      ISET Biot Award for Significant Contributions in Earthquake Engineering with Emphasis on Biot Response Spectrum Method, 2022 from the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)

·      ISET Hanumantacharaya Joshi Award for the Best Paper in Structural Dynamics for the block year 2001–2004 from the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) (for Paper # 57 above)

·      ISET B.N. Gupta Award for the Best Paper in Seismology and Seismotectonics for the block year 2017–2020 from the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) (for Paper # 93 above)

·      Delivered 43rd ISET Annual Lecture entitled Recent Developments in Response Spectrum-Based Modal Combination Rules on November 15, 2022

·      Editor, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology (May, 1998–March, 2013)

·      Vice-President, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) (April, 2003–March, 2007)

·      Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) (since December, 2024)

·      Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (January, 2004–December, 2014)

·      Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) (since January, 2005)