Anupam Saxena

Anupam Saxena

Compliant and Robotic Systems (CARS) Laboratory
Faculty Building #361
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208016
: 91-512-259(679)-7205 (O),
      91-512-259(679)-7397 (L)
: Google Scholar Page

Compliant and Robotic Systems Laboratory

My aim is to find realizable solutions in areas of Compliant and Robotic Systems (CARS) with applications in orthotic/exoskeletal and prosthetic devices, soft and medical robotics, bio-medical devices, soft robots, precision instrumentation, sensing and actuation, MEMS, designs for minimal assembly, and those undergoing desired large deformation, exploration, surveillance, search and rescue, and transportation.

I derive my inspiration from designs in nature, which amongst having many interesting attributes, are sustainable (time tested and robust) and exemplify integration of subsystems of a variety of properties and scales.

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Nikhil Singh, Prabhat Kumar and Anupam Saxena. 2024. Normalized Field Product Approach: A Parameter-Free Density Evaluation Method for Close-to-Binary Solutions in Topology Optimization with Embedded Length Scale. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. accepted.
Estefania Hermoza Llanosa, Burkhard Corves, Mathias Huesing and Anupam Saxena. 2024. Systematic Mapping of Synthesis Methods for Compliant Grippers using PRISMA. Mechanisms and Machine Theory. 206 (2025) 105900 ( published online.
Vitthal Manohar Khatik. Anupam Saxena. 2024. On Optimal Tendon Routing- Based Design of Biologically Inspired Underactuated Hand Exoskeleton for Gross Grasping. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. May 2024, 6(2): 600-617.
Nikhil Singh. Prabhar Kumar. Anupam Saxena. 2024. Three-Dimensional Mate- rial Mask Overlay Topology Optimization Approach With Truncated Octahedron Elements. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Jan 2024, 146(1): 011701-1
Srivatsa Deshmukh. Vitthal Khatik. Anupam Saxena. 2023. Robust Fusion Model for Handling EMG and Computer Vision Data in Prosthetic Hand Control. IEEE Sensors Letters. in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2023, Art no. 6004804, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3301837.
BVS Nagendra Reddy, Vitthal Khatik, Burkhard Corves and Anupam Saxena. 2023. Compliant Constant Output/Input Force Mechanisms — Topology Optimization with Contact. Mechanisms and Machine Theory. Volume 190, December 2023, 105449.
J50. Prabhat Kumar and Anupam Saxena. 2022. A Material Mask Overlay Strategy for Close to Binary Design-dependent Pressure-loaded Optimized Topologies. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 65 (10), 304.
Khatik V. M. Nishad S. S. Anupam Saxena. 2021. Comprehending finger flexor tendon pulley system using systematic computational analysis. ASME Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 143. 111009-1-10.
BVS Nagendra Reddy. Anupam Saxena. 2021. Topology synthesis of a 3-kink Contact- aided compliant switch. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 143. 081704-1-15.
Prabhat Kumar. Roger A. Sauer. Anupam Saxena. 2020. On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol 156, Feb 2021, 104135.
Orlando, M. F., Behera L., Dutta, A., and Saxena A. 2020. Optimal Design and Redundancy Resolution of a Novel Robotic Two-Fingered Exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Vol 2(1). pp. 59-75.
Singh Nikhil. Kumar Prabhat. and Saxena Anupam. 2020. On Topology Optimization with Elliptical Masks and Honeycomb Tessellation with Explicit Length Scale Constraints. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62(3), 1227-1251.
Saxena. A. 2018. On Upper Bounds with $ABC = 2^m p^n$ and $ABC = 2^m p^n q^r$ with $p$ and $q$ as Mersenne or Fermat Primes, arXiv:1809.03328v1 [math.NT]. 6 September, 2018.
Kumar. P. Saxena. A. Sauer R. A. 2018. Computational optimiza- tion of large deformation compliant mechanisms undergoing self and mutual contact,, Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(1): 012302 (13 pages).
S Shakya, A Saxena, P Munshi, M Goswami. 2017. Adaptive Discretization for Computerized Tomography. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. 1-17
Felix Orlando Maria Joseph. Laxmidhar Behera. Tomoya Tamei. Tomohiro Shibata. Ashish Dutta. Anupam Saxena. 2016. On Redundancy Resolution of the Human Thumb, Index and Middle Fingers in Cooperative Object Translation. Robotica. DOI: 10.1017/S0263574716000680
Kumar P. Sauer R. Saxena A. 2016. On Synthesis of C0 Path Generating Compliant Mechanisms with Mutual Contact using the Material Mask Overlay Method. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Vol. 138. pp. 062301-1-9.
Mayank Goswami. M. Shakya S. Saxena A. Munshi M. 2015. Optimal Spatial filtering schemes and compact tomography setups. ASNT Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. 27 (2), pp. 69-85.
Kumar. P and Saxena A. 2015. On topology optimization with embedded boundary resolution and smoothing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 52 (6). pp 1135– 1159.
Goswami M. Shakya S. Saxena A. Munshi P. 2015. Reliable reconstruction strategy with higher grid resolution for limited data tomography. NDT and E International. 72. pp. 17-24.
Goswami M. Munshi P. Khanna A. Saxena A. 2015. Non-uniform Arrangement of Emitter-Receiver Pairs Arrangement and Compact Ultrasonic Tomography Setup. IEEE Sensors. Sensors Journal. 15(2). pp. 1198-1207.
Goswami M. Munshi P. Saxena A. Gupta M.K. Kumar A. 2014. Plasma Diagnostics at Aditya Tokomak by Two Views Visible Light Tomography. Fusion Engineering and Design. 89(11). Nov 2014, pp. 2659-2665. ISSN 0920-3796.
Mergel. J. C. Sauer. R. A. and Saxena A. 2014. Computational optimization of adhesive microstructures based on a nonlinear beam formulation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 50(6). 1001-1017.
Goswami. M. Saxena A. and Munshi. P. 2014. A new grid based tomographic method for two-phase flow measurements. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 176 (1-14).ISSN 0029-5639.
Goswami M. Munshi P. Saxena A. 2011. Void fraction measurement using entropy maximization approach, experimental and computational two phase flow. Transaction of American Nuclear Society. 104 (1094-1095). ISSN: 0003-018X.
Saxena A. 2013. Contact-Aided Compliant Displacement-Delimited Gripper Manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 5(4).041005.1-041005.12.
Orlando M F. Dutta A. Saxena A. Behera L. Shibata T. 2013. Manipulability Analysis of Human Thumb. Index and Middle fingers in Cooperative 3D Rotational Movements. Robotica. accepted. Available on CJO.doi: 10.1017/S0263574713000064.
Shinde V R. Dutta A. Saxena A. 2013. Experiments on multi-agent capture of a moving object using projective path planning. Robotica. 31(2).pp. 267-284.
Saxena A. Valero-Cuevas F J. Lipson H. 2012. Functional inference of complex anatomical tendinous networks at a macroscopic scale via sparse experimentation. PLOS Computational Biology. 8(11): p.1-17
Saxena A. and Sauer. R.A. 2012. On combined Gradient-Stochastic Search for Topology Synthesis using the Material Mask Overlay Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. in press.DOI: 10.1002/nme.4401
Reddy BVS Nagendra. Naik Sujitkumar V. Saxena A. 2012. Systematic Synthesis of Large Displacement Contact Aided Monolithic Compliant Mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 134(1). pp.011007-1-12
Saxena A. 2011. Topology Optimization with Negative Masks using Gradient Search. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 44 (5). pp. 629-649
Sujit KVN. Saxena A. Rai A K. Reddy BVS Nagendra. 2011. How to Choose from a Synthesized Set of Path- Generating Mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 133(9)
Saxena A. 2011. Kempe’s Linkages and the Universality Theorem. Resonance. 16 (3). pp. 220-237. DOI:10.1007/s12045-011-0028-x.
Saxena A. 2011. An Adaptive Material Mask Overlay Method: Modifcations and Investigations on Binary. Well Connected Robust Compliant Continua. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 133 (4). pp. 041004-1-11
Saxena A. 2011. Are Circular Shaped masks Adequate in Adaptive Mask Overlay Topology Synthesis Method. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 133(1). pp. 011001-1-11.
Mannepalli S. Dutta A. Saxena A. 2010. A multi-objective GA based algorithm for 2D form and force closure grasp of prismatic objects. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 25 (2). DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2010.2.206-3359
Khan H. Sinha P. Saxena A. 2009. A Simple Algorithm for ThermoElastohydrodynamic Lubrication Problems. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences. Volume 1. Issue 3 (December. 2009). 265-279.
Rai A K. Saxena A. Mankame N D. 2010. Unifed synthesis of compact planar pathgenerating linkages with rigid and deformable members. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 41:863–879
Jain C. Saxena A. 2010. An Improved Material-mask overlay strategy for Topology Optimization of Structures and Compliant Mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 132 (6). 061006-1-10
Saxena R. Saxena A. 2009. Design of Electro-Thermally Compliant MEMS with Hexagonal Cells using Local Temperature and Stress Constraints. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Volume 131. Issue 5. 051006 (10 pages). doi:10.1115/1.3087544
Saxena A. 2008. A Material-Mask Overlay Strategy for Continuum Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms using Honeycomb Discretization. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Volume 130. Issue 8. 082304 (9 pages) doi:10.1115/1.2936891
Sharma P. Saxena A. Dutta A. 2008. Optimal Arrest and Guidance of a Moving Prismatic Object using Multi-Agents; Robotica. Volume 26. Issue 1. pp - 41-53
Bansal S K. Malik P. Saxena A. and Reddy N V. 2008. Modular Fixture Planning for Minimum Three-dimensional Tolerances. International Journal of Production Research. Volume 46. Issue 6 March 2008. pages 1455 - 1476
Saxena R. Saxena A. 2007. On Honeycomb Representation and SIGMOID Material Assignment in Optimal Topology Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Volume 43. Issue 14. Pages: 1082-1098
Valero-Cuevas F J. Anand V. Saxena A. Lipson H. 2007. Beyond parameter estimation: Extending biomechanical modeling by the explicit exploration of model topology. IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering. Nov;54(11):1951-64.
Srivastava M. Dutta A. Saxena A. 2007. Trajectory generation using GA for an 8 DOF biped robot with deformation at the sole of the foot. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 49. pp 67-84
Rai A K. Saxena A. Mankame N D. 2007. Synthesis of Path Generating Compliant Mechanisms using Initially Curved Frame Elements. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Vol. 129. pp. 1056-1063
Tuli M. Reddy N.V. Saxena A. 2006. Constrained Shape Modifcation of B-Spline curves. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. Vol. 3. N (1-4). pp 437-446.
Saxena A. 2005. Topology Design of Large Displacement Compliant Mechanisms with Multiple Materials and Multiple Output Ports. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Vol. 30 (6). pp. 477-490.
Saxena A. 2005. Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms for Path Generation using Genetic Algorithm. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Vol. 127. July 2005. pp 1-8.
Saxena A. and Ananthasuresh. G. K. 2003. A Computational Approach to the Number Synthesis of Linkages. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. Vol. 125. pp 1-10.
Saxena A. and Ananthasuresh G K. 2001. Topology Design of Compliant Mechanisms with Strength Considerations. Mechanics of Structures and Machines. 29(2). pp. 199-221
Saxena. A. and Ananthasuresh. G. K. 2001. Topology Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms for Nonlinear Force-Deflection and Curved Output Path. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. March 2001. Vol. 123. pp 33-42.
Saxena A. Ananthasuresh G K. 2000. On an Optimality Property of Compliant Topologies. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 19 (1). pp. 36-49.
Saxena A. Kramer S N. 1998. A Simple and Accurate Method for Determining Large Deflections in Compliant Mechanisms subjected to End Forces and Moments. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 120(3). pp. 392-400.

We covered various aspects of communication skills including, group discussions, public speaking, planning and making presentations and technical writing. Almost equal number of lectures were devoted to each aspect. In group discussions, students chose concurrent topics; the class was often divided into two or more groups. Students learnt to pose their viewpoints in a patient, terse yet comprehensive manner. We worked on the art of listening. In each group discussion session, a (different) student volunteered to discharge the role of a moderator. We had impromptu public speaking sessions wherein students were given a few minutes to prepare for a topic given to them, and had five minutes each to express their ideas. We focused on how to work around nervousness. Thereafter, longer and planned presentation sessions were covered followed by technical writing. In addition to verbal and written modes, to make one's presence felt (in a positive manner) in say GD, public speaking and presentations, we noted that body language played a key role. Through various interactive sessions, students and I worked on such aspects. Through "text editing" sessions (I wrote stories on the board, each sentence of which was contributed by a student; their imagination played a key role), we worked on how verbosity could be minimized (by rephrasing sentences, replacing words, etc. all done live) and words suitably chosen so that a number of iterations on the first draft could yield a document that is well composed.

  • Estefania Hermoza (RWTH Aachen)
  • Nishad, Shyam Sunder
  • Nikhil Singh
  • Pragya Akhare
  • Malama Chilambwe
  • Shaurya Singh
  • Dr. Khatik Vitthal Manohar
  • Dr. BVS Nagendra Reddy (Assistant Professor, NIT Kurukshetra)
  • Dr. Kumar, Prabhat (Assistant Professor, IIT Hyderabad)
  • Dr. Mayank Goswami (Assistant Professor, IIT Roorkee)
  • Dr. Orlando Felix (Assistant Professor, IIT Roorkee)
  • Dr. Hashim Khan (Associate Professor, Jazan University, Jazan)
  • Abhishek Sharma (Co-founder Agilo Technologies)
  • Amul Agarwal (to be updated)
  • Ajay Bajaj (to be updated)
  • Anuj Agarwal (to be updated)
  • Hrishikesh Raste (to be updated)
  • Shyam Sundar Nishad (Ph. D. Candidate, IIT Kanpur)
  • Sharad Singhania (to be updated)
  • Ved Prakash Chowdhary (to be updated)
  • Pranay Sharma (to be updated)
  • Amit Srivastava (to be updated)
  • Sujit Kumar Naik (to be updated)
  • VijaySingh R Shinde (to be updated)
  • Ashok Kumar Rai (to be updated)
  • Pankaj Sharma (GE, Bangalore)
  • Chandra Prakash Mishra (Tata Motors)
  • Mukul Tuli (to be updated)
  • Anjul Beohar (to be updated)
  • Maitray Srivastava (to be updated)
  • Prince Mallik (to be updated)
  • Rajat Saxena (IES)
  • Gaurav Seth (to be updated)
  • Amitesh Mishra (CEO, Trident Solutions)
  • Chandini Jain (to be updated)
  • Shelley Goel (to be updated)
  • Autumn Allen (Boeing)
  • Vishal Jain (Lead R & D, Distinct Horizon Pvt. Ltd)
  • Rohit Sonker ()
  • Lokendra Chowdhary ()